calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Estes Park Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.9 
Number of comments: 66 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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T. P. from Nether Reaches of Minnesota, USA (6/18/2008)
"A Scenic Place To Suffer" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

I apologize for adding to the warnings and tales of woe for this race, but it reinforces the fact that this is a tough course that, particularly for low-landers, should be approached with low expectations and a philosophical approach to a potential new personal worst. The Estes Park Marathon's altitude, hills, and lack of shade are a given - plus it is likely that it'll be windy and/or hot. But I'll grant that the course and area are beautiful.

It appears many come for the shorter events (half, 10K and 5K); there are lots of people, but not many marathoners (just under 150 finishers in '08).

The volunteers were very helpful and nice. The website and printed information were very good, but not put-your-mind-at-ease detailed. (Please include more specific aid station location information and provide hard copies of course maps in the race packet.) Though there are different start lines for each event, maps of the school grounds make it easy to find registration, start areas, and the finish area. If you can't lock your belongings in a vehicle, you can hide your stuff near the finish or leave it with the timers (who were also very nice).

FYI: Massages were $1 US/minute, not gratis, and the food/treat area were up the hill from the finish. I was too heat- and hill-beaten to want any solid food, so I can't comment on the '08 food selection.


K. B. from Littleton, Colorado (6/17/2008)
"Beautiful and Challenging" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

This was a beautiful race and I will return next year. The course is challenging, but the beauty of Estes Park makes it all worth it. I enjoyed running through town and then also seeing the hidden areas of Estes. I think the race start should be better organized, and since all of the races start at different locations, it was very confusing. Every year will get better and better, I am sure. The shirts are nice and maybe next year we could purchase other marathon items.


T. G. from Durango, Colorado (6/16/2008)
"Lacks quality; find another race!" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

I went through and read all of the comments from previous years to see what this race is like. Yes, the altitude is high and there are hills, but this is Colorado, so that's to be expected. This was pretty much a second-class race in every way. Lousy t-shirts, no frills. It appeared that they went out of their way to make sure they didn't provide any extras for the runners. The one word I would use to describe this race is "CHEAP!" No bang for your buck, and when there are so many quality races out there that truly give you a lot (and I've done approximately 100 races in 30 years), there is no reason to choose to run a race that cut corners as this one does. Cheap, ugly cotton t-shirts; poorly organized - many runners left without eating because there were no signs or information pointing the way to the pavilion for the post-race food, which was only sub par anyway). Outside of the few people working the aid stations, I saw maybe 20 spectators on the entire course.

The one and only reason that I can see to run this race is for bragging rights that you ran the highest marathon on pavement. Other than that, don't waste your time or money. I can honestly say that in approximately 100 races that I've run (and probably another 50 races that I have volunteered in and worked), this was the one that stands out as the cheapest I've seen. Too bad. With a little creativity and vision, they could have a really special race.

Best points: The course was well marked, and it did start on time. Estes Park really let me down, and this is the only race I've commented on that I haven't just praised. Twin Cities Marathon - fantastic; the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon was a very moving tribute to those who lost their lives there. The point is: there are soooooo many great races out there - too many quality races to settle for one like this. My next marathon will be Akron. It was voted best new marathon last year and I am now ready to experience a race that does it right. The Estes Park Marathon missed the boat completely.


John Jory from Elko, NV (6/16/2008)
"Rocky Mountain Beauty" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

This was the slowest (4:58) and most beautiful of 16 marathons I have run. The majestic backdrop of 14,000-foot snow-capped peaks and superb race organization and volunteers make Estes Park a must-do run for any 26.2 miler. Take your time, run conservatively, smile at God's gift of nature, and take your time to laugh and thank the volunteers. The marathon field was small at only 170, and the number of volunteers was impressive. Even the unmanned water station at mile 3 was temporarily manned by a cyclist who had stopped to fill up water cups. The course elevation ranges from 7,500 to 8,100 feet, so be prepared with some hill and altitude training. The undulating course means that different muscles are used, in contrast to the constant pounding of flat city courses. The scenic figure-8 course provides an excellent tour of the area. The aid stations were superbly equipped with Gatorade, water, oranges, bananas and PowerBars, and staffed by friendly volunteers. Despite numerous twists and turns the course is very well marked with painted EPM arrows, bright yellow signs, orange cones and volunteers. The course weaves alongside several lakes and ends on the middle school track. I ended this wonderful event with a massage and did not have to wait in line. Thank you, EPM!


