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Press Release - AIMS - 9/8/18


Running Boom Reported All Over The World  With The Greatest Growth In China 
               With Over 5 Million People Running The Marathon
The Association of International Marathons & Distance Races (AIMS) 
representing 447 of the world's best races across 117 countries and 
territories, including Boston, Chicago, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo and Athens-The 
Authentic Marathons, held its 22nd World Congress this week in Tallinn, 
Estonia (6-9 September 2018) at a time when Estonia celebrates 100 years of 
Ms. Shirley Yang, AIMS PR Manager for China and representative of the 
Chinese Athletic Association (CAA), reported on the development of marathon 
running in China. In 2011 there were 22 Marathon races that were 
co-sponsored by the CAA. This reached 328 in 2016 and 1,102 in 2017 (an 
increase of over 335% year on year), 50 times the amount in 2011. Over 5 
million runners competed in these events.
AIMS President Paco Borao commented: "The popularity of running around the 
world is progressing at a rate never seen before in world history. China is 
the biggest example of this showing an increase in events in one year from 
328 races (2016) to 1,102 (2017) an increase of 335% in a year with over 5 
million people now running. The members of the AIMS marathon movement now 
represent the best factory in the world for generating physical and mental 
health and wellbeing."

Running through history

Makis Asimakopoulos, General Manager of the Athens Marathon-The Authentic, 
gave an excellent presentation explaining the origins of the marathon 
arising from the run of the soldier messenger Pheidippides who ran from 
Marathon to Athens to deliver news of victory over the Persians at the 
Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE to the evolution of the modern marathon 
represented through races around the world being part of AIMS, 'the 
custodian of running through history'.
Mr Asimakopoulos explained the innovative collaboration between SEGAS 
(Hellenic Athletics Federation), The Athens Marathon-The Authentic and AIMS 
that sees the Marathon history brought to life through the creation of The 
Marathon Flame that is lit each year in the tomb of marathon and travels 
around the world promoting the history and tradition of the marathon 
The head office of AIMS is based in Athens on Spyros Louis Avenue, the 
street named after the winner of the first Olympic Marathon event in Athens 
1896. The annual AIMS Athens Symposium on running and the Best Marathon 
Runner Awards Gala (BMR) is shown live each year on Greek State Television 
Channel (ERT), celebrating and recognising the sport's top performers the 
greatest athletes and officials - 'The Running Oscars'.
To register to attend this year's Symposium (10 November 2018) and attend 
the Gala, The Lighting of the Flame and the Athens Marathon the Authentic 

Mr Andrew Horsewood, a Senior Analyst at Sportcal, a world-leading provider 
of sports market intelligence spoke to the Congress on 'Evaluating the 
value of hosting sporting events'.

Mr Horsewood talked impressively about how sport events should be evaluated 
in many ways - 'of course volume of involvement and economic impact but 
also to consider the wider social impact, sustainability and legacy'. 
Further, 'the narrative is as important as the numbers'.
Sportcal have sought to create a Global Sports Impact (GSI) Project to look 
at a unified way across the world to assess the impact of sport on the 
economy but also wider society. The GSI project has 10 pillars or 
categories of impact: Economic; Tourism; Event Experience; Media; Social 
Media; Sponsorship; Sporting; Social; Sustainability; Legacy.
Mr Are Altraja Founder and Co-owner of Sportland International Group spoke 
about 'The value of the Tallinn Marathon to the city economy'.
Mr Altraja talked passionately and inspirationally, stating 'everything 
starts with emotion and emotion creates culture and culture affects quality 
of life and the economy.' He posed the question 'how do you define value?'  
Running events create a lifestyle and impacts upon health and wellbeing 
which impacts positively upon culture and in turn the economy and the 
overall attraction of a city and a country as somewhere to live and visit.
Stacey Conley, former President of Conley Sports Productions gave a 
presentation on the subject of 'Making the Most of Marketing: Increasing 
Women's Participation in Running Events'.
Ms Conley gave a very interesting and passionate presentation about women 
in running. 'Women: The fastest growing demographic in American running'. 
Ms Conley went on to say barriers still exit around the world to female 
participation and urged organisers to keep making events more and more open 
to increased female participation pointing out 'women are the number one 
business opportunity across all sectors of the economy'.
Ms Conley praised several AIMS events such as the Nagoya Women's Marathon 
in Japan that saw 21,915 women running together in 2018 with every finisher 
receiving a Tiffany necklace from the world-famous New York luxury 
jewellery store Tiffany & Co. presented by men in black tie formal evening 
wear at the end of the race.
Other important elements highlighted include having female imagery in the 
promotion of your race showing successful and happy women finishers 
celebrating with family and friends. Ms Conley stressed the importance of 
having women represented in key positions, especially marketing and images 
of women role models who women can relate to and trust featuring in 
advertising in social media and all forms of communication.
George Kazantzopoulos, International Sustainability Expert & President of 
the 'Institute Team for the World' addressed the Congress on 'Greening the 
Running movement'.
Mr Kazantzopoulos spoke about the importance of 'writing the philosophy of 
looking after the environment and building sustainability into the DNA of 
the event'. He talked about 'sport's power to influence society's 
philosophy, values and behaviour'.
Mr Kazantzopoulos collaborated with AIMS to create the AIMS global Green 
Award and to produce the booklet titled 'AIMS Green Guidelines to Run a 
Marathon event that respects and protects the environment',all designed in 
line with the IOC Olympic Movement's Agenda 21.

