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Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 5.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.3 
Number of comments: 260 [displaying comments 201 to 211]
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B. W. from Franklin, TN (1/6/2008)
"Holy Cow!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

I must say, I have waited some time to leave feedback regarding this marathon. It has taken me a long time to get over the humility that this marathon dealt this runner.

First, read all comments below regarding the hills.

Second, read comments regarding hills!

If you love a challenge, please run this marathon, as the 2007 run was my first and last! God bless.


J. J. from The Great State of Texas. (12/11/2007)
"Beautiful and amazing!!!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

My running buddies thought I was crazy when they saw the elevation chart. I thought I was crazy when I got to park the day before the race, and saw the "gentle rolling hills." Now I'd be crazy not to go back next year to this beautiful park with an amazing marathon.

I was looking for a race around Thanksgiving, something unique, something special, and boy did I find one. Percy Warner park was palate of fall colors, and while the course was very, VERY challenging, it was a beautiful sight to behold. This race has a great small-town feel to it - right down to the potluck post-race party and the hometown micro brew beer (man, those pies were good)!! The RD did a wonderful job, keeping the runners up to date with places to stay and where to have your pre-race dinner. I even managed to run a few miles with him. How many other marathoners can say they ran with the RD, at the race they are hosting? Having said that, at how many other marathons can you say you saw deer, real deer, just staring at you, wondering why you were running 26 miles through their park.

The volunteers/spectators where top-notch! At every aid station they provided kind words of encouragement. With your name on your bib, it's like being greeted by a friend with a cup of Gatorade!

If you are looking for a glamorous, sexy, big-city, big-draw marathon. This race is not for you. Most of the morning, it was just me and my iPod, and I liked it just fine that way. Don't get me wrong - I like running with a group of other runners, but this is a race just to... run.

Psssst.... But don't tell anyone else; we crazy monkey runners want to keep this race all to ourselves. Monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey!!!


Lynda Webber from Chattanooga, Tennessee (12/2/2007)
"FABULOUS!!!!!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

After six marathons and ten trail ultras, I have to say that this is one of my most favorite distance runs to date!!!! Informative and entertaining emails to the registrants from the "Monkey Master" play up on an amusing theme until the week of the marathon, and the course itself is an Oz of spectacular beauty. Lovely winding roads leading through towering trees still dressed in their glorious autumn colors, old stone walls reminiscent of a Celtic countryside, a wooden structure looking suspiciously like the Fort of the Faerie Kings and Queens, a strange stone amphitheater of sorts rising into the side of a grassy hill... and did I just see a flying monkey round the curve ahead of me? Although rare, there are definitely flying monkeys in them thar hills.... I believe I spotted one or two when I looked closely enough, and I swear I heard their distant screeches as I ran through this enchanted forest! Rumor has it that only one contestant was carried off in 2007, and that the rest happily and successfully completed this fabulous marathon through the mystic Harpeth Hills.

Groups of cheery volunteers were spaced at just the right intervals to offer water, Gatorade and energy gels, and a photographer popped out from the woods every now and then to capture the action and document any potential monkey attacks. The finishing medal was unique, there was a great finish-line party with yet more super volunteers laying out an array of cookies, cakes and liquids, and the Monkey Master himself presided over the distribution of some really nice door prizes. The Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon definitely lived up to its website promise to guarantee every runner a PR - "a Permanent Remembrance of a well-earned marathon finish." I highly recommend it to anyone who loves to run for the sake of running, and who wants to experience "the joy and pain of running a unique, and uniquely challenging course." Despite the daunting description on the website, a good marathon training program and a smart personal pacing strategy will no doubt provide you with a extremely satisfying finish and a fabulous time in the great outdoors!


T. V. from Hilliard, OH (11/26/2007)
"A great smaller race" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

I am a flat lander and I loved this race. The course has a good number of long hills, but flat sections in between. If you thrive on the big city marathon and the crowds, this is not the race for you. If you just want to run a marathon without too many distractions, this is the race for you. It is a tough course, but I felt great after I was done. The volunteers are great and the potluck was really good at the end. I would not suggest this for a first marathon, but if you want to try something different, this is a great race.


