calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Grandma's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 298 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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J. F. from Miami, FL (6/17/2018)
"Perfect event" (about: 2018)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Weather a bit volatile, but otherwise this is the perfect event - not sure whether to call it a runners race, or a racers run, or both! Great course, felt downhill the whole way (maybe because I'm living in flat as a pancake Miami). Great organization/ volunteers/ scenery. And the perfect size for a fast race - I've run NYC and Treaure Coast (50,000 people and 150 people). This was approx 6000 but was the perfect balance of not crowded, but enough people to run with if desired, no matter the pace. And the whole town is so friendly.


M. F. from Colorado (10/16/2017)
"Nice Event - a bit" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

A few well organized event but perhaps a victim (in my mind anyway) of being 'over-hyped' because generally it gets very high recommendations. I have no really complaints other than to point out a few misconceptions that I had. It is NOT a flat course - there are lots of hills (not steep but gradual). While Duluth is very beautiful, the majority of course is along a country road with trees on both sides - there are some view of Lake Superior, but for the most part, all you see is trees on both sides (just got a bit boring). Also, the race is 'point-to-point' which requires a long shuttle ride either before or after the event. There was a nice amount of support along the course which was great and the aid stations had plenty of water and friendly volunteers. Would I do this race again? Probably not (I actually prefer more urban marathons).


Wayne Wright from Palmdale, California USA (9/9/2017)
"A Superior Run" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

INTRODUCTION: I am a race-walker with a median marathon completion time of 5:18:15. The Grandma's Marathon was my forty-fourth 26.2-miler accomplished.

COURSE: It was a great day for a marathon. Temperature at the start line was 64 degrees, 75 percent relative humidity, calm and partly cloudy. We started on Scenic Route 61 just west of Two Harbors. Throughout the course that declined 130 feet in elevation were rolling hills of short duration.

The first six miles were in the forest close to the Lake Superior shoreline. Just past the railroad overcrossing, we obtained our first glimpse of the lake just before the 10 kilometer mark. We hugged the shoreline, which afforded us closer and closer views of the Duluth skyline, for the next 13 miles.

Just prior to mile 19, we crossed over the Lester River and entered residential Duluth, including passing by the Glensheen Historic Estate, the site of two murders that took place on the same day as the 1977 marathon. Just past mile 23, we took our first 90 degree turn on the course, and shortly followed by a second turn, entered the brick-surfaced downtown just past the historic Fitger's Brewery. At mile 25, we turned left and headed toward the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC). On Harbor Drive, we were given a view of the Aerial Lift Bridge and the SS William A. Irvin. Our final turn at mile 26 placed us Canal Park Drive, with clear sight of the finish line.

Finish line temperature was 64 degrees, 88 percent relative humidity, westerly winds at 6 mph and rain.

ORGANIZATION: Superb. Efficient packet pickup and slightly congested Expo at the DECC. Good pasta dinner that allowed the participant to come in any time between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. Friday. The bus tour was narrated by Dave, a member of the North Shore Striders (the original event organizer) who completed the inaugural event 40 years earlier. He did a good job laying out the course for us although he was helped by the fact that each mile was permanently marked on the pavement.

Consider arriving at the DECC early to be one of the first thousand participants to take the train to the start. Later arrivals will be obliged to take the busses. Also, there are bus pickups from various other locations in Duluth and Superior.

The Rock the Big Top events at the finish line take place between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday are at elevated decibel levels. So if one requires more than three hours of sleep, one should not stay in the Canal Park area motels.

SPECTATORS: Typical in number for a marathon of this size. No entertainment to speak of except for one of the most remarkable in any marathon seen to date: spotting an unoccupied chair and abandoned guitar alongside the course, a participant, who happened to be a professional musician, sat herself down and played, appropriately, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Upon completion, she resumed her marathon run.

CONCLUSION: A marathon deserving of its reputation and popularity. Well done.


S. D. from Davenport, IA (6/19/2017)
"Best marathon I have run!!" (about: 2017)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Course: This is a point-to-point course starting in a more secluded wooded area, running along Lake Superior, and finishing in the heart of Duluth. For the first 18ish miles there are only intermittent spectators but the ones there and the volunteers at aid stations are all fantastic. After mile 20 the crowds gradually build until around mile 24 when the streets are lined and the cheering is out of this world. The views of the water are stunning and I liked the more peaceful moments interspersed with lots of crowd support.

