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Press Release - Denver Marathon - 7/16/07


       Denver Marathon Announces Field Cap of 10,000 Runners
DENVER, Colo. – July 16, 2007 – Organizers of the world-class Denver 
Marathon, the largest marathon in the state of Colorado to be held on 
October 14, 2007, announced today an athlete field cap of 10,000 runners 
for this year's premier event.
With nearly triple the number of runners currently registered for the 2007 
Denver Marathon as this time last year as well as the unprecedented success 
of the sold out inaugural 2006 Denver Marathon, race organizers determined 
that this year's cap was critical to regulate course capacity and uphold 
athlete and spectator safety and satisfaction. 
"We know how exhilarating it can be for runners when they have the right 
support – from supplies to volunteers helping them along the way," said 
Anton Villatoro, Executive Director of the Denver Marathon. "With a field 
cap, the Denver Marathon can ensure that every runner has an extraordinary 
and memorable experience."
With races including the marathon, a half-marathon, four-person marathon 
relay and the McDonald's Mile Kids Race, the 2006 Denver Marathon drew more 
than 5,000 participants from around the world, as well as over 600 
volunteers and an estimated 50,000 spectators who joined together to help 
make the inaugural event a success. 
Registration fees for the marathon are: Standard Entry (June 1st -- August 
31st), $95; Late Entry (September 1st – October 10th), $105. Half marathon 
registration fees are: Standard Entry (June 1st -- August 31st), $75; Late 
Entry (September 1st—October 10th), $85. Marathon relay registration fees 
are: Standard Entry (June 1st -- August 31st), $180; Late Entry (September 
1st – October 10th), $200.
For more information or to register, runners can visit ###


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