Michael Nishi, General Manager of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon 
Events spoke on the subject of 'Safety-Security: Best Practices'.
Mr Nishi gave a highly impressive presentation on excellence in scenario 
planning and implementation that the Chicago Marathon completes each year 
to give the best possible protection and service to its runners, 
spectators, staff and volunteers.
He said that, by organising big successful events, 'we have to realise we 
are potential targets and we have a duty to make sure that our events are a 
target that is as difficult as possible for any bad guys to hit'.
Mr Nishi stressed the importance of pre-planning, mitigating risk by 
scenario planning and then walking through each scenario before the event. 
Among the excellent practices of the Chicago Marathon is that they send a 
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) video to every runner, staff and 
volunteer. This of course has a far wider and sustainable community value 
that is a positive health educational legacy lasting well beyond the event 
Mr Nishi mentioned the importance of the AIMS Congress in exchanging 
helpful information and in that spirit, he referred to the available guide 
prepared by The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security 
(NCS4) document 'Marathon and Running Events Safety and security Best 
Practice Guide'.
The Chicago Marathon, a founder member of AIMS, has 45,000 runners from 
over 100 countries and all 50 US States and an estimated 1.7M spectators 
creating an economic value of $282M.
Chris Troyanos, Medical Co-ordinator for the Boston Marathon & Executive 
Director for IIRM (International Institute for Race Medicine) discussing 
Endurance Medicine Outcomes and Global Weather Changes "A tale of two heat 
Dr Troyanos gave a fascinating presentation on the impact global climate 
change is having on sporting events. He mentioned that there had been a new 
study saying that heat stroke in some areas of the world can be more than 
10 times the danger of heart attacks, although some experts disagree. He 
gave a great insight into the role and importance of decisions of the 
medical director of a race including pre planning and analysis, monitoring 
of weather and the importance of early intervention for heat stroke 
The AIMS members also heard from a selection of their global sponsors. 
Including Chinese based company 'Health' (see that has 
been developing innovative running shoes.
R-Bies (see in conjunction with AIMS have created 
a global window for races and runners to connect and run around the world. 
Mr Yutaka Sasai of R-bies talked about the success of races in Japan such 
as Nagoya Women's Marathon attracting over 20,000 runners. The Tokyo 
Marathon with 30,000 runners but having over 350,000 applicants for those 
places. Mr Sasai emphasised that Japanese runners are looking for new 
experience, via the AIMS and the partnership, where 
a database of over 2m Japanese runners exists, is a gateway for millions or 
runners in Japan to visit races around the world. It is also an opportunity 
for millions of runners around the world to visit Japan.

AIMS photography partner Marathon Photos founder 
Francis Kay made a spectacular presentation of innovative photography 
services for athletes and races. Two new services that Marathon Photos have 
created include a system to identify 'bandit runners' (runners who have not 
paid and faked a duplicate running number). Marathon Photos have also 
created a system that pictures, evaluates and profiles with demographic 
analysis of every running shoe make worn by every runner.
AIMS Children's Series

