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Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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D. D. from Ohio, U.S. (9/30/2008)
"Great Race; Needed More Water" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 3 Akron Marathons

I ran the half-marathon this year. Great run; however with the increased number of runners this year, more attention should have been paid to increasing the amount of water as well. Most runners grab one or two cups at each stop. I love the end of this race - it feels very "Olympic." I'm proud to be an Ohioan!


Amber Hirt from Findlay, Ohio (9/30/2008)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first marathon, and it was such a great experience! The race was very organized. I loved the thrill of the start, the beautiful course, all the spectators on the course, the volunteers, and the finish in the stadium.

They did run out of water in two of the water stops (numbers 2 and 3), but spectators stepped in, turning on their hoses for runners and handing out their own water bottles to share. I did later hear that this race was overwhelmed with last-minute entries, and the course officials did do their best to correct this problem, making sure that the marathoners had plenty of water and PowerAde along the rest of the course. And there was plenty of PowerAde and even some GU in the back of the course, where the marathoners really needed it.

This being my first marathon, my goal was simply to finish. Even though I was under-trained (knee injuries kept me from some training this summer), I still finished in less than six hours. The second half of the course was hilly, but very manageable, and worth it as I cruised down the downhills. The spectators were awesome and gave lots of encouragement, as did the wonderful volunteers and even the police officers directing traffic. As a later finisher, I was amazed at the amount of spectators still out watching the race and giving their support.

But the most impressive aspect of the whole race was that race director Jim Barnett shook my hand when I finished.... I wasn't one of the first across the line when everything was exciting and new - I was one of the last, and he was still there with a smile on his face to shake my hand. That says a lot about Mr. Barnett's dedication to the runners and to his event.

This was a great experience that I hope to experience again. A great first marathon!


M. N. from Knoxville, TN (9/29/2008)
"Absolutely Awesome Marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Akron Marathons

This was my second year running Akron, and rest assured it will continue to be my fall marathon of choice. The organization could not be better, the support from the people of Akron is awesome, and how can you beat the free gear (shoes, shirt)? Expo was great, and 10,000 runners? absolutely incredible!!! Keep up the great work.


M. D. from Westerville, Ohio (9/29/2008)
"Tough Course, Great Race" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This is a great race for new and veteran runners. All of the things you get for the race fee are phenomenal, Why can't every race do that? Pretty challenging course, but very well supported and lots of variety. The race director should teach a course on how to direct a marathon because he does a great job!


Tammy Denson from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA (9/29/2008)
"It's the best marathon I've run so far" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my 6th marathon, and my favorite so far. The course was tough (hilly) but the spectators and volunteers made it worth it. My pacer was excellent (Pacer Betty). She kept us motivated and got the crowd into it. The expo was excellent and the volunteers were superb. The traffic was controlled throughout the course, and the towpath was a lifesaver for my knees. It was refreshing to get off the asphalt for a brief time. I would give this marathon my highest recommendation.


J. H. from Copley, OH (9/29/2008)
"A great job!" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

The volunteers with GU, water and PowerAde were great; they were eager to help, and they have the whole process down to an art form. Thank you to everyone who helped with all the logistics involved in staging this event; their vocal encouragement as the marathon wore on was appreciated. The entire experience was incredible.


w. c. from Michigan (9/29/2008)
"Hilly and a water shortage" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first marathon. I should've made sure my training had more hills in it. It was a major downer to get to multiple water stops with no water or sports drink (as well as empty GU stations). It was not conducive to a slow runner - it really was disappointing. Nice giveaways.


J. W. from Ohio (9/29/2008)
"Great race!!!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first marathon and I don't expect it to be my last. Almost everything was organized perfectly. The only problem I had was the fact that they ran out of water at a couple of fluid stations early in the race. I was pretty upset at the time but it really turned out not to be a big deal. In fact a church along the way let many runners in to get water, with ice to boot. That was great. The hills hurt me, I will admit, but they probably were not too bad to someone who has more marathon experience. Reasonable entry fee, free shoes, free beer and nice free tech shirt. With all of the nice free stuff, it is almost as if you get paid to run it.


R. Reno and T. Hewitt from North Canton, Ohio (9/29/2008)
"An awesomely rewarding experience!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was our first marathon and boy, what an experience! After weeks of training and the what-ifs, we came, we ran and we finished proudly. The community support was out of this world. Nearly every corner you turned, there were people cheering you on. All of the music from the marching bands, church choirs, rock groups and block parties really made the long enduring run very enjoyable.

The awe-inspiring stadium finish nearly brought us to tears - thank you Akron and northeast Ohio!


M. P. from Parma, OH (9/29/2008)
"Pretty awesome!" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first time running Akron, and it lived up to its reputation of being great! I'll definitely be back next year! Many thanks for the folks on Brown Street who passed out bottles of water to some very thirsty runners! Are fitted shirts for the female runners a possibility for 2009?


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