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Press Release - Los Angeles Marathon - 9/27/11


        Honda LA Marathon Officials: Don't Just Run - Run 4 Something 
     Brand-New Charity Fundraising Campaign "I Run 4 Something" Features 
     Edward Norton, Crowdrise and Thousands of Runners; Online Contests, 
                    Prizes, Celebrities and Lots of Fun 	

Los Angeles- Recently returned U.S. military veterans, medical 
professionals and top runners from the newly established African nation of 
South Sudan all share at least one thing in common: They'll be at the 	 
starting line of the 2012 Honda LA Marathon, running on behalf of 
non-profit Team Rubicon, an organization that repurposes the skills of 
young military veterans for humanitarian disasters. As part of the race's 
brand-new "I Run 4 Something" campaign, tens of thousands of runners 
will have a similar chance to raise money for their favorite charity next 

The "I Run 4 Something" campaign empowers runners to raise crowd-sourced 
donations through friends, family and social networks for any qualified 
non-profit organization of their choice, including the Honda LA 
Marathon's 70 official charities supporting critical environmental, 
community and health-related causes. 	 

The first "I Run 4 Something" incentive campaign also launches today and 
rewards the first 50 people to raise $26 for their favorite charity with a 
chance to win a free LA Roadrunners membership (value $145). Ten winners 
will be chosen to take part in the Marathon's official 26-week training 
program, which has just kicked off in three locations throughout Los 
Angeles. Runners can take part in this incentive through, an innovative fundraising platform that 
is part of the marathon's effort to make it simple and fun for runners to 
raise more money than ever before. 	 

"We're asking every runner to run for something . anything . that matters 
to you," said LA MARATHON LLC Chief Operating Officer Nick Curl. "Whether 
you can raise $11 or $5,000, there are so many great causes that you can 
support. We think if you're passionate about what you're running for, 
you'll run faster and raise even more to help a worthy cause. The Honda LA 
Marathon is both a great sporting event and a tremendous community-building 
opportunity. Our partnership with Crowdrise makes it as easy as possible 
for our runners to 'Run 4 Something'."	 

Crowdrise co-founder Edward Norton will also send a video message to all 
marathon participants when they sign up for the March 18, 2012 race. 	 

"The lesson is, don'ft just run, run for something," Norton said. "I'm 
telling you, from experience, it will give you extra motivation and make 
the race twice as fun."

Already, 70 official charities have begun their outreach to thousands of 
participants, aided by Crowdrise, which utilizes cutting-edge ideas about 
crowd sourcing and combines them with the power of social networking to 
create a fun and captivating environment for fundraising and volunteerism. 
Any runner, for example, can set up a fundraising page, and reach out to a 
network of friends, family members and colleagues in a matter of minutes. 
Even those who are not running can take part - by supporting a friend
who is running, or by setting up a fundraising page of their own. The goal 
is to make it easy for runners, volunteers and other passionate supporters 
to raise money for their favorite causes.

For some, that will be a charity like Team Rubicon, whose work was central 
to creating an ongoing peace initiative between previously warring tribes 
in East Africa. Among other charities taking part in the Marathon's 
enhanced fundraising efforts are ThinkCure! and Team in Training, both of 
which raise funds for cancer research. In all, 70 official charities are 
partners with the race, and many more will benefit through the grassroots 
efforts of thousands of runners. More information about Honda LA Marathon
charities and the charity program may be found at

Celebrity participants are joining thousands of other runners in choosing 
their favorite cause to support in preparation for the March 18, 2012 race. 
Rock singer and songwriter David Cook, known for winning the seventh season 
of American Idol, is running for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, aimed at 
finding the fastest possible route to a cure for brain cancer.

The charity program has grown exponentially in the three years since 
present management took over the race. In 2009, the charity program raised 
just over $1.25 million. In 2010, it raised $1.95 million. For the 2011 
race, the fundraising total increased to just under $3 million. And for 
2012, organizers believe that runners and their networks can raise $4 
million for charitable causes.

"We've set an ambitious goal, but we are confident that the tens of 
thousands of Honda LA Marathon runners are up for the challenge," said LA 
MARATHON LLC Community Relations Director Ginger Williams. "After all, the 
only thing better than crossing the finish line in Santa Monica is crossing 
that line knowing that you've helped others, too. We hope all of our 
runners will take up our challenge to 'Run 4 Something'." 	 



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