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Press Release - USA Cross Country Championships - 2/13/08


        Ryan Hall, Dathan Ritzenhein teleconference excerpts

INDIANAPOLIS (Feb. 13, 2008) - USA Track & Field served as the host to a 
media teleconference Wednesday afternoon featuring Team USA men's squad 
members for the 2008 Olympic Marathon in Beijing, China, Ryan Hall and 
Dathan Ritzenhein.

Hall and Ritzenhein discussed their preparations for the 2008 USA Cross 
Country Championships in San Diego on Saturday, where both open and junior 
men and women will look to earn a spot on the Team USA squad for the 2008 
IAAF World Cross Country Championships in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 30.

The championships in San Diego will feature six races that will determine 
national champions for masters men and women; junior men and women; and 
open men and women. The event will be televised in association with the 
AT&T USA Indoor Track & Field Championships February 24, from 5-7 p.m. on 

Excerpts from Wednesday's teleconference with Ryan Hall and Dathan 
Ritzenhein follow:

    Q: Ryan could you discuss how your preparations have been going for 
Saturday's race?

    A: I'm feeling really good. I've been training hard at altitude and 
this race is coming right at the perfect time. I'm probably a little ahead 
of where I need to be at this point, so it's a good opportunity for me to 
rest up for a week and then gear back up for training after the race.

    Q: Dathan, you've competed in cross country already this year. How has 
that prepared you for the race on Saturday?

    A: I was able to come over in mid-January and take a look at the 
course, which is going to be the same course for World Cross Country in 
Edinburgh, and I actually came off of that a little banged up the last 
couple weeks. It's a very difficult course. It's very technical and 
extreme. I came away a little sore with my IT-band afterwards, so I spent a 
couple weeks training on the anti-gravity treadmill that we have. I'm still 
not 100% yet, but I'm feeling that I'm getting used to getting my feet back 
on the ground and putting an effort out there.

    Q: Dathan, did you get hurt in Edinburgh or here in San Diego?

    A: After the marathon trials in November I kind of took it easy for a 
while and visited my parents back in Michigan for a long time, almost a 
month. I just kind of went over there, not in incredible shape over 
to Edinburgh in mid-January and probably wasn't ready to run on that 
difficult of a course and got a little banged up while I was at it and 
then I was able to come back home here and get on our ultra-G treadmill 
that we have and I trained really hard on it and trained really well. My 
fitness is really good, I just haven't been able to quite do the normal 
things I would do coming up to this race.

    Q: Dathan, how confident are you that you can finish in the top nine 
this weekend and qualify for the U.S. team for worlds?

    A: I really think, actually, that my fitness is really good. I've had a 
lot of success in the past coming off the treadmill and running well. I 
think it's actually has some extra benefit to it sometimes. It's just kind 
of a little different feeling at the same time. I still feel that my leg is 
not 100%. I'm not really worried about my fitness at all, because I know 
that's really good. I know that if I can just get into the race and have 
everything be feeling good, then I'll be really confident.

    Q: Dathan, what makes the course in Edinburgh so difficult?

    A: The thing that really makes it difficult is there's a very, very 
steep uphill and a very steep downhill that's probably 100 meters long, at 
least, uphill, and maybe 150 meters downhill, and it's on very uneven 
terrain and it's very steep, and you have to go over a ditch a couple 
times. There's also some abrupt changes in the surface, so you hit them 
going really fast and it can jar you pretty good.

    Q: Ryan, did your attitude about yourself as a runner change after the 
Olympic Trials when you made the team?

    A: No, not really. I'm just trying to continue to do what I've been 
doing in working hard day in and day out, and really looking to the next 
level and aspiring to winning a medal in Beijing. My perception hasn't 
changed too much.

    Q: How about you Dathan?

    A: I think, more than anything, I feel a lot more relaxed right now. 
Usually at this time of year things start getting going and knowing that 
making the team is already there helps relieve a lot of the pressure. 
Usually I really don't enjoy working on the treadmill and things like that, 
but I've really been able to enjoy that stuff because I'm not really 
sweating it now because that part is locked in and I can just look forward 
to doing the best I can there (Beijing Olympics) and that's the ultimate 
goal for the year.

    Q: What are your plans leading up to the Olympic Games?

    A: (Hall) My plans are to run in the London Marathon coming up April 
13th. Then I'm not really sure what I'll end up doing after that.

    A: (Ritzenhein) Hopefully I'll run World Cross and then take a little 
bit of a break and kind of recharge before the big training begins for the 

    Q: What are your concerns about the pollution issues in Beijing? If the 
conditions are really bad, could you see yourselves pulling out of the 

    A: (Ritzenhein) Definitely not. I don't think anybody who makes the 
team will consider not running because of the pollution. This is an 
opportunity that comes around every four years and you really don't know 
how many times you'll have that opportunity. No matter what the 
consequences are, and I've said it before, if it was in Antarctica we'd 
still be ready to roll because it's the Olympics. It (the pollution) is one 
more obstacle, but it can really level the playing field to a lot of us as 

    A: (Hall) I don't really think about it at all except when reporters 
ask us about it because everyone has to run in it. It's going to affect us 
all, we're all going to be out there going through the same thing and it's 
really outside of our control, so I don't find any point in worrying about 

For complete bios on Ryan Hall and Dathan Ritzenhein, and more information 
on the 2008 USA Cross Country Championships in San Diego, visit: ###


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