Organization: The event directors of this race were on the ball with everything. There were lots of pre-race emails leading up to the big day that made everything easy to follow. I had to have my packet mailed to me since I would be getting into town really late the night before and it arrived the week before and eliminated a lot of stress and the need to have someone drive up early to get my packet for me. The 1/4 zip jackets are also really awesome so make sure to register before that deadline.

Logistics: The hotels fill up quickly and really spike their rates so either book early or look into getting a room from one of the local colleges there.

Overall, a fantastic experience that got me a PR and my first BQ!


P. C. from IN (6/19/2017)
"Great Experience - Great Town - Great Course" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was a marathon I had always read great things about, but had never run. When my daughter asked me to run it with her, I was quick to say yes, and am glad I did. The course is great, if not a bit monotonous(the first half), and when you first see Duluth, it looks very far away.

For the Organizers. Please start the race earlier. A 7:00 am start would be much better and cooler. Get more porta-potties at the start, and get more water/fuel stops in the first half - I am a sipper and like small drinks often.

The start transportation was great, the registration cost is reasonable, but the cost to stay in Duluth is inflated by the limited hotel supply (and book early). Finish area congestion was a problem, with the exit dumping people into a tight area with people going in every direction.- but I am nit picking. This is a very well organized event with terrific volunteers, great community support, a super expo, and a fantastic location. We really enjoyed the weekend in Duluth, and the Saturday Marathon gives you plenty of time to enjoy the town and watch fellow runners limp around flaunting their event finisher shirts. Also great is the pre-race delivery of the very nice 1/4 zip long sleeve shirt. The pasta dinner was pretty so so, but not untypical of other events.


Big Al Navidi from Rockville, MD USA (6/19/2017)
"Big Al's comments on GM" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This is a great marathon on a good course. However, it's not that 'PR Course' people keep talking about. True, it's a point-to-point 'mostly' downhill course, but it has many rolling hills and not flat by any means. The organization, volunteers and spectators are awesome though. This year, however, the weather did not cooperate 100%. It started overcast and in the 60s and by the time we finished, the sun was fully shining and temps were close to 80. I hears 2016 was a lot worse though, so can't complain. Anyhow, I do recommend this race to runners, especially if you need MN for your 50 states.


D. R. from Cincinnati, OH (7/17/2016)
"Wonderful marathon!" (about: 2016)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

1) great swag (I received a jacket in the mail, plus the race shirts and medal were top notch)
2) great organization (except packet pickup for challengers...those doing 5K on Friday and full marathon or half on Saturday) was a bit unorganized...mainly due to non-participants being present in heavy numbers...
3) pre-race dinner right there at the expo - very convenient and likely the reason for congestion at packet pickup, but nice to have it this way for convenience
4) great volunteers - without them, I would have wilted in the terrible heat
5) fan support - wow! and surprising given the size of the town
6) train to the race start - what a blast and such a unique experience!

1) heat - but that is not something that can be controlled...I was told by a past participant that both 2014 and 2015 was perfect in terms of running weather
2) A bit hectic at challenger packet pickup.

All and all, a wonderful experience and the best organized race in terms of course support I have ever experienced!


R. P. from Wilmington, North Carolina (6/30/2016)
"Great race!" (about: 2016)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my 8th marathon, but my first Grandma's. I must say that the organization of this race was superb...better than any other I have done. I expected cool weather and a flat course, but there was neither. With the heat, humidity, no breeze, no clouds, and ambient heat from the road, we ended up racing under black flag conditions. The med tents were busy, but the people working them were extremely responsive! Also, be warned...this is NOT a flat course. Maybe it is to people from the Rockies, but I live at the beach and there are definite rollers for the entire first half. The course elevation description is a bit deceptive! It is a point to point, but there was crowd support all along the way. The swag was ridiculously top-notch...I got a super-nice track jacket sent to me a couple months after I registered (these are first come, first served, so register early!). I did the Great-Grandma's Challenge, so I also got a REALLY nice 3/4 zip shirt with the challenge name on it and the 5k finisher shirt at packet pick up. Then the marathon finisher shirt after the race. All VERY good quality shirts! And a pair of Grandma's Marathon socks in my bag at packet pick-up. The medals are spectacular and the marathon medal must weigh a pound. I stayed in the UWS dorm, which provided a shuttle to the start. I highly recommend this race to everyone!


