calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 417 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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D. G. from Boston (6/8/2015)
"The race very hilly and hot running on the freeway" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I have run 24 marathons and I thought I would try running along the ocean in a beautiful city like San Diego but I was wrong, the race was a big disappointment for me. I guess last year there was 10,000 less runners the course has changed so the hills and the sloped inclines running on the hot freeways was not pleasant, at the top of the 19 mile hill there was two ambulances, 2 cops on motorcycles and a guy in a golf cart to pick up the runners who had a difficult time, no water was on this mountain/huge hill, the body was hot and it was the worst feeling I have felt doing any of my marathons in the past. I was surprised that there was so many hills and gradual inclines my quadriceps were tight and the course was not pleasing to the eyes, the crowds were great but after mile 13 everything changed, running through the park no water stations present and the water bubblers did not work. There was food at the end of the race, but you had to take the train to get back to balboa park and that was interesting, my body felt hydrated running in 90 degree weather for the Los Angeles marathon but running in the San Diego marathon my body was hot, tired, lack of fluids on the course after 13 miles, not sure I can run same course next year. Why did they change the course when a few years back it was a fast and a great race with beautiful views for the runners.


M. G. from Arizona (6/4/2015)
"Like other RnR races, a mixed bag..." (about: 2015)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Rock 'n' Roll Marathons

This is where RnR started - the course has changed countless times; most are running the half instead. Expo/packet are fine ($15 to park is a rip). Start village is spacious, has everything, plenty of johns, easy corral entry. Race starts on time.

Expect very few spectators and never the # of bands promised - there were only a few - doesn't matter because everyone's got their own music. Cool temps and cloud cover a big plus.

Course has a lot of slight uphills and downhills and concrete around the bay. Some roads were rutted. The stint on mile 20-22 on the cambered, uphill freeway takes it out of everyone - looked like a death march through there. Scant water stops from 20-26 when you need it most.

Finish line area okay but disconnected. Line to get finisher's jacket long and hard to find (though nice jacket). Medal and shirt were good. Post-race food okay.

Nothing to deter anyone from running this. Volunteers were excellent as were water stops. Mile markers easy to see but clocks were missing/not working at several. Runner updates sporadically worked; my only split was at the 10K - my friends thought I'd drop because no updates until I finished. This race used to have 20K+ full runners - now it's 4200 in the full and 14,000 in the half. At $140, you should expect more. It covers all the basics but the last 6 miles and lack of support keeps this from being a 'must do'.


T. H. from Dallas, TX (4/20/2015)
"Worst Scenic Marathon in Most Scenic City?!?!" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Rock 'n' Roll Marathons

Mile ~19-24 uphill on a barren highway with several curves and steep embankments in a canyon.
This says it all& Cement on all sides and with no fans. Speakers blasting music and stupid annoying signs. If this is not enough, there's a u-turn at the top of the hill and then it's a nosedive downhill to the finish. Legs are shot at the top and want to give out going downhill.

The Mission Beach area curves on a narrow trail with nothing scenic (beach doesn't mean there's an ocean view). It's a new course and the worst course compared to previous years. With all the ocean and beautiful hills in San Diego, they have runners spending 20% of the run on a highway thru a canyon?

There are too many other great marathons. Dont waste the time. I only continue to run this because it's convenient for me and a good training marathon.

Pros: Rock n Roll marathons are always well organized and Balboa Park is a great location for a marathon start.


J. M. from Mexico City (9/15/2014)
"Not a Fast Course" (about: 2014)

First Marathon

If you are looking for a BQ time this is not your best option.


