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Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 2.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.8 
Number of comments: 736 [displaying comments 121 to 131]
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E. M. from St. Louis, Missouri (12/11/2011)
"Trash Can Water Consistent with Reputation" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

I'm a 50-stater, and until now avoided Rock n' Roll marathons because of their poor reputation. In hindsight, it was a horrible decision to give in to friends and join them for the Rock n' Roll Vegas Marathon. Any organizers who would feed runners garbage water clearly aren't concerned with a safe and healthy event, and border on being criminals. I will NEVER consider another Rock n' Roll series marathon, and hope others also avoid them to show they can't treat us this way without repercussions.


K. C. from Lexington, KY (12/11/2011)
"DO NOT RUN THIS RACE" (about: 2011)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

All of the comments about this race are true. Take them to heart when deciding whether to support RNR again. I am mad enough to write this, and my experience was not nearly as bad as some others, both below and in my own group. Briefly to emphasize: The gear check was very poorly located (once you could even find out where it was). There was absolutely no filtering or control with the corrals  at that point, why do you even have corrals? Placement of the photo areas after the race was poorly thought out. And after putting out the second box of green, inedible bananas, why do they keep putting them out? I can only think the outlying comments below were posted by someone associated with RNR. RNR has no focus on the runner, only on collecting money and putting on a spectacle. Do not support them.


S. S. from Rockville, MD (12/10/2011)
"Disappointing disorganized but interesting neverth" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

We, daughter and I signed up very early to take advantage of the discount. We thought it would be lots of fun to run at night at the strip. We stayed at the Mandalay Bay where the marathon finishes and starts. The first 13.1 are boring and a bit hilly with a few crossing of bridges. There were not spectators in the first half. When I got into the 13.1 it was very chaotic because the walkers didn't respect the rules the organizers kept shouting (walkers on the right, marathoners/runners on the left). I was plowing people all the time. What bothered me is that there was not water available or ready to drink at the water stations and I was not a super slow runner, meaning I was not the back of the pack. I did have fun though because I was not running a performance race, so I enjoyed seeing the newly wed couples and the Elvis but I would have been very upset if I was trying to have a good time. The weather was perfect. It started at 50s and kept going down as you go on running finishing in the early 40s. The finish was pretty bad, in particular the entrance to the Mandalay hotel was chaotic, it took me around 30 minutes to get through all that people.


S. D. from Chattanooga (12/10/2011)
"Poor course, worse organization" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Lots of turns on the non-strip portion and then at the merge with the half-marathoners, it was absolutely awful.

Further, I was one of those that got sick.

A miserable experience for me all the way around.


C. K. from British Columbia (12/10/2011)
"Loved the first half but the strip was a mess" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

I ran my ninth marathon with a goal of something between 3:03 and 3:05.

The expo was ok but no race course information was provided like a map and there really wasn't much to do or see besides get in and out. For such a big marathon I would expect some fun and free activities and give aways. The race shirt is a standard shirt. For it's size though the organization of race packet pickups was efficient and fast.

The FIRST 14 miles were great. Despite starting between the 3:00 hour and 3:05 pace bunny I somehow got stuck between the 3:05 bunny for a few miles. It was very crowded for several miles.

Once everything evened out I really enjoyed running. Yes the route was a little boring with MANY turns, but there was enough space and a few kind spectators. Aid stations were organized and ready.

On track for a 3:03 things came to a standstill when suddenly I was surrounded by hundreds of running in the so called 'marathon' lane who were clearly half marathoners. I spent the next 2 miles dodging between people, around people, running on the sidewalk, running along the slanted cub in an attempt to maintain my pace. Waterstations on both sides create gridlock expect for the middle which was already overcrowded.

At one point off the strip the route became two lanes and again everything slowed down. Running tangents become impossible as it was too crowded to cut across from point A to point B.

Did I care about the lights and the Vegas aspect? No! I was to busy trying to keep a decent pace, not trip over others, and make it to the finish on time.

The best part of the strip was the final mile when marathoners and half marathoners were divided by a gate and I finally had room to move freely.

Besides Boston or NYC, this is my first and last massive run, especially Rock and Roll. I expected some show girls or something at the finish line, especially for photos, and there were none. They only had a few photographers on the course which was strange considering people love buying race photos.

I finished with a 3:04, a good time, but I do believe energy was wasted navigating the strip and trying to prevent disaster while maintaining a decent pace.

With an early finish I avoided the chaos at the finish line and because I carried a handheld I didn't consume too much water, although what I did drink was cold and tasted fine.

Despite it's flaws the volunteers were great and the first half was a pleasure to run.

Course: 4 stars (too many turns)
Organization: 5 stars
Spectators: 2 stars

Course: 4 stars (flat and fast course)
Organization: 1 stars (full + half =disaster)
Spectators: 3 stars


N. S. from Shelby Twp., MI (12/10/2011)
"The ALMIGHTY DOLLAR . . . at our cost!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons

I've run 25 marathon, 11 of which are Boston. This was the worst experience! Congestion at every phase of the start activities. Corrals not monitored so ended up maneuvering around walkers. MInimal bands. Had to walk across the finish pad because jammed at the finish chute. But, that's not the worst part. I was one of the lucky ones who drank the water and vomited for hours. Truly believed I was going to end up in the hospital. The race organizers need to compensate us in a fair manner. (And as others stated, an apology is not enough.) almighty dollar will boycott their other events!


