calendar icon Sep 16, 2024

Favorite Runs - Bizz Johnson Marathon

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Location:Susanville, CA, USA
Description: This is my race report for the Bizz Johnson Marathon, held on 10/12/08. It marks our 42nd marathon together.

Here goes! We left school a little early on Friday 10/10 because we had a 9 hour drive ahead of us. We headed up highway 395 toward Mammoth and were told we would probably need chains. So we stopped and picked up a pair of chains, otherwise we could get as far as the pass and find out we would have to drive back a long way to get them. So seventy dollars more and were on our merry way. Driving along we finally hit some snow and it came down off and on for miles, but not enough to warrant chains. We thought we might get stopped up ahead, but that never happened. So after 8 hours of driving we realized we would not have to use them after all. Dan was already planning their return for a full refund. Just to let you know, that never happened! That is another story of its own. We finally arrived at our destination after 10:00 P.M. and hit the sack.

Saturday morning we were scheduled to work the finish line for the half marathon. As we arrive at Hobo Camp to work, it was down right freezing. The sun just didnt want to break through the clouds. I was surprised it didnt snow on us. Anyway we awaited our instructions for setting up the food tables and prepared for the runners at the finish line. We wore gloves and took turns going to the fire pit to keep warm. We also kept our bodies moving as much as possible. When the runners started coming in we placed finisher medals around their necks. These were unique, wooden train whistles, with the inscription of Bizz Johnson Half Marathon stamped on them. Everyone loved them so much it brought a smile to their faces. After helping out, we caught a movie at the local theater.

Back at the hotel, we prepared our race gear and got ready to go to the pasta dinner. Upon arriving, Eric Gould (the race director) approached us and asked us if we would like to help out the guest speaker. He meant assist her in getting through the food line. We said sure, but why? Well it turns out she is blind! We were more than glad to help her out. We then seated her and went back to get our food. We decided to sit with her and chat a bit. She was a very interesting and wise woman. Her name is, Sharlene Wills. We shared stories of the road and our journeys along the way. She has run so many marathons she lost count. She has run in marathons with a guide dog, but now runs with a pacer. She has an instrument called a tether that connects to her and her pacer. They look like a pair of handcuffs. She shared some of the comical stories, comments and looks she has gotten from others in some of her races. Good stuff! It turns out we happened to run the same race the weekend before the Bizz Johnson marathon. It took place in Oxnard Ca. Its a small world huh? She spoke of, not being afraid while running in darkness. She has no fear and places a lot of trust others. I remembered this as I ran on Sunday. This new friend of ours has such a zest for life. She even ran track in high school. We have tentative plans to run the Avenue of the Giants marathon with her in May 09. I couldnt help but remember her speech as I ran on Sunday.

Sunday morning arrives and its 19 degrees outside. Burr! We headed to the bus that would transport us to the starting line in Westwood Ca. It must have been colder in the higher elevation. I wore one tank top, two long sleeve shirts, two thin sports jackets, on pair of shorts, two pair of pants and a pair of gloves. I was keeping my core as warm as possible. When it was 5 minutes before the start, I began to strip off the layers and head over to the drop bag truck. We began the race with the singing of the National Anthem. We did a great job, I might add! It was a wonderful way to start the race. Eric does this as a tradition every year. The horn blows and were off and running.

I ran with one tank top on, a long sleeve tech shirt, shorts and gloves. The sun was out and it was a beautiful morning. It was still very cold, especially in the shade. I wore my gloves until mile 20 and my long sleeve shirt stayed on until mile 23. I never wear long sleeves in a race for that period of time. It was pretty darn cold. Running along the first 13 miles were all about pacing myself and allowing Dan to lead the way. At mile 13 I realized I was on track for a 4 hour marathon, a Boston qualifying time for me. So I continued on running at 9-9:15 pace, only to discover that I had to stop at the Porta Pine along the way. I mean the Port Potty. When I finished with my business, I thought about Dan. I began thinking Ill probably never catch him now! I released those thoughts from my head immediately! I did not let that get to me, I just kept thinking, I feel so good, I could probably do negative splits. So I pressed on! At mile 20 there was a large hill we have to climb, I felt so good I smoked that hill! The crowd went wild! Really they had the best spectator support at this point. The wall! I asked them where it was! Had I missed it? They laughed at my comment and cheered me on. This was a motivational moment for me. Not far ahead were the long tunnels that had to run through. As I entered the first one I thought of Sharlene. The tunnels were completely dark with a couple of glow sticks on the ground, but they were nearly dead. I ran without fear of stumbling or tripping, thanks to Sharlene. I even closed my eyes a couple of times just to experience what Sharlene goes through every day of her life. I left that tunnel feeling a sense of euphoria. Thanks Sharlene for the inspiration.

After the tunnels were behind me, I focused on picking up my pace. I was able to run at 8:15s for a couple of the last miles. But the most exciting part was the orange poncho I saw up ahead of me. This was at mile 22. It was Dan still wearing his disposable rain poncho. His first mistake was to wear bright orange. I was on his tail now. I told myself I could catch him if I just picked it up a little at a time and didnt push too hard. I gained on him and caught him at mile 23.5 or so. I gave him The Tap, he hates The Tap! Thats on his shoulder. He looked at me in shock and said where did you come from? I just smiled and waved at him as I flew on by. But then I caught a glimpse of his face as he had blood dripping down from his brow. I said what the heck happened? Oh, I tripped on a rock a fell. I asked if he was ok, he said yes and I said Ok, see you at the finish line! At this point I took off my long sleeve shirt and took off running as fast as I could go for the last 2.7 miles. I never felt so good at the end of marathon. I could see my porta potty break cost me a little time, but I was still so close to my goal. I ran the last mile in 8:15 and finished strong. My goal was 4 hours and I finished in 4:01:22 and Dan, not too far behind, at 4:03:17. Dan placed 2nd/18 in his age group. I placed 7/37 in my age group.

It was a memorable day at the Bizz Johnson marathon and then we hopped in our car and drove 9 hours to get home. I had a great recovery week and went out for a 2 mile run the next day. And three miles the next, along with some biking and other exercises. Our 42nd marathon was an adventure to remember.
Vickie Adams

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