calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

The Sedona Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.7 
Number of comments: 45 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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Michelle West from Santa Monica, CA (2/11/2008)
"Big Sur - you've met your competition" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

Wow - this is a gorgeous and tough race. You'll be in heaven at the beginning with the breathtaking scenery and gorgeous surroundings. But, watch out - mile 18 to the finish hurts, hurts, hurts. Amazing support, easy to get to start and finish, plenty of port-o-lets, and nonstop beauty. This is a fun one. Don't worry about your time. Enjoy the scenery.


T. T. from Seattle, WA (2/11/2008)
"A gem that will be discovered sooner or later" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

This marathon is the most spectacular and scenic course I've run to date, hands down. Imagine running on dirt road and rocks through scrub desert surrounded by red-rock monoliths. I can see why Sedona is named "The No. 1 Most Beautiful Place in the America."

I expected the hilly and high-altitude (4,100 to 4,600 feet) course to be very challenging (this year's winning time is 3:02:45) but the weather was perfect (sunny, 61 F) and my mind was totally distracted by the beautiful surrounding sceneries.

And what better way to reduce those lactic acid built up in my legs after the marathon than to hike one of the many great trails that Sedona is blessed with? This marathon is a gem (only in its 3rd year). I plan on running it again next year before the word gets out and the marathon becomes too big/crowded!


M. M. from Peoria, AZ (2/10/2008)
"Beautifully scenic 1/2 marathon, great location" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

I walked the half marathon for the first time in 2008 and had a wonderful experience. The race is small, well organized, and beautifully scenic, and this year the weather was perfect with sunshine and a 40-60 temperature range during the race. The 1/2 wound up a paved road, mostly gentle rolling hills, above the town of Sedona into the red rock areas with green juniper trees, desert cacti, and the magnificent red rock monoliths rising above in every direction. There were plenty of aid stations, very supportive staff, and a few spectators who were encouraging and appreciated of the walker/runners. The town of Sedona is a destination itself for the beauty that surrounds it, and is much more enjoyable in Feb. then in the over crowded months of tourist season. I highly recommend this race, and it is easily accessible as it is only a 2-hour drive from the Phoenix, AZ area.


R. C. from Arizona (2/10/2008)
"1/2 marathon worth it... event needs more attentio" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

Mixed feelings abound as I absolutely enjoyed the run/scenery (breath-taking) and managed a PR for the 1/2 marathon as I was well-prepared for the event and the hills. I ask, "Did the organizers prepare as much as I did though?" For example, there were no clocks on course, not even one at the finish. Was this intentional or an oversight? The finish left a vacant emotion and puzzlement as one did not have the "instant feedback" and was required to head back to the start line to retrieve the results which was a walk away. Lack of communication with people managing the bag check and pick-up, resulting in an inconvenience to runners who finished the race; returned to the "celebration area" assuming to pick-up their gear and only to learn they would have to go back to the finish line.

The aid/water station near the turn-around was incredibly staffed and versed in how to distribute water, not to mention their costumes added welcome levity on a uphill climb. However, some water stations were manned with a few people who only poured and arranged cups/cubes on the table and under-manned for hand distribution. Perhaps the local high school track team or students could have been approached to assist? One table was located off the paved road upon a dirt and gravel shoulder where one had to watch his/her step. In the beginning of the race, one ran on the lane of Highway 89; however, on the return, you had to transition over a curb onto a sidewalk, which bisected open drives to commercial/residents. Luckily, a driver exiting was patient enough to let me pass before transitioning into the lane. I wondered how others faired?

The start line/event celebration area was odd: politicians' campaign booths, tables set-up selling stuff - art trinkets perhaps, pizza, etc. This is not your normal finish where runners are greeted with bagels, fruit, water, etc. In fact, it was a bit unsettling as the "event" appeared to be an opportunity by locals to promote one's agenda or skim a few more bucks off runners/tourists - there is appropriate time and place for these types of booths. Runners don't typically carry their wallets with them, nor vote in the local elections (I assume the event is trying to become a destination event by drawing outsiders into the community to spend money. To that end, yes, we enjoyed our stay and spent quite a bit of money in town, not at the event though.)

