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Akron Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 309 [displaying comments 271 to 281]
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J. B. from Akron (10/13/2004)
"Organization on par with any marathon!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my seventh marathon and first Road Runner Akron Marathon. By far this is the most organized of all of them. The care and thought process on so many areas was incredible. Mile markers and clocks at every mile. At mile 15 there was person telling people what pace they were on. A blue line indicated the course route. 20 water stations with free Gu at several of them. Signs giving advance notice where water stations, aid stations and porta potties were located was just one subtle touch. The volunteers and race staff were so friendly and treated you like elites even though I finished in just over 4 hours. The fans were fantastic as well. This community knows how to support a race.

This race was a little expensive but the goodies were the best of any event... wind shirt, technical hat, sunglasses and more. Also, I received a free subscription to Running Times. You would have though this race was 20 years in existence but in reality only its second year. They won me over!!! Although the course is a little challenging, I would highly recommend this event to any runner... you won't find a better venue around.


n. m. from solon, OH (10/11/2004)
"Akron shined!!! Beautiful course!!" (General Comments)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

This was my first relay marathon. I ran the fourth leg through the park. I was so impressed as to the number of people on the course cheering everyone on. There were so many fans out on the streets, it was truly inspiring. My group can not wait til next year. Loved the ending in the stadium and the announcing of the teams. Had trouble finding teammates at the end. Very memorable experience and unbelievably organized, no detail overlooked.


r. s. from Cleveland, OH (10/11/2004)
"Unbelievable... can't wait until next year" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Akron Marathon

What a beautiful course. Everywhere you went there were people cheering, music, cheerleaders, bands... wow. This should put Akron on the map in the running world. I can't begin to tell you how organized this was. I've never seen so many volunteers. Great job!!


R. S. from Washington, PA (10/10/2004)
"Fantastic organization" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

This was only my third marathon, but I cannot imagine a better organized event. Everything from the expo, to volunteers, water stations, to the finish in the stadium. I really enjoyed the finish in the stadium, but I did not like that I could not easily meet up with my wife after I finished. I agree with a previous comment about separating the marathoners from the relayers after the finish. It was just so crowded after climbing the steps and difficult to get through the loud mass of people.

Where the finish photos were taken under the roof it was so crowded that you couldn't tell where the line began to get your picture taken. I would have liked to get my picture taken, but it was just too discouraging in those conditions. Don't get me wrong. This is a top rated event! It just needs a little fine tuning.

They also advertised this cutting edge technology that would call, email or text message friends and family as you crossed the timing mats throughout the course. I really liked this idea since my wife would be out on the course and it would be helpful to receive a call telling her of my projected finish time. But, this new system did not work as advertised.

The course is very nice and the 4 miles on the runner friendly surface of Towpath Trail is greatly appreciated. From about 16.5 miles to 24 miles there is a series of uphills that were tough for me coming at that stage of the race. So do your hill workouts in preparation in doing this marathon.

A highlight for me was at the expo where I got to talk with Bill Rodgers and got his autograph. Organizers advertised that Bill would be at the marathon. Which I assumed he would be running the marathon. At the expo he said he was only going to run a 10K. I did not see him at the marathon, so I don't know if he ran at all. False advertising?

I know I gave some negative comments, but these are only minor things that the organizers can work on. I know they will do their best to make this event even better than it already is!


Dennis Smith from New Jersey (10/8/2004)
"Variety, Spectators, Fun but Challenging" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 2 Akron Marathons

This is a great race. I ran solo in 2003 and participate on a relay team in 2004. For those who can access Akron easily and are interested in trying marathons but don't want to travel to Chicago or NYC to find out (and pay the costs of travel), do this race. Its very friendly from all persepectives. The course is a moderate challenge. Not too hard to scare people away but not completely flat like Chicago. Spectators are great - Akron continues to see they have a great thing going. This is also a great event for those interested in big event excitement but smaller distances - do the relay, great experience.


