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Air Force Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 344 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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A. P. from Washington, DC (9/24/2008)
"Still One of the Best" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Air Force Marathons

I've done all of the AF Marathons, and I really enjoyed this year, in spite of reservations about the course changes. I missed my hills at the end, but I liked the changes. Very glad they put Huffman Prairie back in! Fairborn had more folks out cheering this year, and I enjoyed that. And as one who refuses to do the Marine Corps Marathon again (because the spectators are so thoughtless), I appreciate the relative seclusion of the AF Marathon. Great job all around, including the heroes who ran - Captain Castro and his guide, the gentleman in the special chair with his two friends/pushers who walked his own finish. That's what the marathon is all about. A special thanks to the friendly runners on the course who cheered each other on and celebrated each other's accomplishments. We'll see you next year.


W. C. from Macomb, Michigan (9/24/2008)
"Just not top of the line...." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

I had heard such great things about this marathon that I was surprised at its weaknesses. Yes, there were some good things, but overall, this was one of the worst marathons I have run. And this was my 18th.

The Good: The flyover at the beginning was awesome. I have never experienced anything like that and it was very, very cool. The part of the course that went through local Dayton, was great and well supported by the locals. There was plenty of finish line food, and the medical staff was great, as I ended up dehydrated and in the medical tent for my first time ever.

The Bad: The expo was about the worst ever. Poorly organized with VERY UNFRIENDLY volunteers. No info desk, and it was poorly marked, in terms of finding the expo itself or anything in it.

The course was okay, except for the fact that around mile 20(?) I came running into a huge mass of 10-minute-plus half-marathoners. I was on a sub-7-minute-per-mile pace, and all of a sudden, I had to weave in and out of hundreds of other runners. I certainly don't blame the half-marathoners who were doing there best on a hot day. I TOTALLY blame the organizers for a ridiculous set up. If this is not changed next year, avoid this race at all costs, as this was just not acceptable for a race trying so hard to grow.

Aid stations were fine except for the fact that the people did not really seem ready for us. My group of three had to yell to find out who had Gatorade and who had water at pretty much every stop. I know that is a little picky, but they just didn't seem to know what they were supposed to do.

Last, after the race I had to walk what seemed like a couple miles to get to my shuttle bus, and after 26.2, I had really had enough.

I will definitely not be back to this one when there are so many better races.


k. w. from Chicago (9/24/2008)
"Great Race" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

This was a well organized race! I have never seen so many well-stocked aid stations - out of the 15 marathons I've ran! The Vaseline handed out on the course became unexpectedly useful, as I was getting runners' rash from a new shirt I was wearing. The Air Force jet flybys at the start were pretty cool! And being greeted by Air Force officers who handed you the medals at the end of the race was cool too. There were some unexpected "scenic" areas of the race on base, such as a nice two-mile section of a running path or service road that was covered by trees which provided shade from the sun. It was a clear blue sky, and by the time mile 19 or 20 came around, it was becoming hot too. The trees provided much needed shade. The pasta dinner at the Air Force Museum was a nice touch. Take time to see the museum as it is quite interesting! I will definitely run this race again!


J. E. from Indiana (9/23/2008)
"Well-run, enjoyable marathon" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

Many others have captured well the 2008 event. Nice day, awesome flyover and "stand on tail" by three fighter planes at the start, and a very well managed and abundantly staffed course.

It gave me, an army dad, a feel for the full scale of the Air Force... the planes are big, the air strip is big (you run all around it), everything is big.

I struggled this day, due to my own faulty hydration plan... it was not the fault of the course, but it was bad planning on my part. I'll fix that next time.

Earlier years' comments here complained about the parking. I got there early and had no problems, either getting in or getting out.


c. g. from marietta, ga (9/23/2008)
"better than most" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

I signed up for this race in '01, but it was canceled due to 9/11. I'm glad that I returned. It was very well organized, and had lots of porta-johns at the start and along the course. Lots of water stations - and I even received ice with my water at one station. Being congratulated at the end by the high-ranking officers when receiving my medal was special.

- 50 States and DC finisher.


R. E. from Fishers, Indiana (9/22/2008)
"Inspiring race with a can-do attitude!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

The fly-overs at the start were awe-inspiring! By the third jet, everyone seemed to have forgotten about conserving energy for the upcoming hills and were jumping and shouting in appreciation! The hills in the first three miles were the biggest, but seemed to help everyone settle into their proper pace after starting a little too fast from the "jet adrenaline rush." The next 20 miles were relatively flat, with more than enough hydration stations (along with two orange and banana stations and three spots where they handed out GU). The town of Fairborn was a welcome treat after a section of running on a freeway. The people in the town were enthusiastic in their support. Running on the airbase after that was quiet, but much was shaded and the Wright Brothers vintage airplane that flew over us often was a reminder of the area's history.

