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Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.6 
Number of comments: 80 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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J. V. from The Great State of Texas! (8/11/2009)
"A fun race with no spectators" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathons

I have run all of the ET's. This year was the toughest for any first-year people, or people reading about the 2009 version. It isn't usually this tough. What can you say about a race in the middle of the desert at midnight? No scenery, no spectators, no bands, no cheer squads, no traffic. It is just you running down a long straight highway. Good, bad or indifferent. That is the race.

The good:

Nice shirt! No sponsor-laden advertising board here! A choice of a nice, thick, warm, long-sleeve cotton, or a sleek, thin, long-sleeve, tech shirt. Both very nice!

Easy course to follow: go straight. No turns to miss, no roads to cross, just go!

Did I mention that race is staged out of Las Vegas? What can be better than a race trip to Vegas?! I even got married there once. What a wild and crazy place to go... and to be able to run an ultra while at it! Woohoo!

Multiple distances; one for everyone.

A bus ride to the race! No driving in traffic. The bus leaves from your hotel! Sweet! Or in Vegas, just take a cab if you are staying on the Strip. Very easy race, with no hassles.

Did I mention that race was in Vegas yet?

Quiet, midnight race....

Hot meal when you are done!

Cold towels when you are done!

A bus ride home so that you can sleep and not have to kill yourself trying to stay awake for that long drive home.

Did I mention that it was in Las Vegas yet?

There is an ultra option!!!! There is also a half option and a 10K option too. Friends and family can come run as well.

You can run a summer marathon without it being in a mountain state.

The finisher's medal gets better every year! Last year they gave us a great medal; this year we got an even better medal! I am half expecting a spinner medal at this rate!


Well, midnight can be a tough time to run. That is past most of our bedtimes.

Did I mention that the race was in Las Vegas? That can be distracting... for good or bad.

The course has a major bump in it - 13 miles of it, to be precise.

The course is also at a mild altitude. For a sea-level person like me, it IS at altitude.

It is a small race. Some like large crowds, spectators, bands, cheer squads, etc. This has nothing like that. It is you and the road for the most part.

It is a summer race, so it's hard to train for if you live in a hot weather place.


So it is a small race at midnight in the middle of nowhere that is staged out of a fun destination. Good shirt, good medal, and hot food; it's not cheap for what you get, but it is Vegas, after all. This may be the unique race that you have been looking for to get that stale large race taste out of your mouth. Plus it gets you a summer marathon.


Kelly Mercer from Las Vegas, NV (8/10/2009)
"It was an experience running at night." (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

It was definitely an experience. The first 13 miles are uphill, which kind of hurts. The elevation is kind of high, too - reaching 5,600 feet. I met two nice people named Joe and Kim around mile 12, and I ran with them till around mile 22, when I became sick. I became really nauseated, and walked most of the last three miles and puked my brains out after the race. I'm not sure if I ate something bad or if it was that I accidentally filled my Camelbak with Heed. The medal we got was really cool. Unfortunately, I missed the after-race breakfast because I was too sick.


J. K. from Los Angeles (8/10/2009)
"Pure madness. But I loved it." (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

Overall: This was a beast of a race. Imagine running on a straight road, at a slight incline for the first 13 miles, in near pitch black conditions with only the moon behind and the dim light of your headlamp to provide visibility, and no spectators to cheer you on. Before you assume that I had a miserable time, let me tell you that this was one of the more memorable races I've been a part of. The sheer excitement that accompanies being part of a crowd that, with little doubt, consists entirely of near-fanatic, have-to-be-a-little-crazy running enthusiasts, is overwhelming. I looked around and saw my fellow runners adorned with glowsticks, flashing lights, reflective tape, and some with full on costumes, and I thought to myself: this one's for the ages.

Definitely going to run again.

Course: Slight incline for the first 13 miles. At times hardly noticeable but definitely not flat. A similarly sloped decline for seven miles. The last six miles are killer. It's an out-and-back that consists of a three-mile dip and a three-mile climb back (again, not steep by any means, but not flat neither). Perhaps the hardest part about this course is that the scenery is bleak. Miles of desert and brush all around. The only exception, and a notable one at that, is the presence of stars to cheer you on as well as the occasional shooting star (I saw at least 5).

Recommended run? If you're looking for a unique marathon that will truly push you to the limit, this is it!


Laurence Macon from San Antonio (8/10/2009)
"It gets better every year!" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathons

The organization, the buses and the breakfast have improved each year. The challenging course, the full moon, the beautiful scenery and the vast stillness can't be improved. It's a lot of fun. Thanks, Joyce.


Jeff Ferris from Waukesha, Wisconsin (8/10/2009)
"An experience for marathon enthusiasts!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

Running a midnight marathon is an awesome experience! I imagine that the logistics were difficult, but Calico did a really nice job! If I ran another marathon in Nevada (I'm from Wisconsin), then I would definitely do this again.

Nothing like listening to Coast to Coast (about aliens) on the AM radio on the drive up, with all of the shooting stars, the eerie mist, and the trail of runners' lights ahead and behind.... It really puts this in the mood!

And a great way to top off a marathon with a nice meal!

The volunteers were extra awesome, because they are there in the middle of the night. I can't imagine how they had the energy to do it!

The ride home was tough, but since I didn't have to drive, I passed out. About 45 minutes into the drive, we came across a two-car rollover accident. I think all marathoners that drove by stopped in some capacity to help. I know I was one of two other first responders who assisted with a person thrown from the vehicle who had some very serious injuries. It was neat how we just ran a long distance, and were lacking sleep, yet our our priority was to tend to this patient in the hot morning sun. Definitely added to the experience.

Awesome marathon!


