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Big-D Texas Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.8 
Number of comments: 173 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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J. M. from Chciago (4/12/2010)
"Ok for a smaller eace" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons

It was a nice course, especially winding its way by the lake. Aid station volunteers were energetic, which always helps. Aid stations didn't have any energy gels. Post-race food was really nonexistent. Bag drop was ok, but the pick-up was tucked away in a room in the back. Host hotel was just ok. They where supposed to have food out at 6 a.m., but it wasn't open until 6:15 a.m. Not a big deal unless the shuttle is supposed to leave at 6 a.m.


M. d. from Dallas (4/12/2010)
"Good, small event" (about: 2010)

First Marathon

Good for a small event. About 85% of the course is great - generally rolling hills with one monster at about mile 20. Not sure if the finish could even be changed, but a significant lack of water over the last 5 miles added to the pain.


L. F. from Dallas (4/12/2010)
"Low-key; nice course; will it do again!" (about: 2010)

First Marathon

Before the race, I heard a loud roar of thunder, looked up at an overcast sky and thought a storm was brewing. Well, I completely forgot they were imploding TX Stadium that morning. LOL!

This was my first marathon. I read the reviews before I ran so I knew what to expect. I train out at White Rock, so I know how those winds a'blow out there. Luckily, it was very mild... so we had almost no wind off of the lake. Weather was perfect, in the 70's. True, there were not too many spectators for this race, but I felt the support from the water/aid stations was sufficient enough for me. Plenty of bathrooms along the way too. There were several hills throughout... but nothing overly challenging, except for the one right around mile 20. I finished in about 5 hours and I was surprised to find some keg beer left! I'll run this one again.


M. T. from San Antonio, TX (4/12/2010)
"Good organization; wish it were less hilly though" (about: 2010)

First Marathon

I think the race organizers read the previous comments about the race and really tried to improve the race from last year. I wasn't expecting very many spectators since this is a small race, but the support from the water stations were amazing. A lot of the water stations had different themes. It was fun to come up to one with signs and decorations for their themes, such as the Skittles station or the Red, White, & Blue station. The volunteers would be dressed up and handing out different food that went with their theme, along with water and Gatorade. The water stations on this course were the best I have ever experienced at a race. There were also cheering sections along the route that were fun to run through. The start and finish area could have been better organized. Maybe signs to where the food is located once you cross the finish would help. The weather was really nice, considering it was April in Dallas: Overcast with a slight cool breeze in the 60s-70s. The course is pretty hilly. Isn't there a neighborhood around the lake that isn't hilly that we could have run through instead? If the course were flatter, this would be a really nice race.


D. M. from San Antonio, TX (4/12/2010)
"Organized Hills" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Big-D Texas Marathon

For a small marathon, it was well organized and the part of the marathon course around the lake was nice. Unfortunately, the negatives outweigh the positives. Here is a summary of both.

-Well organized and small (if you like small)
-Showers at the finish
-Lots of food and drinks at finish (although I was not feeling the baked potato)

-Bad cotton shirt
-Hills and more hills followed by a torture hill from mile 19 through 21
-Finisher medal was small and seemed cheap
-No prizes even though entry fee was expensive
-Marathon is in April so weather will be just below average at best (like it was this year, in 2010)
-When the marathon rejoins half, it is a mess. There were half marathon walkers that were walking 8-wide (more than one group) so it was hard to navigate around them when the roads were not closed.
-In addition to the hills, there were so many turns and directions were confusing. I actually turned the wrong way once before someone yelled at me. (Thank you to that person and to all of the volunteers.)
-Near the end there were people all over the course. I had to dodge spectators and I ran into one while I was entering the final tenth of a mile. I was actually stopped. Imagine how it feels to stop at mile 26.1 and start again to run the final .1 mile.
-Finally, according to people I talked to who had Garmins, the course was at least a quarter of a mile long.

In conclusion, I will not run this one again and I would only recommend it to those of you who are looking for a tough, challenging course.


d. p. from dallas, texas (4/11/2010)
"Friendly people = good; hills = bad" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Big-D Texas Marathon

The Good:
1) The water stops were very easy to get to, were placed about where the website said they would be placed, and had plentiful, friendly volunteers.
2) I've run some of the bigger marathons and fought the crowds. The craziest thing happened in this marathon. I stood in a long line for the porta-potty. I thought I would never make it through. The line moved incredibly quickly. I stepped out of the porta-potty about 3 minutes before the gun went off to start the race. I walked probably 10 feet to the start line and lined up 3 feet from the start line. Didn't have to push my way up there. Just walked up to the start. Very nice not having to fight my to get to the front of a corral.
3) Tons of food and drink after the marathon.
4) Lots of nice people.