T. H. from Orange County (9/17/2013)
"The Legacy Runners Return Every Year" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Rock 'n' Roll Marathons

The original Rock'N'Roll Marathon has changed a few things over the first sixteen years but the legacy runners continue to return. The starting line location and huge crowds haven't changed. Many of the bands are there every year in about the same locations. The biggest surprise this year was San Diego's version of 'Heartbreak Hill' at 20+ miles on this new course. The legacy runner's primary goal is to get the finish line and will welcome the opportunity to run every year. It's the 'original' and best Rock'n'Roll marathon in America's Finest City!


m. e. from Minnesota (7/2/2013)
"Decent but not as fun as I was expecting" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I'll keep simple...My caveat is that I'm just a better marathoner in the temps of 40s, 50s at the highest.

organized. Everything had it's place. Yet volunteers did not always know where things were like the bag check at the finish area.
Organized start. And lots of porta potties that moved fast. Water and food available at the start.

Chocolate milk and Jamba Juice at the finish. I was mostly happy to find the chocolate milk at the end.

The Beach Path - I didn't mind it so much. Given that were minimal marathoners compared to the half, the pack thinned out or broke apart enough so that there was room to move. I ran this marathon in 3:56 if that helps you out. This was probably as scenic as it's going to get.

Pro or Con: The first part is way more downhill than anticipated, especially based off the elevation chart. I had a hard time slowing down and being on a smarter pace. Good to get going but bad if you can't slow down and save your legs. The course is more hilly than you'd think given the elevation map.

Weather: Thankfully, the marine foggy layer stayed put. Or there would've been little shade. Temp in the low 60s. However, I may run warm as I felt a touch of humidity and warmed too fast. Not terrible but not ideal. Caveat: I train in Minneapolis so my body may not be adjusted for warmer racing weather, especially in a year when winter never ended in this part of the country.

Agreed. Transportation to the race not easy. Where someone can drop you off is not well marked. We almost got dropped on the other side of Balboa Park in the dark at 4:45a.

The Hill- Way steeper and longer than indicated. I knew to expect a big hill and trained for hills. However, that hill was unnecessary long and steep;like hiking a mountain. It was horrible timing as you don' have much room to recover before the race ends. Please put some music here rather than signs that end up annoying you. This was in no mans land so you don't have any spectators.
Change this part as it is very unkind.

Speaking of spectators, mostly good but not as many as one would think. But again, the marathon was less the main event so there may have been more along the half course. Other race participants weren't as friendly as other races.

Overall, an okay marathon. It's great for an excuse to come to San Diego, and I wish would've just used it as a 'fun run' vs trying to aim for time. Don't count on a PR. You can PR but if you don't earn one, do not feel bad. It's a HARD course. I ran it with four others, two who PRd/BQd, and we all limped off happy to just be done. I had some issues and felt fortunate to get under 4 after all.

The focus is definitely the half at this race. I love San Diego and would consider just doing that.


W. C. from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (6/10/2013)
"New course - tough, tough hill" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Marathons

So I have run the San Diego marathon once before and I have the following comments regarding the 2013 marathon.


1. Excellent course support. The volunteers always had a lot of fluids and the medical tents had plenty of vasoline.
2. Interesting course. The new course layout provided plenty of interesting places to run and was a significant improvement of the previous San Diego Marathon that I had been in (2009).
3. The expo has a large variety of vendors and is well attended. it would have been nice to see a video of the marathon course but as with all marathons these day the focus is increasingly on the half.

4. The downtown finish line was good and was an improvemet from the Marine corps barracks and Sea world.


1. Do not underestimate the hill. It is very steep and long and comes at a point in the run where you want to walk. I crashed on the hill biut managed to come back in last 3 miles. I was a little surprised that they had organized the race this way.

2. I agree with the previous comments regarding the transportation plan. It said on the website transportation plan coming soon which gave the impression that they were working on something. At the end of the day the next post was 'if in a downtown hotel walk to the start'. This was disappointing.

3. When I finished the run I asked for a recovery blanket. I finished around 4:40 and was middle of the pack for the marathon. I was told that they had been given all away so I had to hunt one down in a medical tent. Really frustating.

All in all San Diego is a great city to visit and overall I enjoyed the run. I would do it again butprobably not next year.