C. C. from Colorado Springs, CO (6/16/2008)
"Fantastic Race!!!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

I ran the Estes Park 1/2 Marathon and loved everything about it. Just before the race it was announced that the first 1/2 of the race was uphill and the second 1/2 downhill - and they weren't kidding! The course was challenging, but rewarding. Afterward, at the finish line, there were plenty of supporters in the stadium, and they announced your name as you crossed the line. The event organizers were fantastic - lots of food (fruit and sports drink at finish line, lots of great food at the after party), beverages (free beer from Estes Brewery!), and lots of smiling faces. I would recommend this race to anyone looking for beautiful views, fun people, and a nice weekend.


J. G. from Denver (6/15/2008)
"Beautiful but tough course" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

Words cannot describe the beauty of this course. You run surrounded by snow-capped peaks, next to streams and lakes. I have run the Pikes Peak and Steamboat Marathons, and Estes is even more beautiful. It is, however, a tough race. It is hillier than I expected (coming from someone who runs Pikes Peak...). Nothing wrong with this, but do not expect anything close to a fast course. I ran a good 15 minutes slower than my usual high-altitude, flat course speed. The second half is tougher than it looks, so you need to keep energy in reserve. Organization was great; fans were sparse (given the rural nature of the course) but enthusiastic; and for the fee, this is the deal of the century.


T. P. from Indianapolis, IN (2/11/2008)
"Toughest Marathon - Best People & Scenery" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

Coming from Indianapolis and growing up every summer in Estes Park (Cheley Camps), all I can say is WOW!! I have hiked to the top of Long's Peak several times and run in 6+ marathons, but nothing prepares you for this course. The race starts off easy but at miles 6-8 the course starts to test you. The Cheley aid station not only announces your name but entertains and cares for you as you pass through their 2 stations. The lengthy downhill portion is what you need to be prepared for because you are not even half-way there yet. The lonely portion of the race is when you pass through town (lots of friendly people cheering you on there) and out to the east/north of town it is a slight uphill grade until you turn back to the Stanley Hotel. From there it is back to the high school and friendly faces, food and drink.

If you have done the same old races, look for this one and try the half-marathon first and come back in 2009 and do the full marathon. Great organization and friendly people with the surroundings of Rocky Mountain National Park and the town of Estes Park; what a winning combination!


P. R. from Denver (2/10/2008)
"views you pay for" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

I ran in 2007: awesome views, but this year there were very hard (and warm) winds... and it was very hot. My biggest issue is that often the course was run on the left-hand side of the road.


S. B. from KCMO (6/25/2007)
"Well organized, small marathon!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

WOW! Aside from the beauty of the run, the course was very well supported with volunteers at well appointed water stations. I was truly impressed with all the aspects of this marathon. Although I am a "flat-lander," the hills and altitude weren't as challenging as I expected. Thanks for sponsoring such a well-organized run!


A. Y. from SD (6/17/2007)
"Unique" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Estes Park Marathon

I had to give 5 stars to spectators, as the animals were wonderful (and since there were warnings about aggressive mama elk, most grateful!). Saw 2 elk, and lots of other mammals. The highest altitude comes around mile 6, and the course staff are there calling out your names to get you up and over that hill.
I had one of my worst marathon times and still scored an AG award - and I'm really proud of that, as this is a challenging course. Forget all those races that promise you fast and flat or "BQ qualifier!" Do this run to celebrate all that you love about running, to give yourself a physical and mental challenge, and to experience the grandeur of a spectacular part of the world. If that's not enough, $10 of your entry goes to benefit the youth of Estes Park - there were volunteers thanking me for running, I kid you not.
Leave your watch at home and live your life - run Estes Park and give yourself a gift of nature, and of completing a challenging course that is well worth your trouble.


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