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Press Release - Milan City Marathon - 6/11/13


        2013 Milano City Marathon Awarded Silver Certification 
               from the Council For Responsible Sport
Collaboration between the council and IMQ in Milan results in RCS Sport's 
Milano City marathon becoming the first sports event in Italy and the first 
marathon in Europe to be recognized for it's socially and environmentally 
responsible production practices.

Milan, Italy, June 6, 2013 - Today, at the National Museum of Science and 
Technology Leonardo da Vinci, the official ceremony to award Silver 
Certification from theCouncil for Responsible Sport to Milano City 
Marathonwas held.

The goal was achieved after ninemonths work with RCS Sport, the Milanese 
marathon organizational machine. Their efforts addressed nine different 
categories of sustainability: waste, climate and energy, community impact, 
healthy lifestyle, community involvement, inclusion, indoor expos and 
innovation.All in all, the RCS Sport workgroup implemented over 40 
different initiatives, resulting in certification from the Council.

Environmental and social initiatives, implemented under IMQ's guidance and 
support included paperless (online only) registration and the prohibition 
of polystyrene use by suppliers; reuse of competition "props" (inflatable 
arches, banners) from previous competitions as well as reduction of 
packaging materials; the ecological day, made possible thanks to the 
support of the Municipality, involveda traffic block and the delivery of 
free public transport tickets to all athletes; the collection of clothes for 
distribution to social cooperatives and the donation of unused food 
products were organized. In addition to the above, a waste separation 
system (paper, plastic, organic, undifferentiated) was enforced throughout 
the Village and along the race path. Emission reduction for the competition 
bags transportation was implemented, for instance, through the innovative 
"deposit or exchange" systemand the use of environmentally-friendly 
road-cleaning vehicles after the race, possible thanks to the cooperation 
with AMSA. Pollutioncutback was implemented through the installation of 
mobile lavatories equipped with "green" characteristics, essential for 
maximum wastewater toxicity reduction. 

Many educational events involving the community on the most diverse 
topics-health, food, sports, dance-as well as specific training programs for 
athletes and the mapping of the Milanese parkswere organized at the Marathon 
Village. The Village was set up at the Regional Assembly Building, one of the 
most "environmentally friendly" buildings in Europe. The measuring of the water 
and the carbon footprint, needed to start emission and consumption-reduction 
projects in future events, achieved the goal of compensating the most 
substantial emissions (1,088 tons produced by the transportof athletes and 
organizers to the event) with a water-efficiency project. Even more than that, 
thecharity and community events, promoted with the cooperation of 
non-profit organizations(141 this year), were offered hospitality at the 
Marathon Village,and fundraising, thanks to the contributions of over 2.100 
relay runners, lead to over 660,000 euros in donations.

All this with a view to a result appreciated and shared by the many 
stakeholders involved in the certification process.

"I am pleased to recognize the efforts of RCS Sport to make the 2013 Milano 
City Marathon asenvironmentally and socially responsibleaspossible" said 
Keith Peters, Executive Director of the Council for Responsible Sport. 
"Producing a sustainable sporting event requires thorough planning, a high 
level of execution and on ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. 
Wehaveawardedour silver level ofc ertification to the 2013 Milano City 
Marathon to commemorate RCS Sport'saccomplishments. Congratulations are in 

"Sustainability was a challenge we could not fail to meet" was the 
commentof Andrea Trabuio, Director of the Milano City Marathon 2013. "It 
was important for us, for the athletes, for the community, the territory, 
the sponsors and for all those who cooperated to the success of this event. 
I would also like to emphasize the essential role played by IMQ in guiding 
us through the certification protocol interpretation and application, 
identifying the appropriate initiatives to earn the creditsrequired for 
certification andactivating the necessary contacts to foster involvement 
and enhance the network of relations essential for the effectiveness of 
environmental and social sustainability projects. IMQ was also responsible 
for the carbon and the water footprint calculations for the event. All this 
in a spirit of collaboration leading us to be the first sport event in 
Italy and the first Marathon in Europe, to reach this great result."

"We are proud to be pioneers in Europe for this certification." said 
Lorenzo De Salvo, Business Development Manager for RCS Sport"But we shall 
certainly not rest on this result. We shall continue working to improve the 
Milano City Marathon, and shall try to have other events certified."

"We are proud to be exclusive partnersof the Council for Responsible Sport 
in Italy, just as we are gratified to have worked together with the huge 
organizational machine which is RCS Sport," concluded Piercarlo 
Pirovano, IMQ Marketing Manager. "The 'Silver level' award and the 
appreciation of all those who participated in the Marathon, as organizers 
and athletes further confirmthe important and ambitious results obtainable 
through synergy and cooperation.We hope these results will be extended to 
many other sport disciplines."



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