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Missoula Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 167 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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S. A. from Portland, OR (7/25/2010)
"Enjoyed the Missoula experience!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

My wife and I chose to run this year since it fell on the same day as our 23rd anniversary. We thoroughly enjoyed the time spent in Missoula and the race.

Even though each of the weekend events doubled in size, there was still a charming, small-town feel (I hope it stays this way). Parts of the course were stunning and the early start allowed us to finish before it got too hot.

The only improvements I might suggest for the future would be additional porta-potties at the start and the early part of the race, as well as adding a better race shirt.

I am not a fan of the marathon relay in tandem with the marathon, particularly when you have to dodge the vans ferrying the relay runners to the next exchange. These people are not running a marathon. I do not get it.

All in all, a great experience and I would recommend this race to others. By the way: do not miss Big Sky Brewing!


C. H. from Baltimore, MD (7/25/2010)
"Excellent Marathon - Just A Few Things to Tidy Up" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

Some pros and cons on the course and organization:

1. Course is relatively flat, but has some nice changes in elevation at the halfway point to work some different muscles. The one hill is a little steeper than I expected, but very manageable if you prepare yourself for it.
2. Great start times for both the marathon and half. Starting the half on the second part of the course at the same time as the marathoners is great for the runners - with most of the halfers done before the bulk of the marathoners get on the last section of the course.
3. The post-race is excellent - Clark Fork River is easily accessible for an ice-like bath, there's great beer from Big Sky Brewing, and there's tasty food.
4. The free finisher's photo is a wonderful touch.

1. It's a pet peeve... but eliminate the overall and masters winners from the age-group awards. I don't think the overall winners would mind not receiving two awards, and it would be nice to spread the awards to as many people as possible.
2. I always expect some variation on mile markers due to curves, etc. But mile marker 8 appeared to be misplaced by a pretty significant amount. Everything worked out at the end, but that can play havoc on pacing, particularly that early on a relatively flat, straight road.

Thanks to the volunteers, the majority of whom are extremely proud of their town. The scenery in Montana is second to none, and as a destination marathon, this is a great choice.


J. Y. from Richmond, VA (7/21/2010)
"Overall, very happy with Missoula!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

A lot of what I thought is reflected in other comments already posted. I also chose Missoula because of the ranking in Runner's World, and because it took place the day before a work conference in Spokane, so I could combine the trips. I thought the organization of transportation to the start, number of water stops and port-o-potties on the course, and amount of food at the finish were great, and the volunteers were friendly and enthusiastic. The first 10 miles were pretty boring on the single road, but really, in a marathon, you can't have the entire course be exciting and beautiful, and I've certainly been on worse courses.

My biggest issue was having the expo and finish at the pavilion at Caras Park - it got REALLY crowded both days, and the perk of a free finish photo wasn't quite as good after waiting in line for at least 30 minutes. I got to the expo practically when it opened on Saturday, and was very glad I didn't have to deal with the crowds I saw later in the day.

I read that registration doubled over 2009, and I think that, with a few logistical changes, they could accommodate the larger numbers even better. In reality, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the race - but I think people's high expectations of "best overall" combined with twice as many runners may have made the experience less enjoyable than everyone was hoping.

On a side note, a VERY nice woman from Missoula and her boyfriend gave me a ride back to my hotel when she heard in line that I might have to walk (I traveled by myself and wasn't sure if there was a shuttle back). You can't beat that type of helpfulness!


R. G. from Colorado (7/20/2010)
"Great event for small race afficionados!" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

I'm not one for Rock 'n' Roll-type races, cheesy cover bands, and humongous crowds. I like long, country runs by myself, or with a few friends - your generally low-key kind of deal. Therefore, the 2010 Missoula Marathon was exactly my bag. It was easy for me and my family to navigate around Missoula, the expo volunteers were helpful, and when my son smacked his head into a bench warming up at the kids race, there was one of them immediately at my side with a bag of ice for his goose egg (he was a-ok and had a blast a little bit later running the kids' race with his siblings).

What the course did not have in terms of Boston-sized crowds it made up for in uniquely Missoula quirk and flavor. The Chuck Norris signs planted on the course, residents setting out their sprinklers and hoses for runners, and the random fiddle and banjo players made this race a real treat for me. Views from the top of the Big Flat Road were awesome, and weaving through the neighborhood streets at the end reminded me in a good way of my home state's Bolder Boulder course. It was a nice surprise to find out that a local TV station had taken pretty good finish line video, and I LOVED having real food at the finish (watermelon, pasta, fruit popsicles) plus a covered area to sit down and chow down in.

