calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Foot Traffic Flat Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.6 
Number of comments: 91 [displaying comments 61 to 71]
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D. G. from Seatte (7/11/2007)
"Unacceptable" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Foot Traffic Flat Marathons

This is the second time I have run the Foot Traffic Marathon and it will undoubtedly be the last time. Sauvie Island is lovely but the lack of planning and organization are completely unacceptable. Running out of water cups is just plain ridiculous - not to mention dangerous, in the 90-degree weather. And to have it happen year after year? Get it together, Foot Traffic! The medals were cheap and thoughtless - so if you didn't get one because they ran out of those (and shirts) - you didn't miss much.


J. S. from Vancouver, WA (7/6/2007)
"newbie's impressions" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This was my first half marathon, which was a very big event for me. Reading last year's comments, just now, took a bit away from that accomplishment. I didn't realize halfers were such an irritant to the marathoners. That being said, I was irritated with some of the walkers, starting at the same time as the runners, not at the back and walking 3 abreast, oblivious to the pile up trying to get around them.

At my pace (11:29), I saw a lot of people pass me and I could not recognize a marathoner runner from a halfer. Perhaps different colored bibs? I for one am all for yielding and givin-the-luv to the marathoner.

The disappointment in organization: aid stations 2 and 3 were out of cups. I was able to get sugar water at the aid station at the 10 mile-mark... kind of too late. Imagine how rough that was on the marathoners. Maybe orange wedges at the aid stations? It was a big help at the end.

The amenities at the finish were awesome. The traffic to exit the parking lot was awful. Just plan to hang out and enjoy the party, take a nap, and don't plan to be somewhere after the race. We could not get out of our parking spot for a full hour.


K. J. from Tooele, UT (7/5/2007)
"Pretty course; great shortcake at end" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Foot Traffic Flat Marathon

Overall, a really nice race. Never heard of Sauvie Island before this - quite pretty and lots of fresh produce shops! Route flat, as promised, until the end. A bit of a hill and the last 1/2 mile on gravel, both of which I didn't like. Race started late based on crowds - perhaps an earlier start time would be better, as it got hot quick. Shirt and medal disappointing - shirt says "Foot Traffic Flat" - no year or indication of what kind of race or where it is. Medal also shows no year and shows 1/2 and full marathon together (I prefer separate medals for these separate races) and no mention of Sauvie Island, where the race took place. Fun post-race, with shortcake, hot dogs and a band.


D. D. from Portland, Oregon (7/5/2007)
"Good but improvements need to be addressed" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Foot Traffic Flat Marathon

It is a nice flat course, but putting a gravel road that has some hills at mile 13 is cruel. The gravel was small (like pea gravel), which made it similar to running in sand. It was a 89-degree day, which there is no control over, but making sure each aid stations had enough cups would have been nice. I used one off the ground. I noticed also that the first half of the course is nice and shaded, but the 2nd half is not. Why can't the direction of the race be reversed so that the runners get the shade later in the morning when it's warming - plus if the gravel road must stay, it would come first, not last. (I ran the half marathon.) They also ran out of medals, which is confusing, because of pre-registration. Strawberry shortcake was a nice touch.


E. F. from Portland, Oregon (7/5/2007)
"Good intentions didn't work for course this year" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Foot Traffic Flat Marathons

I've participated in all five of these 4th of July races (mostly the half, I must admit), and usually every year the organization improves dramatically, as does the number of entrants. This year the race directors tried hard to address the issue of auto traffic (getting in and out of the location) and runner safety by making adjustments to the course. Unfortunately, the traffic was even worse than last year. It took us over one hour to exit the parking lot, and then stop-and-go traffic for another 15 minutes to get back to the main highway. Because of the congestion before the race, the starting time for the half-marathon was changed several times and announced by race officials (was supposed to start at 7:30, then they changed it to 7:45, then to 8:00, then back to 7:45 again!). Worst was the final mile of the course, which is advertised as flat and fast. This new addition to the course consisted of a mile of loose gravel with little rolling hills and corners that left you wondering where, oh where, the finish line would show up. Hard to do that final sprint in gravel on an uneven roadbed.

It was also hotter than the hinges out on the road where there was no shade. Seeing as how this is a benefit for the local firefighters, wouldn't it make sense for them to have their pumper truck misting the runners at about the 10-11 mile marker where it was quite hot? I saw several runners collapse from the heat yesterday.

