calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Rockfest Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.3 
Number of comments: 38 [displaying comments 31 to 38]
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B. I. from Portsmouth NH (10/13/2010)
"Fast Course... Great Scenery" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rockfest Marathon

This was the first year for the full marathon so there were a few growing pains. Having been to many of the races that are put on by this group - i am sure that anything wrong will be fixed next year.

Thumbs Up:
Fast course to qualify on.
Scenery on-course is great: best ocean views you could ask for.
Beer after the race.
Perfect weather.

Thumbs down:
Food was running out for slower marathoners.
Start/finish area was in the middle of a construction zone this year.

Can't wait for next year! Very commendable job for the first year!


M. B. from Mass. (10/9/2010)
"Good first attempt at a marathon" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rockfest Marathon

First off, let me say that the volunteers were awesome. This course is absolutely beautiful. I wish they had had one more water stop, though; it felt like they were too far apart. The crowds were decent for such a small race and the double loop course helps it feel like the crowd is bigger than it actually is. The beer tent at the finish is a nice touch, though food was few and far between for the slower marathoners. The organizers gave the marathoners a nice windbreaker, which I found a nice change from a race T-shirt. All in all, I will run this race again because of how great this course was.


K. L. from New York, NY (10/8/2010)
"Scenic, flat course - but needs more aid stations!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rockfest Marathon

Very scenic, flat and double-loop course along the NH coast. Race souvenir was great - a nice, red, nylon jacket that I would definitely wear! Finish line had great food - hot pizza, beer, ice cream and chips.

This was the 1st time for the marathon, although they've had a 1/2 marathon in the past. My only suggestion is to add more aid stations for next year. I believe there were 9 aid stations for the entire marathon course - so about 1 every 3 miles. Having an aid station every 3 miles is fine, except during the latter part of a marathon, where it would have been nice to have aid stations every 2 miles or so. A minor complaint, but I think making this change would definitely improve the experience for the marathon runners. Great job by the organizers overall, and of course by the volunteers at the aid stations!


J. C. from Connecticut (10/7/2010)
"Scenic Course, Rotten Organization" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rockfest Marathon

This is NOT a race worth going to except for the great scenic views.

Roads were open so we had to watch traffic. At the finish, they had a narrow portion for the runners, but it had walkers, half marathon finishers and spectators that felt they should be able to walk there also. Water stops every 3 miles and they only filled the cups half way. One time I even had to grab my own cup off the table and I was NOT running with a crowd of folks. Not enough porto-lets on the course. Most of the course had no spectators for the marathoners. The post-race food was ice cream, pizza, water, some type of chips, and beer. No room to move in the finisher area.

It was a chilly day and there were no heat sheets to cover up with after the race. Had to find my own in the medical tent.

Most of the town is closed after the summer season (even Dunkin' Donuts and McDonalds closed).

This event is designed for the half marathon finishers for sure.


K. A. from NE (10/5/2010)

11-50 previous marathons

I was very disappointed in this race. First, the website leads the marathoners to believe they would receive a jacket and a t-shirt, but when I arrived to pick up my "race packet" (which turned out to be NOTHING - just the bib number!) it was only a jacket. For the start of the race, marathoners were jammed into a narrow, one-lane street with thousands of half marathoners, and you could barely move. The water stops were WAY TOO INFREQUENT and they put barely a shot glass worth of water in each plastic cup... PLASTIC CUPS... REALLY??? What genius decided to use small, plastic Dixie Cups that you can't grip and that blow all over the place? I almost fell trying to avoid tripping on them. They routed us through boring neighborhoods and along the city streets, making a lot of twists and turns that really slowed runners down. The worst part was that they didn't close the roads for the marathoners - we had to run against fast moving traffic on uneven, practically nonexistent shoulders! Not only was it annoying - it was actually pretty dangerous! And the finisher's medal... what a joke - I have received better medals at 5K's. Post-race food was pizza, ice cream and chips. I'm a runner, not a couch potato. Although I posted a decent time, I disliked this race a lot.


Matt Westerlund from Upstate New York, USA (10/4/2010)
"Great views, beautiful place, nice course" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rockfest Marathon

This was my 12th marathon. The course was mostly a double loop course, with a bit of an extension. Small marathon - about 300 ran the marathon course, but most ran the half. It was a perfect weather day - 40's at the start, 50's at finish. Very few spectators; consider that if you need lots of people around. Course views were beautiful - ocean views, and beautiful homes on country roads, when you weren't on the ocean. Plenty of water, gels were as expected, and volunteers were great. I did not carry a belt, but walked at each water stop to get plenty of water down. Fluids seemed a bit far apart, but I never had an issue. If it was warmer, it may have been an issue, and I would have needed a belt. I loved the course. It was not totally flat; rolling hills were present, which I think is perfect. No big hills. Some traffic - roads were not closed - but very manageable. Tailwind pushed you along the last 3-4 miles to finish. Good planning if this is the typical wind direction. If not, it could be a tough finish. Marathoners encountered lots of walkers lingering the last 1-2 miles of the course, standing around along the narrow passageway/sidewalk. This totally annoyed me, as they seemed not to realize there was a marathon going on. You had to go around lots of oblivious walkers.

Stayed at the host hotel, Ashworth by the Sea, which was a bit pricey, but convenient. Arrived around 10:00 Friday night, and the place was hopping with partiers. However, you would never know it, as in the room we could not hear any sign of the night club scene nearby. Clean, quiet, no problems. Nice little breakfast place attached to the hotel - good food and prices. Ate at a great Italian place within a 10-minute drive, in North Hampton, called Ronaldo's. I highly recommend it: awesome food, great prices. Great place to carb load. Overall, I had a great marathon, got a PR at 3:13, qualified for Boston, and got to enjoy the ocean in October. Great weekend!


L. L. from Northshore MA (10/4/2010)
"Fast and flat with great views!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rockfest Marathon

This was the first year that the Rockfest series offered a full marathon. The folks at Loco Sports did a really good job getting this together. The course is nice with the exception of a couple of busy roads that they really can't do much about. The field was small - 370 finishers. Starting with the half runners makes it feel big until they all head in. The only thing I told the organizers they might want to look at was changing from plastic cups to paper... though the plastic ones make a satisfying crunch when you stomp on 'em. ;-)

The low fan number is due to the size of the crowd that is on the course. And this is a small race so there's a correspondingly small spectator crowd.

If you chose this race you won't be disappointed. A great, small race with great views! The Loco folks do a great job with the shorter races they put on and this one is no different.


D. T. from Western Ma. (10/4/2010)
"Very Fast, Low-Frills Event" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rockfest Marathon

This being the inaugural year for the full marathon, we were blessed with nearly perfect weather. The 2,000-runner limit was split with only 497 signed up for the full - and after some allowed switching, etc., only 379 finishers. This may shift when folks start realizing how flat and fast this course is, and only a couple of weeks before Boston registration opens.

The course is largely residential with some pretty sections along the shore, which you won't want if the wind is in your face. It has only 60 feet in elevation, is a little sparse on markings, and is even more sparse on spectators.

Very fast course
Small crowds
A nice marathon jacket vs. a shirt
Friendly, accommodating organization
Free beer at the finish

3.5 miles between water stops
Plastic cups (really?)
Could use more course markings
Not-so-great medal


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