"Best Marathon" might mean different things to different people, but if you are someone who likes smaller events with less fanfare, this is the real deal. Our family is interested in coming back again, and spending more time in Missoula to hike and mountain bike, so I do see another Missoula Marathon in my future. One little complaint: yeah, I really hated the marathon shirt. Black? Last color I would have chosen. The half shirt and volunteer shirts were nice primary colors, so I'd suggest trying something like that next year.


D. S. from Kansas city MO (7/20/2010)
"Not the best marathon" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

The tech shirt was cheap and black with some design that I couldn't discern at first but turned out to be a guy getting a drink of water.

The expo was too small and crowded.

They told us not to get dropped off at the start, but my husband drove me anyway, which turned out great for me and him; he got to see me off, and when you drive for two days to get there, that's important.

The course was pretty for the most part until you get to town, but then it was boring after that.

I wouldn't say it was the best marathon like Runner's World said it was, but I was thankful to get the state out of the way. On the plus side, we got to see a couple of national parks, which makes it worth all of the driving.


E. W. from Arizona (7/20/2010)
"One of my favorite marathons!" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

I'm actually a bit surprised at the largely mixed reviews, as I had a great time at the 2010 Missoula Marathon. I agree that "best marathon" is a hard label to live up to, and agree that the constructive comments made by others previously are largely valid. I may well be more positive here as these issues were of less importance to me, and thus were overshadowed by the positives

I live in Phoenix, so the cooler weather and greenery may have been more strikingly positive for me than others. I recall running Tucson (which for me is pretty boring desert) and hearing so many people comment on the beautiful scenery.

1. I thought the crowd was great. Sparse in some areas, but everyone nice. Sprinklers, ice, Will Ferrell cowbell guy, Chuck Norris Signs, etc.
2. Scenery - as mentioned above, I thought the scenery was pretty stunning throughout, but again, I'm not used to it.
3. Organization - start line set-up was good. I thought it was a nice touch that someone gave announcements in our bus before we let out.
4. Missoula - hotels and restaurants were great. We price-lined rooms for $60/night and hit restaurants featured in the "best of issue" of the weekly paper. The kids and I both enjoyed the river and watching the kayaks, tubers and wildlife.
5. Glacier NP - like others, we worked a 2-day trip at the back and enjoyed it very much (although the weather turned cold and cloudy).
6. Finish - loved the bridge finish with the downhill and crowd.

Areas for improvement:
1. Like others, I thought the shirt and medal were only mediocre.
2. Agree regarding the finish line J-Jon shortage. I also only found 4 and had to wait in line.
3. While the concept of the free photo is good, I never found the line to be anything but long, so I never got mine. The website mentioned getting it free online, but I couldn't figure that out either.

We came in late Saturday, so I can't comment on the expo. Someone from the race did bring our packets to the airport (although about 20 minutes later than advertised), which was cool.

Overall, I thought it was a very well done and enjoyable race, with a few areas for improvement.


D. H. from Oregon (7/17/2010)
"Very Good, but not the "Best Overall"" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

I agree with most of the other comments. A very nice race, but did not nearly match the "Best Overall Marathon" label, in my opinion. Very good, but not great.

1. Well organized. Good job by all involved.
2. Volunteers very helpful and energetic. Thanks so much!!!
3. Lots of porta-potties and plenty of aid stations.
4. Nice expo. Small, but certainly adequate.
5. Unlike some commenters, I liked the finish area. Loved the watermelon, cooling showers, seating under the tent, frozen watermelon on a stick (on very warm day), etc. The separate location for gear bag was a little problematic though.
6. Reasonably scenic course.
7. Loved the sprinklers and hoses that residents turn on into the course to help us keep cool. They were very helpful when it became warm.
8. Good value for the money. Free picture was a plus.
9. Very nice kids run too. This helps make it a good outing for families.
10. Liked the city.

1. T-shirt was terrible. Small sizing and poor quality. Mine started to fall apart after first wearing. Also hate the rubberized design that sticks to the skin on the inside (and this was supposed to be a technical running shirt). This was my biggest complaint by far. The rest are much more minor ones.
2. Hardly any spectators. The community does not come out to cheer. They helped with the sprinklers and hoses, but not with much cheering.
3. Buses were confusing to some. I saw at least 4 half-marathoners get on the marathon bus because of inadequate signage. We managed to redirect them to the proper bus.
4. I wish there were fewer turns during the last 5 miles. It made it hard to keep momentum and to know exactly where we were on the course.
5. For those of us from low elevations, the altitude can be a factor. Despite what the website says, it was a negative for me from the outset. Not a huge negative, but something to be aware of if you are like me and train at 35 feet instead of 3,500 feet.

