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Myrtle Beach Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 318 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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T. S. from Mountain Top, PA (3/3/2012)
"Well organized fun marathon" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

My husband and I vacationed to Myrtle Beach many times so we decided to travel from PA to try the marathon. First of all, for my overall impression, I thought it was very well organized.
The race expo was a decent size with many vendors. My gripe was that we paid $3 for parking for being there about not even an hour, but it was not affiliated with the race and that's our fault for not parking elsewhere. The lot was pretty empty, most runners walked from their hotels.
I enjoyed the arm warmers - something different, and the little towels.
When I walked up the shirt table at first I thought maybe the women's shirts were purple and the men's were orange. A suggestion for next year, split the shirts as to male/female instead of marathon/half.
The race booklet was a good read, very informative.
Driving to the race was easy and there was ample parking.
The port-a-potties were very plentiful.
The start wasn't too crowded. I enjoyed starting in the dark - soon the sun rose as the miles unfolded.
I was pleased there were 2 mile water/Powerade stops throughout the race well marked with huge flags.
The course was not terribly exciting. The hotel stretch seemed very long, couldn't wait to get past it. The mostly flat terrain made up for it. I enjoyed the second half more than the first but maybe that's because I had already seen the hotel row so many times before.
Coming from a very hilly area I was worried that it would be totally flat and kill my hip flexors but there were little inclines that kept my legs feeling fine.
At the finish the food and drink variety was terrific. I had chocolate milk, yogurt, donuts, and beer.
There was a tent where you could walk up and print out a receipt with your race time which was something I have not seen at any other races.
Instead of mylar blankets that I am used to they handed you a bagged poncho which I really didn't need since it was warm enough but will come in handy someday.
All in all a very good race.


R. C. from Ottawa Ontario Canada (2/27/2012)
"Fun Fast Marathon" (about: 2012)

3 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

This is a fabulous race in a fun city. I would do it again if I lived closer. This was my second time through Myrtle Beach, which influenced my choice to run and to visit again. I stayed at the MB State Park, which is conveniently located near the Market Commons and - of course - the beach. Probably not the most logical place to stay during a marathon but this was more of a destination marathon rather than my 'A' marathon.

- Expo: location, and lots of swag if you like that
- Shirt: cut more like a surfers shirt but purple, which people may not like. I didn't mind.
- Start: location, parking, plenty of port-potties and timed corrals, which everyone seemed to respect
- Flat scenic course and good running weather
- Excellent stations: water, Powerade, port-potties and medical (terrific support). I did see food at the mile 22 (oranges and bananas) but not at mile 16.
- Mile markers at every mile (a lot of math for us Canucks)
- Good bands: one band played 500 miles from the Proclaimers & cute & er, I think
- Great finish: location, running chutes, massages, music and food (Chicken soup, chocolate milk ... beer & donuts)
- Fun after-race party

- Ran with halfers at start i.e. crowded until 11 mile marker but as a marathoner I expected this
- After the finish line put the water closer or have someone handing them out after the medals. It can be disorienting at the finish line especially after finishing a race and with the crowd milling around.
- Restrict food to runners only. Sadly, there was one volunteer trying her best to keep non-runners from entering the food area. I would hate for them to run out of food for late marathoners. As a RD I don't think feeding everyone's friends and family cost effective but that's me.

Overall, this is a well run and well organised race. If you have the chance put this on your calendar.


T. S. from Indianapolis (2/26/2012)
"Little (and big) things done well" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

Others have posted how great this race was for the flat (mostly) traffic-free course, the nice swag, including a fun medal unlike any other, and the super post-race food, including beer! Kudos for all of that. But there were three little things the organizers did that didn't cost them a cent and made the race that much more enjoyable:

- Separating the marathoners and half-marathoners at the start. Given the number of people running, it was one of the least congested starts I've had in any race.

- Putting names on bibs. I'm not one who needs a lot of screaming spectators, but I gotta admit, it gives me a boost when folks shout out my name. More races are doing this, and that's a good thing.

- Having fluid stops at mile markers. This is especially helpful for us Galloway-type runners to get our walk breaks consistently during water stops.

