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Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 401 [displaying comments 381 to 391]
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Todd Livingston from Omaha, NE (1/13/2004)
"Good start to a great race!" (about: 2004)


Overall, I commend Elite Racing for their organization of a great race. The few minor glitches that everyone is talking about were definitely overshadowed by the great volunteer support, great scenery, and awesome turnout! Also, awesome job done by all bands on the course... YOU ROCK! The only thing I question is the grade of the course. They said it was flat and fast... mostly correct... but the steep incline at mile 19 was brutal. I can say that I will be back next year and for years to come!


S. H. from Burbank CA (1/13/2004)
"No support for half marathon" (about: 2004)


Rodney Dangerfield gets more respect than half marathoners did at this event.

They promised a flat course, which it was, but they could have mentioned that the 1/2 marathon was 9 miles of industrial district... oh, the scenery.

After having done the inaugural Rock and Roll Marathon in San Diego, we expected the late start, but not what we found (or didn't find) on the race course. There were very few bands & even fewer water stations!

At one point where the marathon & half marathon were heading down the same street, (approx. mile 7) they had Gatorade on the north side of the street for the marathoners and waved the half marathoners off, telling us we had water 'down by the band', a half mile down the road.

Why not have a Gatorade/water station down the middle of the street for everyone?

As far as spectators go, the cheerleaders were all there was for support on this course until the last mile or so. There was one local group who blasted music out of their window for us on mile 11, which was a fun boost.

We had much better spectator experiences in San Diego where the locals lined the streets, sprayed you with water, blasted radios & even handed out cups of cold beer.

Maybe we would have had a better experience if we had done the full marathon.

San Diego was much better the second year, so hopefully Rock and Roll AZ will get it right in its second year as well.


D. B. from denver, co (1/13/2004)
"Dudes... chill out and enjoy the race!!!" (about: 2004)


KUDOS to the organizers who put on one HELL of a race... yup, the morning traffic was a nightmare, and the toilets on the course were a bit sparse, but every other aspect of the race was excellent! So the race began 30 minutes late... no harm done for the VAST majority of the runners - and a great BENEFIT to those late arrivers who were given the opportunity to experience the official start.

- topnotch pre-race info, confirmation and maps
- EASY packet pickup at expo (waited less than 5 minutes in line TOTAL Sat at 2pm to pick up bib, chip AND t-shirt)
- great expo, nice variety
- course was MAINLY flat, as advertised... perhaps a bit more variety of neighborhood would make the course more interesting... at least the hilly miles were BEAUTIFUL!!!! : )
- solid fan support along the route; not overwhelming, but strong throughout
- water stations MORE THAN ADEQUATE; stations LONG... keep it up; need a second (earlier) GU station
- plenty of food/drink at finish... HELPFUL AND PLENTIFUL MEDICAL STAFF ensuring runners were ok; great organization flowing runners through


With almost 30,000 participants, I felt the event was EXTREMELY well organized for the first year... I will be back next year!!!!


D. D. from St. Louis, MO (1/12/2004)
"A well organized run, especially for their first" (about: 2004)


How can people be so critical of a first-time marathon? I thought it was a very good route, wide streets (a big plus) and great coverage! The hotel we stayed at was very accommodating and excited about the race, as was the city. I heard the traffic was bad to get there, which caused a delay in the start but we were there extra early (thanks to our hotel) and had no problem. I liked the way you check your bags and everyone was very friendly! Thank you, I had a good experience for my first Rock 'n Roll Marathon.


J. W. from Denver (1/12/2004)
"Not bad for the first time around" (about: 2004)


OK... so I was dropped off at the start around 6:30 a.m. by a local, and had no problems with getting there on time. The 30-minute late start was a disappointment, but I expect that they will iron that out next year, because it looks like they intend to keep this race around for awhile! Otherwise, I thought the race was organized very well for the first time around. The starting corrals, signs, gear check, finish area were great. The volunteers were absolutely wonderful. I must have had at least 3-4 people come up and ask me if I was all right after I finished. I thought the crowds along the course were a bit thin, but I think that will improve year after year. Overall, a very organized race that should improve if they can work out the transportation problems at the start.


Frank Spicer from Tampa, Florida (1/12/2004)
"Thank the Lord for clouds" (about: 2004)


The sports expo immediately conveyed that the half marathoners were not second-class citizens in this event. My wife was one of the 14,000 half marathon finishers who proudly earned a beautiful cactus finisher medal. She even bought the half marathon finisher shirt!