In summary, I liked the Missoula Marathon. The location is beautiful, and if you have a chance to see the area somewhat further out of town, you will find the time spent to be truly worthwhile. It is spectacular.

Thanks to staff and volunteers for the work to make this happen. Notwithstanding my cons, you did an excellent job.


C. B. from Tucson, AZ (7/17/2010)
"Average Across the Board" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

I chose this marathon because of the rating in Runner's World and to check Montana off my list. It was OK... but just OK. The one area in which it was completely awesome was the niceness and helpfulness of everyone involved with the organization. I also have to point out that I love big-city, urban marathons, and get really bored on rural, small-town courses, so some of my "average" rating is due to personal preference. People who love scenic races in clean air will probably feel differently.

Expo: Tiny and boring, with hardly any booths - a typical, small-town expo. It was awesome that it was right next to the Farmer's Market, though.

Goodies: Technical T-shirt and medal were both totally blah. Goodie bag was also blah.

Organization: Shuttle bus was easy to find, and there was no problem getting to start line on time. Plenty of porta-potties at the start line.

Course: Very, very boring for the first 10 miles on a straight, 2-lane road with zero spectators. Mile markers were easy to miss, and mileage was off by 1/10th of a mile (though somehow it fixed itself later in the race). Miles 10-17 or so were much better as far as scenic views go. There was a moderately tough climb - not too bad. Spectators improved greatly once we got into town again. I enjoyed Miles 21 or so through the finish. The shady neighborhoods were very pretty and the homeowners were great about putting out sprinklers for us since it was fairly warm. The finish was across a bridge in the heart of downtown. There were loads of spectators there - very good crowd support at the finish.

Finish: Not enough bathrooms - seriously. I can't believe I'm the only one who's complained about this. I only saw 4 porta-potties, and then there was a public restroom with 2 stalls down by the river. Finish line food was really good: Pasta! Popsicles! Watermelon! Yum. I practically ate an entire meal at the finish. Free finisher's photo was a nice extra. And it was great to be able to stick my sore feet in the icy cold Clark Fork River after the finish.

Overall: Good marathon. Not terribly exciting, but no doubt people who love small-town races will be very happy with it. Even though the course featured lots of gradual climbing with some steep climbing, I got a decent time and was close to BQ-ing again. I didn't quite get it because of an injury acting up. I am happy with this one as my Montana Marathon.


L. M. from Pacific Northwest (7/15/2010)
"Good, but not the best overall marathon" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Missoula Marathon

I'm a 50-stater and chose this marathon for Montana based on it receiving the vote for best overall marathon in the country. Not sure if my expectations were too high based on that accolade or not but I was truly disappointed. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Montana has better marathons to offer 50-staters.

1) Organization was good
2) Pre-race communication was good
3) Female-sized t-shirts
4) Beautiful scenery for a few miles
4) Fabulous and very supportive volunteers
5) Quite a few homeowners along the course had sprinklers turned on so we could run under them to cool off. THANK YOU!!!

1) The first 10 miles of the race are on a very long, sort of dusty and boring 2-lane road. This road (as well as others) was open to traffic in BOTH directions. Need I say more?

2) Where were all of the spectators?

3) The end of the course was weird, with a lot of itty, bitty turns. It seemed like they were thrown in just to make up the mileage. Show us more of your beautiful landscape!

4) When I crossed the finish line there was essentially nothing there but water. Thankfully the water was cool... unlike the very warm water at many of the aid stations towards the end of the course.

5) Very little community "love." Most of the marathons I've run have included homeowners along the way offering oranges, gummy bears, Jolly Ranchers, bananas, beer, etc. There was none of that to be found in Missoula.


Tom Halverson from Missoula, MT (7/13/2010)
"Great race got better!" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Missoula Marathons

I've run all four Missoula Marathons, and, being a hometown guy, am so proud of this race, and can't praise the organizers enough. Even with the big numbers this year because it is the #1 marathon (!), they pulled it off, and made it better. I talked with so many out of staters who were so surprised by how good the weather was, how flat and fast the course was, and how much they loved the trip. The finish line setup is one of the best, and I've run them all. There are chairs under a covered area where you can sit down and eat a really good runner's meal, then wander down and get free beer and jump in the river.


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