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Press Release - Napa Valley Marathon - 2/11/11


      Kaiser permanente Napa Valley Marathon: Once Again a Sellout Field
             33rd Annual Race Resonates with Wide Array of Runners

NAPA, Calif. - February 10, 2011 - A sold-out crowd of 2,400 marathon 
participants from ten countries and 44 U.S. states will line up for the 
33rd Annual Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon on Sunday, March 6, 
2011. When they do, this year's race theme, "All Things Boston," will 
resound in their ears, a tribute to the venerable Boston Marathon. The two 
marathons on opposite coasts have ties going back to the 1980s.

One of these ties is through Dick Beardsley whose marathon best of 2 hours, 
8 minutes, and 54 seconds, set at the 1982 Boston Marathon -- the memorable 
"Duel in the Sun" with Alberto Salazar -- is the fifth fastest marathon 
time by an American man. In 1987, Beardsley set the current Napa Valley 
Marathon (NVM) course record of 2:16:30. He suffered a series of freak 
accidents and multiple surgeries from 1989 through the early 1990s, a 
difficult addiction to prescription pain-killing drugs, and a lengthy 
rehab. Beardsley restarted his running career at the 2000 Napa Valley 
Marathon, running 3:23:05. He has returned to the event every year since 
then, often competing, and always serving as a popular motivational 

"Among my eighty-some marathons, I've run Napa more times than any other, 
around seven times," Beardsley said. "And, I've said this for years: My two 
favorite races in the world are Napa and Grandma's marathons. Of course, 
Boston is right there, too."

On April 18, 2011, Boston will celebrate the 115th running of its annual 
marathon. This year, Beardsley will join a special group of dignitaries who 
are invited to NVM in acknowledgment of the Boston Marathon's vaunted place 
among the world's myriad of footraces. They include Guy Morse (former 
Executive Director, now Senior Director of External Affairs, of the Boston 
Athletic Association - organizers of the Boston Marathon), Bill "Boston 
Billy" Rodgers (four-time winner of Boston), and Joan Benoit-Samuelson (a 
two-time Boston champion and winner of the inaugural women's marathon at 
the 1984 Olympic Games). The group will appear and speak at NVM's Marathon 
College on Saturday, March 5 at the Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa 
(marathon host hotel).

The Napa Valley Marathon was born in 1979 during the U.S. running boom that 
was triggered by Frank Shorter's stunning victory at the 1972 Olympic Games 
Marathon. Throughout this running boom, which is enjoying a dramatic 
resurgence today, the venerable Boston Marathon has retained its status as 
the gold standard among popular marathons. Each year, numerous everyday 
runners set their sights on Boston as their personal "Olympic Games." 
Boston Marathon participants must earn their entry into the race by 
achieving a fairly demanding marathon qualifying time, based on the 
entrant's gender and age.

Historically, the fast, point-to-point, USA Track & Field certified (for 
accurate distance) marathon course through the scenic Napa Valley has 
attracted marathon devotees whose goal is to achieve a qualifying time for 
the Boston Marathon. This year, 30 NVM entrants stated on their entry form 
that their primary motivation for running Napa is to qualify for Boston.

"The Napa and Boston courses are similar to each other in many ways,"
Beardsley said. "They're both rolling, point-to-point, and potentially fast 
if you run them intelligently. And, Napa has its own rendition of 
(Boston's) Heartbreak Hill at 20 miles. Napa has the right combination of 
factors for a Boston qualifier: Good weather for the most part, some good 
downhills where you can fly, and excellent aid station and volunteer 

Both NVM and the Boston Marathon have enjoyed sold-out participant fields 
annually during the past decade. For its 2011 edition, NVM reached its 
2,400-particpant limit last New Year's Eve, the earliest sellout date ever 
for the event. This year's Boston Marathon sold out its 26,790 entries in 
just eight hours; last year it took just over two months. Entry limits for 
NVM are largely determined by the number of available hotel rooms in the 
world-renowned Napa Valley wine producing and tasting region.

Indeed, the Napa Valley Marathon's popularity has paralleled the steady 
growth of running in the U.S. In 2010, the U.S. established record annual 
highs in total marathon finishers (more than 500,000) and active marathons 
(more than 600) according to Running USA, a non-profit organization created 
in 1999 to improve the status of road racing. What fuels this growth at the 
challenging 26.2-mile marathon distance?

"The success and growth of popular marathon training programs, for both 
charity and non-charity purposes, have prepared many new runners for the 
distance," said Ryan Lamppa, Running USA's Media Director. "Well- 
organized, fun marathons tied to a community -- such as Napa Valley -- have 
created a 'brand' and tremendous goodwill that runners want to experience. 
Also, increased media coverage of marathon mania has fueled the buzz. 
Through websites and email, runners hear about the sellouts so when 
registration opens for their marathon of choice they sign-up earlier and 
earlier, creating earlier sellouts."

