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Press Release - Frankfurt Marathon - 10/30/05




Frankfurt, October 30, 13.30gmt

There were course records and personal bests for Wilfred Kigen of Kenya 
(2.08.29) and Alvetina Biktimirova of Russia (2.25.12) in the Messe 
Frankfurt Marathon this morning (Sunday), but for a long time, things 
looked very different.  When Leonid Shvetsov of Russia accelerated away 
from the pacemakers with less than 10 kilometres to run, it looked briefly 
as if we might get a European, or rather, non-Kenyan man winning of a 
big-city marathon. In the women’s race, Marleen Renders of Belgium had a 
lead close to four minutes at one stage.

Shvetsov’s dream lasted less than five minutes. The Kenyans regrouped, 
attacked, and left Shvetsov reflecting on his tactic to improve on his 
second place here two years ago. But he did contribute considerably to the 
third successive course record. Charles Kibiwot made a similar bid for 
glory with five kilometres to go, but a sprint which took him rapidly away 
from his colleagues looked suicidal, and so it proved. Brothers Wilfred and 
Wilson Kigen, along with compatriot, Jason Mbote pulled him back, and it 
was Wilfred who won the sprint as the race went off the road, to end in the 
city centre ‘Gut Stubb’ or Festival Hall. Mbote however managed to split 
the brothers, of whom, Wilfred is he elder, at 30, by five years.

"I only knew I had it when we came into the hall with about 100 metres to 
run," said Wilfred. "When Kibiwot pulled away, I thought he was going too 
fast, so I decided to run at my own pace. I thought I could come back." And 
so he did, beating his previous best of 2.09.18, set in finishing second in 
Hamburg earlier this year, by over three quarters of a minute. "I'd like to 
go back to Hamburg next year, and win this time," he added.

That one second under 2.08.30 cost the organiser dearly, for it meant that 
Wilson got a bonus of 25,000 euros to add to the 10,000 for the victory. 
Mbote split the brothers, with a time of 2.08.30, which nevertheless earned 
him a bonus of 20,000 euros, added to 7,500 for second place. Wilson Kigen 
clocked 2.08.34, to earn 10,000 bonus and 5,000 prize money. Kibiwot, 
fourth in 2.08.36 won 5,000 bonus and 3,000 prize money.  All four broke 
the course record of 2.09.10, set last year by Boaz Kimaiyo, who dropped 
out at 33k with hamstring problems. Shvetsov too had groin problems in the 
final kilometres, but finished fifth in 2.10.05.

But his compatriot Biktimirova was the story of the day. She knocked no few 
than six minutes off her personal best, and was understandably elated at 
the finish. "I wanted to break 2.30 (her best was 2.31.39, second in Torino 
this year), but I never expected anything like this. I knew I was a long 
way behind Renders at halfway, but when I began to see her at 30k, I felt 
stronger than I did at the start. I knew I could catch her at that point."

The Russian flew past the Belgian at 36k, and won by over a minute. 
Renders, 37, and having her first marathon in three years, after two 
hamstring operations, denied that she had begun too quickly. She had 
certainly made good her promise to attack the record of 2.26.01, from 
Luminita Zaituc in 2001. Renders was on 2.24 pace for long periods. "I 
would have been OK, I think, but I started to have hamstring problems at 
30k," she said, "and when the Russian came past she went so quickly I could 
do nothing." Nevertheless, even wilting badly at the end, she acquitted 
herself well with her 2.26.26.  Tola Roba of Ethiopia was third in 2.29.30.

The race begins late for a European marathon, 11am, but the weather was not 
as warm as anticipated - 12C at the start, and 18C (64F) at the finish. 
There was a record entry of 17,000 for all races, with another record of 
11,000 starters in the marathon. 


1 Wilfred KIGEN          KEN    2.08.29    10,000 euros
2 Jason MBOTE            KEN    2.08.30    7,500
3 Wilson KIGEN           KEN    2.08.34    5,000
4 Charles KIBIWOT        KEN    2.08.36    3,000
5 Leonid SHVETSOV        RUS    2.10.05    2,500
6 Tesfaye DEREJE         ETH    2.11.47    2,000
7 Philip TARUS           KEN    2.12.33    1,500
8 Matthew BIRIR          KEN    2.12.41    1,000
9 Abraham TANDOI         KEN    2.13.04
10 Peter KORIR           KEN    2.14.22


1 Alevtina BIKTIMIROVA   RUS    2.25.12    10,000
2 Marleen RENDERS        BEL    2.26.26    7,500
3 Tola ROBA              ETH    2.29.30    5,000
4 Mary PITKANY           KEN    2 29.45    2,500
5 Svetlana PONOMARENKO   RUS    2.31.26    2,000
6 Mindaye GESHU          ETH    2.33.05    1,500
7 Tatyana ZHIRKOVA       RUS    2.37.06
8 Olga GLOK              RUS    2.38.06
9 Tanith MAXWELL         RSA    2.41.03
10 Veronika ULRICH       GER    2.51.07



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