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Press Release - Napa Valley Marathon - 2/15/19


   2019 Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon: Entrant Profile Stories

     Runners Motivated to Run 41st Annual Race for Compelling Reasons

NAPA, Calif. - February 15, 2019 - A field of determined entrants from 21 
countries, 47 U.S. states, and Washington, D.C. will gather in California's 
Napa Valley for the 41st Annual Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon and 
Half Marathon on Sunday, March 3, 2019. There is also a 5K race sponsored 
by the Kiwanis Club of Napa. The Napa Valley Marathon (NVM) asks each 
entrant to describe on their entry form their reasons for entering the 
race. Among the varied responses each year, many illustrate how the 
challenges of a 26.2-mile race spurs marathoners to undertake charitable 
deeds that assist others who face adversity, or to overcome personal 
adversities themselves. A high percentage of respondents also cited the 
reputation of NVM as one of the best organized marathons in the U.S., and 
the allure of the picturesque Napa Valley wine growing region, as primary 
reasons for entering the race.

Every Napa Valley Marathon participant assists important local causes. All 
proceeds from the Napa Valley Marathon (a non-profit organization) are 
donated to local charities and schools in the Napa Valley region. Numerous 
NVM participants, however, choose to go beyond NVM's annual philanthropy by 
dedicating their race to others, often raising donations that fund the 
charities of their choice.

On January 9, 2018 Forbes Travel Guide rated NVM among the top 13 marathons 
in the world "worth traveling for," an honor it has bestowed on NVM three 
times in the past four years. On January 28, 2016 The Economic Times ranked 
NVM at the top of its list of the "world's best marathon locations to 
inspire you to lace up and get training." Runner's World magazine selected 
NVM as one of the top ten U.S. marathons for first-time marathon 
participants in its January, 2011 issue. My Best Runs/World's Best Road 
Races has ranked NVM as one of the world's best 100 races (regardless of 
distance). American Express' Departures magazine declared NVM as #7 in 
their "ten travel-worthy races that make for truly memorable journeys on 
the run."

This year NVM has added a half marathon (13.1 miles) to its longtime 
marathon (26.2 miles) and 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) race day offerings.

Entry limits for NVM are largely determined by the number of available 
hotel rooms in the world-renowned Napa Valley wine producing and tasting 


Selected NVM entrant's stories appear below.

Paul Breslin (22, San Francisco, Calif.) was active as a youngster, running 
and playing outside with his two older brothers. Swimming and playing 
soccer were his favorite activities. Then Breslin broke both his legs in a 
car accident when he was 13 years old. He wasn't expected to ever walk 
again. He was confined to a wheelchair for just under a year. During that 
time Breslin constantly visited doctors and physical therapists in an 
attempt to gain mobility in his legs. Fortunately, he received surgery from 
an astute ankle trauma specialist and progressed to crutches.

"He and his team were so hopeful for me that I had to give it every shot I 
had," Breslin said about the specialist. "Luckily, being so young and still 
developing probably helped a fair amount as well."

After finishing college at the University of Southern California, Breslin 
moved to San Francisco to begin a career in healthcare consulting. A few of 
Breslin's friends from school had frequently talked about running a 
marathon so, along with Breslin, they decided a half marathon would be a 
good place to start. In fact, NVM is the first distance running race for 
Breslin regardless of distance.

"We looked into a few different races and the Napa Valley Half Marathon 
seemed like a perfect fit," Breslin said. "And, none of us has ever visited 
Napa. I've been training for the past two months with a pretty standard 
regime. To add to my motivation, earlier this year my oldest brother, Ryan, 
passed away unexpectedly. He was always so proud of me for focusing on 
running a marathon so I'm running this race in his honor. I can finish the 
race and have a time that I'm proud of."

Brian Smith (69, Folsom. Calif.) is competing in this year's NVM with a 
goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, an event he's competed in twice 
before. Smith's pursuit of Boston isn't a unique one, but perhaps his 
motivation for doing it isn't quite so common.

Historically, NVM's fast, point-to-point, USA Track & Field certified (for 
accurate distance) marathon course through the scenic Napa Valley has 
attracted marathon devotees whose goal is to achieve a qualifying time for 
the venerable Boston race. Each year, numerous everyday runners set their 
sights on Boston as their personal "Olympic Games." Boston Marathon 
participants must earn their entry into the race by achieving a fairly 
demanding marathon qualifying time, based on the entrant's gender and age. 
This year, over 40 NVM entrants stated on their entry forms that their 
primary motivation for running Napa is to qualify for the 2020 Boston 
Marathon or to get in a good training run after already qualifying for this 
year's Boston Marathon (April 20th).

