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Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 205 [displaying comments 91 to 101]
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D. B. from Mauldin, SC (11/10/2008)
"Not one my husband and I will do again" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

This run is overrated. It is a very challenging course with only 2 porta-potties on the entire course (and even then, they weren't visible, so I missed going at that point). So I was miserable for 4 or 5 more miles. I had a great pace but the bathroom issue was serious. I had a BQ time until this bathroom issue came up and I could not get to a facility at the right time. If I had been able to find the porta-potty at 4 miles, I think I could have recovered much better. Then at mile 12 or 13 mile the porta potty was still not visible and then only one facility with a line. Many complaints by those waiting in line. All marathons, small or large, should have good facilities visible and on the course. Girls are not keen on going in the woods and I lost a lot of time due to waiting too long and then this caused more difficulties. All other marathons, even smaller than this one, have these facilities available and visible.

I thought the race starting 15 minutes late was very inconsiderate. If you are going to run a marathon, you should be registered in plenty of time and not hold up the race for a few people that decided to run on the day of the marathon. All the runners had taken in their fluids in prep for the marathon and then it was delayed. A marathon is a serious training event, and due to this, the marathon registration should have been cut off within a week before the race. I did like the people on the route cheering us on. But the buses going down the trails were very annoying and hard to run around. The bikers who aided us were great. I just think that in the future you need to organize the facilities better, start on time and have the expo as advertised. My husband and I have run many other marathons and this one was not as organized as others we have done. I was surprised to hear people so positive about this course. But even with these problems, I still knocked of 20 minutes from a marathon time from last year.


M. B. from Nashville, TN (11/10/2008)
"Great fall scenery and decent course" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

I had heard great things about this marathon and decided to run it this year as part of my training for another marathon.

I liked the feel of the small race, but I think the organizers hurt themselves by adding a half-marathon this year.

The first water/PowerAde station wasn't ready for the number of runners. I had to wait in line to get something to drink. They needed a larger area for the stops and more available while the half-marathoners were on the course.

They also only had 2 porta-potties on the course. Since you ran the loop twice, you had 4 bathroom chances... but since there was only 1 bathroom at each stop there was usually a line, especially when the half-marathoners were on the course. I really did not like this. They needed more bathrooms. I don't want to have to go in the woods when I'm on a race course. I also shouldn't have to stand in a line with 8 people to use the bathroom. I've never run a race where they didn't have several bathrooms at a stop so that you'd only have to wait behind 1-2 people tops.

I also found that the aid stations were out of the fruit and cookies when I made the second loop on the marathon. The post-race food spread was good, but they were getting pretty low when I finished.

It's not a great race for spectators. They offered a shuttle to take spectators to various spots, but my spectators said this worked better in theory than in reality. They only got to see me one time. The course isn't really set up for spectators to access easily, so if you want a race with a lot of spectators, this isn't it.

Because of the small field, you also end up running alone sometimes during the second loop of the full. If you don't like being lonely, this isn't a good race for you.

I enjoyed the fall scenery and thought it was a good little marathon for being a small race, but I do think if they're going to continue to have a half-marathon that they need to be MUCH better prepared for the number of people. I feel like the half-marathoners gotten well taken care of while those of us running the full were just getting the bottom of the barrel on everything during our second loop.

I probably won't run this again (there are too many other races to try!), but I'd still recommend it to others as long as the race organizers are better prepared in the future.


H. G. from Gainesville, FL (11/10/2008)
"Overall, a nice race." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

The course itself was beautiful, with its many fall colors. The hills were definitely a challenge to me, as I don't live near many hills and mostly trained on flat ground. There were plenty of aid stations. I thought it was a good idea how they put out helpers to ride around the course on bikes.

I think there were more runners this year than in the past, and the organizers handled it well. They delayed the start until the lines for the port-o-potties went down, which I thought was nice and not something you'd find in a large race. I think they made mistakes with the spectator shuttles, however. The shuttles filled up, and my mom was told that they would be back to bring another load of people out. The shuttle never came back. I heard of some people getting stranded later on. As a result, my mom only saw me at mile 15, and again at the finish.

I gave "spectators" 3 stars partly for the aforementioned reason. However, I also felt that many of the spectators were only watching for their runner(s) and offered no encouragement to others who ran by. I know a lot of people don't mind this, but I could have used a little extra encouragement, especially since the spectators were so few and far between.


S. M. from Indiana (11/9/2008)
"Over-hyped race! Ruined by addition of half?" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

I expected much more. I entered this race based on previous comments. The facts are that this race is run in a very beautiful area. The shirt, hat, and medal were terrific. Now, the not-so-great: The hotel I stayed at, The General Bragg, was clean and fairly close to the start, but it offered no late checkout (11:00) - and beware: they charge you at time of reservation. The pasta dinner was the first I have been to where we got one plate only (no seconds?). Then came the advertised expo (one person selling gels only?). Bag-check requires bringing your own bag to a building about 200 yards from start. Then after having run the marathon, you had to climb the steps to the second floor to retrieve your "unsecure" bag.