J. A. from Austin, Texas (6/7/2013)
"Long Wait to Begin and Difficult Hill" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons

The weather was perfect - cloudy, no wind, and 65 degrees. The transportation to and from the marathon needs to be improved. The roads that formed the course perimeter closed at 5:00 a.m., so I was forced to be dropped off at 4:45 a.m. so my ride could return before the roads closed. I waited one and one-half hours until the start. I could have walked 2 miles up a hill, but I wanted to save my energy.

As far as the hill, it was too long and too steep. I prefer rolling hills that last the entire course.

The walk/bike path in Mission Bay was too narrow for passing.


L. B. from Arizona (6/6/2013)
"Harder course than anticipated" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons

I went into this race with two marathons done already this year so I was a little tired and just wanted to enjoy this experience. I'm afraid I didn't enjoy this marathon as much as my other races. The course was harder than I planned and I really struggled the last 13 miles. I'm a strong hill runner and I found myself walking portions of the 20 mile hill. I was disappointed in the Team in Training coaches and their consistency to only cheer for TNT runners. Cheer for everyone! The bands seemed to play before I got to them and after, never while I was running past. Aide stations were fully stocked and I did appreciate the helpful and enthusiastic volunteers, as well as the many medical tents. Transportation the night before had me more stressed than the race, and I didn't enjoy the mile walk to the start line from 5th Ave. Not a fun way to start marathon morning. Expo was congested but I don't usually hang around much at those events. Fix the transportation, limit the field as I thought some portions were congested, and I'd run this again.


E. H. from El Paso, TX (6/6/2013)
"Big, crowded commercial marathon" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Marathons

Overall, it wasn't terrible, but it sure wasn't great. They do a number of things well.


Lots of well-manned water stations relatively easy to get a drink at. I only had to skip one due to excessive congestion.

More Gatorade, Gu and first aid stations than they promised.

Mostly scenic course.

On time start.

Excellent enthusiastic crowd and volunteers.

Cool light and sound show in a tunnel.


The stretch through Mission Bay is terrible. Dangerous, even. The snaky jogging path they have you on for a couple miles is maybe 10 feet wide. Cracked concrete in spots. Not level. Way too congested. I tripped and fell hard trying go around a bicycle and stroller that got access to the jam-packed path, and I wasn't the only runner I saw fall here. It was absolutely terrible.

Up until 3 weeks before the race, the website said, 'Transportation plan coming soon.' Then, once the hotels were mostly booked and it was too late to change, the plan turned out to be: (paraphrasing - they put a much glossier veneer on it) Tough luck! You need to figure out a way to get to the starting line. Take public transit (which serves limited areas with the nearest train stop being a good mile away), find a cab or hope your hotel will give you a shuttle. (Mine didn't, nor did a couple others I called). For thousands of us, the transportation plan was to walk a couple miles up a pretty good hill to get to the start. You can call that a warm-up but it ought to be my choice how I warm up. It wouldn't have bothered me terribly if they had been up front about this, but that information was withheld when I wanted it most, and not revealed until the closer hotels were full or had sky-high rates.

The expo was a clogged mess. Didn't have the patience to fight the crowds to get to a lot of the vendor booths.

The music is overrated. A number of the bands were really good, and I appreciated the effort all of them put in, but you hear 'em a hundred yards out, and a hundred yards past, and that's that.

The hill climb on Hwy 163 at miles 20 and 21 is brutal. I'm generally a strong hill climber, and I understand it's the price we pay for two downhill trips through Balboa Park, but it's a BIG long, steep hill that knocks everyone off their pace and saps energy for the final miles.

It wasn't SO bad that I'd vow never to return, but I certainly won't be back next year. All in all, this was easily the least enjoyable marathon I've run, including a previous SD R-n-R that kept us on the street through Mission Bay. Getting back off the jogging path would be an enormous improvement.


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