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Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon Runner Comments

Back to Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon Information & Reviews

Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 362 [displaying comments 141 to 151]
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D. W. from Houston, TX (4/27/2009)
"Excellent marathon but very hot day" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

Overall, this is an excellent marathon with little to complain about, other than that it was an unusually hot day. It was 71 at the start and got to the mid-80's. This was July weather for Louisville, 1 degree below a record for the day. For the slow runners like me, it was brutal in the heat, but the organizers did all they could to make it better. They doubled the fluids available to the water stops and I have never seen so many EMTs and ambulances waiting along the course. The water stops were handing out 1/2 liter bottles of water, which I took almost every time, drinking some and pouring most on my head occasionally until the next water stop. A few fire hoses were set up for cooling sprays and a couple of residents had hoses out, which was a big help.

The expo was pretty good, the pasta dinner line flowed quickly, and the buses to the start seemed to work well. There were some big hills, especially in the park from miles 3 to 5 and later around 17, but overall the course was neither too hilly nor too flat. You pass the start line about 5.5 miles in, so if you need a porta-potty, this is a good spot with lots of them and no lines.

I stayed at the Marriott Downtown and it was very nice: 1 block to the start line bus and 4 blocks from the finish line. The medal was very nice. The long- sleeve cotton t-shirt had an overly busy design (says Kentucky Derby Festival twice and 2009 4 times on the front!). Running through Churchill Downs and seeing the horses training was a treat at mile 9.

The race was primarily the "mini" or half, with only 10% of the 12,000 total doing the marathon. But it was the 36th mini and only 8th marathon so the full is the add-on. Course support was not an issue-- of course, there was not much crowd support after most runners turned left at mile 12 and the few marathoners turned right.

When I finished in 6:06 chip, 6:14 clock, they had already taken up the timing mat at the finish. A man was writing down our numbers and times by hand, while also handing out medals. I know I finished after the 6:00 limit, but given the hot day, I wish they left things in place for a bit longer. The race website does show my time in the results, but it was just demoralizing after all that time in the heat to have to step over the loose wires at the finish as they packed up.


R. K. from KY (4/27/2009)
"Great race" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathons

The half ("Mini") claims 85%+ of runners each year and makes the first 11+ miles popular with fans and family. The second half was a big letdown last time, this time improved by having a loose gaggle of runners nearby and having more front porch cheering than last time.

The race organizers did well with transport and traffic control, provided timely weather advisories appropriate to the unusual heat, and kept aid stations well-stocked and run by wonderful volunteers. They also provided the marathon lane to the finish, which really helped prevent the previous problems with slower half-finishers and faster marathoners interfering with each other.

The non-technical shirt is much prettier and more popular with my family than the previous tech shirt, which I still love as a real running shirt. The finish line area offered good post-race fluids and nutrition and there was a band playing well when I came through.


A. M. from Seattle, WA (4/27/2009)
"Fun, but holy cow, it was hot!" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

I had a really great time during this marathon, and after seeing the city a bit, I think the course showed off the best parts of Louisville. Running through Churchill Downs was really cool.

I read about the water bottles given out during the race. I was skeptical that these would turn into an obstacle for runners, but I am SO thankful for the bottles due to the heat. Thank you to the race director, because without the extra hydration, I don't think I would have finished.

I think that the race could've used a few extra portable restrooms along the course.

Besides that, I think this was a great race in a charming city. Thank you!


L. W. from Tennessee (4/26/2009)
"Well organized and prepared for a HOT day!" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

This race was very hard due to the heat and the hills. It was hillier than I expected, especially through the parks, but the course was very pretty. Crowd support was great through the half-marathon; the second half had fewer fans but the ones that were there were great. The race was definitely more geared to the mini-marathon than the full.

It was a very hot day, and the aid stations were well-equipped. They had plenty of water and PowerAde, and handed out bottles, which was great because it allowed us to carry water from one station to the next (2 miles apart).

Only two complaints:
The shirts were long-sleeve on an 87-degree day. I think that was to distinguish them from the mini short-sleeves, but a short-sleeve technical shirt would have been better.

Porta-potties - There were plenty at the start, and you loop back to the start around mile 6. The next one I saw was around mile 17.

Overall, it was a great race!


