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"Last Chance for Boston" Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 81 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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J. F. from Chicago, IL (3/14/2008)
"Great course to PR at; no runner congestion" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

After running the 2007 Chicago Marathon meltdown, I wanted to run another marathon to better test my ability. I chose Dublin because it was a smaller marathon for with fewer congestion problems. Also the race start was conveniently just outside the host hotel. The weather was warmer (40's) than predicted and the rain was only intermittent - actually perfect running conditions. It was a bit windy but running mile loops eliminated extended periods of running into the wind. Yes, there was a bit of confusion as the start, but that was minor. I was quickly able to get into a steady pace and ran much better than I thought possible with nagging calf soreness. Knowing where the aid station was was great for getting a drink after taking my gels. Crowd was sparse but enthusiastic. I was actually on a Boston qualifier pace until fading the final 7 miles. Still I set a new PR by more than 23 minutes and broke 4:00 (actually 3:53:56), missing Boston by 8 minutes. My Garmin time was the same as my official time. Post-race food was plentiful and good. I have run in the marathon wind shirt since the marathon and really like it. All in all, it was an enjoyable experience and I recommend it to anyone.


R. D. from Ohio (2/27/2008)
"Will do it again" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

It is what it is... a 1-mile loop course. We all knew that. If you don't want to run it, don't!! As far as the splits, from what I learned, this is at least the 3rd chip timing system they've used for this event, and by far had the best results. Remind me... what other marathon gives you splits EACH mile?!

What a fun event. Sure, I ran around people, but they ran around me too. The small-town feel can't be beat, and this race definitely delivered!

Oh, and what other marathon gives fresh pizza to all finishers?


Mr. Glass Half-Full from The Midwest (2/26/2008)
"Pretty much as advertised" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

No frills, a coma-inducing course, and some occasional crowding along the way, but how did this come as a surprise to some runners? Of the critical comments I've read thus far, the only ones that ring true concern the somewhat disorganized/abrupt start and the fact that a few runners had timing problems. On the bright side, there was plenty of water/Gatorade on the course, tons of food afterward, and it was a 75-yard stagger from the finish line to the host hotel. Even the weather cooperated for the most part. I didn't PR, but you know what? My bad.


Ryan Nied from Plainfield, IL (2/23/2008)
"Fast course - not for inexperienced runners" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

I ran my fastest time out of my 11 total marathons in this year's race and qualified for Boston.

The organization was fine, although it was a little chaotic at the start. I didn't like the narrowness of the path between the curb and the pylons. There were too many people and I was one of the faster runners who was doing a lot of dodging.

This race isn't about scenery, lots of spectators, or big-city fanfare, etc. It's about nailing consistent splits as fast as you can.

You'd think running 1-mile loops would be totally monotonous, but it's really not that bad.

For those who complain about the course, you should have known better.
We all knew what we were getting when we signed up: a fast, 1-mile loop that would allow us to run a Boston qualifier.

I found it easy to hit my final three miles after I'd already run it 23x! You know where you are all at points and they even marked the quarters for you to keep pace.

I'm glad that last year's comments talked me into running this race.

The even better news is that your friends and family can park in the Max and Erma's parking lot and see you 26 times!

I do highly recommend for experienced runners who have trained properly and have a shot at a BQ. I recommend doing your tempo work on a track to get you used to running loops.

I do NOT recommend this race for first-timers. If you're out there just to finish, there are countless other options to enjoy the marathon experience.

I am glad I did this one as it proved I can train through the winter and run a good race. However, once is enough. There's no reason to do it again unless you are desperate for a BQ and cannot get down to one of the other larger marathons in February like Austin or even Tampa.

I agree with the comments on the cost: It was a bit pricey for what we got. Medal was cheap and the wind shirts are a joke.

All and all, it was worth it.


T. M. from Dayton, Ohio (2/23/2008)
"A very interesting experience" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

This was my first marathon. As with everything I do, I always try to make things more difficult than they have to be, and I think the LCFB Marathon did just that.

I had an idea what I was getting into. How interesting can a 1-mile loop get? But the continuous jockeying around slower runners in a narrow running lane as well as the several sharp turns each lap really wore on me.

The spectators were great, especially Mr. Tambourine and the three ladies near the end. There was also plenty of food.

All in all, a good event.


Douglas Flannery from Virginia Beach, VA (2/22/2008)
"Thank you race director and volunteers" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

There are no secrets that this is an intimate marathon without the hype and expos common at Chicago, NYC, or Boston. So why all the comments about the entry fee and course? Can't we as runners just enjoy the camaraderie with fellow runners and pay tribute to our training with doing the best we can on the day given (premier sports doesn't control the weather)? Just as important, let's thank the volunteers and race director for even having a marathon available in February with the chance for qualifying! That's what makes this event what it is - LCFB!!

