calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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Chuck in Cincinnati from Milford, OH (9/28/2015)
"Great Marathon that will knock your socks off !" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

WOW ! Better than what I expected.
I heard and read that this is a great event, so I had to find out for myself. This was my 35th marathon with a 4:33:08 finish time, for frame of reference.
The Akron marathon was very well run, and a must do. Most marathons have a boring un-eventful section, but this marathon was pretty throughout.

Packet pickup:
The expo was a nice size, and easy to navigate
Starting area:
Corrals well done with plenty of port-o-lets in a parking garage right at the start, in case of bad weather.
Weather was very nice BTW.
The Course:
Absolutely no way to get lost, because there was a blue line to follow for the entire race.
There was (1) one mile long uphill grinder, but not steep around, mile 14? the remainder of hills are of the whoopdy-do style.
So your legs never got fatigued like a flat course can do?
Plenty of bands along the way too!
Aid Stations:
Perfect! Well trained, outstanding volunteers with 5 port-o-lets at each stop. Plenty of un-official aid stations hosted by the residence. I saw (2) beer stops, but I'm thinking there were more? There was even a misting station that someone set up!
Post race:
Well stocked with food and beer even after the 5 hour mark from what I saw. The only thing that seemed odd to me? I think there were more relay teams than marathoners? I was being passed by relay teams all the way to the end ! Not by one or two every once in a while? Constant flow of them. I actually didn't mind that, because they drug me along.

If you are looking for a fun event to do, this one is for you!!!! I'd do it again in a heartbeat, and probably will? But there are other places to see first!

Wonderful Akron! You really put on world class event in my eyes !


j. e. from Pennsylvania USA (9/26/2015)
"an unexpected hidden gem!!!" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I ran this because I hadn't run an Ohio marathon, it was close (5 hours away), and timing was perfect for my other fall marathons. My expectations were low of both the marathon and city. Wow, was I pleasantly surprised. First, the Akron City Centre Hotel was nice...little dated but perfect location, kind staff, and cheap. Don't believe any of the tripadvisor reviews. It was the only hotel within walking distance to the start finish. Parking was right there and I would recommend to everyone. It was in close proximity to the expo (1 block away) and tons of places to dine. We ate and drank margaritas (prerace) at Neuvo, Mexican joint. Great food and no repercussions the morning of the race. The expo was organized and perfect. You could get nice apparel and last minute necessities. The race was hilly and challenging but the organization, weather, fans, goody bag, finish in the stadium, beer, food, medal all made up for it. The course took you thru very nice parts of the cute suburban city of Akron. It was green and residential. I couldn't believe how genuine the fans were in their support. The course was well aided with water and powerade every 2 miles and 3 gel stations that I counted. The volunteers were plenty in number and so supportive. I have never been at a race this organized from expo to finish. Congrats to the race directors, volunteers and residents of Akron for making it possible. The stadium finish was awesome. I have finished many races in a stadium but nothing this festive and organized. The running jacket and socks were really nice. The ladies jackets run big. I am in between a small and medium in women's and the medium was huge, so order a size smaller. I can't say enough about this race. It would be the perfect race for someone wanting to do only one marathon in their lives. You get all the thrill of a huge race, for less money and hassle. This is one of my top 5 favorite marathons of all times.


I. K. from Union, NJ (12/17/2014)
"Fun and challenging race" (about: 2014)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I signed up for this race after doing a few other Ohio marathons (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati) in order to compare and contrast. I will break them down below:

Pre-race - Packet-pickup:
I booked a room at the Akron City Hotel (I think it used to be a Ramada or is turning into a Ramada) which was a few blocks away from the packet pickup, starting line, bag drop, and finish. My girlfriend and I walked to the packet pickup expo (she did the half). They had a neat car outside of the expo with the names of all the marathon runners on the car. Inside the expo they had the 'blue line' theme set for individuals to follow for their bibs, shirts, and to visit the swag kiosks. The pick-up was easy. There were a limited number of swag vendors (in comparison to Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus) but it met what I was looking for. There was a vendor who sold throw away shirts for $3 which was nice because I forgot mine. I also picked up a pair of shorts that I used for the race that had pockets that I used for gu packets. For dinner we went north on Route 8 to an Olive Garden  the wait wasnt too long. Traffic wasn't a problem anywhere for me. I did not know this at the time since I had a reservation at the hotel and they have a parking garage but apparently parking was free in Akron the day of the marathon so that was nice for those who were driving in.