Martha Morales, AIMS Vice President and Director of the AIMS Children's 
Series, commented: 'AIMS organises events around the world to help create 
opportunity and introduce young people to a healthy life style through the 
sport of running. To date AIMS Children's Race Series has had over 50,000 
runners. 30% of young people have come from orphanages around the world. 
The most recent events being held in Ecuador, Iraq and India. 'AIMS seeks 
to continue to create opportunities for young people around the world, 
seeking where we can to help young people have wider and better 
opportunities in life.'
AIMS Medal & T-shirt Awards
Frank Baillie, the Founder and Director of the AIMS Running Medal & T shirt 
awards, informed: 'the marathon and running medal T-shirt industry within 
AIMS alone is valued at over $10 million dollars and the T-shirt industry 
at over $27 million dollars per year and growing year on year.'
A range of innovative ideas were highlighted such as medals being created 
in the form of a year on year jigsaw where over several years the medals 
fit together to form a picture. The Hans Christian Andersen Marathon, 
Odense, Denmark has a medal each year that celebrates a different story 
from the world-famous writer Hans Christian Andersen's wonderful fairy 
tales, encouraging runners to come back each year and build a wonderful 
collection celebrating the rich history of Danish literature.
Prices across the world ranging from for medals $1 to $30 and T-shirts from 
$2 to $10. The founder of the New York Marathon Fred Lebow famously said 
'never underestimate the power of the T-shirt'.
The winners of AIMS T-shirt Award 2018: PKO Poznan Marathon (Poland)
2nd place: Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon (Canada). 3rd place: Maraton Valencia 
Trinidad Alfonso (Spain)
AIMS Medal Award 2018: U.S. Marine Corps Marathon (USA)
2nd place: Ravenna Marathon City of Art (Italy) 3rd place: Wuxi Marathon 
Modelled by the first triplets to run in an Olympic event. The Estonian 
triplets who ran the marathon in the Brazil Olympics Leila, Lily and Liina 
Luik. Pictures available by clicking the links below:
Medal Winners T-shirt winners
The next and 23rd World Congress of AIMS will be hosted by:
The Great Batumi Night Race in Georgia 23-26 April 2020
They won the bidding process against impressive bids from the Bucharest 
Half Marathon in Romania and the Hans Christian Andersen Marathon from 
Odense, Denmark.

Election success
The congress saw the following people elected:
President: Paco Borao (Maraton Valencia Trinidad Alfonso, Spain)
Treasurer: Al Boka (Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon, USA)
Director: Martha Morales (Tangamanga Marathon, Mexico)
Director: Rachid Ben Meziane (Marrakech Marathon, Morocco)
Director: Fernando Jamarne (Maraton de Santiago, Chile)
Director: Tetsuya (Teddy) Okamura (Nagoya Women's Marathon, Japan)
AIMS Board Members - Post Tallinn Congress
A copyright free image of each AIMS Board Member courtesy of Francis Kay of 
AIMS' sponsor: is available by clicking their name 
President: Paco Borao
Vice President: Dave Cundy
General Secretary: Hugh Jones
Treasurer: Al Boka
Board Member: Martha Morales
Board Member: Fernando Jamarne
Board Member: Rachid Ben Meziane
Board Member: Gary BE Boshoff
Board Member: Tetsuya (Teddy) Okamura
Board Member: Arpad Kocsis
Board Member: Vaclav Skrivanek
AIMS HQ Administrator: Theo Livitsanos
A group photo of the new AIMS Board is available by clicking here:
Back row Left to Right: Gary Boshoff, Fernando Jamarne, Rachid Ben Meziane 
Tetsuya,(Teddy) Okamura, Theo Livitsanos
Front row Left to Right: Martha Morales, Hugh Jones, Paco Borao, Al Boka, 
Dave Cundy
The World Congress was organised by the Tallinn Marathon and held at the 
Original Sokos Hotel Viru Tallinn. The weekend will end with the running of 
the 2018 Tallinn Marathon & Half Marathon on Sunday 9 September.
In addition to the congress having been broadcast live on YouTube, the 
presentations from the AIMS Congress will be available (in the coming days) 
to AIMS members on the AIMS website: 
For non-member races. For information on how to become an AIMS member 
please go to

About AIMS

AIMS is a member-based organisation and since being established in 1982 has 
grown to a membership of more than 447 of the world's leading distance 
races, from over 117 countries and territories. AIMS Members come from 
every continent on the planet and include the Athens Marathon, The 
Authentic formed on the legend of Pheidippides, the Greek soldier-runner 
who ran from the town of Marathon to Athens in 490 BC to announce the 
Persians had been defeated in the 'Battle of Marathon'. Other AIMS members 
include many of the world's greatest distance races in history such as the 
Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Chicago, Comrades, New York, Paris & Tokyo 
Marathons. The three key objectives of AIMS are: 

1. To foster and promote distance running throughout the world 
2. To work with the International Association of Athletic Federations 
(IAAF) on all matters relating to international road races. 

To exchange information, knowledge and expertise among members of the 


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