calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Race of Champions Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 50 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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P. P. from Montague, MA (5/8/2013)
"Old-school running" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Race of Champions Marathons

If you want to run this marathon, you have to find the application form on the pre-millennial Harriers web site and then print and mail it, or you have to sign up in person at their shop or at the race itself. No fancy online signups here, folks. That's pretty much the way the whole race is. There is good course support with water stops at least every 2 miles, but other than that expect some lonely times.

The first 10 miles are almost entirely around the reservoir on a rolling dirt path. The first two time I ran the race, I was frustrated with my inability to run my planned pace during this part and ended up pushing too hard and paying the price later. Patience is the only way to approach this race.

After the reservoir, the next fifteen miles are on pavement and more down than up. This is the best part of the race for making good time, but once you hit East Street (mile 18) and then Rt. 5 (mile 21.5) it can get very sunny and hot. A cap or visor is helpful here.

The real killer in this race is the last mile and a half or so, which is entirely uphill. Running up a hill with 25 miles in the legs is a special kind of pain.

After the finish, runners have to wait for a ride back up to the start (a mile or so) to get their cars. The food used to be at the start line but in 2013 was moved back down to Rt 5. Many of the runners and volunteers didn't come to the party this year, but that's probably because of the change in venue.

This year's shirts were Brooks short sleeve tech ones, nicer than in the past, but the medals are still the chintzy cheap ones they've had every year I've run.


S. B. from Vermont, USA (5/5/2013)
"Okay race for local experienced runner" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

Ran today 5/5/13 and had poor first impression of the race, but ultimately, it turned out okay. Poor signage to find the start area. Start line was a foot scratch in the dirt. Race is timed by people with stop watches and clip boards. Only water and Gatorade on the course, about 1.5 to 2 miles apart, a little too far on a sunny and warm day.

No spectators, hardly, but enough volunteers. Adequate traffic control in a couple of key intersections, but for the most part, runners are on their own. Course is marked well enough, but pay attention, very easy to lose it. Pretty first 10 miles were 3 loops around reservoir on a dirt path, then 12 or so in residential neighborhoods and the last 4 or so on a busy main road with a gradual incline ending in a steep climb to the finish. Little excitement at the finish. On your own to get back to your car, another mile uphill to the start, fortunately, I hitched-hiked, figured I was too smelly for anyone to assault me, haha.

This is a race for local very experience runners only. Not worth traveling for and do NOT do this one if you're a newbie. It's a good notch on the marathon belt, but that's about it. Race shirts run large so I'm swimming in a small. Medal is very simple and nice enough, but doesn't say the name of the race, it says 'Holyoke Marathon' race has 3 names I counted.They really need to step it up and add some bells and whistles or at least some organization in order to make this more than a little local running fundraiser.


Glenn Hill from Norfolk, CT (12/2/2012)
"Hilly course..." (about: 2012)

1 previous marathon | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

I liked the first 9 miles looping around the reservoir through the woods. Coming out to the streets was uphill with good traffic control. The rest of the course was rolling hills until the last two miles where you climb back up into the old Mt Tom ski resort.
I went out to fast and ended up having to walk the last 5 miles.


R. H. from Massachusetts (8/19/2012)
"A great little marathon" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

I've always meant to run this one because it's so close to home but never quite made it until this year. My specific reason to run was to redeem the BQ that I'd left somewhere on the streets of Boston in that 85 degree heat in April. It turned out that Holyoke is a great marathon in its own right. It's small and low key, very friendly, and well organized by the Greater Springfield Harriers. The route is beautiful - 10 miles around a shaded reservoir followed by 10 miles of rolling farmland. The last 5 miles uphill are a bit of a surprise but that doesn't take away from the overall experience. The spirit at the finish and the banquet afterwards were special. I'd do it again (using Boston training for 2 marathons just makes sense in a crazy sort of way!) and I'd recommend it to anybody who wants a low key marathon and doesn't need crowds and bands, etc.


J. T. from Massachsetts (5/7/2012)
"A great old school race" (about: 2012)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Race of Champions Marathons

This is a nice low key marathon that is well run. Aid stations every 2 miles. I like you that you can register on race day. They also have a nice pasta lunch after the race. Mile markers are few a far between and what is there is hard to see. As other said the last 5 miles are hard and the last 2 harder, btu it is a race worth running.