The aid stations on the base seemed particularly supportive in their decorations and their cheers, maybe to make up for the quiet on the runway and the shady roads. Running by the field where the Wrights flew was interesting, but soon we rejoined the half-marathon course (at about mile 21) and it disrupted the tempo from the previous 12 miles. It was nice to see more people again but more difficult to run straight lines at pace because of dodging through the crowds. It was intimidating to start up one of the large hills from the first three miles at mile 22 or 23, but you were quickly relieved to see the course turn and skirt the steepest part. Any hills seem long at the end of a marathon, but these didn't seem unfair. The temperatures were rising, and the shade was gone for the last few miles, so it was nice that the course leveled off for a mile or so at the finish. The crowds for the last 3/4 mile as you ran around the museum's runways were loud and large. The finish along the rows of historic planes and jets was unique, as was receiving a great medal and handshake from some Air Force brass! Good recovery area once you got past the backup of the post-race photos. Great handouts in the food tent with Propel, Gatorade, and water, along with plenty of the usual fare for food plus pizza!

Well done for a medium-sized, but growing, race! I recommend it!


J. H. from Illinois (9/22/2008)
"Air Force Half Marathon 2008" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Air Force Marathon

This was my first half. The course was not real scenic or interesting, but the weather was gorgeous and the other runners and volunteers made it fun. I did at least one training run per week on hills, so I didn't have a problem with the hills on the course at all, but I imagine they'd be harder for someone who wasn't ready for them.

Everything was super organized, with the exception of the lines post-race to get the chip removed and to have photos taken/get food. After we came through the chute and got the medal (which is really nice), there was no clear direction on which way to go or what to do. People getting in line to have photos taken/get food were not sure what line they were getting in. There should have been a volunteer out there to direct people into the appropriate line. There were plenty of volunteers for this event; one or two of them could have been well used in this area.

The aid stations were great and well stocked, and the enthusiastic volunteers made up for the lack of spectators. There weren't many spectators until near the finish line, but the people that came out to cheer were great and very encouraging.

The expo was small, but it had everything an out-of-town racer would need, plus some interesting items, good deals and free samples. The pasta dinner was worth the 20 bucks - there was plenty of variety and A LOT of food. The desert table gets an extra shout out - amazing.

I gave the spectators 4 stars just because there weren't many due to the way the course was laid out - if you need a lot of fan support, this might not be your race, but I thought the ones who were out there more than made up for the numbers. I am already making plans to go back next year. Put the time in your schedule to visit the Air and Space Museum. There is so much in there to see that a quick walk-through after the pasta dinner does not do it justice.


P. D. from Dayton Ohio (9/22/2008)
"Something Was Missing" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

This was my 7th Air Force experience but first time running the full marathon. I loved the course! AWESOME. Not many spectators on the flight line area but overall a great experience. One thing that I missed was the excitement at the start and finish line. Something was missing... maybe the new sponsors weren't as good as the previous sponsor?? The parking was terrible. Why can't we park at/around the AF Museum? Taking the bus back to the car was terrible (wait time/sweaty/smelly), and then the gate to airway was closed. The medal was fantastic, as always. Next year, eliminate the t-shirts and get some good wicking-type material instead of the cheap, cotton ones. Thank you. See you in 2009!


D. B. from Maryland, USA (9/22/2008)
"Excellent Race" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

This is a well-run, first-class, mid-size race (about 1,800 full marathon finishers). The course is pretty easy, with no major hills and only a few minor inclines after the hill just prior to mile 1. Not a lot of shade - except through Huffman Prairie area - so it can get warm. Course is run mostly on the base, so not a lot of spectators, but plenty of crowd support in the town of Fairborn. Most supported marathon I have ever run. Aid stations every mile, many with bananas/oranges/gel shots. I recall four stops having sponges, which really helped. Packet pick up was easy, and the expo was fine. The premium was good (long-sleeve cotton tee), the air freshener plug-in was a surprise, and the finisher's medal was nice and huge. Post-race was well stocked, with typical food and drink. The start was impressive, having three fighter jets fly over. I liked having a separate start for the half marathoners; that really cuts down on the crowd at the start. All in all, one of the best I've run. Only minor negative is taking a shuttle and the walk to the start/finish, but that really can't be avoided. I'll be back in the future to run again.


A. T. from Chicago (9/21/2008)
"Incredibly Well-Supported Race" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Air Force Marathon

Organization and support could not have been better. Lots of: porty-potties at start and along course; water/Gatorade/gel/oranges/bananas/sponges/volunteers. Wonderful spectator support in the little town we went through. Course made the most of its location. Great air show to start us off. Pizza afterward!


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