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Steamtown Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.7 
Number of comments: 616 [displaying comments 511 to 521]
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C. S. from Ottawa, Canada (10/20/2005)
"A BQ and a PR!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

My first marathon was in 1987. In Steamtown I not only set an all-time PR, but also qualified for Boston for the first time. The course was very hard on my legs but it gave me extra energy so I never hit a wall, and could have gone faster at the end had my legs not been in agony. The size of the race was great - enough other runners to keep you company, but no need to dodge people. It was very well organized, and a fun race!


Al Storie from Bowmanville Ontario (10/20/2005)
"Steam Team Loves Scranton" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

Running Pals:

There were 15 runners from Canada who made the trip to Scranton; we had heard that this marathon was a good one from reports. We traveled 7 hours in pouring rain, but race-day had perfect weather to run a marathon. We called ourselves the Steam Team. For most on the team it was a first marathon (it was Gord's 26th). Everyone had a GREAT experience in Scranton. The Steam Team is planning on returning to Scranton as the experience at the Steamtown is HARD TO BEAT! Thank you to everyone in Scranton.



Larry (Bag Man) Byrne from New Windsor, NY (10/20/2005)
"Just a wonderful race, couldn't be better!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

This was my second Steamtown, and it was every bit as great as my first one back in '99. The fans really made the day, as did the other runners, especially the Beer Women! Thanks for sharing your carbs with me, ladies. Everything was first-rate - the organization, the volunteers, the fans - I'm already thinking about next year. See you then!


A. H. from Columbus, OH (10/19/2005)
"my favorite marathon so far!" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I picked Steamtown based on comments on this site, and reviews in the Runners World online forums. I wanted a fast course, and was impressed with what I read. The event itself far exceeded every expectation I had!

Even before race-day, there was great communication from the race director - I've saved many of his emails, they were so amusing! The expo was tiny but bib pickup was nice and quick. Bus transport out to the start was incredibly well organized, and somehow they even managed to get us perfect running weather!
The tiny details are really what made this race; high school cheerleaders greeting us at 6am, a nice warm gym to wait inside. This is the first place I've ever seen men waiting in line for porta-potties while women walked right in to their own (they were gender-assigned). I really enjoyed the course, posting my first ever negative split on a course that had a downhill first half! Spectator support was decent, and I was really impressed with the food offerings through the course (donut holes, fruit, pretzel sticks, bagels DURING the run!). That darned hill on mile 25.5 can be hard to deal with but I was given the wonderful advice to 'focus on the second traffic light, it's downhill from there' and that carried me through. I set a PR by over 8 minutes, and wasn't even overly sore the next day. I'd definitely recommend this marathon to anyone (but I'd suggest some hill training first).


Eliot Collins from Raritan, NJ (10/18/2005)
"Highly Recommended - Will Return Again in 2006" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Steamtown Marathons

Everyone associated with this race (organizers, volunteers and spectators) did an outstanding job of making everything enjoyable for me. They were some of the nicest people that I have ever met. I definitely got my money's worth, and I look forward to returning in 2006.


J. B. from Philadelphia, PA (10/17/2005)
"As fast as they say it is..." (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This was my first Steamtown, and fourth marathon overall. Maybe it was my training, but I think the course had something to do with it... I beat my PR by 25 minutes at this race (qualified for Boston WELL below my age group's required 3:10). A lot of people tell you to take it easy on the downhills at the beginning to save for the uphills at the end, but I think you should take advantage of the downhills. As long as you aren't hitting them so hard that you are unable to talk, you should be fine. Yes, the hills at the end are tough, but EVERY race is tough at the end (that's why they're called marathons). All in all, this was a great course, great crowd and great race. I would have had a better day if there had been energy gel given out at mile ten and mile 18 (I was under the impression that there would be, but never saw any), but a great experience none the less.


D. P. from Centreville, VA (10/17/2005)
"Excellent Job Steamtown!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Just ran Steamtown for the first time. The course is fast early, hilly at the end and visually interesting throughout. (historical town centers, high school campuses, rails to trails and quiet neighborhoods).

You start with a Civil War-era cannon start and run through a small town where all of the church bells are ringing at 8 AM. The crowds in Carbondale were incredible ... fired-up, even for middle of the packers like me. At the top of the longest hill, (mile 23?) the special needs patients from St. Joseph's Center are lined up and cheering you on (just in case you're feeling like you can't go on...nice reality check!)

The crowds were half the size, but twice as energetic as my only previous marathon (Marine Corps Marathon in DC)

I set a PR by a large margin by keeping a realistic pace on the downhills and saving something for the finish.

Excellent organization. I highly recommend Steamtown.

My recommendation...register early and reserve a room close to the finish line. It was 50 degrees & windy this year and having a warm room & bath nearby was definitely appreciated.


L. C. from Philadelphia, PA (10/17/2005)
"Great first marathon location" (about: 2005)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and it was a great experience from start to finish. The race was very well organized, the volunteers were enthusiastic and helpful and the course was reasonable and not overcrowded. They did a great job on this small town marathon and I would definitely recommend it to others.

I thought it was a fast course but the hills at the end, although not excessively difficult for a fresh set of legs, were the equalizer for a first time marathoner.


J. E. from NJ (10/14/2005)
"First-time marathon, I'll be back!" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

OK, I ended up in the medical tent for dehydration and high blood sugar. Now I am on crutches because I strained my tendon in my foot. Don't be dissuaded though; I am ready to sign up for next year!

This was my first marathon and what a great race. It was very well organized and the course was well marked. I thought the course presented some challenges too (don't be fooled by the declines)!

I gave it a 4 for spectators just because I expected more. Perhaps it was the rainy weekend (although it didn't rain on the race). Some people put stereos on their yards and played 'Eye of the Tiger' and other inspirational music.

Plenty of aid stations and I took advantage of the unofficial ones too (although not the unofficial one at mile 25, which had Krispy Kreme donuts and Rolling Rock beer!)

I was a little disappointed with the expo. I expected some more giveaways, samples or great deals. The course overview was disappointing. I rushed my 2-hour drive so I could get there for it and the first half-hour organizers spent patting themselves on the back or sharing anecdotes from past races. I expected a course overview and had to wait. Finally had to leave as the family was waiting in the car.

Overall, this was a fantastic experience and the best race I have ever participated in. I will be back.


Mark Barbee from Florida (10/13/2005)
"Good Fast Course, But Study it Before the Race" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This is a great mid-sized marathon and the course is favorable to a fast time. But, study the course and drive it if you can. The downhills are well represented on the web site and elevation maps. The uphills are a bit toughter than represented. The slight rolling portions early are mostly downhill and no issues. The climb at 23.77 is short but tough, the hill at 23.82 is very tough at that portion of the race and wasted my quads. There is a hill about 1/2 mile long at about 25.5 that is not steep but long and drawn out, making it tough after the earlier ones you just climbed. That said, it is a fast course and I made it back to Boston and a lot of others at the finish were saying the same thing. It is a credible Boston qualifier.


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