The Bad:
1) A lot hillier course than it needed to be. I know it is impossible but it seems like you do more climbing then descending. The hill around Tokalon is a killer. If you are gunning for a certain time, skip this race.
2) Sparse crowd support (but very cheerful people).
3) No technical shirt.
4) Mile 24-26... not very attractive.
5) The elevation map on the Big D website is a little off. Hillier in real life. They have the elevation of Dallas around 100 feet above sea level and the hills rising a little from there. Compare that to the White Rock elevation chart.


Half Marathon Runner from Arkansas (4/11/2010)
"Not an awful race" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Big-D Texas Marathon

I ran the half. Had some issues with the hotel. We reserved at the host hotel at least 6 weeks in advance but got switched to another. Not a huge deal, but had some problems with making sure we had the right number of rooms. Not a bad course. Didn't care for the quick u-turn before the split. Race shirt was lame. Medal was small and pretty unremarkable. The race director was very nice and worked hard for us. If you're experienced, this isn't a bad race to do. Wouldn't want this to be my first.


D. J. from Frisco, TX (4/11/2010)
"Decent Course, But I Probably Won't Do It Again" (about: 2010)

3 previous marathons | 1 Big-D Texas Marathon

The race was ok... a bit hilly toward the end (I did the half marathon). The t-shirts were horribly ugly and there is no gift bag. For $65, I expect some goodies! That's not why I run, but it definitely makes it more fun! Terribly disappointing for the first-timers. :(


Srinivasa Teja Palla from Shreveport, Louisiana (4/15/2009)
"Will do this again" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Big-D Texas Marathon

For a small-scale marathon, it was really well organized. This is my second one after White Rock 2008, and I prepared myself for some disappointment. But for the terrible 25+ mph winds for pretty much 3/4 of the route and around the lake in particular, everything was above expectations.

The starting point was easily reachable, but it's always better to get there earlier. The fair grounds exit was jammed for awhile, and it made me nervous for awhile, but the start was close to the exit point, and I was at the start line by 7:50.

The route was great - mostly flat, with a decent share of rolling hills (although I hated every inch of that last mile uphill part). A couple of turns were a bit annoying, mostly in the second half. Water stations were well stocked and well placed. I would've loved it if they had them at every mile after 20. Mile markers were present but not prominent enough.

To the guy at the split shouting at the top of his voice, "Full to the right, half to the left," thank you very much.

The volunteers were really awesome. The crowds were not huge, but those who showed up were great in their support. Your presence sometimes does to runners what energy drinks cannot! Guy with Snickers: thank you, thank you. Kids with lots of candy, and guy in rabbit suit: you rock; thanks for the support. I was really looking for some cheering after 20. But there wasn't much. It looked kind of deserted 22-26. To the lady at water station 23rd mile: thanks a lot for the encouragement.

The loop/U just before the finish line was a bit annoying; also, the last stretch before the finish line was a little confusing, with all of the crowds.

Post-race showers were a great idea; I would've preferred ice bags around my legs though.

Post-race food was ok - pizza, beer and burritos. I filled myself with a couple of egg burritos (I think). I didn't get a finisher hat; I didn't realize there is one. I only saw the place where hats were on sale for $20. A technical shirt instead of a cotton one would've been cool. Also some goodies, but that's ok.

Overall, it is a decent marathon, though probably not for first-timers. It's definitely a "will do again" marathon, though.


J. Y. from Plano, TX (4/15/2009)
"Wrong Turn" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons

I was running the half and was around top 10-15. In a small intersection around mile 5-6, I stopped and asked for directions. A volunteer told me: the full marathon goes straight; the half turns right. I saw a chalk mark on the road that indicated the same, and 8 runners ahead, so I turned. What I didn't realize at the time was that this was after the mile 4 half-and-full-split, and there should be only one direction to go (since it was for half-marathoners only). As a result, we ran off the course and crossed two service roads without any police monitoring. Luckily, there was no traffic at the time. I was on pace for 11 miles to break 1:25 before I realized that I had run 4 more miles. I finished at 2:05.

I have run 8 marathons, including mega ones like Chicago and New York, and can't be considered inexperienced.

I can't do it again, even though it's local, with nice race-day registration and an indoor resting area!


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