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Pasadena Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.3 
Number of comments: 44 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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A. P. from Long Beach, CA (5/13/2009)
"Not a fan..." (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

I ran the half, and this has to be my worst race to date (even worse than Surf City, which I ran despite having food poisoning - big mistake). I'm surprised at all of the positive comments, but I suppose people value different things in races.

Personally, I value organization at the top. I pay for ease of transportation, support along the course, mile markers, bathrooms, gel/food, and electrolytes. There was a lack of all of this. Parking was a nightmare. I never saw gels/GU along the course, and I never knew whether my cup had electrolytes or water (most of the time it ended up being water, unfortunately). I waited in line for a bathroom at the start, but I didn't get to the front of the line before I had to start the race. Actually, the line barely moved. I skipped the porta-potties for the first 8 miles due to really long lines, and finally ended up dropping trou in the bushes (sorry if I flashed anyone). There were no clocks along the course or volunteers calling out times. Finisher food was ok, but nothing spectacular. As for spectators - well, I wouldn't watch a marathon in a torrential downpour either.

All in all, I wasn't impressed and I won't be making the trip to Pasadena next March. The course was good (aside from the trip through the not-so-nice part of town), but if I want to run Pasadena again, I'll do it on my own.


G. M. from Long Beach, CA (5/4/2009)
"rain made a bad & challenging race worse" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

The rain was rough. I'm trying to think of the race aside from that, and there were a lot of problems here. This is a very hilly course the monster hill around mile 21 and the gradual incline from 22 to 24 are downright cruel. The parking and freeway exit set-up were not thought out. A friend who I planned to run with arrived more than an hour before the race at the exit from the freeway, a mile from the start line, and he didn't start the race until 15 minutes after the gun. He didn't get an official time and I assume that was the reason why. Spectators were non-existent but I blame that mostly on the rain. The course was diverse, but it has way too many hills. Miles 11-14 (or something like that) were steady and tough inclines.

The announcer at the finish line was great, though, and there was sufficient post-race food. Volunteers on course with water were good, especially considering the rain.

Overall, the race is cursed and poorly run. I certainly wont be running it again.


Liz Moseley from Los Angeles, CA (4/2/2009)
"Oh Wet Fun It Is To Run In Pasadena" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

I've run in rain before, but this was ridiculous! On any similar day with an umbrella, I wouldn't want to walk a block. But there's something about being with a bunch of people in running shoes, soaked as much as you, running their hearts out, that keeps you going. I actually enjoyed this marathon very much. What a great scenic course! I liked that it wasn't totally flat or straight lines that go on forever. The different grades and curves kept it interesting. As the course split, half and full, there were a couple times when it merged back together, giving you an opportunity to see friends who were running ahead or behind you in either race. The water station volunteers were awesome and very enthusiastic. I don't even recall having to kick away cups, because the folks who were sweeping practically made the roads debris-free.

I rated the Spectator category with 3 stars only because there were so few. Blame it on the weather. The only negative in terms of organization, something I anticipated was going to create a mess, was giving out directions to use two freeway exits that converged together onto one street, using only two lanes to get to the PCC parking garages and starting line. Once I saw the rows of tail lights ahead on the eastbound 210 freeway, I immediately took the lake exit with the intent to park at a Caltech parking lot, which would have required a few blocks of walking (chance to warm up the legs). However, at a certain point cones blocked the street we were on, diverting us towards a PCC garage. It took all of 10 minutes from when we exited the freeway. Sweet!

Lastly, thanks for giving out gender-specific shirts, though I don't recall that being an option when I indicated a t-shirt size. I was able to exchange it for the size that I really wanted, and it was true to size and fits well. I definitely plan to sign up again for next year's race. Good job, Pasadena Forward, and congratulations on finally pulling off this event!


Raymond Morales from Pasadena, CA (4/1/2009)
"Room For Improvement..." (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

First of all, I LOVED the rain... if anything, the rain turned an otherwise mediocre marathon experience into a more exciting one. However, given the parameters of the ratings, the rain, which made this a pretty enjoyable marathon for me, does not fit into either the "course," "organization" or "spectators" categories, so while my average rating for this marathon is only a 2.66 stars, in reality, I had a very good time out there.

This was my 10th marathon to date and I would say that it is probably right in the middle to lower end of my rankings.

While traffic was an issue for many, I cannot comment on this. I live 2 miles away and it was just a short drive down Hill Street to get near the marathon start. As a matter of fact, I didn't even leave home until 6:50 a.m., 20 minutes after the start, was dropped off at 6:55 a.m. and started just before 7 a.m... the luxury of chip timing! :)

It would have been nice had there been a bit more course support. While the citizens of Pasadena cannot exactly be forced to come out and give half a damn about the marathon, it would have been nice to see a band or DJ every few miles, an occasional cheerleading squad, or even some holy rollers giving out "running crosses" or holding signs warning of eternal damnation - anything to break up the monotony of what amounted to just about ZERO crowd support in the same city that is able to handle 1 million people crushed together to watch a silly parade every New Year.

Another thing I find bothersome was the mile markers. Sometimes they were definitely off, while other times they were totally turned to the side so that runners approaching could not even see them until side by side with them. I missed at least a couple mile markers and one mile marker was off by an entire 1/3 of a mile (it was the one adjacent to Pasadena High School, maybe Mile 22?).

A marathon this size should have had better aid stations and a better electrolyte drink. Yuck; whatever that stuff was they were handing out was bad. Also, I never saw oranges or bananas. Fortunately, the GU packs were pretty available.

But, I have seen much better aid stations at other marathons, including marathons much smaller.

