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Press Release - Frankfurt Marathon - 10/31/11


                        Frankfurt Marathon Follow-Up

Selectors are like politicians and, er, journalists - everybody hates them. 
But pity the Kenyan Olympic marathon selectors; they have an almost 
insuperable problem. Wilson Kipsang's 2.03.42 in the BMW Frankfurt Marathon 
on Sunday is up there alongside Patrick Makau's 2.03.38 world record from 
Berlin last month; Geoffrey Mutai and Moses Mosop ran 2.03.02 and 2.03.06 
respectively, admittedly with a hurricane behind them on a slightly 
downhill course in Boston in April; and Abel Kirui established his 
credentials for pre-selection for London 2012, by successfully defending 
his world title in Korea two months ago. And that's without the 
much-missed, mercurial Sammy Wanjiru, who became the first Kenyan to win 
the Olympic marathon gold in Beijing.

And the problem is...only three per country can run in the Olympic Games.

Nice problem to have, most countries' selectors might say. But given the 
way that the Kenyan federation has comported itself in the past vis a vis 
elite selection, this could be a recipe for disaster. That said, recent 
events or, rather, selections have shown that a lot of the animosity 
between Athletic Kenya and its elite brigade has been ironed out. The 
federation wants the best to be at the Olympic Games, and the elites (and 
their managers) can see that an another Olympic gold medal for a Kenyan 
marathoner - as close to a 'cert' as you're likely to get in athletics – is 
ultimately going to be worth far more than any one-off commercial incentive 
that the big city marathons can offer.

But that problem could yet get worse. It just so happens that on hand in 
Frankfurt this weekend was Peter Angwenyi, the public relations man for 
Athletics Kenya. Angwenyi told us that the selection of the Olympic 
marathon trio would not be made until after the London Marathon next April, 
the final one of the big spring marathons, which also include Paris, 
Rotterdam and Boston. So, who knows? Given the burgeoning talent coming out 
of Kenya, ready to burn the tarmac off the road surfaces of the world's 
marathon courses, there could well be another half dozen guys claiming 
world record credentials, and clamouring for a place in that golden trio.

But, for the time being, let's concentrate on the man of the moment – 
Wilson Kipsang. Unknown to the wider world of marathoning before he came to 
Frankfurt last year, Kipsang, now 29, had nonetheless made an impressive 
debut in Paris earlier in 2010, finishing third in 2.07.10. That did not 
surprise his manager, Gerard van de Veen, who in a relatively brief 
acquaintance, had become inured to Kipsang's capacity to shock.

"I got an email from one of my runners in Kenya saying he had a strong new 
guy, and could I take him on. I didn't have space, so I said no. I'd 
organised races in Europe for three young guys, and at the last minute one 
of them got injured, so I said to Wilson, here is your chance. The first 
race was a 10 miles in Germany, and he won and broke the record which had 
stood for ten years. 

"The next race was a 10k, and the record was 28.55, I said to him, look, 
even if you break the record by one second, you get the bonus. He ran one 
minute faster, 27.51. And that led up to his debut in the Paris Marathon". 

Kipsang's second marathon was in Frankfurt a year ago, when he announced 
the seriousness of his intent, with a win in 2.04.57, third best of the 
year, and then the eighth fastest in history. His third marathon, in March 
this year, may not have been as fast, but more impressive was the way he 
disposed of Deriba Merga, who had finished fourth in the Olympic marathon 
in Beijing. The two were together in the lead at 38k, then Kipsang took 
off, and put exactly three minutes between himself and Merga in the last 
four kilometres, winning in 2.06.13.

Now, but for a pre-race shower of rain, which made the Frankfurt course, on 
his own admission, "a little bit slippery," Kipsang might be the world 
record holder. He was certainly confident enough before the race to predict 
that a world record was a real possibility. And afterwards? "I prepared 
really well, I knew I'd be somewhere close to the world record. I was 
fairly confident, I knew I could beat the other guys, and when we really 
started to race, I had a feeling I'd either break the world record, or be 
very close.

"The surface was a little bit wet, so it cost us something. There was less 
friction, so you expend more energy. I saw we were a little slow at 35k, 
and I felt strong, so I decided to go for it. But I'm pretty happy, it's my 
personal best".

It's still a long way to that Olympic marathon, over nine months, but 
Kipsang seems as confident of selection as he is of his talent. "Based on 
today's performance, I think I will be selected, and I would really love to 
be selected. That sort of competition, guys from all over the world. I 
deserve to be there. When there's no pacemakers, it's different, it'll be a 
tactical race, but I'll prepare. I have to run one more marathon, maybe in 
the spring, because the Olympic marathon is a long way off".

Kipsang and his wife, on her first trip outside Kenya, cut a very happy 
couple in the athletes' hotel after the race, the more so perhaps since 
Doreen has become so involved in her husband's success that she has begun 
serious training herself. Coached inevitably by hubby. "She's doing very 
well," says Kipsang proudly. And Doreen is smart enough to say, "It will be 
at least two years before I run a marathon". Which would be good advice to 
your next door neighbour when (s)he proposes jumping on the fun-running 
bandwagon, and decides to 'run' a marathon off the back of two months' 

But, of course, people like Kipsang, Makau, Kirui, Mutai and Mosop, and 
dozens, if not hundreds of others in Kenya are as far away from joggers as 
it is possible to get. And though they might benefit from being born, 
nurtured and trained at altitude, they still have to start at the bottom.

"When I first started running," says Kipsang, "I didn't know if I could 
make it, I was just hoping I could reach what guys like (Paul) Tergat were 
doing. So I tried to work hard, and I could see it was coming". And now 
it's arrived, in spades. And Kipsang, like Makau, is in the driving seat of 
a latterday juggernaut, which is crushing the rest of the distance running 
world like a heavy steamroller. Make that a fast, heavy steamroller.



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