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Press Release - 26.2 with Donna: The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer - 2/19/13


         Runners Clock Record Times at 6th Annual 26.2 with Donna 

             Unique Marathon – Fast and Deep in the Southeast

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (February 19, 2013) — Sunday morning, February 17, 2013, 
several of the fastest marathon times ever recorded in Florida were clocked 
at the 6th Annual 26.2 with Donna The National Marathon to Finish Breast 
Cancer.  Between the north Florida coastal communities of Jacksonville and 
Ponte Vedra, approximately 10,000 registered runners and walkers 
participated in marathon weekend events, including over four-dozen 
international class runners.

Proof of the fast course rests in the numbers. Thirteen elite male athletes 
finished the course faster than the winning time of the 2013 Miami Marathon 
(2:26:14), including winner Tesfaye Girma of Ethiopia who finished in 
2:15:40, blistering the last half of the race in 1:06:41. Four women 
runners competing in the 26.2 with Donna finished under 2:46:07—all faster 
than the women's winner of the 2013 Miami Marathon, world-class runner and 
inaugural 26.2 with Donna champion, Mariska Postma-Kramer.

"For those who wonder if this is a fast course, I'd say our times answer 
that question with a resounding YES!" said Donna Deegan, founder of 26.2 
with Donna and three-time breast cancer survivor.  "I think our crowds also 
have something to do with it.  When you are running for an incredible cause 
with thousands thanking you as you go, it certainly stokes the spirit and 
energizes the body." 

In addition to the fast qualifying times, elite runners are attracted by 
the $69,000 prize purse, a unique course that includes a 2-mile stretch 
along the beaches of Jacksonville, and the philanthropic nature of the 
race. 26.2 with Donna does not provide payment for elite runner amenities. 
Instead, the runners choose to support a cause to help FINISH BREAST CANCER 
with 100 percent of proceeds going to breast cancer research and care.

"We gain instant credibility on the international marathon stage when 
athletes run fast times at the 26.2 with Donna.  Now when athletes from 
Brazil to Ethiopia and Kenya, to Russia and Japan compete here, they know 
they have the opportunity to earn a fast time on the world's most unique 
marathon course," said Keith Brantly, Olympian and 26.2 with Donna Elite 
Runner Liaison.

About 26.2 with Donna

The 26.2 with Donna mission is to passionately produce world-class events 
to raise funds for groundbreaking breast cancer research and empower those 
living with breast cancer. Seventy percent of all race proceeds go to the 
Mayo Clinic for bench top cancer research. Thirty percent of all race 
proceeds go to The Donna Foundation to help breast cancer patients with 
critical financial needs. For more information, visit 



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