Smith has four grandchildren. His ultimate goal is to earn a Boston 
Marathon finisher's medal for each of them. In his two Boston Marathons to 
date he brought home finisher's medals to his two oldest granddaughters, 
ages 18 and 14. Now, his aim is to earn coveted Boston finisher's medals 
for each of his youngest grandchildren, ages 2 ½ and 6 months.

Smith will be competing in the Napa Valley Marathon for the first time.

"I was scheduled to run the California International Marathon last 
December, but I had a Pulmonary Embolism in October and had to miss it," 
Smith said. "My doctors said I could go back to running so I jumped back in 
and Napa looked like a good race for my qualifier. I'm hoping to qualify 
for Boston 2020 at Napa and for 2021 at CIM or, ideally, at the 2020 Boston 

Sisters Nicole Glathe (31, Los Angeles, Calif.) and Michelle Glathe (26, 
San Francisco, Calif.) will run the NVM Half Marathon together in honor of 
their father, Jeff Glathe. Jeff competently and passionately directed the 
finish line at NVM for many years. He passed away peacefully last October 
at the age of 62 with his wife (Tammy) and two daughters by his side after 
a courageous battle with Glioblastoma (brain cancer).

"When I reflect on the loss of my dad one of my biggest fears and triggers 
of sadness is losing a sense of connection with him," Michelle Glathe said. 
"Dad worked tirelessly during the months and weeks leading up to the 
marathon. I remember in high school I used to help him at the finish line 
and I'd watch as race volunteers looked at him with a lot of respect and 

To keep the connections with her father strong, Michelle asked her sister, 
Nicole, if she'd run the NVM Half Marathon with her-even though neither 
sibling had concertedly trained as runners.

"I might not be trained for this endeavor, however, my energy and 
determination to complete this race will stem from my supportive sister and 
the strength of our beloved dad." Michelle said. "I've always been a casual 
runner, enjoying high intensity training classes that use treadmills, or 
going on, maybe, one 3-mile run per week. The (NVM) half marathon will be a 
brand new experience, but one I share with my dad and my sister. I 
personally don't expect to finish in record time, but I do expect to feel 
my dad cheering me on and meeting me at the finish line-right in his proper 

In honor of Jeff Glathe's years of dedication to NVM, the NVM Board of 
Directors has established the Jeff Glathe Memorial Scholarship which will 
annually award $1,000 to the Aldea Day Adolescent Program for Treatment 
(A.D.A.P.T.) program at Vintage High school in Napa. A.D.A.P.T serves 
special education-qualified high school students who have mental health 
challenges so they can graduate from high school or safely transition to a 
less restrictive academic environment.

This year NVM also established the Gard Leighton Memorial Scholarship 
($1,000) which will be awarded annually to a high school senior who 
demonstrates exceptional dedication to the sport of running and to the 
success of his or her team. The scholarship recipient will be selected from 
the nominations submitted by high school running coaches. Leighton was the 
longest serving member of NVM's Board of Directors and a longtime 
ultra-marathon runner who won his age division at the Western States 
100-Mile Endurance Run five times. He passed away last August at age 84.

These two new scholarships-when combined with NVM's $14,000 in 
post-secondary scholarships historically awarded to seniors at eight Napa 
County high schools- bring NVM's annual scholarship giving to $16,000.

Resuming runner stories: Steve Radigan (67, Fremont., Calif.) is the only 
runner that has completed all 40 NVMs to date. His phenomenal streak 
started in 1979, the first year of the event. He owns an amazing total of 
156 marathons on his running resume. What keeps this unwavering runner 
returning to NVM every year?

"I love the course, the organization, the size of the field, and how the 
race has treated me over the years," Radigan said. "And, it's much nicer to 
run on a quiet, gently rolling, uncrowded country road with no traffic than 
any urban setting. The fact that it's a point-to-point course makes 
quitting less tempting. There's no shortcuts to the finish line."

Radigan's first NVM was his third marathon ever. He was 27 years old and 
had been running for about three years. Although he liked what running had 
done for his fitness it was becoming clear that he was never going to be an 
elite runner. By the time of his third NVM he had run 15 marathons all over 

"As I was nearing the finish of that year's race I thought how much I liked 
the NVM course compared to others and it would be a good goal for me to try 
to run it every year until I was 50," Radigan said. "It would give me 
something to point to and train for every year. I also thought if there was 
any chance of me breaking 2 (hours) 50 (minutes) and qualifying for the 
Boston Marathon this would be the course that would let me do it."