This was my 42nd marathon (and yes, I've been to Chicago, NYC (twice), Boston (four times), and a myriad of other big marathons, and I say well done to Jeff and Premier Sports!! It's nice to see people over and over again on the loop course and have the opportunity to encourage fellow runners and walkers. If running a marathon (or the other distances) for the means of a quality medal or grab bag, then apply for some of the bigger races, but please don't diminish what volunteers are doing for us runners. Being able to lace up and qualify in February and still make it to Boston in April is a privilege that others are making possible.

Last comment: If I have the opportunity in the future, I will run LCFB again! Thanks to all who supported the event!


Dissappointed One from Ohio (2/21/2008)
"Run the other way!!!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

I can deal with little to no fan support, I can deal with a finisher's medal that doesn't even identify me as a "marathon finisher" as opposed to a 5K, 10K, or half-marathoner, but what I don't appreciate is an INACCURATE TIME CLOCK, and a race director who told me that "they had an issue with the timing equipment and would be calculating some of the runners' times MANUALLY." I inquired as to how he and they figured on doing this, but of course, no response - not even an apology. This is so very sad, and a huge disappointment for those of us who came out to do one thing - run for Boston. My spouse took a picture of me running across the finish line (confirmed by Garmin), and the race director and his team MANUALLY added 4 additional minutes to my time over and above what the actual time clock stated! How very nice of them to do so.

Check out the official "certified marathon results" and one can see for themselves the inconsistencies that occurred. One soul recorded 11-, 12- and 13-minute miles for the entire marathon, but a miracle took place on mile 21 when the runner logged close to 6:00, with the next consecutive miles at exactly 10:00 each.

Their website promises: Fast accurate results with splits, chip timing technology that will be used to count laps and show times, and announcements made telling participants how many laps they have completed. Here's what I received: inaccurate results, and laps called when you screamed at the guys huddled around the computer as you ran by. The race director and organizers sold an event that they could not deliver on, and should refund the entry fees to the runners affected by this mess. Who wants to run 26.2 miles and not have an accurate time, or miss a chance to qualify for Boston due to time tracking-issues? Advice to others: If you want an accurate time, then don't do it.


William Tichenor from Dallas, TX (2/21/2008)
"I'm at a loss" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

I read the past comments and decided to try it, against my better judgment. The course is terrible, with traffic open to it. You get about a two-foot wide swatch to stay in. I decided to quit after 13.1, as I was sorely disappointed. Not worth the time. Weather also sucked: with drizzle and freezing temps. An industrial park isn't my idea of scenery.


David Terrill, Sr. from Tarentum, Pa. (2/20/2008)
"Best turn-out of participants yet." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ "Last Chance for Boston" Marathons

The LCFB enjoyed a growth spurt this year, with more folks participating in the 4 available races than in previous years. And with the staggered start to provide separation between the 5Kers and halfers from the 10Kers and 'thoners, the course handled the extra humanity quite well, without major logjams.

We also had the mildest temperatures this race as seen to date, although the rain was cold as the race got started. It ended and remained overcast all day, but it also warmed up and actually got comfortable for mid-February.

The "tambourine man" and lady at the 1/4 mile marker were as enthusiastic as could be. What a boost, when things aren't going as well as they could. The 3 honeys near 3/4 mile marker were also fired up and encouraging the whole time. All you guys were great, and we, the runners, really appreciate your enthusiasm.

The music selection was appropriate for the occasion, and I was fortunate to finish the final 50 meters to the opening strains of of one of my all time favorite performers, Meat Loaf. I actually broke into song as I finished, 'cause "2 Out of 3 Ain't Bad" does that to me. My apologies to anyone within earshot!!!!

The food was plentiful afterwards. No complaints there. Massages were also available. My calf needed one, so I took advantage of it.

There were plenty of familiar faces in attendance, along with a good mix of newcomers. A friendlier bunch you won't find. Keep this race going, Jeff. You have a winner here.


A. P. from Springfield, Ohio (2/19/2008)
"Stupid" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 "Last Chance for Boston" Marathon

Can someone tell me why this thing was so much money? why was the marathon so much more than the other distances on the same course? Why was the medal so lame? Little compares to the 2008 Disney Marathon, but I am about to hang the little guy with a scarf upside down, 'cause I don't think it even looks right on the wall next to it. Why such confusion at the start? A Boston qualifier with such a loosey goosey start? What the heck? I've done it to say I can do it, and to boost up a level in the Marathon Maniacs, but honestly folks, Premier Racing needs to do something a little less lame next year.


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