Runner's World magazine selected NVM as one of the top ten U.S.
marathons for first-time marathon participants in its January, 2011 issue. 
A remarkable 30 percent of NVM's 2,400 entrants in 2011 indicated on their 
entries that the race will serve as their marathon debut.


The Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon asks each marathon registrant to 
submit a short "interesting story" about their motivations for running the 
26.2-mile race. A selection of these stories appears below.

Jesus Mendez, 20, of Napa, Calif. was overweight as a teenager, which 
caused him to suffer psychological problems, and other related illnesses. 
With counseling and support from the late Dr. Sarah Clary Martin, a 
pediatrician at Kaiser Permanente's Napa medical offices, the current Napa 
Valley College student was able to adopt an active lifestyle, lose weight, 
improve his overall health, and pursue a higher education. Mendez began 
running four years ago, and is entered in this year's NVM, his first 

"Running has been a big factor in obtaining my weight goals along with a 
healthier diet," said Mendez. "Overcoming my health obstacle wasn't an easy 
task. And, I know that completing the Napa Valley Marathon won't be easy, 
but through the lessons I learned from Dr. Martin and my family I know that 
if I'm dedicated, motivated, and believe in myself, there's no challenge I 
can't overcome."

NVM entrant Adam Tidd, 32, of Boston, Mass. grew up with the Boston 
Marathon by watching it on TV every Patriot's Day. "But never in a million 
years did I ever think I would run a marathon, or even Boston," he said. 
That changed in 2002 when Tidd ran the Disney Marathon in honor of his 
father, Keniston, who passed away two weeks later at age 57 with colon 
cancer. Since then, Tidd has completed many marathons and half marathons as 
his "personal mantra," as he describes it, in honor of his father and his 
sister, Lisa, 34, who is a breast cancer survivor. After Lisa's cancer 
diagnosis last year, he dedicated his first Boston Marathon to her, and 
completed it -- with Lisa cheering him on the sidelines.

Major John Baron, 35, of Vacaville, Calif. serves as a medical physician in 
the U.S. Air Force. He was deployed in Afghanistan between September, 2010 
and January, 2011 where he treated trauma-associated injuries and prepared 
for his first marathon: the 2011 Napa Valley Marathon. A friend of Baron's 
who lives in Vacaville entered NVM and asked Baron if he wanted to "train" 
with him for the race by long distance correspondence.

Baron accepted his friend's offer. Baron ran around the perimeter of his 
Afghanistan military base to prepare for the race. He lost 25 pounds in the 

"Training for Napa has given me a personal goal to strive for, and 
something to keep my mind and body active when I was off duty and wasn't at 
war, so I wouldn't think about things you really shouldn't think about," 
Baron said. "Plus, it has kept me fit."

Jennifer Marana, 36, of Claremont, Calif. is inspired to run by her six- 
year-old son, William, who was diagnosed at birth with a condition called 
hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) and spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. 
Doctors informed Jennifer and her husband, Joe, that William would be in a 
vegetative state for the rest of his life. 

"I initially began running to get in shape, but after William was born my 
running gained a whole new significance," Marana said.

She ran the 2006 San Francisco Half Marathon, calling it her "Run for 
Will," and raised nearly $5,000 for the Hydrocephalus Association. The
2011 NVM will be her second 26.2-miler.

"We feel great pride in how far Will has come," said Marana. "While I run 
for him today, I hope to one day run with him."

Note: Running USA estimates that the sport of road running generates 
approximately $1 billion annually for charitable causes in the U.S. This 
estimate is bolstered by a 2007 USA Track & Field study that revealed road 
runners and walkers raised $714 million for charities in 2006.

Patricia Mott, 52, of Woodland, Calif. was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's 
lymphoma in her early 40s, shattering her dream of running her first 
marathon by age 45. Five years and five different therapy treatments later, 
she was disease-free. In 2009, ten years after she was diagnosed with NHL, 
Mott completed her first half marathon. Then, she entered last year's NVM, 
her first marathon, and completed it in 4:30.

"I realized then, while running through the Napa Valley, that I was 
extremely blessed to be alive," Mott said. "I felt truly alive running 
through the beautiful countryside. "That's why I'm back in 2011 to run the 
Napa Valley Marathon."

In 1998, Dr. Norril Sumanqui, MD, 50, of San Jose, Calif. was 60 pounds 
overweight, prediabetic, and was placed on medication for high cholesterol 
and high blood pressure. He started running to get fit, and now maintains 
normal weight and is not taking medication. As the primary care physician 
serving veterans at the Veterans Home of California- Yountville (Calif.), 
he advocates regular exercise to his patients. The 2011 NVM will be his 
third marathon. "I have to lead by example," he said.

Dr. Joel Weber, MD, 50, of Elk Grove, Calif., an anesthesiology specialist 
at the Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center, completed his 
first marathon four years ago. His 2008 NVM finish of 3:27:25 earned him a 
qualifying time for his first Boston Marathon. He was hooked. Now, he has 
run 23 marathons and has finished two NVMs and the last three Boston 
Marathons. Two years ago, Weber trained for, and completed, a marathon with 
his 15-year-old son.