A super race overall, but a complaint of sorts that didn't really affect me because I wasn't in the group: Pacers, we love what you do and appreciate that it's difficult to run slower than what you normally do, but 'banking' miles isn't the way to get your group to reach its goal. My goal was about 20 seconds per mile faster than the nearest pace group. As a Galloway runner, I expected the group to pass me during early walk breaks, but figured by 5 miles or so, I'd be ahead of it for good. Didn't happen. At mile 21, I caught back up with it, when it ran 35 seconds faster than it's per-mile goal. I heard the pacer tell a struggling runner that it was OK, they had gone fast enough that he could almost walk it in and reach his goal. Turns out I finished about 3 minutes ahead of the pace goal, but the pacer finished about 30 seconds ahead of me. Please, pacers, try to run a consistent pace and hit your goal, not beat it by more than 3 minutes.


E. I. from Central Pennsylvania (2/24/2012)
"Nice Medium Size Marathon" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

I selected this race as a flat and fast course to qualify for Boston (I did, by 4 minutes). And lets be honest, it's always easier to persuade the non running wife to go to a marathon at the beach. Being from Pennsylvania, you won't hear me complain about headwinds (what wind?) or hills (there aren't any). This race is a fantastic medium size marathon. Off season hotel rates make it very affordable. Size of the expo and packet pickup was manageable.

Race day - The shuttle bus from the Market Common ran as advertised, though we were dropped off pretty far from the start line, and then walked down an empty road to the start. Starting area was well planned, with rows of portable toilets as far as the eye could see. I only waited a minute, ten minutes before the race started. I liked that the half marathoners started on a separate side of the street. Race course is bland, though there are several miles with ocean views. I heard someone refer to the finish area as a logistical masterpiece. I would agree. Chocolate milk and free beer from a local microbrewer was awesome. Plentiful food and drink left for marathoners and the volunteers were really cheerful. The flip flop finishers medal is the best I have.

The only serious problem I encountered was that gels were advertised as being available at miles 16 and 22, only they weren't. I was running with a pace group of 10-15 runners (most of whom were trying to qualify for Boston) when we came through miles 16 and 22. Both times runners looked for gels, and both times I heard curses as we came up empty. It's pretty demoralizing at mile 22 to think you're going to get a nice little sugar boost and its not there. If you advertise gels on your course they need to be there, plain and simple. I'm sure I would be much more upset about this had I not qualified.

My only other suggestion for improvement is to FIRE the person responsible for selecting PURPLE as the t-shirt color (said in jest of course). More specifically, my wife says the color is fuchsia. Unless you really want to test your manhood at the local gym, I can't imagine wearing this one outside the house. I actually tried to trade mine at the expo to a female running the half (the half shirts were orange), but didn't once I found out the female shirts had a v neck.

Overall this is a fast and fun race, and one I'd come back to. Great job Myrtle Beach, and please, don't forget the gels next year.


T. P. from Maple Grove MN (2/22/2012)
"Fantastic February Marathon" (about: 2012)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Myrtle Beach Marathons

This was my second time running this marathon, and this marathon has greatly improved over the years. I hade a great experience pacing the 4:30 group at this marathon as it was wonderful to see all those first timers out on the marathon course. Congratulations to all those that finished the marathon, especially those that ran with the 4:30 pace group somewhere along the marathon course. The weather on race day was near perfect conditions, as compared to what the weather would have been like had the marathon been run on Sunday. Great race overall as I liked the course and overall race organization. I like all the extras we obtained when we picked up our race packets like the - arm warmers, towel, and bag. I liked the tech shirt and I loved the finishers medal. The spectators were great along the course. All the volunteers really made special efforts to make the runners feel welcome.The post race party at the House of Blues was great, but I would suggest getting there to get in line at least 15 minutes before the doors open as the line does get long, but it does move fairly fast. The only issue I had overall was that there were no food stations at mile 16 and mile 22 as promised, so hopefully that will be corrected next year.


