calendar icon Oct 22, 2024

Steamtown Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.7 
Number of comments: 616 [displaying comments 371 to 381]
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Bill Hunt from Watkinsville, Ga (10/12/2010)
"Excellent Race!" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This one is fantastic! The course is beautiful! The spectators were awesome! Volunteers were so enthusiastic - especially the "pesky teenagers!" I highly recommend this race!


B. C. from Waynesboro, PA (10/12/2010)
"I just keeps getting better and better..." (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

As a second time Steamtowner, I wasn't sure if a second running could live up to the first, but I had no reason to doubt - the second running was even better than the first!

Hands down, Steamtown is the best managed and best supported running event I've participated in.

They don't miss a thing, from the HS bus guides at Forrest City HS, to "3,300+" volunteers - all with smiles, to the entire cadre of community supporters.

I particularly enjoyed the volunteer "coach" who showed up in at least 4 different locations, hearing Springsteen ("Badlands") at the final aid station, and Boston ("More than a Feeling") going through mile 24, and the live band and cheerleaders at the "Homestretch" - WOW!

We brought a dozen runners from our club (CFAR) for the past two years, and I'm sure we'll be back with even more in 2011.

Thanks to Steamtown for a great running experience!!


B. C. from Virginia (10/12/2010)
"Steamtown lives up to the hype!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I got my BQ by 10+ minutes and a PR by 22, but I'd have loved this even if I had a mediocre run and the course was flat.

It starts with the informative and funny email stream for the assistant RD in the weeks before - plus he quickly answered a question I had.

Race morning, the bus transportation was so smooth, and you feel like an elite with the greeting in Forest City and staying warm in the school.

I definitely recommend driving the course the day before; there are a few hills here and there that the course profile doesn't show.

The start is a bit crowded, but by the big hill 1/4-mile in, I was able to run it like I wanted. I completely blew my plan to run conservatively early so I wouldn't crash and miss my BQ, but I got away with it. I'll bet the only way I did was because I live in the mountains and did a LOT of hill running. My quads were fine even at the end. I saw and heard from others who's weren't. I can't stress this enough: it's a fast course, but ONLY if you train for the downhills, and also the 3 uphills late. Most should really bank effort, not time, as they recommend for those early downhill miles.

Don't even worry about the rail trail section. The footing was firm there, and probably better than some of the road sections we ran after that. Might have been a bit crowded for mid-packers.

Great crowd support in the towns, and some beautiful country sections in between. The only dull spot was around 19-21 - a commercial and then industrial area.

Steamtown delivered on everything it promised. This is my favorite marathon so far.


D. J. from Pittsburgh, PA (10/12/2010)
"A must!" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Hilarious pre-race emails weekly got me amped; and the race had a great course with so many porta-johns that there was no waiting!!! Can't say enough good about this one. As well-organized as Boston! Very friendly, with tons of local (great considering it's rural PA) support. Sign up early. My fifth and best marathon.


R. B. from Kanata, Ontario (10/12/2010)
"A must-do fall marathon" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons

This marathon went far beyond exceeding my expectations. Every aspect leading up to the race, the race itself and the post-race activities were incredibly well organized. The weekly e-mails providing useful tips and information related to the event were a tremendous assistance in preparing. It appeared that every aspect was covered in terms of how the event was organized (e.g. the buses, the waiting areas inside the school in Forest City, port-a-lavs at the school and along the route, volunteers on the route, medical crews, etc.). Nothing seemed to be missing. Take this along with such a picturesque route and you have a fantastic experience to be had. This was my best marathon ever and not just in terms of finish time (a 6-minute PB, plus a BQ), but more so based on the experience. I would come back to this event in a heartbeat and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a top-notch fall marathon. Do note that if you are to attend, hill work training should be a priority.


B. N. from State College, PA (10/11/2010)
"Best Small Marathon in U.S." (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

These race directors know marathoning! They successfully combine the best parts of various marathons into one small package. I never take the time to write reviews online, but felt obligated to praise this race after an A+ experience.

Race Day Transportation: My family drove me to downtown Scranton. I literally stepped out of my car, walked 10 yards, and immediately stepped on a bus heading to the start.

Rails to Trails Section: Great break for aching feet.

Waiting before the start in a heated gym.

Tiny Expo: no one should be shopping the day before a marathon.

Hilarious emails leading up to race day.

Spectators handing out full bottles of water.

Canon at the start, announcing your name at the finish.

Less crowded, less stressful version of the Boston Marathon.

AllSport Drink: felt like Bear Grylls on Man vs Wild when he drinks his own urine.

Race Shirt: Too many seams; lettering not big enough.

Slow people were too far in front at the start; I realize there is no need for strict corrals at a small marathon, but a few announcements emphasizing that slowpokes move back in the pack would be nice.


J. S. from Kansas City (10/11/2010)
"Fantastic Race" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

What a fantastic race. The course is definitely not without its challenges, despite the "net downhill" part, but it is a lovely course, lined with trees in fall colors winding through friendly small towns. The most amazing thing is the group of volunteers - they are everywhere, outnumber the runners, and are amazingly helpful. At the start of the race, they open up a local high school so you can stay warm inside. They also have plenty of toilet facilities. And, what can I say about the cool start with the canon? Everything is easy to navigate, from the expo to the finish, and the race is the perfect size. The attention to detail is the best part of this race - you can tell runners planned it. Only part for improvement: keep working on trying to speed up that food tent at the end. Well done and thanks for the wonderful work.


P. O. from Alexandria, va (10/11/2010)
"A MUST marathon for every marathoner!!!" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Jim Cummings (assistant race director) made the build up to this marathon the BEST with his weekly emails. Having said that, I have never felt so much pain after a marathon! While this race is a great qualifier for Boston, beware, the downhills are killer! But I would recommend this race to everyone who loves marathon running and the crowd - and the hometown feel was unparalleled!!!


S. T. from Commack, NY (10/11/2010)
"If you like downhills, you can't find a nicer race" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Oh, my aching quads!! Ran a PR yesterday, but I am paying today! Absolutely perfect weather yesterday for a marathon, and the organization was fantastic. The school where the race is staged from is 50 yards from the start so you can literally walk out to the start 2 minutes before it begins. The first half is mostly downhill, so you need to make sure you don't go out too fast because you will pay later on when you find the uphills in the last 3 miles. I ran at an even pace throughout, and my quads were still aching. I would recommend this race to anyone looking to qualify for Boston, because it is FAST!!


K. J. from North Carolina (10/11/2010)
"AMAZING!!!!" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This race absolutely lived up to its reputation and my expectations. I picked it because of its excellent reputation and reviews on this site. No one seems able to find anything to complain about, and I couldn't either. I traveled from NC to participate in what is mostly a regional race and it was awesome. I know there is lots of talk about BQing here. I am not a Boston qualifying runner, but I still found this race amazing! And I liked the pierogies at the end. We don't have those in the South. :)


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