C. W. from Solon, Ohio, USA (10/5/2004)
"Best organized I've ever run" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

Signs, water, restroom & first aid stops throughout the whole course. All helpers friendly and encouraging. Beautiful course run by great people. Will run it again and highly recommend others do so.


C. L. from Powell, OH (10/5/2004)
"Race while well organized--tough in a lot respects" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

#1 comment is tough-course... The rolling ups and downs of first 10 miles were a big body blow to anyone with time in mind. I was quite surprised - maybe my fault - at the severity of course. Coming out of city, mile 10-11, I was quite exhausted and was alone with my thoughts for next 6-7 miles in valley which, while picturesque, didn't lead to much crowd activity. So when I needed the boost from the crowd, it was not there till 20ish when I was spent. Last 6 miles were enjoyable through town again and historical place.

Ending in the stadium quite nice but my time had suffered. Organization was good but all in all not my favorite. Great city and all. If time is issue I met various marathoners whose times also suffered. Also 2000-3000 relay runners while good for future was a bummer because so many fresh legs were always passing me by. Give it a 3 out of 5. Chris, Powell, OH.


Rob Prindle from Erie, PA (10/4/2004)
"Good race... But Mich Ultra?" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

The weather wasn't great for the 2004 Akron Marathon, but the race was well organized and the volunteers were enthusiastic. And I enjoyed the pre-marathon expo.

There were only a few minor negatives; I thought there could have been fewer potholes along the course, and pre-race parking was a bit confusing. Then there was the post-race party where they served Michelob Ultra. And that's kind of funny if you think about it because if there is any group that's in need of carbs it would be people who just ran 26 miles. But it was free, so perhaps I shouldn't complain.


J. H. from Oklahoma CIty, OK (10/4/2004)
"Excellent organization and a challenging course." (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Akron Marathon

After doing thirty something marathons, I have come to appreciate a really well organized and well run race. The Akron Marathon is right up there with the best. From the packet pick-up to the aid stations on the course to the finish line, all were well managed. The only things that I would have liked to see different were after the finish. Having to walk up the stadium stairs after running 26.2 miles was not fun. At the top of the stairs, it was so crowded that it was not possible to see where the runners' area was located. Therefore, I missed out on the food, massages and free beer! I rated the fans a 3 only because of smaller numbers, probably due to the misty rain.

Overall, the Akron Marathon was an outstanding experience that I would highly recommend.


M. S. from North Carolina, USA (10/4/2004)
"2nd Year, Still an Excellent Marathon" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Akron Marathons

I ran the inaugural marathon in Akron last year, and was excited to come back to this well-organized marathon. For the most part, it was as good as last year, and I would do it again. There seemed to be more volunteers last year, although everyone volunteering was excellent and tried to make the runners feel at home. There seemed to be some communication gaps, however, between the race management and the volunteers (especially at the expo), but nothing major.

They gave a nice windshirt this year, and the other runner premiums were the among the best I've recieved. The race director shook everyone's hand at the finish, which was a nice touch as well. The aid stations were aplenty, and well staffed. The course was admittedly hilly, but still beautiful.

Mentally, I would have liked to see more marathoners and less relay runners along the course. It seemed like everywhere I looked were relay folks, and at the finish, it would be nice if the race management could find a way to separate the relay runners from the full marathoners. Or at least save the massage tables for those who ran the full marathon. The post-race party was much improved this year, with outdoor live music, food, beer/wine, etc. It was very festive, and I would have liked to have stayed longer.

Unfortunately for Akron, the weather was a bit cold and rainy, which likely resulted in a lower turnout for the post-race party. Still, I hope the race management keeps the post-race plan alive for next year. It was a great idea for runners and their families.

This is a great marathon - they set the bar very high in 2003, and I plan on coming back for #3. The race volunteers, police along the course, and fans along the way helped make this a fantastic race!


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