calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

The Tyler Rose Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.5 
Number of comments: 23 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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Sandy Lightner from Dixon, IL (10/12/2016)
"Good race for training" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

There were some nice touches that make this a good marathon but some things that could make it an even better race that would attract more runners.

I loved getting a rose plant at the finish and use of the shower truck made available to runners. Having the building to keep warm and use restrooms before the race instead of port-a-potties was great! The medal was really nice too.

I didn't really care for the t-shirt but that is just my own personal preference. I found the course to be difficult but I was prepared for the hills as described so it was no surprise. I'm not familiar with the area but if there was any significant landmarks to see along the course would have been a nice distraction. I didn't really see anything that caught my attention along the way. I didn't see any issues with traffic control. I thought the volunteer officers did a great job.

Not a significant number of spectators but the ones who were out were enthusiastic. Organization and volunteer support was excellent. Overall a good experience.


C. J. from Dallas, TX. (10/10/2016)
"Tyler Half Marathon" (about: 2016)

2 previous marathons

I completed the Tyler Rose Half Marathon this past weekend. It was a difficult race, but very nice views running through the nice neighborhoods of east Texas. The people were friendly, and the spectators along the race were very encouraging. The course has a lot of hills, so prepare beforehand. Plenty of water and Gatorade along the race. The police did a great job of stopping traffic for runners, had no problems with traffic or getting lost. Only thing I didn't like was the metals should specify half marathon or marathon on them. And there was plenty of food afterwards. Looking forward to next years race.


J. D. from Hattiesburg, MS (10/15/2015)
"DO NOT RUN THIS RACE" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons

Mellow Production is terrible at organizing a race. The streets weren't marked very well, police stopped runners for traffic, and some intersections were unmanned leaving runners vulnerable to traffic. I felt this was very dangerous. The timing of the course was bad. They have no way of knowing whether a runner completed the entire course or not, because they don't have chip times along the way. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY LIKE I DID RUNNING THIS RACE!

I ran the marathon and because one man called in and said he didn't run the entire course they have pulled me along with four other runners saying we didn't complete the entire course, because we came across the finish line close together or around the same time as the man who called them and said he took a wrong turn and didn't run the entire course. They have no way of knowing this. To the best of my knowledge I completed the entire course.

I will never run another event put on by Mellow Production.


C. R. from Dallas, TX (10/13/2015)
"26.2 in Beautiful East TX!" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

I agree with a lot of what previous commenter D.B. said. This course is mostly rolling hills but nothing too overwhelming. I was nervous because a lot of folks were saying how difficult this course was. Do your hill training and you shouldn't have any problems. Pay attention to the signs especially in the neighborhoods when the full joins back up with the half marathoners. It is very easy to get lost back there but I was careful and made sure to stay on track. The volunteers were exceptional and the police did everything they could to direct the traffic. Overall the race was very well put together and Mellew Productions has been listening to feedback and working on improving this course. Have fun with it and just enjoy the beautiful country scenery. If you don't mind little spectator support just a quiet peaceful course with camaraderie of great runners I have no doubt you'll enjoy it.


T. R. from Tyler, TX (10/12/2015)
"DO NOT RUN THIS RACE" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 The Tyler Rose Marathons

I ran this a few years ago and said I would never run a Mellew event again. I decided to give them another try and see if they had improved. Unfortunately, they had not. Even pacers from the Dallas Running Club were talking about how awful the event was. It's sad as Tyler is a beautiful place and this could be a top notch event.

The course is challenging. That is not a reason not to come and run it. Here are the reasons NOT to run it (no particular order):
-police stop groups of runners at intersections and wait for a group to get big then they stop the traffic for runners to cross. I have no idea at the Boston Qualifying people would make this a BQ race if they knew runners were being stopped.
-course has many places that are unmarked leaving runners lost and in dangerous situations
-countless intersections with no one to stop traffic- DANGEROUS!
-course does not have any Gu, gels, food, etc. just gatorade and water-This should be publicized as people need to know this to prepare for their race.
-swag is poor quality-this year a sweatshirt that feel like felt and tacky - the cheap, plastic grocery sack to send it home in was another way to cut corners
-medal and bib does not designate if you are a half or full runner
-timing and placing are off-I completed every step and they still don't have me listed as a finisher

If you want a high quality event where corners are not cut, come to east Texas at run the BCS marathon/half (College Station) or the Fresh 15k (Tyler)


D. B. from Houston, TX (10/14/2014)
"Good Small Town Race" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

I will say that I didn't have the greatest expectations for this race given some of the comments below, however I was very pleasantly surprised. I agree with the previous comment on the 2014 race...any issues this race had appear to have been resolved. It's a small marathon (200 or so finishers) with a somewhat larger half (800ish).

I found the race to be fairly well organized. A week before we got a helpful e-mail detailing all the info you needed for the weekend. Packet pick-up was a breeze with no line. Also has a race day pick-up option if that floats your boat.

Race day morning was very organized. There is ample parking right at the start line, and almost no traffic to get there. I literally arrived 20 mins before the race and had time to use the bathroom. You can wait in the Rose Museum lobby to stay warm. The race started right on time at delay as had been noted in prior years.