In 1982 Radigan crossed the NVM finish line in 2 hours, 49 minutes, and 9 
seconds, dipping under the qualifying time he needed for Boston by 51 

"Other races have come and gone," said Radigan. "But I've been fortunate 
that NVM has continued and allowed me to come back year after year."

Michelle Otto (40, Jacksonville, Fla.) and her mother, Paula McCaffrey (65, 
Welaka, Fla.), are running this year's Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley 
Marathon together to celebrate Otto's return to health following an ordeal 
with colon and liver cancer. Otto's father, Brian McCaffrey (65, Welaka, 
Fla.) is competing in the half marathon race to join the celebration. 
Otto's cancer was diagnosed in February, 2017 and she underwent resection 
surgeries and chemo treatments until April, 2018. She is a longtime runner, 
getting started in the sport on her middle school team. The only marathon 
she's participated in to date is the 2005 Walt Disney World Marathon. She 
has two children, six and eight years old.

"This really will be a special trip for my mom and dad and I to have 
together," Otto said about her upcoming NVM. "When you're sick you have 
these huge goals to obtain just getting through surgery and each chemo 
treatment. A person can't do it without the support of their family, Now, 
together we get to obtain another huge goal: training and running a 
marathon, and my dad a half. But at least this goal is fun. It's like we're 
completing the full circle. This journey is coming to an end."

Otto and her mom have been training for NVM under the guidance of Otto's 
brother/McCaffrey's son, Christopher McCaffrey, who finished second at the 
Jacksonville Marathon this past December.

Janet Cain (67, Sonoma, Calif.) has completed 69 marathons in her marathon 
running career which began in 1980. Number 70 will be at this year's NVM, a 
race where she's qualified for the prestigious Boston Marathon a half dozen 
times (among her total of 16 Bostons dating back to 1984). Cain also holds 
the NVM course record for female athletes in the 60 to 64-year-old age 
group: 3:43:49 which she set in 2014.

For Dr. Cain-a clinical psychologist with a professional office in 
Napa-this year's NVM will be particularly challenging. She will be running 
her second marathon since being diagnosed as legally blind. Cain has a 
current visual acuity of 20/600 in her left eye. She can't see fingers when 
held up in front of that eye. Her right eye is 20/70 corrected. Cain will 
run this year's NVM (and also this year's Boston Marathon on April 15th) 
with a female friend who will pace her and help ensure that she has safe 
and memorable races.

Cain is coached by notable U.S. distance runner Dick Beardsley who set the 
superb NVM men's course record of 2:16:20 in 1987, a record that still 

"I met Dick at the Napa Valley Marathon in 1996 and he's been my coach for 
11 years," Cain said. "We have a lot in common. Although I'm five years 
older, we share a birthdate. We've both been through multiple physical 
setbacks and personal heartbreak. He understands that running can help get 
us through trauma. In addition to motivation he's provided me with a 
running schedule that has helped me tremendously. Napa is my favorite 
marathon. It's extremely well organized, a limited field of runners, and 
natural beauty over a net downhill course."

The Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon has kept to its traditions over 
all the years. It's always on the first Sunday in March. The 26.2-mile full 
marathon race starts at 7:30 a.m. from Rosedale Road and the Silverado 
Trail in Calistoga. The USA Track & Field certified point-to-point course 
takes runners south, through St. Helena, Rutherford, Oakville, Yountville 
and to the finish line, located in the front parking lot area of Vintage 
High School in Napa. The 13.1 mile half marathon race, new this year, 
starts at 7:00 a.m. on the Silverado Trail at Conn Creek Winery and also 
finishes at Vintage High School. The companion Greater Kiwanis Club of Napa 
5K (3.1 miles) race starts at 7:30 a.m. at Vintage High School where it 
also finishes. NVM has been supported by 1,200 volunteers each year. All 
proceeds from the Napa Valley Marathon (a non-profit organization) are 
donated to local charities in the Napa Valley.

The Napa Valley Marathon appreciates generous sponsor support from Kaiser 
Permanente/Thrive, New Balance, Road Runners Club of America, USA Track & 
Field, Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, Legendary Napa Valley, KPIX CBS5 
and KBCW, XFINITY, KVYN/99.3 The Vine, KVON 1440 AM, KCBS AM and FM Radio, 
Napa Smith Brewery, Conn Creek Winery, Athletic Feat, Nuun Hydration,, My Events, Clif Family Winery, Raley's Nob Hill, Calistoga 
Motor Lodge & Spa, La Colombe Coffee.

For more information about the Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon, 
please visit the marathon's web site at



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