I love the course, and as a local runner who likes the running store putting on the race, will continue to support it. However, good intentions on their part definitely didn't improve anything this year. I think it could be time to cap entries and keep things manageable.


L. M. from Portland, OR (7/5/2007)
"Love the course; poor organizational skills" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Foot Traffic Flat Marathons

I walked the half marathon and truly love being out on the island early. An earlier starting time for all would be very beneficial. I missed the singing at the start, as it seemed to set the pace for July 4th! This is the 3rd year that I have done the half marathon and am really tired of no medal at the finish and you always run out of shirts. Can't you figure it our yet? Order more! I was "mailed" a medal last year and received an empty envelope!!


C. J. from Tooele UT (7/4/2007)
"Idyllic Setting - Great Shortcake!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Foot Traffic Flat Marathon

Peaceful, rural setting for the race - and nearly as flat as advertised! A couple of late course changes resulted in most of the last mile being on gravel and about half of that slightly uphill - but all in all a very nice, flat course, that this year ran slower due to the heat. There were no pacers nor times posted along the route, but the volunteers throughout the course were excellent. However, the race continues to grow and the location isn't adapting enough. There were huge traffic delays getting both on the island for the race and off the island after the race. That probably needs to be addressed as it resulted in both the full and half-marathon starts being delayed about 15-20 minutes - not a good thing with the heat moving in (sunny and near 80 by 10). Parking near the start/finish area also did not support all the runners. After-race snacks were good, esp. the fresh strawberry shortcake and then either hot dogs or veggie sausages. This is a race that would be worth trying again with a temperature near 60 - but signing up for that requires more skill than I have yet. Still a good race and the views of Mt. St. Helen's, Mt. Hood and even Mt. Adams were inspiring along much of the course. (Note: I only ran the half, and can't imagine another 13 miles in the heat!)


H. O. from Beaverton, Oregon (10/26/2006)
"the name says it all!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Foot Traffic Flat Marathon

I would agree with previous comments that this is a great half marathon - maybe not such a great full marathon unless you are very fast. The loop around the island is lovely - early morning mist, cool, horses grazing, the scent of berry fields - I even saw a bald eagle! The course is the flattest I have ever been on - I found that I really prefer a little variety but by mile 11 I was hoping for a speed bump or anything to give my leg muscles some change. For those of you out of the area, Foot Traffic is the name of a running store in the Portland area. The race is very low-key - those who plan ahead bring the family and a picnic lunch and stay in the park where the start/finish is to continue to celebrate the 4th of July. They also avoid the crush of cars trying to exit through the one-lane entrance. The strawberry shortcake fixed by the ladies of the local grange was a nice touch. Nice tech shirt for all participants. I think my medal had the right year - I'll have to look! I plan to do this race again - though just the half. It's a nice way to start the 4th. P.s. It is fast!

Ozzie from Oregon


Dustin Carda from Fargo, ND (9/16/2006)
"Beautiful race route; flat" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Foot Traffic Flat Marathon

I thought that this marathon was a lot of fun. This is a great marathon if you have family/friends that want to do more than wait to cheer for you. As long as children are not too young, they can ride alongside/ahead of their runner. This may not be as easy in the half marathon as the marathon due to the size of the half. Traffic is still able to travel the roads, so caution is advised. I ran this marathon without support from family/friends and it did get a little lonely on the second loop. Bring the family!


D. S. from Portland, OR (7/12/2006)
"Great race if it suits your fancy" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Foot Traffic Flat Marathon

You can definitely PR at this race. I blew away my previous PR by almost 7 minutes set a month earlier.

This is a half marathon that has added a marathon. Treat it as such. It's such a nice course that gives you the opportunity to run in a very small, fast marathon. Coming up on the half marathoners... I dreaded this before I started to come up to them, but there is also a big benefit. From about mile 16 through the end, I was continuously passing people. This helped keep me motivated. You do however have to expect to get little respect (although a few will recognize you as a marathoner and give you some love). Being relatively fast, negotiating the aid stations was a new challenge to me.

If you want a fast course, nice scenery, and a pretty well organized race, this is a good race. If you want to get extra kudos because you are a marathoner and not a half marathoner, this might not be for you. The right expectations make this a great race.


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