Truly, the comments are meant for the organizers who, with a little effort, could have one of the best destination race events and "must-do" race in the nation... details, details. Runners: you do this race for the spectacular, other-world scenery; pure enjoyment of running; beautiful town; and, incredible medal. Don't do this run if you need on-course entertainment, timing, staffed water tables; goody bags (overwhelming number of local coupons; not many running related items); or a finish celebration.


P. P. from Denver, CO (2/18/2007)
"Very Scenic Half Marathon" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

I ran the half marathon. The organization leading up to the event was very good - easy registration, lots of updates, good info on the web page, and easy bib pick up. The drive from Phoenix the day before is short. Some small issues the day of the event: Parking I was told would be difficult, so I arrived very early. Good energy at the starting line. The race started late, but once underway was great. Not a lot of fans, but those who were out were very supportive and vocal. The course is never flat - either going uphill or down. The scenery is beautiful and the other runners were fun to talk to. I plan on coming back to run the half again next year.


Mark Stodghill from Duluth, Minnesota (2/15/2007)
"Beautiful town-rewarding race experience" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

I'm an average 58-year-old runner who has completed 175 marathons and ultras and Sedona makes my top five list for beauty - along with the Vermont 100, Wasatch 100, Superior Trail 100 and Leadville 100. I think race officials and volunteers did a good job for a second-year marathon. Most of my running friends have not heard of this race. When the word gets out, the Sedona Marathon has the potential to get too big to handle under its current setup. Its small-town feel and scenic beauty are two of the reasons, body-willing, I will be back next year.


E. E. from Everett, WA (2/15/2007)
"Red Rock Country" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

I am glad that I did not change my mind, having come down with some bad flu/cold one day prior. The beautiful views in and out help me forget how sick I felt. The weather was perfect. The fuel support was great and cheerful. Dirt trail path was great - at times I felt like I was the only person around. A challenging course, the end especially. Want a challenge? This marathon, with its small flare, is one on the list. Beautiful hikes, and a short drive to the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff for some R&R afterwards.


Troy Hamon from King Salmon, AK (2/14/2007)
"Great altitude training run" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

1. It's not a PR course. There is no way to put down the fastest time you are capable on a course like this. Can't be done. Between the hills and the altitude, the race against the clock is not the reason to come (unless you are racing your own time on the same course from a previous year...).

2. This race is second only to the Catalina Marathon in terms of just plain old enjoyment, among the races I've run. The slow course leads to an emphasis on the scenery and an opportunity to visit. I've never run with an mp3 player, so perhaps if you do my take won't apply. But I never talked to anybody for more than 3 minutes at PF Chang last month, while I covered almost all of miles 8-18 at Sedona with a couple fellow addicts (running addicts, that is) and shared tales, some of them true, and pats on the back. After I finished, I took great pleasure in seeing them finish faster than their goals. It was all about atmosphere, companionship, and scenery. One of the previous comments suggests that the marathon course is disappointing. This was not my experience. The desert scenery was magnificent, but perhaps it depends on what you like.

3. I'm always gratified by the amount of time that local officials put into these events. But the traffic direction on race morning was poor, leaving huge lines of cars trying to turn into areas where there was no parking left, and there were no suggested places to park when I stopped to ask one of them. Not sure this is the race director's fault, but if it is to be improved it will probably have to come from the race crew.

4. The Vitamin Water drink does not contain sodium, a baffling choice for a marathon energy drink.


G. S. from Tucson, AZ (2/12/2007)
"Great location, marginal event" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

Do the half - the full is not worth it. Living near Sedona, I had great expectations for this race. I also know this RD from a previous event as a quality guy, so I was very disappointed by this event. Best views and pavement are on the first half of the course. Second half is mostly non-view, dirt road through scrub desert. Course is either up or down - no flats. Two of the last three miles are seriously uphill, so be prepared to suffer. Lots of cars on both dirt and paved sections. Sedona is a heavily-visited tourist location (think Yosemite in summer). Scary dangerous on the last quarter of the marathon sharing a road with no shoulder and two lanes of traffic, plus cars turning onto the road from side streets. Start/finish at different locations a mile apart with "festival" at the start location made no sense, even with the trolley shuttle. Running out of water/electrolyte at finish with 2/3 of the marathon field yet to arrive was poor planning. Weird off-brand "vitamin water" instead of Gatorade or other commercial electrolyte product made nutrition planning needlessly hard. Do the half.