B. K. from Minnesota (6/28/2016)
"Excellent north woods marathon" (about: 2016)

2 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

Grandma's is a great race for beginners, elites and everyone in between.

First a note on weather. If you plan on running Grandma's, you need to prepare for any sort of weather. You could have a 'black flag' day and have temperatures around 80 with high humidity (2016), you could a morning storm roll through get rain for the duration of the race (2015), you might even see snow (you never know, it's Duluth). Be prepared for heat, cold, humidity, rain, snow, you name it.

The course is scenic and very flat, with the only notable hill being Lemon Drop hill. It's notoriety has more to do with the timing in the race (mile 22) rather than the incline of the hill. If you came across Lemon Drop on a training run you might not even slow down. The first 18 miles of the course take you down a northwoods road that often feels very isolated. Crowd support is sparse and sporadic through the first half of the race. At mile 8, on a clear day, you get your first glimpse of the finish line. Breathtaking views of the lake, numerous bridges and local spectators line the route for the first two thirds. Mile 19 brings you into the neighborhoods north of Duluth, and eventually leads you to London Road. The crowds get progressively larger and louder the closer you get to the finish line, with the last 3 miles nearly lined on both sides of the street. It all reaches a fever pitch when you wind through Canal Park, making the last turn for the final two tenths of a mile. With hundreds of cheering spectators and a straightaway to the finish, it's an ideal finishing shoot.

The race is extremely well organized, from the expo and packet pickup, through race day. The expo is very easy to park, get in, get your stuff, and get out. Traffic downtown can be a little tricky during the expo and on race day, but local police and race officials are very good about routing traffic and keeping things moving. This year, the race staff and volunteers were the reason the race was so successful. The weather was terribly hot, with temperatures approaching 80 degrees and 100% humidity at the finish, with little to no breeze. Every water stop along the way was well stocked with water, powerade, ice and sponges. On this 'black flag' day, I did see many medical dropouts, but I know there would have been many many more had the volunteers and race officials not done such a good job about providing water and support along the race course. Truly, top notch race organization. The metal and finish shirts have been great each year I've finished. This year, the finisher medal was so big and hefty, it can actually stand up straight on it's own. It's a 3D replica of the famous canal park drawbridge.


N. R. from Minnesota (6/24/2016)
"A near perfect race!" (about: 2016)

3 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

What an exceptional race in a neat North Shore atmosphere! I would run this race again in a is no wonder there are so many Minnesotans claiming to have run this race 10, 20, 30+ times!

The expo was extremely organized, the all-you-can-eat pasta dinner with Ben & Jerry's ice cream was wonderful. All volunteers are so friendly with their northern MN accents. :)

Race day shuttles went smoothly. The only issue I have with the entire race is that there didn't seem to be enough port-o-potties or space in the drop bag bins at the start in 2016.

The race course itself, which starts in Two Harbors, was relatively easy, peaceful, and BEAUTIFUL! Running along Lake Superior as the fog is lifting in the morning is such a neat experience. I thought the course felt mostly flat to downhill the majority of the time - a few gentle hills but nothing dramatic. Mile 22 'Lemon Drop Hill' is not bad, but on tired legs at that point in the race, it can be slowing. The final mile and finish chute in Canal Park was GREAT with tons of fans cheering and lots of energy in the air! A few more sharp turns than I would like at the end of a marathon, but doable.

Make sure to mosey through the finish area food tents for strawberries, salted nut rolls, chocolate milk, etc., and MAKE SURE to walk out to the shore to soak your legs in the icy-cool Lake Superior water! It's tradition :)

The one thing you'll never be able to predict for sure is the weather in Duluth...In 2016, the day before the race, the weather called for thunderstorms all night and morning. I packed ponchos, bags for my shoes, and all my rain gear in preparation for 26.2 miles in pouring rain. Instead, we woke up to clear sunny skies and HEAT! Grandma's Marathon is known to have years of sunny heat and years of misty, foggy, cloudy days, so you never know what you'll get...just cross your fingers for the cloudy, misty weather because the Grandma's course has very little shade.

All in all, this is a wonderful, peaceful, easy-to-run marathon showcasing Minnesota's beautiful North Shore region at its finest!


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