J. S. from United States (12/9/2011)
"Worse than a Justin Bieber Haircut" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Oh man was this 'race' a disaster! Where do I even start? This race was so pathetic and awful that you wouldn't even wish this experience on your worst enemy. Not only was this whole ordeal painful to begin with, the CIA should classify the Rock N Roll Vegas Marathon as 'torture' or the new form of waterboarding.

Arrive at a hugely crowded expo that is 3 miles away from the host hotel/start. WTF? First sign of trouble - they ran out of shirts!
The first half of the race (13.1 miles) is through a boring industrial area. No big deal in my book as I'm here to race and not play tourist. The huge problem occurs the second half of the race when the marathoners merge with the half marathoners. The marathon is relegated one small, narrow lane out of 6 lanes separated only by sporadic, small cones. Tons of slow, lazy, obese half marathon walkers constantly veer into the lane fidgeting around with their ipods and iphones creating human barricades. This was exacerbated by those lazy walkers going into the marathoners lane to the water stops there instead of using the water stops for the halfers on the right. I felt like I was transported inside a videogame where I was playing 'Frogger' trying to weave and dodge past all the rude half marathoners in our lane who didn't care that they were ruining our race.

To make matters worse, I started to have serious stomach cramps that I've never experienced before. Later, I found out this was a pretty common experience. The Las Vegas Dept of Water sent out a survey regarding this issue.

Finish - After barely surviving the human roadblocks of the halfers, the stomach cramping possibly caused by 'funny tasting' water, I have to stop running just short of the finish line as it is so backlogged that you can't even finish running. Those idiots apparently thought it was a good idea to put the race photographer's station close by. Oh, for all that trouble and $175 registration fee, I get a rock hard green banana for my post-race fueling. I was so furious and upset by my experience that I wanted to take that banana and hit the organizers over the head with it.

Just when you think it can't get any does. Try to go back into the Mandalay Bay hotel where I am literally trapped inside with thousands of other runners. It was so packed that we literally could not move and I was starting to think that any minute now and a lot of people can get seriously hurt here. Now only was it that crowded, people were puking and passing out on each other.
Summary - Horribly organized. Not for marathoners. Exorbitant registration fee and you get nothing for it. Race is way too crowded at 38,000 halfers and 6,000 full marathoners. Course can probably hold 60% of that number. Avoid this race like a plague. I'd rather go on voluntary house arrest than do this race ever again. Better yet, avoid any RNR race.


Bob Kovell from St. Cloud Minnesota (12/9/2011)
"Not a race for serious marathoners" (about: 2011)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Have run marathons in 41 states now and this is the first time I've felt compelled to warn others about a race. It was a complete disaster after 13 miles, as others have already stated. Besides trying to get around all of the 'halfers', they also ran out of cytomax (or didn't have any) for the last 10 miles. The strip was 'nice' but you actually couldn't look at it, since you had to continually watch the halfers in front of you. The finish line was poorly organized, especially the placement of the beer tent , which you couldn't find, and the gear check area. The bands were fair at best, maybe 2-3 good ones. The finishing medal was very nice. This race should have been run at 5am, not 4pm. Overpriced for what you got. Based on 'what you got' they should give all marathoners a 100% refund. Stay away: run another marathon in NV, not this one.


L. N. from Sterling Heights, MI (12/9/2011)
"Worst of my 27 marathons, and 7th Las Vegas One" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathons

I don't have anything new to add really. Just wanted to say this was not a good experience at all.


C. B. from Atlanta, GA (12/9/2011)
"The first 13.1 was great!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon

Yes, the second half and the finish was a disaster but I won't rehash all of that as other comments have well-covered that piece. First, I'll say I was drawn to this marathon for three reasons: 1) strip at night sounded fun 2) I'm a 50 Stater and needed Nevada 3) It was a great excuse to go to Vegas. So, because of #2 and #3 I'm glad I did this race! Ironically, regarding #1, I enjoyed the first half much more than the last half on the strip.

Yes, the first half went through a warehouse district but so what? All marathons have those stretches and in Vegas, you could still see lights and buildings of the strip from many spots on the course. Water stops were well-managed during the first half and I loved the bands. I was a little worried about the 4:30 cut-off when I signed up. I have to have a really good day to pull that off but hey, it was Vegas, so I took the gamble! From looking at the course map and reading some internet chatter, it seemed like the most important thing was to stay on that pace for the first half which I managed to do.

I thought the start of the full marathon went off flawlessly. The corrals moved fast. They weren't strictly enforced but with 3500 marathoners it didn't create the fiasco I understand it did with 38,000 half-marathoners. I loved seeing the start line action playing on the screen of the Mandalay Bay sign. I think they should have not allowed so many half-marathoners to register. A 3:00 cut-off on the half would have taken care and that and been more fair considering the 4:30 cut-off for the full is a little draconian. RnR is capable of putting on great events as I experienced in Nashville and Phoenix. I hope they can get it together for Las Vegas next year. Since they seem hell-bent of having so many participants, someone from RnR should talk to the Atlanta Track Club that stages 55,000 runners/walkers every year for the annual Peachtree Road Race.

They are strict about the corrals, and it takes an hour to get all the waves across the start line. You have to submit a qualifying time to get in one of the earlier waves. If you are 'not so serious' you automatically go to the last wave. Better luck next year!


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