The start was 16 minutes late; we waited on packet pickups and bathroom goers, while those who arrived on time waited at the start in the cold. The volunteers were great, except for the few who guided me and a couple others in the wrong direction at mile 25, costing us awards and personal bests after having spent months of training. Confusion because of addition of half? Not many spectators, but the ones there were very enthusiastic. Overall, an OK race, but I wouldn't recommend it for people traveling farther than two hours. This race seems to be more suited and catered to half than full marathoners


B. R. from Clarksville TN (11/9/2008)
"I would repeat this one." (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

Great course. If you need a designer, crowded marathon, then don't do this one. I have completed Disney, USMC, RNRAZ, RNRSD and Berlin (to name the big ones). This one was my favorite. Packet pick up was quick and painless. Parking was easy, with fewer than 1500 runners. I stayed in downtown Chattanooga a stone's throw from the aquarium, which is 9 miles from the race. The course isn't as hilly as Flying Pig, but not as flat as RNRAZ.

Plenty of space to hit your running stride, and during my run, I spotted two deer and a quick-moving fox.


Don Allen from Georgia (11/9/2008)
"Beautiful Course, Great New Start/Finish!" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathons

This was my third Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, and I'm sure I'll be back to do it again. This is one of the most beautiful courses I have ever run: and it's during the most beautiful time of year, with all of the fall foliage in dazzling color. Along the route you'll see a wide variety of military monuments, and even a few deer. There were some changes for 2008, which for the most part made it a more pleasant experience. The start/finish area, which was originally at a church just south of the park, is now north of the park adjacent to a large field. Although the facilities at the church were very nice, the field was even better, especially on a nice, sunny day. In inclement weather, it probably would not be as much fun, but the organizers seemed ready for all contingencies, with large tents set up and areas roped off for special activities. There were plenty of parking, chairs, portable toilets, and even a play area set up for kids with large inflatable slides. A large gazebo provided the area for the announcer and dignitaries, and the finish area included a very good performance by a live band. If my legs had not been so sore, I would have enjoyed dancing! As always at Chickamauga, they have plenty of post-race food, with pizza and bagels and cookies and fresh fruit and desserts. But the absolute BEST food is the soup; and the best soup is the Southwestern Chicken Soup. Yum!

The 2008 course followed much of the same route as the 2007 course, with some minor exceptions. The good part about the rerouting is you did not have to cross the major highway on the south side of the park. The bad part was there was about a quarter mile of rough road that required a bit more attention than the rest of the course. You traverse this area twice: around mile 1 and mile 25. Anyone that has done any trail running realizes that this is literally a walk in the park, although I did hear some complaints about it from other runners. It's not nearly as bad as the rocky sections of the Grandfather Mountain Marathon.

Hills are moderate and short, and since this is a double loop, you know what to expect. Crowds are thin during most of the route, but that is to be expected in this kind of park. The roads were not closed to traffic, but traffic was not a problem and volunteers and police were excellent at keeping the route clear. Aid stations were well stocked and staffed, and (possibly in response to a complaint from last year) several of the stations separated the water and PowerAde to opposite sides of the path. Goodies were nice. They have a well-designed medal (traditional, round, but attractive - with a new design each year) and a nice addition to the technical long-sleeve shirt was the lightweight breathable running cap. The cap makes it clear how far you ran: letters over 2 CM tall read "26.2," surrounded by the text "Chickamauga Battlefield MARATHON." Great job!


B. J. from Dayton, Ohio (11/9/2008)
"Had a great time at this marathon." (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons

Overall great experience. This was my 7th marathon and I loved the small-town feel of the event. The course was beautiful, and I enjoyed the history of the area. This is a great run if you enjoy running and do not need a tremendous amount of crowd support.

Pasta dinner was very good, there was no expo (ok with me), and the volunteers were very helpful.

Great after-race food. I would recommend this race and would love to run it again.

The only recommendations would be to have started the race on time (about 10-15 minutes late due to late registration) and to have a few more water stops and port-a-lets on the course.


Kadi Smitherman from Clarksville, TN (11/9/2008)
"Pleasant first marathon." (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

Great weather and beautiful tree-lined course. Volunteers are great at steering you through the double loops and separating the marathoners from the halfers. Well organized. I was able to pick my chip and packet up that morning 30 minutes before the race with no problems. Spectators aren't plentiful but are enthusiastic and will say that you look strong even when you feel like you're crawling! One thing I would change is to add some energy gels to the ample water stations.


P. P. from Marietta, GA (11/9/2008)
"Tough, Fair, Scenic" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathons

This course features rolling hills in a historic battlefield setting. It is essentially a small race with big-race benefits: great finisher's medal; nice, technical, long-sleeve shirt; good after-race food; and a well organized event.

The 2008 race had nearly perfect weather for us fortunate to enter before capacity was reached. Be sure to save some energy to complete the 2nd half of the double loop course, as the rolling hills will take their toll on your quads.

Only one complaint in an otherwise well-run event: the race started 15 minutes late for the few late arrivals in the registration building, while 1300 runners stood waiting at the starting line in 45-degree weather. Not good for any of us, especially after doing a warm-up run and stretching just before the announced 7:30 start time.


Allen Griffiths from Washington C.H., Ohio (11/9/2008)
"Great course, very patriotic" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon

I've done over 50 marathons and this one is in the top 5. As a 50-stater, I usually do a state and then forget it, but this one is worth doing again. Very nice course. Friendly knowledgeable volunteers. Frequent aid stations. Just a great experience.


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