Hara Hackett from Nashville, TN (11/25/2007)
"Fantastic MarathonPut on Your 'To Do' List" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

This was a great marathon. The course was very well marked, which is a good thing as I ended up alone for a big portion of the race. This marathon actually gives you the opportunity to will not be bumping into people, or even chatting with large groups, because people are generally spread out. It will give you time to think about why you run. There was plenty of gatorade and water at each and every aid station. Some aid stations even had candy and gummy worms. The volunteers were top notch, they also served as the fan base. They were so encouraging to us. I even had someone shoot a stuffed monkey at me. When I read that runners could volunteer to bring along some homemade treats, I immediately went to work and brought 4 chocolate bourbon pecan pies. The spread of food afterwards was incredible. If you are a runner that needs some extrinsic motivation, and the whole 'thinking about running, and why you do it' stuff doesn't work for you, just come and run for the food! You'll see my pies next year!


J. V. from The Great State of Texas (11/25/2007)
"Great fun small event! add hilly run to that" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathons

I hate not being able to give the race a perfect score...but the race is run entirely in a cross streets, no over passes, no police, no businesses, no houses, just a great winding road up and down the also, few spectators. But don't fear, there were so many rest stops staffed with great volunteers...and volunteers at any corner that you always had someone to cheer for you...and encourage you on! Even people enjoying using the park (it isn't a 'closed' course) cheered you on and would banter with you. Great fun!

Ok, a small race that sells out each year...why, it is a great race! Very scenic course that is all hills. You get a high tech finisher's shirt with you name on it! Your name is on your bib. You get homemade food at the finish...oh, and beer just like the big events. Everybody wins giving a wad of money of fancy trophies to the winners, everything is for the or slow. Each runner gets a 'door', wine, recovery drink, posters, socks, gloves, etc are on a table and by random drawing (not even the winner gets to go first!) you get your turn at the stash. It is a great deal.

The weather has been ideal both years, cool weather. Ideal for surviving a tough course at least. Last year I ran the entire course...this year I walked the last couple of hills as I had nothing to prove to myself...and ran a faster time as well!

The RD does a great job, and even runs the race! Not sure how he manages that. I just hope that the race never changes...and did I forget to mention the unique medal??? How could I forget that! It is made of wood...a great addition your medal collection.


E. B. from Birmingham, Alabama (11/23/2007)
"The organic-type marathon!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

This run truly lived up to its promises: challenging and fun! It is for runners who are looking beyond city marathons. I have never seen so many happy people running at mile 18, 22, 24.... The suggestions of pre-run restaurants were great, the course was well planned, and the post-race food was simply awesome. Definitely a repeater.


Russ Johnson from Ellijay, GA (11/23/2007)
"No walk in the park..." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

Actually it's a RUN in the park.

The Monkey has everything a serious marathoner could want, and none of the extra nonsense that the big races have. A beautiful, peaceful but very tough course over never-ending hills, plenty of aid stations with great volunteers (including monkeys), custom tech shirts with your name, and a great post-race picnic with beer and a "family" atmosphere. Even an active forum, several pre-race parties and plenty of info emailed before the race. RD Trent must have several clones to do all the work that went into this race.

This is one of my very favorites. Now all you new people stay away! (After all, it fills up early.)


Nathan Bass from Milan,TN (11/23/2007)
"Best in Class" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons

This was my best experience of any marathon. From the opening of registration on, we received timely, humorous emails letting us know what was happening in the process. There was a spirited discussion on the website's "monkey chatter" board for months with many opportunites to meet with other runners to run parts of the course, interesting discussions etc....

The course is run entirely in Percy Warner Park in Nashville, the country's largest Metro park and a mecca for runners, bikers and hikers. The number and severity of the hills are only surpassed by the beauty of the course. The organization, with the hands down best website of any race website I have seen, timely email updates, nice "official" hotel, packet pickup, and the staging area, parking, and race execution itself was nearly flawless. I give 5 stars for spectators because the majority of the spectators were the race volunteers. No doubt the most considerate and supportive bunch I have witnessed. The layout of the course had you going by most, if not all, of the aid stations twice but from different directions and the placing of the aid stations seemed to be just right. From the guy at the top of "three mile hill" who would run with you to give you your fluids, to the lady who retrieved me a gel from her personal stash in her car parked next to the station at mile 19, the volunteers on the course were exceptional. Although I ran alone (my choice), most of the race I did run with several others off and on - and the spirit and camaraderie between us runners and the volunteers, on and off the course, was special. I plan to make the running of this marathon an annual event.


Robin Gialanella from Arlington Heights, IL (11/23/2007)
"A Tough Little Race" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon

This was one of the best marathons I have run. It is also the most difficult one! Coming from IL, we just don't have hills like that, so training on hills was hard, but I still had a great time. There weren't a lot of spectators along the course, but the people at the aid stations were great! If you are looking for big crowds, this is not the race for you. But if you are looking for a beautiful place to spend a Sunday morning, you have come to the right place. This race is a great little secret.


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