calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Park City Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 53 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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a. s. from ohio (8/28/2007)
"An example for other marathons" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Park City Marathon

The PCM allowed an early start for slower runners/walkers. However, they used their intelligence (lacking in many other marathons] to set it up. Entrants had their bibs marked, and then on Saturday morning, went to the timing line, waved their chip over the sensor and took off. (In other words, you could start more or less when you wanted; the timing chip and finish mat took care of the rest.) The results listed everybody. Congratulations to the timers/organizers of the race. I hope other marathons will "grow up." The course was very scenic, and though it is somewhat hilly, it is to be recommended.


Bob Kroeger from Home of the Reds and Bengals (8/27/2007)
"One tough marathon!!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Park City Marathon

Park City chose a new route for the 2007 marathon, which took runners through several scenic parts of this trendy ski resort area. My favorite, though, was the rustic trail, a remnant of an old railroad line, bordered by fields of greenish-brown sagebrush on each side. I felt as if I really were in the West!

The volunteers cheered us on at each aid stop and handed out water, Gatorade, and Hammer Gels (which I found to be just fine). Some gave us cold, wet washcloths An added touch, but not too necessary since the temperature was not particularly warm (mid-60s at the end). Post-race food was fine and the medal, a glass maple leaf, was different enough to be a nice memento of this experience.

But there are a few things runners should be aware of before attempting this one. It is not easy. Being from the Midwest, my friend and I had trouble breathing, due to the high elevations (runners rise to about 7,500 feet). I thought I could make up for a slow half by running faster, downhill, after mile 16, but my body wouldn't respond. I had just completed Newport (OR), at sea level, a few months earlier in 3:37, but couldn't break four hours in this one (4:03). The winner couldn't break 2:45.

The last 10 miles are not all downhill, even excepting the steep two-block climb at mile 18. There are hills to climb in these closing miles!

Also, the course has enough gravel trails that this can be accurately labeled a semi-trail marathon. It seemed as if at least 10 miles came on these gravel paths, which also make it harder to run, unless you have trail shoes, which my friend and I did not.

We ran the famous Grandfather Mountain marathon (one of Americas ten toughest) last year and, while Park City doesn't have such severe hills, its lack of oxygen makes it nearly as difficult.

However, I like small marathons and I must say that I enjoyed Park City a lot more than the 2007 Boston. The people in Utah are very hospitable and treated us well, and the Holiday Inn host hotel was magnificent: an early breakfast and a late checkout.

Just remember that this is not a marathon for the novice.


C. R. from Indianapolis, IN (8/26/2007)
"Beautiful blue sky, mountains and thin air" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Park City Marathon

Organizers and volunteers were cheerful, helpful and extremely well organized. Lots of nice touches throughout the race: warm convenient field house before the race, several hot air balloons along the rail trail, varied terrain, Gatorade at all stops and hot showers after the race. It would be helpful if you could spend several days in Park City or nearby getting used to the altitude. Many thanks to all.


A. B. from Stansbury Park, UT (2/4/2007)
"Beautiful, Hidden Jewel of a Marathon!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Park City Marathon

I have run all of the Utah marathons and this one ranks as one of my favorites! The course is so beautiful that the miles passed quickly. Although it is a bit more challenging, it is worth it. Throw any time goals out the door and run this one just to remind yourself why you love to run.

I have recommended this race to every marathon runner I've come across. I will be back!!


Your Pal Roland from Northern Utah (8/29/2006)
"Still a Favorite" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Park City Marathons

I've run Park City four times now, and it just keeps getting better. I love the hills, the trails, and the great volunteers. I was worried that the move to August would bring warmer temps during the run, but this year the weather cooperated very nicely.


H. S. from Salt Lake City, Utah (8/28/2006)
"Spectacular Ski-Town Course" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Park City Marathon

This is one of the better marathons in Utah. The course is spectacular with a lot of trail sections, but don't plan on a PR. Just relax, take your time, and enjoy yourself. Do it as a training run for St. George or TOU. The course is a little hilly, especially miles 14 through 17, and there are not many spectators, but the spectators that are there are very enthusiastic. I especially liked running on the rail trail and through the wetlands areas. The hill on Empire Ave. is steep, but relatively short. The weather at the end of August is typically quite good in Park City and 2006 was no exception. The aid stations and the volunteers were great. I had a little trouble finding the starting line; the race actually starts in Silver Summit, not Park City. I highly recommend this race; if you were going to do one marathon in Utah this would be a good choice. The finisher's medallion is unique - very nice. It's a handmade glass maple leaf. It's kind of a work of art. I hung mine in my window. I will back to this race.