P. M. from Louisville, Ky (4/26/2009)
"Great, HOT race; it desperately needs some change" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathons

I just ran my third consecutive Derby Marathon. Well, almost - I DNFed because of the heat. There are some wonderful, wonderful things about this race, but there really need to be some changes also.

First the good stuff: Packet pickup this year was a breeze, and the expo was great. The parking situation at the fairgrounds could have been improved. But, other than that, it was good.

The course is beautiful and one of the best things about this race. I've heard rumors you are changing it next year! Please DON'T. The parks and the people down Southern Parkway and running through Churchill Downs make this one of the most beautiful marathons I've ever run. Yes, the Second Street Bridge is a challenge at the end, but it's a marathon; did we sign up for something easy?

Volunteers and spectators are awesome on the first half, and volunteers are really awesome on the second half.

Organization and water stops: you guys did a great job this year making sure that the water stops were plentiful and well stocked with the heat. I talked to a lot of people after the race, and every one had enough water on a very hot day.

A great medal - one of the favorites.

Now, some bad stuff: This is the 3rd year that's it's been pretty hot on race-day. Is there anyway you could move the start up to 6:30 or 7:00? Let's try to get the majority of the marathoners done before noon!

Once the marathoners turn on Breckenride, it is really hot and lonely. Also, another water stop on that street around mile 13 would be a welcome addition.

Start line corrals didn't work. A volunteer corral system is never going to work. I couldn't even get up to my corral because of the crowds. Also, this was the second year in a row where you lined the port-a-potties down Southern Parkway, where we'll trying to line up for the start. With 1,000 people lined up to go, you can't get to the start line. Line up the port-a-potties down New Cut out of the way.

Shirt: Again, this is the third year that I've run this race and the thirrd year I just want to throw my shirt away. I paid a lot of money for a LONG-SLEEVE COTTON T-SHIRT! It's a spring racel we want short-sleeve. And giving away cotton t-shirts for marathons maybe have been okay 15 years ago, but people want and expect more now days. I volunteered to give out packets for the marathon and 50% of the people complained about the shirt. Ditch the stupid poster that no one wants or cares about, and get some nice, technical, short-sleeve shirts with a better design.

I hope the race director takes these comments in the spirit they were intended. I love this race and I want to see it grow on the marathon side, but some changes are desperately needed.


E. S. from Louisville, KY (1/24/2009)
"So much potential, but not quite there." (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

The first half of the marathon is a blast! The fans, the mini-marathoners, the set up, and running through Churchill Downs made it a great beginning. After mile 12, however, it dropped off. Not being the fastest runner, by the time I got to water stops, there was little enthusiasm left among police and spectators. The last half of the marathon is pretty. The few people still watching were good. The full marathon has so much potential to be great... but it's not there yet. I'm going to run the mini instead this year.


S. M. from Indiana (11/16/2008)
"Best marathon I have run" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

This was my 6th marathon and by far my favorite. The race is not too big and not too small. The pasta dinner and expo were outstanding. The hotel (The Galt House) was great. The bus ride to the start went well except for having to wait about 15 minutes to get on one. The race started on time, which can sometimes be a problem at some marathons. I really enjoyed the course. The hills were there, but not difficult until mile 22, when crossing the bridge. I was able to PR, so it couldn't have been that bad. Running through Churchill Downs was awesome. The biggest problem with this race was the finish. I had to weave in and out of slower-paced half-marathoners the last half mile. The finisher's medal was very nice, and all of the post-race goodies at the end were exceptional. I liked the age group awards, which were different from the usual. Thanks for putting on an outstanding race!


A. D. from Chicago, IL (10/15/2008)
"All in all, a good marathon" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

As stated by several people before, the transportation to the start was excellent. There were also plenty of aid stations, but being given whole 32-ounce bottles of PowerAde was more than wasteful. Being supplied with bottles of water, while clever, was somewhat wasteful as well and the caps could have been a hazard to runners. Having just completed Chicago this past weekend, I am very jaded about the spectators now. The half (at Louisville) had plenty, but at the split, it was like a ghost town. Although, it made it quite easy to find my family along the course!! I would say that, by far, the medal was the best thing about this race. I have several medals (including one from Chicago) and the one for the Derby Festival is by far the best one I have ever gotten. It's a huge medal and it has a great ribbon. The hills were tough. I know Cherokee and Iroquois Parks are Louisville landmarks, but maybe other landmarks could be included instead that don't have hills. Had it not been cool, these hills (especially in Cherokee Park and the 2nd St. Bridge) could have been downright dastardly. But, it was still a good race and will always have a special place in my heart, as I am a former Ville dweller and this was my first marathon.