The race (follow the blue line) starts you off in the middle of downtown Akron - a couple blocks away from the expo, University of Akron, and the Aeroes Stadium (where the finish line is). They have corrals (I think it was A,B and C) to split up the runners by expected finish times. The start includes all of the half marathoners, relay marathoners and full marathoners so it is a bit crowded. To begin you run north across the All American Bridge into northern Akron then loop back to run south across the southbound lanes of the bridge. By about mile 2 it started to clear up enough for me to feel comfortable. From that point you run south through downtown Akron again. At about the 4.5 mile mark the first relay group splits out but they have it set up very nicely there so it does not interfere with the other runners. Miles 4-6 run through an industrial/commercial section of Akron which isnt too aesthetically pleasing but its not terrible. Once you get to mile 6 you turn into a residential area which is nice where there is a little bit of an uphill but nothing too crazy. Miles 7-9 run north on Brown St (the second relay group splits off around 8.5 IIRC). Towards the end of this portion of the run you go through the campus of the University of Akron which I thought was pretty neat. I was expecting more student groups and kids to be out than there were but it was all good. After running through the campus you are directed back to the starting point where there is a lot of fan support. Mile 10 occurs shortly thereafter. You then run north across the All American Bridge again and after mile 11 the half and full marathoners split  the halfers turn back around and go south on the bridge again to the finish while the fulls go down a VERY steep hill that leads them onto the towpath section of the race. Be sure to pace yourself going down this hill, you could lose your footing if youre not careful. The towpath section of the race  miles 12-16 were great IMO. Not many fans but all shade covered and a cool place to run, especially when you are completing it with so many other runners that you can use to push you. From miles 16-24 however, the race starts to get a bit tricky. Mile 15.5-16 is uphill with the next group of relayers join in shortly after 16. This group is set in a location that does not interfere with the race. The Sand Run Parkway section starts slowly uphill then progresses much moreso as that section continues, culminating at a very challenging hill leading into mile 19 which can really drain you if you are trying to hit a specific time. This section is also all shade covered so at least there is that. Miles 19-22 arent so bad, all residential (the last group of relayers join in around mile 21) but there is another tough uphill at a real draining point of the race around mile 22. You then run by the Stan Hywet Hall which is neat. Once you get back on the main road you are essentially into the last 5k. There is another little uphill from like 24.5-25 but its not too bad and 25-25.75 is finally downhill. To close out you then run back into the downtown area and finish in the baseball stadium which is really neat.

Pros & Cons:
The course is very challenging, especially the second half  lots of uphill!!! Someone else mentioned that the relayers were a negative because they ran by you late in the race when you were pooped but I saw them as a challenge that I wanted to either stay with or beat. Bag drop was right by the finish which made pick-ups easy. I had a few family members come down to cheer me on and they didnt have much of a problem moving to and from different locations during the race. Good crowd support throughout the race (outside of the towpath and sand run pkwy sections). Good locations set up for water and powerade (both available at every stop). Getting out was easy enough for me but some roads were blocked so it may have been harder for others.


E. P. from Columbus, OH (10/13/2014)
"Challenging course, but great overall race!" (about: 2014)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

The Akron marathon was my first full marathon. I must say, I greatly appreciated all the information provided by the race organizers. The website is great, including mile by mile course videos. The organizers send out a giant race-information packet about a week or so out from the event with all the answers to any questions you may have. This was great for someone running their first marathon. I really appreciated being able to see and study the course, especially since I'm not local to Akron. Parking was also free and very easy thanks to their good preparation, including lots designated for relay/half/full marathon racers. I sat in only about 10 minutes of traffic.

The course is not flat and fast, as most people know when they sign up for Akron. However, everyone seems to love this race which is why I chose it for my first full. While some complained about the section on the towpath lacking spectators/ not being exciting, I actually really enjoyed this section of the course. It was completely shaded and the trail was a nice break from the pavement for my shins. Post towpath trail is when the course really starts to get tough with the hills (up until then, the first half of the course flies by). The residents of 'The Wood' around mile 19 were an excellent pick me up. Everyone was out in their lawns and drive ways having parties and cheering for the runners. The crowd support was much needed at this point in the race. The crowds for the first half of the race were amazing downtown and I was greatly expecting the numbers to fall off for the second half of the route, however they proved me wrong.

You can't beat the free asics jacket. It was great. Also, the for spectators, the course is easy to navigate- my family was able to see me at the start, miles 3,9,11,16,19, right before turning into the stadium and crossing the finish line.