T. C. from Kaysville, Utah (8/27/2006)
"Challenging but beautiful course" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Park City Marathon

The Park City Marathon was my second marathon. If you love the mountains, diverse terrain, and great scenery, you'll enjoy this marathon from beginning to end.

Although it's a smaller marathon (maybe 300 participants) it was very well organized with a friendly staff and volunteers. There were even a few bands along the route to add a festive mood (although I think most runners had other things on their mind - like where's the next hill I have to climb). It had most of the amenities of a larger marathon such as plenty of water/Gatorade stops, good traffic control (there's not much traffic on the route), nice end of race amenities including good food/drink, massages, and an artsy finisher's medal.

The course variety was great, including a good amount of the race on smooth gravel roads ("rail to trail"). It incorporated some of the naturally hilly terrain without overdoing it. Even the four-block steep climb to the top of Park City was manageable. What made this year especially enjoyable was the weather - it had rained the night before. The race started in the 40's and finished in the 60's with a mix of partly cloudy and sunny conditions.

In preparing for the marathon, it's a good idea to practice on some hills and at altitude if possible. You have to be somewhat focused on your breathing because, afterall, you're at 6,000 to 7,000 feet.

All in all, I give the marathon high ratings for great terrain and organization. But for these reasons, I'm afraid it won't be long until the secret's out and it grows into a much larger marathon.


F. H. from Salt Lake city, Utah (8/22/2005)
"The most well run marathon I have ever seen" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Park City Marathons

This was my second year of running the Park City Marathon as part of the Utah Grand Slam. It was a wonderful experience from start to finish. Upon arriving at the course, runners had the choice of waiting in the warm building or in their cars, since the starting line is right by the parking lot. The race started on time, and rest stops were adequate and well staffed. Adequate bathrooms along the course helped also. The course was delightful, running part of the time on dirt trails, part of the time in neighborhoods, and part of the time going through Park City. The hill at mile 17 is tough, but there were spectators there to encourage us. Additional first aid support was available by volunteers on bicycles. All of the street crossings were covered adequately. The course is hard; I was spent by the time I got to the end.

At the end there was good food and drink, and lots of helpful people. I was so exhausted I stumbled over and sat on the curb after, and soon a volunteer came over and helped me up and gave me a chair to sit in. The volunteer even went and got me a drink. When I had recovered enough to go find my clothes I had shed during the race, there was a volunteer there who helped me try to find my jacket. We couldn't find it, so they took a description of it and they were willing to mail it to me when it showed up. It came in a few minutes later, courtesy of another volunteer who brought it back. Later I got an email from the race director saying she had taken all of the unclaimed clothes home and washed them, and would mail any of them to anyone who wanted to provide a description of them. I've run 13 marathons in the past three years, and this was the most well organized event I have ever seen. Great effort.


Gary Snowder from Hastings, Nebraska (7/12/2005)
"Breathtaking Run and Scenery" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Park City Marathon

Having trained in flat Nebraska, I had a hard time breathing at the high altitude for the first 5 miles of this race. I was not sure I was going to finish but after mile 10 my body seemed to adjust. The next challenge came between miles 13-17 where one very steep hill had to be climbed. The run down the hill on asphalt was even steeper and more painful as my toes pushed into the front of my shoes and my knees began to scream in pain, but what a challenge!!! I loved every part of the run. The run through wooded paths and along mountain streams was just what I needed.

The support by the bike support group was excellent! One of them spent considerable time chatting with me and giving me support. He was even there to congratulate me on the finish. There were 3 live bands along the route that liven things up and cheer us on. I had to give the spectators a score of 5 because of the bands, the encouragement by the support staff, my wife and grandkids who were there to cheer for me running my first marathon. I do not know what to expect from other marathon races but the Park City Marathon set some pretty high standards.

Everyone involved was just super friendly and supportive. The feast at the finish line was just what I wanted. This race was tough but the natural beauty and excellent support have enticed me to come back next year.

Thanks to all who made it a great experience for an old guy!


A. D. from Logandale, Nevada (7/9/2005)
"Loved it!!" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons

I have to say, this was the toughest course I have run yet. I was unprepared for the effect the altitude would have on me. (I am a 'flat-lander'), but the other runners and roving bike/first aid help was awesome. When I needed help, there was always a first aid person close by. This was awesome! It is a small enough race that you still got the personal touch. I don't care for big crowds, so this was perfect! It was off the main roads so you got to see parts of Park City you probably wouldn't venture to see if you weren't running this race. It was great. I will probably try to redeem myself next year. Keep up the awesome work guys!!!


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