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Sri Chinmoy Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 47 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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J. L. from Boston (9/10/2006)
"Very nice - maybe not for everyone" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

The course is a flat as you could possibly hope. There is nothing resembling a hill and barely anything that is even an incline. I personally liked the multiple-loop course, but I understand how some might hesitate. It gave me a good chance to compare my condition at each point as the race progressed.

As noted above, the rain was incredible. It was unrelenting. I did Hartford last year, which had terrible rain, and this was worse, without question. Add to that the fact that there were tornado sirens blaring, as well as consistent thunder and lightning, and it really had a negative affect on my race. Up to 20 miles I tried to keep a positive mental state, but it just never ended and I lost it for the last 6 miles.

The water stations were plentiful, and it was impressive that they were manned as well as they were, given the rain. I would have preferred to have Gatorade rather than the "energy drink" that they provided. I was unfamiliar with it and hesitated using it as I had not trained with it.

All in all, I would do this race again. But, I hope, with better weather conditions.


M. B. from Montreal ,canada (8/31/2006)
"that's a real one" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

A race full of human warmth, with thousands of smiles. I felt a little bad for all the people I "lightly" elbowed (sorry guys!) because of all the lapping. But even though there's no chip timing, this race is definitely PB worthy.

Should you run this one? Answer: read the comments from "A.S. from Montclair."


A. S. from Montclair, NJ (8/26/2006)
"A gem of a race and a great experience!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

The STM is produced by Sri Chimnoy, a self-proclaimed spiritual guru whose practice includes lots of meditation and singing, and focuses on achieving self-transcendence through striving to reach higher goals. Or something like that. The Sri Chimnoy Marathon Team sponsors regular fun runs for his followers in places as far away as Australia. For those who really want to guarantee self-transcendence they hold a 3,100 mile race. Runners do 5,649 laps on a half-mile course in 51 days!

The STM in Rockland Lake State Park was almost too easy to find. I was able to park very close to the registration area. Even though I hadn't pre-registered, the volunteers were accommodating, and I was able to get a bib number by 6:40 a.m. There were a well-organized baggage claim area, adequate bathroom facilities and porta-potties. About 800 runners lined up at the start and we set off to run 8 loops plus 2.7 miles around the 2.9 mile lake in Rockland Lake State Park. The course is very flat with a wide asphalt path. A dirt path runs along the asphalt one. There were three aid stations along the three-mile loop, all very well-stocked with water, sports drink, Coke, juice, and food like water melon, bread, gummies, and seaweed (I didn't ask). Volunteers were plentiful.

Before I did this marathon, I had a hard time believing I could run a loop 9 times and not go insane. But it was wonderful. After the first loop, I knew what to expect on the course, and what to expect at every aid station. Most of the path followed the lake, where swans floated along, ducks swam, reeds waved in the mist - beautiful scenery. The course was well marked with mile/lap markers, which were at first a little tricky to figure out but I got the hang of it.

I was impressed with the variety of people at this race. First, it had a very international flavor to it, since many Sri Chimnoy followers are in other countries. I heard runners speaking German, Russian, French, Czech, and some Indian languages. Second, there were many different running types. A fair number of the lean, fast marathoners, also quite a few older runners. One man who looked well into his 70s had run 908 marathons. Many heavier types. But everybody looked very focused and committed when they ran (and when you run a 3 mile loop for 26 miles, you see everybody).

At mile 6 or 7, it began to pour! I'm talking heavy, drenching, all-out rain. An hour later the thunder and lightening started. I half-expected the race to be called off, but it never was. It probably rained hard 75% of the time I was on the course. But it didn't bother me. I started reading the quotes on the t-shirts of runners around me. Practically every other runner in the race was wearing a shirt with an inspirational quote by Sri Chimnoy. Most were along the lines of "the only perfect road is the one in front of you," or "self-transcendence is eagerness in action." Everyone was just so upbeat, it was actually hard not to be. Even when my running shoes were soaked, and squeaked with ever step.

I found that knowing the course inside out gave a powerful psychological boost because I knew every landmark that told me I was close to the finish line. The guy playing the sitar on the course (when it rained, he wrapped it up and started chanting instead). The guys blowing on the conch shells and playing the drums. These girls who stood alongside the path and chanted.

The volunteers at the finish line and the plentiful post-race food and drink were wonderful. It was a first marathon for the friend with whom I ran this, and he also had a great experience here. The STM is definitely on my list for next year. The course is not currently certified, but I was told that it should be certified in a month or two. So I expect that next year's event will be better attended with many BQ hopefuls.


M. O. from Long Island, New York (8/8/2006)
"truly enjoyable experience" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

My wife came along with me to this marathon. We were surprised by the relaxed atmosphere of the race and the support runners received from the organizers and sideline people. She is not a runner and placed her chair just off the running path and gave encouraging words as I passed, and handed me drinks to keep me hydrated. She was my support crew.