2011 NVM entrant Ben Wienand, 33, of Tracy, Calif. was not a runner, at 
least until last year's NVM, a race that he and his wife, Vicki, attended 
as spectators. They came out to support their friend, George Downes, who 
ran the race with the Leukemia Society's Team in Training program in honor 
of his older brother, and raised money for leukemia research. Downes' 
brother died from leukemia at an early age. Wienand and his wife were so 
inspired that they began training for, and completed, the San Jose Rock 'n' 
Roll Half Marathon last October. Now, Wienand will tackle his first 
marathon. "It's the next logical step," Wienand said. "Coming back to Napa 
where I was originally inspired just brings it full circle for me."

Before he was diagnosed with head and neck cancer, Tom Simpson, 59, of 
Scottsdale, Ariz. had been a runner for years and had completed eight 
marathons with a personal best of 3:12. His goal was to qualify for the 
Boston Marathon, but he always came up seconds short. Now, as a cancer 
survivor, Simpson, who teaches communications studies at Paradise Valley 
Community College and Arizona State University, serves as a role model.

"I have students that say they could never run a marathon, and I tell them 
that, yes, they can," Simpson said. "I tell them how I started to run again 
after my cancer. And, now I will run Napa. I believe that it will be my 
Boston qualifier."

Matthew Barnes, 35, of Pollock Pines, Calif. works as the Principal at El 
Dorado High School (Placerville, Calif.) where he runs with students every 
Thursday afternoon during his Detention Run program that he started several 
years ago. "It gives students an opportunity to work off detention hours 
doing something active and good for themselves," Barnes said. Barnes has 
also challenged his high school staff members to a "100 Day Challenge" 
consisting of 30 minutes of intentional movement per day for 100 days. 
Barnes holds a marathon personal best of 3:12. NVM will be his 13th 

Brian Cain, 33, of Alamo, Calif. will run in the 2011 Napa Valley Marathon 
amidst a quest to earn entry into the Seven Continents Club, reserved for 
runners who have run a marathon on seven continents. So far, he has 
completed marathons in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. 
Cain hopes to complete his journey and join less than 200 members in the 
exclusive club by completing the Rio de Janeiro Marathon (South America) 
later this year and the Antarctica Marathon in 2012.

Paula Erdle, 58, of Salt Lake City, Utah will run in her third Napa Valley 
Marathon, this time with a friend who is a former smoker turned running 
addict. Erdle can relate. She smoked nearly three packs of cigarettes a day 
for almost 20 years. After Erdle's father died of cardiomyopathy at age 64, 
she decided to make changes in her life. She quit smoking and finished her 
first marathon at age 47. Since then, she has run 88 more. Erdle has run 
marathons in all 50 states. 

Jennifer Carvalho, 44, of Paradise, Calif. will participate in her second 
NVM and mark 12 marathons completed in her running log to celebrate 12 
years of sobriety after struggling with alcoholism for most of her adult 
life. "I literally could not have accomplished either goal without the 
other," she said.

Maria Maydeck, 56, of Reno, Nev. calls breast cancer "the race I was unable 
to work out for." Her experience as a racer, though, helped her to beat her 

"I always finish a race no matter how much my body or mental state is 
telling me to quit," said Maydeck who completed her first two marathons in 
2004, at the Los Angeles and Orange County Marathons.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, Maydeck endured a 
lumpectomy, chemotherapy, a mastectomy, and two reconstruction surgeries.

Her goal now is to finish the 2011 Napa Valley Marathon.

"Through my battle with cancer, I want to help as many women as I can 
understand that they, too, can develop their own race strategies and fight 
this thing called breast cancer," Maydeck said.

The 2011 Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon starts on Sunday, March 6th 
at 7:00 a.m. sharp in Calistoga on the Silverado Trail near the 
intersection of Rosedale Road. The marathon's fast, USA Track & Field 
certified (for accurate distance) road course runs the length of the 
beautiful Silverado Trail and finishes at Vintage High School in Napa.

Entry slots are still available for the companion Kiwanis 5K Fun Run, which 
starts (8 a.m.) and finishes at Vintage High School on marathon morning.

Every Napa Valley Marathon participant assists important local causes.
All proceeds from the Napa Valley Marathon (a non-profit organization) are 
donated to local charities and schools in the Napa Valley region. 

For more information about the Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon, 
please visit the marathon's web site at

The Napa Valley Marathon appreciates generous sponsor support from Kaiser 
Permanente/Thrive, Gatorade, ASICS America Corporation, Silverado Trail 
Wineries Association, Marathon & Beyond, Road Runners Club of America, USA 
Track & Field, MarathonFoto, Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, GU, CBS 5 
and The CW, Comcast, Napa Valley Register, KVYN/99.3 The Vine, KVON 1440 
AM, the Napa Running Company, KCBS 740 AM, Silverado Brewing Company, Wine 
Country Inn/Napa Valley, Arrrowhead Water, and Southgate Mini Storage.



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