Besides the hills, the most difficult thing about running this race is the marathon relay participants. It can be a bit demoralizing having someone fly by you on mile 20. But relay participants have bibs on their back distinguishing them which helps a lot. Just be mentally prepared for them and do not sprint the start of the race with them.

Overall, great experience. Glad I chose Akron for my first full marathon.


C. B. from Los Angeles, CA (10/4/2014)
"One of the best marathons in the country" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my 13th marathon. I had run the relay in previous years but was worried about the hilly full course. I shouldn't have worried. The hills add challenge, but they also keep the course fresh and keep muscle groups changing. It's a great, great course and the weather was great this year as well. As always, the organization and race logistics were superb, including well-spaced water stations, 3 gel stations, gear check, etc. There were many fans cheering throughout the course. To put things in perspective: I've run fulls, halfs and other distances all over the US, including Boston, Chicago, LA, and DC, and the Akron Marathon provide the best overall race day I've had. I'll be back.


Sanjay Mohanta from Ottawa, ON (9/29/2014)
"58th Marathon! A very tough, hilly course!" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

As a marathoner I think you should try to do a race in Ohio every year. I did races in Xenia, Dayton, Cleveland and Toledo and now Akron. They are well organized, have great volunteers and it is close enough from Toronto it is worth the drive. Akron is a very hilly, tough course. The weather was hot but the organizers spent the time letting the runners know when the temps were too high with notices on humidity levels. Nice touch! The first half of the course went through the city and the last half was mostly through a park. I loved the fact that the parking was free on race day and that I only spent 85 cents on parking all weekend. The only problem I h ad was the way to late hotel shuttle buses after the race. The free showers at the Y rocked. You get a free running jacket and socks at this race so do this race!


T. P. from Fairlawn,Oh (11/18/2013)
"Love this race." (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Akron Marathons

11 years ago I ran my second marathon which was the first Akron Marathon now I've run 66 including all 11 Akron Marathons. If I only ran 1 a year it would be Akron. Lots of hills in the second half, man up don't whine about it. I had a PR on this course in 2011.


Rebecca Sullivan from Lafayette, IN (10/23/2013)
"Great organization!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

Even though it was a lot hillier than I expected, this was a great marathon experience. I especially loved that at the water stops the volunteers wore signs that indicated whether they were a water or powerade person. That really impressed me and made it easy to navigate the stops! Also, I must not have read the fine print because I was totally surprised to get the awesome Brooks running jacket! I wasn't expecting that! For the first time, I tripped and fell down while running a marathon (on the towpath) - runners immediately rallied around me and helped me up and every first aid station I passed was quick to offer me help. With skinned knees and elbows, I was still able to finish - a really nice bonus was that several weeks after the race I received a packet in the mail with a great wall placque - it turns out I was in the top 5 of my age group, had won an award, and didn't know it! Another great surprise! I also think the second half of the marathon course was prettier than the first half - often this isn't the case. The only really annoying thing about my experience was that I stayed at the host hotel (Akron City Center) - they only had one person on duty to check people in the night before the marathon. I had to wait in line about 45 minutes. Very annoying . . . I'd suggest the race organizers make sure they educate the host hotel next year as to what to expect.


Gid Oswitch from Kent, Ohio (10/6/2013)
"An awesome event!!!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Akron Marathons

Last Saturday was my 11th running of the Akron Marathon and of course, the organization was A-1, spectators very vocal and ammenities top notch. But this year was a little different for me - coming into this race with an injury made me start having to use the Aid Stations at mile 5 for the rest of the race. Usually, I fly by the aid stations, but not this year. I mention this because the medical staff was excellent - caring, supportive, helpful and doing all they could to help me continue with the race. Though my time was my slowest to date, I finished under tough circumstances and owe a lot of that to the great volunteers stationed at the numerous first aid stations. Part of my finisher's medal should be given to each of these folks - thanks so much and see you next September!


E. O. from New Castle, PA (9/30/2013)
"First class Event!!!" (about: 2013)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I give this event 5 stars across the board! The premiums were amazing, Brooks running jacket, finishers Towel, Nice medal, running times for a year, and a great goodie bag. The event was very well organized, the course was well marked, and the spectators throughout were amazing. The finshers festival was also very nice and easy to navigate. I would without a doubt recommend this event to anyone looking for a great midsize marathon with all the extras of a big city event!


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