J. W. from The Berkshires, MA (6/6/2011)
"Amazing small race" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

Yes, the last four miles are a steady uphill and the last 400 meters are REALLY uphill. I love this course-after a steep downhill out of the old Mt. Tom Ski Area, runners circle a reservoir in the woods for 10 miles. The rest of the course is on the road, and in some parts, the shoulder was pretty narrow. However, there wasn't a lot of car traffic to contend with. Much of the course offered amazing views of Mt. Tom. The volunteer stations were very well stocked; one table late in the race had sponges, another had ice and pineapple. The technical shirt was a cool lime green color-a definite keeper. I'll be back next year!


J. W. from The Berkshires, MA (5/9/2011)
"Small course, great volunteers" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

What is the opposite of a big marathon? The Race of Champions! I really enjoyed this course, despite the fact that there was little to no spectator support and from mile 11-21 we were running on roads with little to no shoulder. Granted, there wasn't a lot of traffic, but the roads were curvy and...well, it got a bit lonely out there!! At one intersection early in the race during the reservoir loop section of the course I wasn't sure about which way to turn, luckily I had checked out the course a few days beforehand and looked at the course map. This wasn't that big of a deal. A major plus: Every 2 miles or so, there was a well-stocked aid station with very friendly volunteers. At mile 11 there were energy bars and orange slices. At mile 18, ice and pineapple cubes. There were sponges and ice at mile 20 or so. These were VERY welcome touches. Be prepared for a grinding climb in the last 8K or so (there's a nice, wide shoulder here, though)and there's a pretty serious uphill in the last 600m. On the whole, it's a very interesting coursethe race starts with about 3 laps around a wooded reservoir before you head out on the roads just after mile 10. The view of Mt. Tom is pretty amazing. Highly recommended, particularly for experienced marathoners.


J. H. from Massachusetts (5/4/2011)
"Ran this one on a whim" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

In training for Pinelands 50 in May, I decided I'd like to have a 'supported' long training run...ideally close to home. This fit the bill.
I've heard great things about the small time feel of the race which I enjoy MUCH more than the chaos of Boston or New York. This was small time. I wish the Mt. Tom Ski Area was still in operation as it looks like a scene from Chernobyl when you arrive to sign up. Completely dilapidated and sad. But it wasn't always so. Will it be bull-dozed in the future...wouldn't surprise me.
The marathon itself is interesting and the last uphill mile is TOUGH. I ran 95% completely by myself which was tough as well. I did surprise myself with a PR so its not horrible. Weather for 2011 was sunny but temps were perfect.
Glad I did it, but I'd probably try something new next time.


D. G. from New Jersey (5/3/2011)
"Lovely, rural race!" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

This was my first time running this race; I chose it mostly because it was close. I loved it - it's definitely, definitely a (very!) small marathon, but it's well organized and everyone was extremely friendly. The weather cooperated, it was in the high sixties, sunny, barely any wind to speak of.

The water stops were there when you needed them, and there were two portapotties on the way that I counted, though I'm not sure if that was by design or they were there for some other purpose. They were also handing out cliff bars and oranges on the way.

There's obviously no crowd support to speak of, but most of the runners supported each other. I found that even though it was a small race I always had someone in sight (I'm middle of the pack - finishing at 4:20), and what the course lacks in crowd support it makes up for with scenery. The early loops around the lake were particularly gorgeous. The few miles at the end on rt. 5 weren't great, but I suppose they had to loop us back somehow.

I also didn't find it an extremely hard course with the exception of the last few miles. The last few miles are pretty brutal, because not only is there no pretty scenery to look at, the course is also all uphill. In the end, though, it's a great overall experience for a small marathon. I'll definitely try to make it for the 50th annual next year!


j. h. from Philadelphia, PA (5/2/2011)
"This is a real marathon. No joke!!!!!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Race of Champions Marathon

The pick-up and direction were good. I had time to visit "The Armory." I love home town-type, older marathons. Everyone was very nice. Thank you for the ride back to the start and the good food after the race. Mmm!!! The hill from mile 24 to the finish line was ridiculous. Run the marathon for yourself.


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