The water stops were plentiful and restrooms were along the way if you needed them. The post-race party was unbelievable. Lots of different foods were served and available. I am registered and hopefully will be doing the 2006 marathon. I am hoping for a similar experience. I was very surprised when I took a trophy in my age group. And a big one at that.

This is a marathon I certainly would tell people to take time to make the trip to do. Fortunately it was a clear-weather, friendly day. People are afraid of summer marathons because of the heat. It could have been a scorcher. Let's hope the weather is clear again this year.


R. D. from Raleigh, North Carolina (2/9/2006)
"I really enjoyed the marathon; this was my first." (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

This was my first marathon. This is a flat course, a 3-mile loop. I really like that there was plenty of water and food at about every mile. This is a marathon that I would do again.


R. H. from Excelsior, Minnesota (9/6/2005)
"Most pleasant marathon I have ever run!" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

This was my 105th marathon so when I say it was the 'most pleasant marathon I have ever run', perhaps one can appreciate that I speak from a substantial base of reference. Also, using 'pleasant' to describe any marathon is new to me. But, honestly, it's the only term that fits!

I knew little about the Sri Chinmoy organization beyond being aware of the ultra ultra long runs they support and there really isn't much on the marathon website nor the Sri Chinmoy organization site which tells you, so here is just what I experienced:

First, nearly everyone there was from outside the US, very congenial...and patient! The race was due to start at 7:00 AM but at 7:30 we were still at the starting line with no indication what we were waiting for. Now in any other race, this would have led to mayhem but the majority of the participants apparently knew that we were awaiting the arrival of Sri Chinmoy himself. Mostly, they meditated or spoke quietly among themselves and this set the tone for the entire event i.e. we are here to partake in an athletic endeavor, a harmonious experience with our friends on a beautiful day so, relax and go with the flow!

Sri Chinmoy arrived at about 7:30 with absolutely no fanfare and proceeded to meditate, then spoke a dozen words, meditated once again and then, from somewhere, came a voice saying 'Let's go now'!

This race is eight and two/thirds laps around a beautiful three mile lake with aid stations at every mile.
They were bountifully stocked with everything one could want including fresh fruit and cold, sliced watermelon!

Moreover, there were groups of lovely young ladies seated on the ground next to our course by the lake singing a cappella (chanting sort of) which was just hauntingly beautiful. Others were playing flutes or a form of drum.

The sum of all this is that the event took on a far less competitive, less stressful atmosphere. Furthermore, we did the nine laps without chips or even anyone checking off our bib numbers as we progressed. This was certainly the honor system at work and is just another example of a mindset that encourages one to enjoy the experience, not burn yourself out!

Bottom line, if you want to set a PR, you could probably do it on this flat course, but I doubt your inner runner would drive you to do it! Oh, BTW, I should add that I did win my age group, despite my relaxed effort and received an astonishing three foot tall trophy!

It's a totally different experience, great for anyone who realizes there should be a time to smell the roses, even in a marathon. On top of that, it's run on a Thursday so you can be home to mow the lawn on Saturday!


t. k. from new jersey usa- (8/29/2005)
"best day of my life" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

My first marathon, so the loop was perfect - got to see my family every 3 miles. Not too many people around, and everything you needed, they had. They were the best.


M. O. from Long Island (8/29/2005)
"I enjoyed the experience/probably return again" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

As a daily runner and this being a summer marathon, it could have been a hot, hot, hot humid day. I did not expect the weather to be so perfect. My wife (she did not run and was a spectator) and I enjoyed meeting people from around the world. I had heard of the Sri Chinmoy races, but never experienced them myself, until this marathon. I was using this marathon experience not only as a marathon distance run, but, if I did not get to complete the distance, as a long run for the upcoming NYC Marathon in November. I truly enjoyed the run and the experience. I did not push my limits and finished feeling strong and in great spirits, and to my surprise took a trophy in my age group. I will probably return next year.


C. L. from New York, NY (8/28/2005)
"Nice peaceful race, lots of international runners" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

A good run. The course is 8 2/3rds loops around a beautiful pristine lake. There were lots of international runners; seems that I was one of the only English-speaking people there. Thus, I didn't get to talk to that many people during the race... not that they were being unfriendly, just that the didn't speak English. Well stocked w/ water, energy drink, bananas and chips. NO GU. bring your own if you want it. An interesting touch: just before the race, Sri meditates for the crowd.


E. K. from New York (8/26/2005)
"Wonderful event all-around" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Sri Chinmoy Marathon

The organizers are to be commended. The volunteers were extraordinarily kind and supportive and the availability of medical help and food made this a great event.


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