The course was very nice overall. The first half runs out of the city and along some nice country roads through some farmland. Miles 8-13 are not the best though, run along a busy highway with only one lane of traffic closed. At times some people were driving in the lane despite it being coned off. Cops were on hand to stop traffic at most intersections (all the busy ones). Once you get past mile 14, you join up on the half course (which is most of the back half of the full). This section is very nice, running through the brick paved streets in the nicer parts of Tyler. Lots of turns in this section, but the course is well signed and most had volunteers directing people which way to go. Support stations were well spaced out, around 2 miles apart. Despite coming behind a boat load of half marathoners, all stations still had water and gatorade fully stocked. Appeared they had enough volunteers to keep things moving. As for the comments on the hills, most people are over-doing it. This course is easier than most I have run. The hills are generally small and mostly rolling. There are no very steep climbs. It is true that there is almost no flat spot on the course, but if you come prepared to go up and down 30-40' inclines it is not a bad course. I ran my 2nd best time out of 18 marathons and a sub 3, the 1st place guy ran a PR (so don't let the other comments scare you). While there are not alot of spectators, the 2nd half lay-out allows your friends and family to see you multiple times. I would imagine there are more people when the half rolls through, but by the time the full marathoners get there crowds are a bit sparse. I give the course 3 stars, mainly due to the dull miles between 8-13...if they rerouted this to the country roads it'd be a 4. The finish is both pretty and the middle of a very nice rose garden on a soft grass surface.

Was very surprised by the quality of the medal. It is one of the nicest one's I've gotten and better than most of the big city races.

If you enjoy a small town race and don't mind the hills, this is a nice race. It seems the race organizers have read the comments and cared enough to solve the problems they had in the past. Hopefully this race sticks around for a while...I plan on making it part of my rotation.


J. B. from Dallas (10/6/2014)
"Nice small-town race" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

Not sure about comments from previous years but 2014 was very well run. Parking and packet pick-up were very convenient. Plenty of facilities at the start. The course is hilly; get over it (welcome to east Texas). It's in the race description so if you don't like hills pick another race.

There's not a huge amount of 'crowd support' so if you want New York, run New York. This is a small town and you are running through their neighborhoods. The folks that came out were very friendly and supportive and I didn't experience a single driver who was upset at the inconvenience of dealing with the marathon (which is unusual).

Yes, you run on streets but they are all coned off and there were either police officers or course volunteers at virtually every intersection. Plenty of water stops and those stops after about the 1/2-way mark had snacks. Volunteers and aid workers were very friendly and helpful. I'm not big into medals but this one was very nice. Overall a very nice event.


Kendall Black from Grand Prairie, TX (10/14/2013)
"lots of hills" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

As part of my preparation for the Dallas Marathon, I decided to run this race for the first time. There were less than 200 in the marathon and almost 1000 in the half.

As for the course, it was not as scenic as had been hyped. Some of the course was on country roads, but some of it was also on busy streets. Even so, the outer lane was coned off, so I never felt unsafe or too close to traffic. Overall, the course was okay. This is a very hilly course, so don't expect a fast time. Also, the aid stations were well-stocked with enthusiastic volunteers.

The start and finish took place at the Rose Center. After finishing, I walked among the hundreds of rose bush varieties, trying to pick out my favorite. If you don't mind hills I would recommend this race and I may be back next year.


A. K. from Medicine Hat, Alberta (10/13/2013)
"2013! one tough course." (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

I knew that this marathon was a tough course. But I still achieved one of my best marathon times of the year. I don't think there is a level spot on the course. I loved the scenery on the route. The aid stations were great and the volunteers were friendly. I was quite suprised with my 2nd place age cat. placing. I am planning on coming back next year.


B. A. from VA (12/30/2012)
"Biggest Organizational Disaster I've Ever Run" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 The Tyler Rose Marathon

This was my 9th marathon. You will see some comments rating based on whether or not they like how hilly the course is. The course is the course, it's decent, and yes it's hilly. That's fine because Tyler is hilly. I'd rather run hilly, scenic course than a flat one through an industrial park.

My issues are with the organization. I could tell there would be issues before the race started since no one knew where the start was supposed to be when I arrived. When wanting to buy one of the nice technical shirts they had, it took my girlfriend and I 10 minutes or so to find someone who could tell us how much they were and complete the transaction.

Getting to the race, around the time it is supposed to start, they finally begin prepping the start area. They are clearly having significant trouble getting the timing system to work. We start about 15min late. All the other races apparently started even more delayed as they continued to have issues. I was told they had to reboot the timing system several times, which likely resulted in why their time was about 4min off from my watch.

Getting to on the course, it was a disorganized nightmare as well. I was attacked by a pack of 5 dogs about 30 minutes into the race. Fortunately, just as I was pushed fully across to the opposite side of the road and flanked by the pack some other runners started coming up behind, which shifted their focus enough for me to get beyond where they were comfortable continuing their aggression.

A couple of the intersections were not policed, and I had to wait at a couple of lights for a green since I could hear cars speeding and watched them come over the ridge just before the light at around 45-50mph, so there was no risking the light until it changed. Several turn signs were either turned around or knocked over on the ground. Speaking of signs, the mileage signs were way off. This was especially true after mile 20. Mile 20-22 as marked really went to somewhere probably a little past mile 25. There was no sign for mile 25, and the sign for mile 26 was about 3/4 mi after the sign for mile 24. The port-a-johns weren't very evenly spaced either. I had to make my first marathon pit stop during this race due to the Mexican food I ate the night before. It took a couple miles for one to come up. I almost tried to stop in a gas station on the side of the road before I saw one.

Afterwards, I knew I had finished 3rd overall, but I did not know my age group place. We tried asking, but they said they didn't know. It turns out that I did win my age group, but we left before finding out since the volunteers at the table with the awards barely looked up to tell us they didn't know anything.


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