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Press Release - Milano City Marathon - 11/9/13


Suissegas Milano Marathon Becomes the First Winner of the AIMS Green Award

The world running organisation the Association of International Marathons 
and Distance Races (AIMS) is delighted to declare the Suisse Gas Milano 
Marathon as the winner of the inaugural AIMS Green Award.

The award, which highlights good environmental performance in marathon 
events, was presented to the successful Italian race during the inaugural 
AIMS Best Marathon Runner Awards Gala Dinner last night (Friday 8 November 
2013) in Athens, Greece.

Also shortlisted for the award were Sweden's Goteborgs Varvet Half Marathon 
and Germany's BMW Frankfurt Marathon.

Earlier this year the SuisseGas Milano Marathon was also awarded with 
ReSport Silver certification (issued by the Council for Responsible Sport - 
USA*), becoming the first Marathon in Europe to reach this goal.

The SuisseGas Milano Marathon used a number of different initiatives to 
help achieve their environmental goals. These included race participants 
being given a free day ticket for public transport, while the Milan 
Municipality agreed to an "ecological day" banning all private motorised 
transport on the day of the race.

Participants had to register their entry online and specifically opt in if 
they wanted to receive finisher awards and t-shirts, reducing the number 
required. To further reduce the amount of waste the event generated, 
volunteers were trained to help with the collection of waste and recycling, 
the race t-shirt suppliers reduced their packaging which helped save 80kg 
of plastic and 60% of the heatsheets distributed at the finishing line were 
collected to be reused for future events.

Non-profit organisations were featured at race day events, were given space 
on the SuisseGas Milano Marathon website and had their information included 
in newsletters. These organisations also received donations from the 
SuisseGas Milano Marathon with fundraising sitting at approximately 

As well as this, the SuisseGas Milano Marathon collaborated with the 
municipality of Milan on the mapping of the city's first running route as a 
useful tool for runners. The race also prepared training charts to help 
participants work towards the target time they were hoping to achieve and 
to encourage first-time athletes the race developed a special award for the 
first eighteen-year-old who crossed the finish line.

Candidates for the AIMS Green Award were judged upon a number of areas 
including the impact the race has had on promoting environmentally friendly 
practices in marathon events, how volunteers contribute to the success of 
the project and the ability for the race to educate younger generations 
about the benefits of sport and environmental protection. This is in line 
with AIMS' own environmental guidelines and the IOC Olympic Movement's 
Agenda 21. **

The AIMS Green Award was set up in collaboration with George 
Kazantzopoulos, Member of the IOC Sport and Environment Commission and 
President of the Institute Team for the World Environmental Alliance 2004+, 
a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation which was the scientific 
partner of AIMS in the development of the AIMS Environmental Guidelines.

A screening and research process by a jury panel made up of AIMS and 
independent judges lead to a shortlist of three candidates. From this 
shortlist the AIMS Board of Directors then made the final award selection 

Paco Borao, President of AIMS said: "I am delighted that the SuisseGas 
Milano Marathon is the first winner of the AIMS Green Award highlighting 
good environmental practice. They have developed an excellent strategy on 
minimising the environmental impact their marathon event has. There was an 
excellent selection of entries for the award providing some strong 
competition, including the runners up, the GöteborgsVarvet Half Marathon 
and the BMW Frankfurt Marathon. All the races who entered have done some 
highly acclaimed work to show how environmentally conscious they are. I 
hope they can act as role models for other races around the world as this 
is such an important issue for us all."

Andrea Trabuio, SuisseGas Milano Marathon's Race Organiser  added: "We are 
really honoured to receive this award, especially as we are aware of the 
high levels of environmentally friendly initiatives that AIMS races around 
the world have implemented. We would like to thank AIMS and the sponsor of 
the gala dinner OPAP for their support and recognition of our work. We 
believe that the Best Marathon Runner Award, this new initiative of AIMS, 
will not only recognise the sport achievements of the best marathon runners 
every year, but will promote further our sport and will project to the 
whole community worldwide the myriad benefits this sports brings along with 
it. We are delighted to be in Athens, the home of AIMS Headquarters, in 
order to receive the award during the AIMS BMR Gala, to attend the 7th AIMS 
Marathon Symposium and enjoy the Athens International Marathon on the 
Authentic course."
About the AIMS Best Marathon Runner Award Gala

The purpose of the BMR Award Gala is to:
I. Announce and honour the best male and female Marathon 
runners of the year through the AIMS BEST MARATHON RUNNER (BMR) Award. The 
BMR Award replaces the AIMS World Athlete of the Year Award.
II. Recognise and honour exceptional Marathon figureheads and 
personalities for their contribution to the development of the Marathon 
III. Publicise and promote the best practice and initiatives of 
AIMS members (350+ race organizers) through the establishment of special 
environmental and social awards.
IV. Enhance the role, programs and services of AIMS.
The event was staged at Athens College Theater, 15 Stefanou Delta Street 
15452 Psychico, Athens, Greece on Friday 8 November 2013.
About AIMS
AIMS is a member based organisation and since being established in 1982 has 
grown to a membership of more than 350 of the world's leading distance 
races, from over 100 countries and territories. AIMS Members come from 
every continent on the planet and include the Athens Classic Marathon, 
formed on the legend of Pheidippides, the Greek soldier-runner who ran from 
the town of Marathon to Athens in 490 BC to announce the Persians had been 
defeated in the 'Battle of Marathon'. Other AIMS members include many of 
the world's greatest distance races in history such as the Boston and the 
Berlin Marathons. The three key objectives of AIMS are:
1. To foster and promote distance running throughout the world
2. To work with the International Association of Athletic Federations 
(IAAF) on all matters relating to international road races.
3. To exchange information, knowledge and expertise among members of 
the association
* About ReSport Certification from the Council for Responsible Sport (USA)

ReSport Certification recognises a significant achievement where there has 
been the successful completion of a socially and environmentally 
responsible sporting event. This can be achieved in a number of areas 
including waste management, impact on the climate, community involvement 
and health promotion.

Certification is based on the number of credits you receive for your work 
in each area. The first level you can be awarded is 'Certified', before 
working up to 'Silver', 'Gold' and finally 'Evergreen.'
** About the IOC Olympic Movement's Agenda 21

Agenda 21 was established in June 1992 at a meeting of the United Nations 
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) as a plan of action for 
the introduction of sustainable development in the 21st century.

In 1999 the Olympic Movement (OM) adopted Agenda 21: Sport for Sustainable 
Development. Based on the UNCED model, it lays down a clear pathway for 
sustainable development throughout the sporting world. Stakeholders include 
International and National Sports Federations, National Olympic Committees, 
Organising Committees of the Olympic Games (OCOGs) and Youth Olympic Games 
(YOCOGs), sponsors, government partners, the sporting goods industry, 
athletes, youth and the media.

The starting point for The Olympic Movement's Agenda 21 is that national 
approaches and policies on sports and environment should recognise that 
athletes need a healthy environment in which to train and perform at their 
optimum. In addition, the document embraces the three tenets of sustainable 
development: Improving socioeconomic conditions, conservation and 
management of natural resources and strengthening the role of major groups 
such as women, young people and indigenous people.



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