S. S. from Fort Collins, CO (2/12/2007)
"Scenery and solitude" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 The Sedona Marathon

Overall this was a good, good race. This was my 4th marathon and my smallest. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a scenic course, doesn't need spectators, and is up for a challenge (it is hilly!).


Course: The course was difficult but beautiful. If you run to see nice scenery, I highly recommend this course. But the hills just don't stop! Be sure you train hills before you attempt this race. That will make all the difference in your experience. The course is out-and-back, and the second half has more inclines than declines, so it is a tough finish. The worst hill is leading up to mile 23. Also the mile leading up to mile 26 is a very tough hill, but by that point I had the barn doors in sight so it didn't feel difficult mentally. The tough part for me mentally was the last half of the long incline from about mile 13 to mile 18. It wasn't a steep hill, like the one at 22-23, but it was long and relentless.

Road: The dirt road part of the course was overall nice to run on. Not too washboarded at all. There were some rocks in the road but they were avoidable. The paved part of the course was in excellent shape. Some of the pavement was brand new, which was excellent. The roads had a very low crown for the most part, which made running easier. My feet and knees felt (relatively) great after this race compared to my other marathons. I think it was about 50-50 dirt vs. pavement. At the very end (mile 25 and on) there are some sections on concrete sidewalk, and you have to negotiate some curbs but it's not treacherous.

Aid Stations: The aid stations were numerous (17 not including start and finish) and well-stocked. They were not evenly spaced, though! The website does a good job listing where the stations are. So pay attention. I carried two Hammer Gel shots with me because I'm getting particular about eating them, but they had Clif Shots, those Clif gummy cube things - Shot Blocks? - bananas, pretzels I think, and water and Vitamin Water for the sport drink. I didn't carry water and I didn't need to. I've never seen a race that stocked Vitamin Water and I love that stuff so I was psyched. If you're not used to Vitamin Water you should train with it, at least as a recovery drink, so you're not surprised by it during the race.

Support: Excellent aid station and spotter support. The spotters were nice enough to call out my position to me several times, which was motivating.

There were almost no spectators but that doesn't really bother me, so I'm fine there. In the stretch from mile 15-19 or so, I did not see a single other runner, which was actually pretty neat. I like the out-and-back too; the runners have a chance to cheer each other on. Some people don't like the out-and-back, but I did. I ran with 3 friends and it was fun to see them on the course.

Weather: The race started out cool (lower 40s probably) and cloudy. Perfect! The race was delayed from 8 to 8:15 - I think due to parking issues (see "complaints" below), but it didn't seriously affect the conditions on course. It remained mostly cloudy, and thank goodness for that! There were 5 or 6 miles for me that were mostly sunny (around the turn), and that was more difficult. I think the temp was around 60 by the end of the race, which was probably getting borderline hot for me, but at the time it didn't feel bad. It was nice and dry, and there was a slight refreshing breeze at times - nothing too strong. Overall, two thumbs up to the weather. I guess is snowed in Sedona just 2 weeks before the race, which would have been interesting and not what I would want out of a "winter" marathon, so we probably had good luck with the weather. It was nice to have a start time of 8 a.m. instead of 5 or 6 a.m. like those summer races!


There are some things they can improve about this race. They're all pretty minor in my opinion, but I should list them nonetheless, so you know what to expect if these things particularly annoy you:

Please try to keep the cars off the dirt part of the course; it wasn't too bad early but started to get a little dusty later.

Clearer parking instructions before the race would be nice; we queued up in a long line of cars to make a left turn off the main road to get to the high school, only to be told that we couldn't park there and needed to park closer to the finish on the other side of the main road. Someone should have been directing traffic on the main road, not after we already turned into the H.S.

Please post race results at the finish! I was not going to go over to the high school because I was waiting for my friends to finish, but I was very interested to see how I did, and there didn't appear to be any results posted right at the finish line. As it was, we decided not to stick around until the awards at 2 p.m., so I actually didn't see my results until the next day. I guess I wasn't that concerned about it or else I'd have gone back to the high school.

The post-race refreshments were fairly meager. Not a huge deal, and there were lots of liquids available, but I could have used some more snack options. There was probably more stuff at the high school but I didn't go up there.

I guess basically there were some issues caused by not having the race finish at the high school, but I totally understand why the race can't finish there. It really would ruin traffic on the main road through Sedona for the day.


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