S. N. from Geneva, IL (5/22/2008)
"A great race with a couple of minor issues." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

I may be a bit jaded because I managed to PR on this run. But, overall, I loved it!

Louisville is a nice city and the weather was great.

The expo is small but well run. We got in and out easily. The pasta feed was sold out! How do you run out of pasta? (Actually, I think it was more a space issue than anything, but still...) Luckily, Louisville has some nice restaurants and we had a good meal.

The course was beautiful and challenging. If you want flat, go to Chicago. The few rolling hills were a nice mix but nothing that needed supplemental oxygen. It was great running through Churchill Downs. The second half was a bit lonely, but still nice through the park.
The aid stations were well stocked with bottled water and Gatorade.

The finishing area was a bit congested. And at the finish the marathoners are finishing with some of the halfers... makes for a lot of dodging and weaving. Separating the finishes would be good (just split the street).

Understand that Boston is the week before and the Pig is the week after, so The Derby Fest gets fewer people. But they do a good job overall.

Most impressive thing about this race: We met a guy who was still finishing at around 2:00 p.m. (6.5 hours into it). The race director was giving him directions. After the guy walked on, I spoke with the RD. He had been following the man since mile 16 and was going to stay with him until he finished. Obviously the RD cares about his race and the runners! That was great to see.

The finisher's medal was nice, but I recently got my age group award and I'm sorry to say I'm disappointed. It's basically a coffee mug without a handle. It shows my place and age group, but the logo for the race is on the other side. How am I supposed to display it so all the info shows? A plaque would have been nicer. Maybe I'll just use it for coffee instead of putting it on a shelf.

It always boils down to one question for me: Would I do it again? And this time my answer is yes! Unfortunately, there are too many others out there that I want to do, so I'm not really repeating any right now. But, I may be back in the future.

Great job, Louisville!


A. P. from Burlington, North Carolina (5/18/2008)
"A race definitely worth doing..." (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

Overall this was an enjoyable marathon. The pasta feed was great (although there is a Spaghetti Factory right across the street from the expo) and my shirt (best shirt I have received yet) and poster that I received were excellent!!! The expo, while large, had volunteers who have little ability to understand a runner's confusion at where they need to pick everything up. I was told to go "over there" next, and when I asked which line, they said, "Either." Of course, the one that I chose was the wrong one. I drove 8 hours from North Carolina and would appreciate a little understanding that runners will not know exactly where they should go. The course was well laid out and running next to the Kentucky Derby was a nice touch. I loved the bridge at the end.

While I have a number of cons, these do not diminish the fact that this was an excellent marathon experience and I would encourage others to do this marathon. By the way, I stayed at the Rodeway Inn (next to the airport), which was 10 minutes from the start and was around $50. I recommend this place if you are on a budget.

-The shirt and poster!
-The course was well designed and fan support was fairly good (e.g., lots of people, but not a lot of cheering for runners they didn't know).
-Volunteers on the course were plentiful and nice!
-Great city to visit (lots of history).
-Walker-friendly (also could be a con, though, if you are runner who gets stuck behind them).
-Ample parking on the streets on race morning!

-Taking the bus to the start means you wait around a long time before the actual race starts.
-Be more courteous at the expo and take the time to make sure people know where they are going.
-Get this: they actually gave runners full (~20 oz) bottles of the sports drink instead of pouring it into small cups. So, when you got to some of the aid stations I saw nearly full sports drink bottles that someone had taken a sip out of lying next the course. That is really, really frustrating and completely unacceptable! And this wasn't only at one aid station either.
-One thing that really irks me is when the organizers provide oranges, etc. up until the half-marathon ends and then they cut way back on the second half. People who walk/run a half do not need oranges, etc. more than people who run/walk the full. These forms of energy should be focused on the marathoners.
-The band at the finish was too loud. Instead of enjoying the end of the race "party," I just left the post-party celebration because it was so loud.
-It seems that in major cities, a massage therapy/physical therapy school would have students that would be able to provide massages to the runners, but there were no massages available.


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