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Press Release - Gold Coast Airport Marathon - 8/23/07

                              Contact: Stephen Lock
                                       Corporate & Public Relations Manager
                                       Queensland Events Gold Coast
                                       07 5564 8733

       High satisfaction with Gold Coast Airport Marathon 

'Achieving a Personal Goal' was the dominant reason the record 16,200 
participants took part in this year's Gold Coast Airport Marathon, 
according to a recent post-event participant survey.

It also found that 96 percent of participants believed their event 
experience was 'Good' or 'Excellent' and close to 60 percent thought 'just 
being able to participate' was their single biggest enjoyment factor at the 

The 1,750 survey responses provided a representative sample of the ages of 
participants at this year's Gold Coast Airport Marathon, and provided some 
vital and valid feedback for organisers in preparation for next year's 30th 
annual event.

When asked 'why did you participate this year' and with multiple responses 
permitted, more than 68 percent of respondents chose to 'achieve a personal 
goal', more than 32 percent selected 'to participate with family and/or 
friends', more than 30 percent because  they had 'done it before and 
enjoyed it' and more than 28 percent as it was 'part of their fitness 

Gold Coast Airport Marathon Chairman Kerry Watson said this result 
indicated that more and more people are setting themselves fitness and 
health goals.

"It is really encouraging to know that people are really taking pride in 
their health and fitness and setting themselves goals to achieve along the 
way," said Mr Watson.

"That is what our slogan 'embrace the next step' is all about – encouraging 
people to pursue a goal in our event.

"We have always believed that, along with the magnificent destination and 
event organisation, participants take part because of the positive 
atmosphere generated by the huge number of other runners or walkers plus 
spectators. It is an amazing and rewarding experience."

Survey results also indicated that participant's overall satisfaction with 
the event was high with: 

  • more than 96 percent believing it was excellent or good;
  • more than 88 percent happy with their rewards and/or prizes;
  • more than 95 percent believing the entry and registration process was easy; and,
  • more than 90 percent happy with the Race Commentary and Motivational Music.
  • Close to 40 percent of respondents booked temporary accommodation on the Gold Coast showcasing the tourism injection that the event provides. "The Gold Coast Airport Marathon is an important tourism event for Gold Coast, Queensland and Australia, and the more airline visitors and room nights it can generate is vital for the region at a traditionally off peak time of year for tourism," said Mr Watson. Next year marks the 30th Gold Coast Airport Marathon to be held once again on the first Sunday in July (6 July 2008). For information visit ###


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