Overall, the race organizers did a very good job with this first-time event. I'm sure they will address the parking problems that resulted in the 30-minute delay at the start. After running in the inaugural Rock 'n' Roll Marathon in San Diego, I never thought this would happen again. It did. However, in this case, the bands actually showed up - and they were fantastic every step of the race.

As advertised, the course was flat as a pancake with the exception of a gradual uphill stretch during miles 17-19. Fortunately, this was the most scenic portion of the course. This marathon won't challenge Twin Cities for the world's most beautiful urban marathon.

It was probably close to 60 degrees at the start and was reaching the low 70's by noon. The moderate headwind actually helped to cool things down. Since there was little shade on the course, we were blessed with ample cloud cover. Otherwise, it would have been an even longer day for most of us.

The marathon finisher medal was shaped like Arizona and could easily serve as a paperweight. The post-race concert featuring the Goo Goo Dolls was a blast. Prior to the marathon, a day trip to Sedona made the four-day trip a most memorable experience.

For those looking for a fun-filled racing weekend, give this event special consideration. Based on past history, Elite Racing will address the relatively few problems and make the 2005 version even better. Rock on.


A. B. from Seattle, Washington (1/12/2004)
"They all SAY flat! But is it?" (about: 2004)


To begin, first we had a late start of 25 minutes. The first 1/2 of the marathon I would say was pretty flat... I thought to myself, wow a race that is really true to what it advertises. Well... not so. There were more than a few long, gradual hills, one very steep, long hill, and when you're expecting flat, those hills seemed like monsters (along with the very warm temperatures, and strong headwinds).

Water stations were too far apart when you have heat like that; the runners really did suffer as I did, from mile 20 to finish... I just couldnt get enough water. The spectators were awesome. There I was really impressed! I'm glad I was a part of this event, but would be last on my list to do ever again. In fact, it wouldn't be on my list.


S. D. from New York (1/12/2004)
"Professional job by an experienced organization" (about: 2004)


As as verteran now of 34 marathons of all diferent sizes I would like to commend Elite Racing for once again proving what a professionally run, experienced, and well managed organization can acomplish. The race met every expectation a runner could have for a marathon.

The course was interesting in that it went through nice parts of the city and took you through an interesting park. While I know the half marathon course was boring and not interesting I thought the marathon course was very entertaining and showcased the city very well.

The race directors got the word out about the race and there where a lot of spectators. The volunteers, bands, and cheerleaders were great.

The only thing stopping me from giving this race five stars is the few glitches, which can be easily remedied. First more port-o-sans at the start; there were enough on the course and at the finish but not enough at the start where they are needed the most.
Second, iron out the problems which delayed the start. This can be done by scheduling the road closings for earlier and the shuttles to leave earlier. Third, due to how fast it gets hot in Pheonix schedule the start for 7:00.

Other then the above, it was a great race by a professional organization. This race should definitely go right to the top of your winter running destinations in that it has all the ingredients of a great vacation destination in the Scottsdale Pheonix area and is a well run race.


C. H. from Hermosa Beach, CA (1/12/2004)
"Fast, not flat - the support made it fast" (about: 2004)


Even though I still think the San Diego R&R marathon was a better time, for its first marathon, I was impressed with Arizona's. I didn't expect too many spectators on the course, but I was wrong. The fan base for this race was so strong and encouraging and it's for THAT reason that I got my PR. Yes, they need more shuttles. Yes, the hill at 19 was unexpected. Yes, the race started a half-hour late. But all of those mistakes should almost be expected for a first-time marathon with this many participants.

This marathon will only get better and it is already VERY good. The final .2 of the marathon was numbing. SO many fans cheering and so much support from all of the volunteers. I highly recommend this marathon and I thank all of the volunteers, spectators, and bands for coming out and making 26.2 miles seem like an easy jog.


l. k. from San Diego, CA (1/12/2004)
"Poorly organized fiasco" (about: 2004)


Elite Racing has put on enough races to know better! Parking and shuttles were a fiasco, requiring a 30-minute late start. Course was ugly strip malls and commercial thoroughfares, with headwinds for at least 15 miles. I've done every edition of the San Diego Rock and Roll, and plan to continue. However I will NOT be going back to Arizona.


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