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Press Release - Toronto Waterfront Marathon - 7/25/05

                                                     Contact: Alan Brookes
                                                              Race Director
                                                              416 464 7437

                      RE-MATCH OF THE AGELESS TITANS: 
                 Ed Whitlock vs. Joop Ruter confirmed for 
         Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, September 25th.

TORONTO. July 25th. 

Race director Alan Brookes confirmed today that the celebrated re-match of 
septuagenarians Ed Whitlock [Canada] and Joop Ruter [Holland] is definitely 
"on" for September 25th at the flat, fast, 6th Annual Scotiabank Toronto 
Waterfront Marathon. 

Whitlock surprised the world on September 28th, 2003 when he ran 2:59:10 at 
Toronto Waterfront, aged 72, to become the first 70+ athlete on the planet 
to break the magic 3-hour barrier. He astounded everyone when he came back 
last September to clock 2:54:49 at age 73. Since then, in the words of Marc 
Bloom of the NY Times, he has deservedly "been heralded like an Olympic 

His story has become known internationally. It is that of a modest, 
unassuming, shy, retired Canadian mining engineer who after success running 
as a young man in the UK, took a 30 year hiatus, before returning to the 
sport in his later years, and with a vengeance after retirement. He has no 
coach, manager or agent, and has eschewed any kind of commercial 
endorsement. He runs 3 hours every morning around the same local cemetery 
in Milton [a western suburb of Toronto], snow, rain or shine, and describes 
it as "peaceful."

A world apart, in Holland, 71 year old Joop Ruter heard of Whitlock's 2:59, 
and decided in the Spring of 2004 to take a crack at it. At the Rotterdam 
Marathon that April, he was on pace to break the record until around 35k, 
when he started to cramp, and came home in 3:02:45.

Like Whitlock, Ruter turned to running in later life, starting in 1985, 
when he lost his job as a butcher in Rotterdam and was unable "to find a 
proper job anywhere." His sons then encouraged him to start running.

This, however, is where the similarities end. Ruter immediately joined a 
major athletics club in Rotterdam, started training six days a week, with 
formal workout sessions, coaching and regular massages. In his first year, 
he ran a 3:19 marathon.

When he was 56 he ran a 1:14 half marathon; and at the World Masters 
Championships in Finland, he won a gold medal at 5,000m (16.40). In Holland 
he became known as "the fastest grandfather in the world." Following his 
3:02, the effervescent and outgoing Ruter  "went celebrating with his 
neighbourhood (Crooswijk, Rotterdam) and drank a few beers and danced a 
little bit." 

Hearing of Ruter’s 3:02, Brookes contacted Rotterdam Marathon, and a 
head-to-head "Challenge Match" was arranged for April 10th, this Spring, in 

It was the perfect match: the quiet Canadian versus the bold and confident 
"Flying Dutchman": "I'm going to give Whitlock the race of his life," Ruter 

On a cool, showery morning Whitlock went out hard—4 minutes for the first 
kilometre, and it was all over by 5k. Whitlock was greeted by Rotterdam’s 
mayor, and bouquet's of flowers as he crossed the line in 2:58:40 [almost 
as much fanfare as greeted race winner Jimmy Mundi for his 2:07]. Ruter 
eventually came home in 3:12:22, well and truly dusted, but unbowed. 
One-nil Canada.

Since then, Ruter has trained hard. Whitlock has continued his cemetery 
runs, but says, "I'm not as fit as last year."  He recently ran the Nissan 
Foundation 5K in Toronto in an impressive 19:06. But that was a race he did 
in 18:22 last summer. Will time catch up to the ageless Canadian, now 74, 
against his younger 72-year-old rival?

The stage is now set for the re-match. According to Brookes, "of course 
we're hoping Ed wins, as hometown favourite. But we'd be most thrilled if 
both guys could get under 3 hours. That would truly be a day for the ages!"

Runners of all ages are invited to run with Ed and Joop on September 25th.

If you're not ready for the full 42k, come join John "The Penguin" Bingham 
and 6,000 others in our Half-marathon and be finished in time to cheer Ed 
and Joop across the line.

Registration is still possible at 

And Air Canada has a major seat sale on for North American runners: 
Canadians must book by July 26th, runners from US cities by August 2nd, 
good for travel through September 30th. [eg. Boston or 
NYC LaGuardia or Washington National, US$202 return;  Chicago US$280; 
Houston US$ 290; Miami US$334]. 



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