Jon Roland from Arizona, USA (10/15/2008)
"Tough course, but what a night!!!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

Attached is what I wrote the race director:

Just wanted to drop you a quick line. I had a great time last at the ET Marathon. I ran the full, and it was truly awesome running at night in the high desert. It was a beautiful full moon, and the volunteers were so generous donating their time. The animal crackers were my favorite snack you had - I have not seen those at a run before, but what a great idea, and they hit the spot. The run itself was really tough, with the climb, but it was a great challenge. By the way, the dead cow (can't remember which mile, but before the half marathoners joined, I believe) was a great touch... lol. It was tough running past the finish line before turning around, but I did, and I finished!!! This was only my 2nd marathon (1st was Rock 'n Roll San Diego this year), and it was a tough one, but a fun one. The folks at the finish line, and in the Ale Inn were great, and the food was quite tasty. Thanks for a great run! One recommendation, if I may be so bold. I had a lot of chafing problems (time to lose some leg fat!), and used the Udder cream stuff, but it ran out by mile 19, and the rest was quite painful. I asked a couple of the stations along the way (beginning around mile 12 or so), and none had Vaseline. Thanks again for bringing together a great bunch of runners, volunteers, scenery, hospitality, challenge and food! Top notch!

Added note from Jon afterward - the race director wrote me back, and I evidently inquired about Vaseline at the wrong aid stations, because they did have it (I sure wish I had asked).

Give it a try; it was an excellent experience running under the full moon in the high desert.


P. K. from Jonesboro, Arkansas (9/15/2008)
"Don't catch the bus!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons

Excellent concept for a race, and overall the race is well worth running. I ran the 10K (due to injury) but wished I had done the marathon. As a race director myself, I get frustrated when I see others failing yet insisting on proclaiming that there is no other way. The buses were a bit of a joke. If you like standing for a long time in exhaust fumes, then catch the bus. They give you a ticket, but you don't need it because some poor old guy has to search for your name and tick you off as you board... one by one. If the organizers were to put numbers on the tickets with a name by that number, would that not facilitate faster boarding? Duh! The old guy then would need only to tick off the number, instead of searching for names.

Anyway, the race itself was great and well organized. As for the buses back to Vegas... don't get me started again.

I would do the event again, but get my own transportation.


C. K. from Belton, SC, USA (8/25/2008)
"Excellent Theme-Based Race" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

Excellent organization, cute medals and shirts, and the beautiful setting all combine to set this marathon apart from others. Don't run it for time; run it for the experience. Mentally, it is tough - even though it is beautiful out there in the desert, it is a challenging course with no turns or changes. I enjoyed the desert sounds. This is not a race where you would want spectators interfering with the solitude. Joyce, the race director, did an excellent job coming up with this idea and executing it perfectly!


George (Ted) Hobart from Arlington, VA (8/22/2008)
"Truly Amazing Event!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

I want to thank Joyce for such an incredible marathon - this was truly an amazing event. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into it. I loved every part it, from the bib pickup and runner conversations, to sprinting into the finish line in the morning. This race is definitely one of my favorites. I loved all of the glittery bling we wore, and I loved hearing coyotes in the hills at day break. This was indeed more an endurance run for me, having never climbed to that high an elevation before. But when it was all done and I was eating eggs, potatoes and sausage at the post-race meal, that was a breakfast that couldn't be beat! Thanks so much.

- Ted


Rob Klein from Aurora, CO (8/19/2008)
"An Up and Down Marathon" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon

This is a great concept for a marathon in the Summer in Nevada! It is a change - and a challenge - trying to be ready to run at midnight, but it was manageable. Everybody gathered at the famous "Black Mailbox," which is really white. Folks started showing up earlier in the evening, and when the buses arrived from Las Vegas, there were folks everywhere (it seemed). Still, organization was good, and it seemed that everything was in order. Everyone had to wear a chemically-activated, lighted necklace. A couple of gals had lights on their clothes from head to foot - literally; everything but bells and whistles. Race packets were handed out about 11:00 p.m. to those (like me) who did not go to Las Vegas. But in time for the start of the race, the 1/2 marathoners were out of the way, and Joyce directed the start of the race.

The course was all uphill the first half - ending at Coyote Pass. The early miles were almost flat, and as you got closer to the pass, it just got steeper and steeper. Of course, it was downhill after that. The stretch from mile marker 20 to 23 was slightly uphill, but everybody was well spent by then, it seemed. The last 3 miles backtracked mile 20 to 23. The moon was full, so there was not a spectacular display of stars, shooting stars, or alien spacecraft to see. The finish line was at the Little A'le'Inn, whose management and staff put out an abundance of hot breakfast - starting in the middle of the night, though it was well past sunrise before I was finished. The food was great, and thanks to Pat and her staff for the food!

The course was well marked (I helped the crew put up mile-post signs Saturday afternoon), the aid stations - every 3.5 miles were adequate, and the course was well lit - by the full moon. The T-shirt is really cool - and it will be a favorite of mine (it is hard to pick one favorite). The shirt is black with a full moon, an alien spacecraft, stars, and a green alien running the course (I always wondered what color those guys were), a line about mysterious Area 51, and a calico cat - for Calico Racing - (this cat apparently survived battle with the gingham dog).

The only cheering was from the occasional car that went by and from the aid station volunteers. And the volunteers were awesome!

To me, this event was the best way to get the state of Nevada. So in that regard, I am not disappointed. However, the timing was difficult for me. I had been awake for too long when the race started, and did not sleep well Friday night either. I did not have a pasta dinner and sleep on it like I normally do. Further, I was getting an upset stomach by mile 19. So the early hills tool their toll on me, and it was a sub-par performance for me. If you decide to do this race next year (or beyond) keep these things in mind, and plan for them. An overnight marathon is quite an experience, and I still highly recommend this race.


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