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Press Release - Frankfurt Marathon - 10/1/14

          BMW Frankfurt Marathon Wins 2014 AIMS Green Award

The world running organisation the Association of International Marathons 
and Distance Races (AIMS) is delighted to declare the BMW Frankfurt 
Marathon as the 2014 winner of the AIMS Green Award. 

The award, which highlights good environmental performance in marathon 
events, will be presented to the successful German race during the AIMS 
Best Marathon Runner Awards Gala Dinner, to be held in Athens, Greece on 
Friday 7 November. The BMW Frankfurt Marathon was shortlisted for the 
inaugural award in 2013.

The runner up for the award was the Volkswagen Prague Marathon in the Czech 
Republic and second runner up was the Querétaro Maratón in Mexico.

Since 2005, the BMW Frankfurt Marathon has worked in partnership with "The 
Rhein Main Environment Forum". The objective of the Environment Forum is, 
in the sense of Agenda 21**, to promote a lasting and environmentally 
suitable development as well as environmental protection. In partnership 
with this organisation, the BMW Frankfurt Marathon has developed new 
projects each year in six 'spheres of action', where continuous improvement 
of environmental protection is targeted: catering, transport, waste 
disposal, merchandising, energy/water and freedom of movement. In each of 
these fields the BMW Frankfurt Marathon works in conjunction with their 
sponsors to make the Marathon more environmentally friendly. In total, 
approximately €45,000 has been invested in environmental activities with an 
additional €17,000 accrued for every year of the event.

The Frankfurt Messe, one of the world's largest trade fair companies, is at 
the core of the BMW Frankfurt Marathon and their location in Frankfurt was 
chosen with environmental protection in mind due to the excellent 
infrastructure and connections to local public transport it offers. This 
makes the BMW Frankfurt the marathon with the shortest connecting paths 
since the start and finish areas, pasta party, showers, kit bag collection 
and start number allocation are only a few metres apart.

In addition, the route of the BMW Frankfurt Marathon is planned with great 
consideration given to environmental protection. All participants in the 
relay marathon will be taken to and from their handover points by public 
transport. The handover points were selected to be in close vicinity to 
stations. Since 2011, the BMW Frankfurt Marathon have used emission free 
electric vehicles for all journeys on the course and for organizational 
duties. All car drivers are offered parking along with a shuttle service to 
the Messe site.

Candidates for the AIMS Green Award were judged upon a number of areas 
including the impact the race has had on promoting environmentally friendly 
practices in marathon events, how volunteers contribute to the success of 
the project and the ability for the race to educate younger generations 
about the benefits of sport and environmental protection. This is in line 
with AIMS' own environmental guidelines and the IOC Olympic Movement's 
Agenda 21. **
The AIMS Green Award was set up in collaboration with George 
Kazantzopoulos, Member of the IOC Sport and Environment Commission and 
President of the Institute Team for the World Environmental Alliance 2004+, 
a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation which was the scientific 
partner of AIMS in the development of the AIMS Environmental Guidelines.

A screening and research process by a jury panel made up of AIMS and 
independent judges lead to a shortlist of three candidates. From this 
shortlist the AIMS Board of Directors then made the final award selection 

Paco Borao, President of AIMS commented: "I am delighted that the BMW 
Frankfurt Marathon will receive the AIMS Green Award at the home of the 
Marathon in Athens, Greece at the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Gala. They were 
shortlisted for the award last year and I am delighted that we can 
recognise their excellent efforts in promoting good environmental practice. 
They have excelled and improved their environmental practices year on year 
and I hope they can continue their excellent progress in the future. I must 
also commend the very high standard of applications and the runners up for 
their efforts in promoting this incredibly important issue."

Jo Schindler, Race Director added: "We are delighted and honoured to be 
receiving this award. We are all looking forward to coming to Athens, the 
home of the Marathon and AIMS Headquarters for the AIMS BMR Gala, to 
receive the award. We believe that the AIMS Green Award is an excellent 
initiative in promoting the excellent environmental practice of so many 
races around the world. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to AIMS 
and their sponsors for recognising us with this award."

About the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Award Gala

The purpose of the BMR Award Gala is to:

Announce and honour the best male and female Marathon runners of the year 
through the AIMS BEST MARATHON RUNNER (BMR) Award. The BMR Award replaces 
the AIMS World Athlete of the Year Award.

Recognise and honour exceptional Marathon figureheads and personalities for 
their contribution to the development of the Marathon movement.

Publicise and promote the best practice and initiatives of AIMS members 
(350+ race organizers) through the establishment of special environmental 
and social awards.

Enhance the role, programs and services of AIMS.

The event will be staged in Athens, Greece on Friday 7 November 2014.

About AIMS
The Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) is a 
member based organisation and since being established in 1982 has grown to 
a membership of more than 370 of the world's leading distance races, from 
over 102 countries and territories, from every continent on the planet.

The three key objectives of AIMS are:

To foster and promote distance running throughout the world

To work with the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) 
on all matters relating to international road races.

To exchange information, knowledge and expertise among members of the 

 ** About the IOC Olympic Movement's Agenda 21

Agenda 21 was established in June 1992 at a meeting of the United Nations 
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) as a plan of action for 
the introduction of sustainable development in the 21st century.

In 1999 the Olympic Movement (OM) adopted Agenda 21: Sport for Sustainable 
Development. Based on the UNCED model, it lays down a clear pathway for 
sustainable development throughout the sporting world. Stakeholders include 
International and National Sports Federations, National Olympic Committees, 
Organising Committees of the Olympic Games (OCOGs) and Youth Olympic Games 
(YOCOGs), sponsors, government partners, the sporting goods industry, 
athletes, youth and the media.

The starting point for The Olympic Movement's Agenda 21 is that national 
approaches and policies on sports and environment should recognise that 
athletes need a healthy environment in which to train and perform at their 
optimum. In addition, the document embraces the three tenets of sustainable 
development: Improving socioeconomic conditions, conservation and 
management of natural resources and strengthening the role of major groups 
such as women, young people and indigenous people.

For further information on AIMS please visit: 



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