calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 231 to 241]
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David Hartman from Pennsylvania (10/1/2006)
"Great mid-size marathon, incredible value" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Akron Marathons

This was my 3rd time running this race, and I imagine I'll be back every year until I'm too old to run. It's not a PR course, but it's varied, scenic, and interesting, with an adequate number of spectators (and opportunites for them to see their runners during the race without having to drive). The organization is great - a fine expo, plenty of excitement at the start and finish, and more Gu stations and porta-johns than you could imagine. As to the value - how about a free running hat every year, an extra tech shirt if you register early, and oh, yeah, free shoes this year! My only complaint is minor - they ran out of most of the free food items by the time us back-of-the-packers finished. Bottom line: you have to run this race. Even if you want to save your fall race for a PR attempt and don't pick Akron for that reason, run it slowly as your last long run, then go to your "fast race" 3 or 4 weeks later. You'll be glad you did.


Cindy Kasper from Stow, Ohio (10/1/2006)
"Perfect." (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Akron Marathons

I have run this marathon for four years straight and I am completely in awe of it. Even though the race is superbly well organized, the focus is still on pampering the athletes. They open the Gu packs, they shake your hand at the finish line, and they announce every runner coming into the stadium to finish. I could go on and on. Thank you, Akron!


B. C. from Canton, Ohio (10/1/2006)
"Motivation" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons

Akron has it going on up there! What a great event for NE Ohio. Never let this race go, because it helps people's hearts and souls. I've had the pleasure to run the relay the past 2 years with both of my sons, their step brother and my nephew. We will be here every year for life. This is good for my co-racers and will only keep them healthy.

I've run 10 marathons in my lifetime, but 1995 was my last. I've signed up to run the Cleveland Marathon on May 20th of 2007. I'm in mileage buildup for this, and this race was mentally good for me. Other marathoners who passed me yesterday gives me more motivation on what I need to do this fall, winter and spring.

Bill Rodgers inspired me in the 70's with his domination at the Boston and New York Marathons. He was and still is RELENTLESS. We all need to take his advice, and run for a lifetime. This is not only for running, but for life in general. Running not only gives you peace of mind; it also makes you a better person.

My wife Cindy has breast cancer, and has spread to her bones. She is strong but is in pain all day and night. She's a fighter and is the most caring and nicest person you could ever meet in a lifetime. She took custody of her cousin, Jacob, 5 years ago this November and he's now 8 years-old. We brought Jacob a long way and he is the most loving boy you could ever see! My wife's daughter is 21 years-old, and my four children's ages are 26, 24, 23 and 20. I also have three grandchildren, so I need to stay strong and healthy for Cindy, Jacob, my children and grandchildren. I love running and will run for many years. I RUN FOR MY WIFE CINDY IN MY HEART and SOUL. TEARS CAME TO MY EYES PRIOR TO THE START OF YESTERDAY'S RACE JUST THINKING OF HER. Please put her in your prayers.



H. E. from Detroit,Mi (10/1/2006)
"The ABSOLUTE TRUTH about this race!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I almost passed on this race. Reading all the negative comments about hills, I wondered... but wait, Akron's not THAT close to any mountain ranges, right? So what gives? So I did it anyway, and I must now say this OUTLOUD: THIS RACE HAS NO MORE "HILLS" THAN ANY OTHER CITIES I HAVE RUN AND WILL MENTION: Detroit, Dallas, Miami, Cincinnati, Cleveland, South Bend, Pittsburg, Philadephia, Altanta, Dayton, Charlotte, and Toronto. (Oh by the way, speaking of Toronto, which I hope we can all agree is flat, I ran that race last week (Sunday) before this one, and my times are practically identical - just a few minutes off Akron's - but my legs can testify that that had all to do with running two marathons six days apart instead of anything to do with the terrain! SO THERE'S THE PROOF RIGHT THERE FOLKS!!

This race was extremely well thought out, making this beautiful city and the race itself feel much bigger than it is! Helpful, plentiful and attentitive course officials, aid stations at the perfect spots, and a unique course that was NEVER boring really did make this race feel just as big as the cities mentioned! WOW! And in reality, the declines far outnumber the inclines. When going up, the grade was not aggressive in any way, especially compared to what I've experienced.

If you want to do a top-notch marathon, you just cannot go wrong here. If you need to come in first place the absolute no-effort way, I guess this might not be for you (if you must have a gym-grade flat surface). But for the common four-hour core runner I pride myself on, I will check this one as a place to recommend and look forward to doing again! Oh yeah!


Paul Felber from Akron Ohio (9/30/2006)
"My first run. Contagious." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

My sister conned me into the relay and after the run I'm glad she did!!! I had a great time.


D. L. from Akron, Ohio (9/30/2006)
"This is the best race in the country!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons

The Akron Road Runner Marathon is the absolute best! It is so well organized and incredibly well supported by the community. Everyone has to run this marathon!


C. P. from Lake Wylie, S.C. (8/30/2006)
"awesome race - great people" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first marathon!! Aside from a slight stomach virus, the race was a wonderful experience. The day couldn't have been more perfect with cooler temps. and lots of sun.

Hill training is key to making it a successful race. I was not expecting the 3-mile uphill climb, though I'd heard about it. But the cheering spectators made it fun and kept me going. (Ohio has the best cheering section in the nation!) The bands along the way took over the weariness that started to overcome me during the latter part of the race. I also wanted to stop at the many houses having BBQ's (a little hard to take). But the best part was the big finish in the Akron Aero's minor-league stadium! It made one feel like an Olympian. There were loads of pictures taken throughout the race, great medals and shirts, and delicious food and drinks (beer!) at the end of the race.

I wouldn't have wanted to do it without my (also first-time marathon) friend Yussy! Thank you for being the world's best running partner! We did it, girl! Thanks also to "slow-poke," (many-time marathoner and ultra-marathon runner) who stayed with us and pulled us through with his endless stories and make-you-hunch-over-laughing jokes! We loved every second of it! :o)

Akron Rocks!


john antol from newark, ohio (7/20/2006)
"spectacular" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first marathon and I wasn't sure what to expect. The overall course was great and the support from the spectators made me feel like I was the one they were cheering for. I can't wait to run it again.


C. G. from Columbus, IN (6/25/2006)
"An excellent, well-run event" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This marathon was an excellent experience. The course was challenging enough to make the training worthwhile; it was beautiful and well populated with volunteers, police, water stops and spectators. I loved the finish on the warning track in the stadium - makes you feel like an Olympian!!


A. H. from Akron, OH (4/27/2006)
"Pound for pound, the best value out there." (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

I am so impressed with the Akron Marathon. Last year for my entry fee, they gave me a beautiful tech shirt and a technical hat along with free food and beer at the finish line. This year they are adding FREE SHOES.... This is not a misprint. Every finisher gets a free pair of Etonic shoes. Now I admit, I am unfamiliar with the Etonic shoe line, but how can I go wrong? This race makes it very attractive. They have incredible organization for a race with only 3 years under its belt. My only complaint: Why should I have to run the race to get the shoes? Shouldn't my entry fee be enough? I am kidding....


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