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Press Release - Route 66 Marathon - 10/18/10


               Oct. 31 is Deadline for Personalized Bibs or 
               Placement in the First Two Starting Corrals

Runners hoping to start the marathon, half marathon or marathon relay in 
one of the first two corrals will need to register by midnight on Sunday, 
Oct. 31 which is also the deadline to receive a free personalized bib. All 
participants who register after midnight on Oct. 31 will be placed in the 
third start corral. 

The corral system is used at the start of the Williams Route 66 Marathon to 
provide the best possible experience for all participants. Runners and 
walkers will be assigned to one of three start corrals based on projected 
pace.  All race registrants are required to submit past and projected pace 
information which will be assessed and verified for proper corral 

Marathon, half marathon and marathon relay participants in corral A will 
start at 7:32 a.m. Participants in other corrals will start 5 minutes after 
the corral ahead of them clears the start line.

Participants who register before midnight on Sunday Oct. 31 will also 
receive a free personalized bib including their name and home town. Those 
completing their first marathon will receive a special "My First Marathon" 
bib so everyone can give them extra encouragement as they complete their 
journey to the finish line.

Online registration for the Williams Route 66 Marathon race-day events will 
close at midnight on Sunday, Nov. 14 and prices will increase to the Expo 
registration prices of $100 for the marathon, $70 for the half marathon, 
$180 for the marathon relay, $25 for the 5K and $15 for the one-mile fun 



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