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Press Release - Florence Marathon - 12/9/03

XX Florence Marathon - Italian Marathon championship for Carosi and Incerti
           A great sport event with more than 6000 partecipants
 (XX Florence Marathon, Italian Marathon championship, 23rd november 2003)

The 39 year old Angelo Carosi and the 23 year old Sicilian athlete Anna 
Incerti, 23 years, are the winners of the  XX° edition of the Firenze 
Marathon thus obtaining the Italian Championship title for the current year
over the mytical distance of km 42,195m.
For Carosi, from Priverno, Latina with 2h.15.54 his second title after 
Carpi Marathon in 2001,
Denis Curzi, 28 years from Centobuchi, took second place with 2h15.56, 
Antonello Petrei, 31  from Abruzzo took third place with 2.18.28.

The race
The first half of the race, completed with 1.06.43 , by the Kenian Philimon 
Kimaiyo, pacemaker of the top group, was faster than the second part with 
Carosi and Curzi studying themselves before the final rush, they had run 
side by side  for the entire race before Carosi surged through the finish.
In the women's race Anna Incerti  from Palermo raced to the victory in a 
time of 2.34.40 , Patrizia Ritondo finished 1'13'' behind. Closely followed 
by Tiziana.Alagia third place in a time of 2.40.23.
At 22 km Patrizia Ritondo took a commanding lead, at one point  Anna 
Incerti was 10'' behind but she mustered enough energy to overtake Ritondo 
who finally  finished more than 1 minute later than the winner.

The interwiews
I 'am very glad for my second italian title , states  Carosi, which i 
didn't expect since I believed Rinaldi and Curzi as possible winners.  I 
must be grateful to my personal pacemaker Iannelli who did a splendid hand 
until he went off at halfway. It' s a hard race, expecially in the town 
center with its narrow streets, curves and
cobblestoned pavements.
I was not really conviced to be able to finish, stated A.I., when 
Ritondo.speeded up i wasn't able to respond, but my trainer Tommaso Ticali 
believed in my victory,as he told me " Marathon is yours " when I overtook 
I'm very content and believe too early to propose myself to race for Italy 
in Athens next year. I would like it and i will train for it.
Sad about his result, only 2 seconds behind, states Curzi, but happy for 
his great performance.
Great satisfaction for Eugenio Giani, city councilor for Sports, It has 
been a magnific and real sport event With the participation of numerous 
florentines, I'have seen along the track many and many spectators, Firenze 
was proud to host the Italian championship .

The numbers of the XX Firenze Marathon
In the marathon of Florence, organized by FirenzeMarathon with the 
co-organisation by Italian Army ( Rfc Toscana) and in collaboration with 
Sport Council of Florence, FIDAL -Italian Athletic association and CIA ( 
Association of Italian Farmers ) registerd 5056 participants, new record 
for the event. 4652 picked-up their start bib and the chip, while sunday 
morning there were 4438 starters on Piazzale Michelangiolo. At 14.30 4000 
athletes has crossed the finish line, inclusive the 16 athletes in  
Special promotions for young athletes under 29 to let them know and love 
this sport discipline had 141 enrolled ( 30 Firenze citizens )  104 out of 
them  reached the finish line  (19 Florence citizens). 
313 athletes finished in the 3 hours period, while 2434 completed their 
race in the 4 hours period one.
Besides the marathon,there has been a 2km fun-run for 2000 young school 
children, the Ginky minirun well organized by Atletica Asics Firenze 
Marathon, a joyfull and colourfull kermesse that  foregoes the Marathon.
Compliments  to Lorenzo Gazzellone, a blind athlete of 39 who completed his 
run in 3.10.02 

The results
Results Men: 1 Angelo Carosi (Forestale) 2h15'54, 2) Denis Curzi 
(Carabinieri Bologna ) 2.15'56''', 3) Antonello Petrei (Aterno Pescara) 
2.18.37, 4) Lethinen Tuomo ( Fin ) 2h.19'.27'', 5) Cesari Fabio ( 
Carabinieri ) 2.19'48''6) Mc Farlane John (Gbr) 2h20'10'', 7) Novak Pavel 
(Cze) 2h23'31'', 8) Napoli Alessandro ( Il Fiorino) 2h24'08''9) Larm Jonas 
(swe) 2h24.57''  10) D'Innocenti Marco ( Villa Aurelia) 2h25'07'' 

Results Women 1) Incerti Anna (Pol. Europa Capaci) 2h34'40'' 2) Ritondo 
Patrizia ( Forestale ) 2h35'53'' 3) Alagia Tiziana (Cover A.V.O.) 2h40'23'' 
4) Ackerberg Jennie (Swe ) 2h45'47'' 5) Surbek Ida (Slo) 2h48'49'' 6) Clark 
Megan (Gbr) 2h50'28'' 7) Sogos Paola ( Atl. Olbia ) 2h55.31''   8) 
Wojnowski  Domenica /Swi) 2h57'13''  9) Casadei Stefania Golden Club 
Rimini) 2h57'52''  10) Rauch Helga ( Bozen Raiffaisen) 2h57'58''

Wheelchair categories 1)Marco Re Calegari (Pol Ha Varese) 1.25'43'' 2) 
Brigo Roberto (Aspea) 1h26'46  3) Krol Bodgan (Pol) 1h32'37''
Women   1) Perlato Marina ( Galm Verona) 2h48'20''

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