V. W. from South Carolina (2/22/2012)
"Great first marathon" (about: 2012)

1 previous marathon | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

This was my first marathon. The course was perfect. It was very flat except for a few slight hills that were just enough to give your muscles a change that actually felt good. It was very well organized and ran smoothly. The Aid stations were really awesome. The volunteers were enthusiastic and did a great job with the fluid and food provided. There were plenty of places to take bathroom breaks as well. The spectators on Ocean Blvd were great and the bands along the course made it fun. I will definitely be back for this race!!


E. T. from Evanston, IL (2/21/2012)
"One of the fastest marathons in the East" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

This is a fine marathon overall, and, weather permitting, ideal for a pr. Mostly flat, with some mild undulations (up and down 5 to 12 feet), and cool with an early 6:30 start. It is popular enough to have 'big marathon' amenities but small enough to be relatively hassle free, with a congestion free start & early miles, and minimal lines for portas & shuttles. People were good about seeding themselves accurately, and there were several pace groups to run with. Other pluses: car/exhaust-free course for the first 19 miles (and most of the last 7), great aid stations & expo, shuttle buses to the start, and lots of shade for the first 15 miles (those buildings that block the ocean view keep the 9 mi stretch up Ocean Dr mostly cool & shady). I don't need much spectator support, but there was plenty after mile 5.

A few CAUTIONS: the Ocean Dr stretch has a medium to steep camber, so best to attempt to run in the middle of the road; &, HEAT: 2012 was apparently typical for race conditions, and by the mile 15, it started to feel warm. By mile 23, the heat was be a big issue for me - it was 64F & bright sun, but it felt much hotter. Hope for a day that is below 60F & cloudy for optimal speed. Overall, this race is to be recommended. Congrats to the race director/committee & the hundreds of aid stn. volunteers for a great job.


B. N. from PA (2/20/2012)
"Pretty good winter marathon, shirt was terrible." (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

Thousands of cheap oceanfront rooms located 5 min drive from start/finish/expo.

Perfect weather for distance running. Temps were in the 40s and 50s.

Excellent food at finish. Usually halfers clean out all of the post-race food, but NOT the case here! Krispy Kreme and chicken soup.

Great medal in the shape of flip flops.

Marathon shirt was horrific. Purple w/ white sleeves. No self-respecting man would ever wear it. They said I could exchange it for past yrs shirt if I pay them $3. Why would I pay them $3 b/c they produced a hideous shirt.

STAY AWAY from Broadway area friday night! The 5k runs around Broadway at Beach and basically traps all cars inside the loop for hours.


s. l. from Hudson, NH (2/20/2012)
"Great flat course" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

Fantastic weather, 40s at start with barely any breeze. Warmed up to 60s at end but not really an issue with shade areas last 4 miles. Really nice course along ocean and in neighborhoods. Great traffic control. Support was pretty good at last 10 k of course. Pretty good expos. Good winter marathon and BQ race. Only con, shuttle buses from hotel routes did not run frequently and had to ditch that transport and drive personal car to race, getting to start 10 mins before start. If you run this race have someone drive you or behind the convention center.


J. D. from Signal Mountain, TN (2/20/2012)
"Good race to try for a PR" (about: 2012)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

Nice flat course suitable for a PR or BQ try. Not the most interesting, and beach views are rarer than one would expect due to the many hi-rise condos and hotels on Ocean Boulevard. I personally posted my worst time yet, due to fighting the effects of a nasty cold, but I'd consider coming back to try to run a better time. Spectators and volunteers were very friendly (having runner names on the bibs helped, as I was cheered by name many times).

Organization was pretty good overall, though we had to go one table to pick up our bibs and another, across the room, to get a shirt. Shirts were very nice, though! Bibs had timing chips built in so that saved having to pick up and return one more thing. Chip timing was very important since there were so many runners that it took several minutes for everyone to cross the start line. The organizers ran out of tickets for the after-party at the House of Blues and didn't get the word out to everybody to bring their bib instead (the web site said bibs would not be accepted for entry). Fortunately I wore my race shirt to the after party and they let me in! Band, food, and beer at HOB were good. (They also had beer in the race finish area ... kudos for that!) Medals were very nice. Nice swag bag too (arm warmers and a towel).

If I had just been able to shake that pesky cold (not their fault I was sick :) it would have been a great experience!


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