Finally, not even a beer garden at the finish? Even the Rose Bowl Half Marathon features each a beer garden and a live band!

The course definitely could be improved. Going up N. Raymond Avenue was a marathon first for me. I saw a citizen being arrested - led out of his apartment and into a police cruiser handcuffed. I guess he should have run the marathon that morning but still, terrible timing. Then again, on North Raymond it was not a total surprise. The race should instead ascend up either Rosemead Boulevard or Sierra Madre Villa.

There were so many nice parts of Pasadena that were not visited by the marathon route: California Blvd., San Pasqual, Madison Heights, the area around the Huntington Hotel, and other places.

Final issue: porta-potties... where were they??? There were far too few along the course and I felt bad for those who had to stand in long lines to use them. Me, I went 100 yards off the course to use the restrooms at the Brookshire Golf Club, but I had to hold it for a good mile or two to get there, as I knew of the existence of these pristine bathrooms from my Rose Bowl Half Marathon experience.

While I would consider running this marathon again, it is only because I am a Pasadena resident, a frequent marathon runner and an eternal optimist, hopeful that significant improvements will be made in the 2010 edition.


c. U. from Los Angeles, CA, USA (3/30/2009)
"Great run despite the rain..." (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

Even with the rain, which limited the number of spectators and made some places slippery, this was a fun run. Going under the "bridge" was just about as good as going over it. RB is always scenic! I liked the switchbacks because I'm so slow that I could see all of my friends in the lead!


L. T. from riverside, ca (3/29/2009)
"Better Late Than Never" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

First, I want to thank the volunteers, police, and the fire department. This was my third time running a marathon in the rain - fourth time, if you include my training last Christmas Day - and I loved it. I liked the start/finish line at the same point. March is perfect for the Pasadena Marathon. Just PLEASE ALWAYS schedule it at least 6 or 7 weeks after the Surf City Marathon. Parking was very nice for me. Too bad PCC didn't let us use any restrooms; we ladies would have greatly appreciated it. But I was very happy to have the parking. I am looking forward to running it again next year. A little suggestion for next year is to let full marathoners start maybe 15 or 30 minutes before half marathoners.


m. t. from Los Angeles, CA (3/26/2009)
"When life hands you lemons..." (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

I was registered to run the original November race as well, and disappointed but not surprised that I would have to pay again (at a 50% discount) to actually RUN the race in March. But there was nothing else the organizers could have done about the wildfires - or the March race-day downpours.

Despite the race having an advertised 1,000 elevation gain, overall it wasn't as challenging of a course as I expected. It wasn't easy, but not awful either. The 2-mile uphill from 22-24 was kind of brutal though. Also, mile markers were constant from 1-21, but I didn't see 22-24. Which meant my finishing kick at 25 started a bit too late. The race results had very random splits - they didn't include your standard half and 20-mile marks at all. Not helpful.

I had problems with parking also. After sitting on the highway exit ramp for 50 minutes, the race was getting ready to kick off, so I finally gave up on the Hill exit, and continued down to the next exit. It got me to the starting line in time to hear the gun go off for the marathon, but alas, I was badly in need of a port-o-potty stop - and that added a lot of time. I finally crossed the start 20 minutes late. Getting mowed down by the 5K'ers right behind you is not pleasant.

The rain seemed only to increase the enthusiasm of runners, spectators, and volunteers. When life hands you lemons... cheer more loudly! It was pretty cold at times since I was soaking wet, and windy on a few occasions. I didn't like the number of out-and-backs, since it cuts down on the variety of scenery. But the stretch around mile 21 running towards the mountains was beautiful - I wish there was more of that.

Overall, not a bad race. The organizers had to deal with a LOT to make this event happen, and hopefully they will learn a few things about how to make it even better next time. There are too many events though. I understand wanting to milk the day for all it's worth, but the chaos of a bike tour, marathon, half, 5K, and whatever else they were trying to do was ridiculous.


L. T. from Atlanta, GA (3/25/2009)
"I'm glad I ran it!" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

I enjoyed running in this marathon. The event was very well organized. The first half of the course was very scenic. The second half was not as interesting; however, the volunteers were fantastic. They did their best to make sure we stayed hydrated and encouraged. There were not as many spectators as I have seen at other events, but the weather may have had something to do with that and that this was the inaugural event. My friends had no problem driving to different spots along the course to cheer for me. I would recommend this event for first time marathoners. There is a generous 7-hour time limit and everyone was very friendly.

As a footnote: there were porta-potties at every water station, for those who needed to go.


R. L. from Long Beach, CA (3/25/2009)
"Let it rain!" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons

It poured and I loved it! Some guys had bloody nipples, but live and learn. Along with the changing weather, the course had variety, the water stations were plentiful, and the volunteers were encouraging. Spectators were out there in the rain too! An act of love or craziness? Either way, their posters, high-fives, and cheers were welcome. Pasadena streets are wide and the traffic officers have got it down. I've been running marathons for over 27 years, and I prefer rigorous trail marathons, but I knew Pasadena would know how to do it right. From the expo to the finishers' recovery area, it was exemplary for an inaugural event. Bonus: the marathon gave me and my husband another reason to dine and shop in Pasadena. A memorable Sunday.


B. R. from Southern California (3/25/2009)
"Pretty Good For An Inaugural Event" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Pasadena Marathon

The course was challenging - mostly scenic, with several long but not taxing inclines, and a few too many boring out-and-backs. Aid stations were well supplied, staffed and spaced. Mile markers were very visible, but I either missed the markers at 2 and 18 miles or they weren't there. T-shirts were average. Organization: I didn't know until I arrived at the start if there would be a bag drop off/pick up available. Crowd support was pretty good despite the rain.


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