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Press Release - RAK Half-Marathon - 2/1513



As the 7am starting horn sounded on this pleasantly cool (13C) Friday 
morning in the UAE's northern-most emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), the 
sense of anticipation was almost tangible with world class elite fields 
gathered of unprecedented depth. At Thursday's pre-race press conference, 
the big names were very reluctant to give anything away, illnesses and 
injuries mentioned by several, and one got the clear impression that cards 
were being kept well up the sleeves of various tracksuit tops.

Come race morning, gone were the strong winds of last year which blew away 
any chance of record times and it was soon clear that the gloves were off, 
none more so than in the women's race where several athletes had talked 
privately of chasing world or continental records. All were keen to see a 
return from their mid-winter hibernation from racing and so it transpired; 
two marvellous races unfolded, each setting in-depth records along with 
fabulous winning times.

Unusually, it was the women who set off in most aggressive fashion, a group 
of eleven passing 5km in 15:35, under world record pace, and it was 
eventual winner Lucy Kabuu, who had complained of losing ten days' training 
due to a cold over the previous two weeks, who showed most prominently. 
That group whittled down to seven by 10km, only slowing marginally with a 
31:18 split (15:43 second 5k).

Meanwhile the men had adopted a different approach, easing through 5km in a 
more cautious 14:02 with only recent winner of the Houston Half Marathon 
Feyisa Lilesa of Ethiopia, trying to make it quicker in the early stages. 
The pack of eleven included all the main luminaries and a steady 10k split 
of 28:12 (14:10 second 5k), saw only one athlete drop away. It seemed a 
sub-60 minute clocking was likely, but nothing prepared those following 
proceedings at the finish line for what was to come. 

Behind them, the women were enjoying perfect pacemaking, but that near 
world record tempo for the first half took its toll and 15km, reached in 
47:14, while it showed a marked slowing (15:56 third 5k), still reduced the 
group to four – Kenyans Kabuu, Priscah Jeptoo, and Rita Jeptoo along with 
Ethiopia's IAAF World Half Marathon Champion Meseret Hailu. Incredibly, 
despite the quartet operating at a net tempo that none had experienced 
before, a significant acceleration was to follow, as the speed was upped by 
Kabuu who established a small gap by 17km, hardly surprising as that fourth 
5k split was as quick as the first, 15:35 for a 20k time of 1:02:49 (only 
13 seconds outside Mary Keitany's world best, itself set during her world 
record run in RAK two years ago).

The men's contest was now unfolding in similar fashion, though their more 
cautious start gave them reserves which became apparent only in the latter 
stages. After 5k splits of 14:02 and 14:10 (28:12 – Feyisa Lelisa leading), 
they maintained optimum tempo with a 14:03 third 5k split. That took them 
to 15k in 42:15, by when just four remained, Kenyans Geoffrey Kipsang, 
Stanley Biwott and Geoffrey Mutai, with just as in the women's race, a sole 
Ethiopian in the figure of Feyisa Lelisa, who as it turned out, was hanging 

Again as in the women's race, it was the 5k segment to 20k that saw real 
ferocity unleashed, as 20 year old Geoffrey Kipsang, IAAF World Junior 
Cross Country Champion in 2011, began to surge, dragging Stanley Biwott and 
2010 RAK winner Geoffrey Mutai with him. Before long however, he forged a 
gap and charged through 20k alone in 56:03 (4th 5k in 13:48) and it was 
then apparent that he would likely dip under 59 minutes, joining only ten 
other men to have achieved the feat.

He maintained the surge, crossing the line to the roars of the crowd, in 
58:54 just two seconds ahead of Stanley Biwott's 58:56, with in third place 
Geoffrey Mutai broaching significant new ground on 58:58. It is the first 
time three men had broken 59 minutes in the same race. For good measure, 
fourth and fifth placed Feyisa Lilesa (59:25) and Stephen Kibet (59:59) 
also came home under the hour mark.

A mile and a half behind, Kabuu was having to dig deep to maintain her 
lead, but lead she did; a five second gap ahead of Priscah Jeptoo at 20km, 
was reduced to just two seconds as she broke the tape, her fabulous time of 
1:06:09 being the second fastest in history on a certified half marathon 
course. Only Keitany's world record here two years previously has been 
quicker, but that was a solo effort with a winning margin of over three 
minutes; by contrast, Kabuu was never safe in the latter stages but had 
sufficient strength to stay ahead of Olympic Marathon silver medallist 
Priscah of the Jeptoo pairing.

The women's place times were quite astonishing as the 1:06:11 in second by 
Priscah Jeptoo, the fastest ever losing performance, was a personal best by 
over four minutes and Rita Jeptoo in third on 1:06:27, improved by over 40 
seconds; the previous fastest third place, was Derartu Tulu's 1:07:03 on 
the downhill Lisbon course in 2001. With for the first time ever in the 
same race, four women under 67 minutes, six under 68 minutes, ten under 69 
minutes and the first twelve home under 70 minutes, the RAK Half Marathon 
has underlined its reputation as the must-do half marathon for distance 
runners intent on improving their personal best and keen to acquire a 
confidence boost with the big spring marathons less than eight weeks away.

Statisticians will assess the significance of the results at RAK 2013 more 
firmly when the big marathons of April roll by, but what is clear is that 
the RAK Half Marathon in 2013 was a great day of fast racing that will be 
long remembered as one that took many big names in to new territory.

Official result of 7th RAK Half Marathon, Friday 15th February 2013:

Men	                                   Women
1  Geoffrey Kipsang (KEN)   58:54      1  Lucy Kabuu (KEN)        1:06:09
2  Stanley Biwott (KEN)     58:56      2  Priscah Jeptoo (KEN)    1:06:11
3  Geoffrey Mutai (KEN)     58:58      3  Rita Jeptoo (KEN)       1:06:27
4  Feyisa Lilesa (ETH)      59:25      4  Meseret Hailu (ETH)     1:06:56
5  Stephen Kibet (KEN)      59:59      5  Florence Kiplagat (KEN) 1:07:13
6  Joel Kimurer (KEN)     1:00:02      6  Helah Kiprop (KEN)      1:07:39
7  Getu Feleke (ETH)      1:00:26      7  Meselech Melkamu (ETH)  1:08:05
8  Edwin Kipyego (KEN)    1:00:54      8  Paskalia Kipkoech (KEN) 1:08:08
9  Daniel Wanjiru (KEN)   1:01:10      9  Feyse Tadese (ETH)      1:08:35
10 Pius Maiyo Kirop (KEN) 1:01:25      10 Ashu Kasim (ETH)        1:08:56



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