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The San Francisco Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.6 
Number of comments: 503 [displaying comments 451 to 461]
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A Runner from Norfolk, VA (8/4/2002)
"Beautiful" (about: 2002)


Tough course, with hills rivaling Boston. Enjoyed it so much I would run it again despite coming from flatland and having no hill training.


Bill Abendroth from Portland, Oregon, Ecotopia, USA (8/4/2002)
"SF Hosts Great Marathon; Apocalypse Imminent" (about: 2002)


When I signed up for SF, it was after reading all the slashing reviews from the last three years. You can imagine how low my expectations were. Nevertheless, it is still 26 miles through San Francisco?how could it not be beautiful? It was beautiful. The bottom line: I was more than pleasantly surprised. This was a damn good marathon, and showed some hard work by a lot of people. This is a marathon with a troubled history?for whatever reasons. But the problems I saw could have happened to any marathon. Of course, there?s the now immortal screw up with the elite runners. Yeah, that?s unfortunate?but as a 4:12 marathoner, it really doesn?t effect me. What does effect me is the course, the aid stations, and the support. On all three, SF was great.

I loved the course; I wouldn?t change a step! Looking at the Golden Gate through the fog, the weeping women at the Palace of Fine Arts, the bison in Golden Gate Park, the out & back by the Pacific, I even loved the course through the Haight, Mission, and Potrero neighborhoods. Very different communities, great architecture. That?s part of The City, what gives it its character. I wanted to see it. Then, turning the corner & looking at PacBell?In the immortal words of Gene Autry: Yeah Baby! This was a blast & a half. Not only will I run this marathon again, I?m telling everyone I know to run it. You want to see The City? Go by foot at the marathon?.

But was the marathon perfect? Of course not. None of them are. The expo was miserable?but as this marathon improves, and more people run it, that will take care of itself. The marathon hotel was a little far from the starting line, but not too bad. The organizers are going to take some heat from the residents, though?traffic was mishandled by the police: The streets should have been shut down a block up, instead of at the course itself. Some people must have gotten stuck for hours.

The biggest knock I have is the course elevation chart. Now, I know all marathons lie about the elevation to make the marathon look easy cheesy. I don?t mind the fact the second half was all up hill--but the chart should have showed that. Instead, the chart showed a basically flat second half, with one hill. It wasn?t?not by a long shot. It made it tough to plan out a negative split (In fact, that elevation chart is why I took a point off organization?otherwise, I would have given SF a ?five? for organization??Which is a little harsh, but I am an old crank).

All that said?Do not forget this is San Francisco. This marathon is ***not*** a pancake flat & fast course, and it shouldn?t be. If you are looking for a course like the Rock & Roll, Houston, Las Vegas, Chicago?then do not run this. This marathon is comparable to Seattle?s (only without the damn lousy rain), and I think it?s tougher than the San Diego Marathon in Carlsbad. Definitely tougher than the Portland, Oregon marathon. Which is fine. But if you?re a five hour marathoner, you better take the 5:00 early start, because the police are not supportive of this race. For whatever reason, I?ve never seen crabbier, less helpful police at a marathon.

I want to quick make a public shout out thank you to the volunteers. I have never seen volunteers so well organizeds and professional. They had Gu at several places on the marathon. At every stop, there were volunteers on both sides of the road?striding that very tough line of being helpful, but still out of the way. Volunteers were vocal at directing to water & sports drink, and handed out cups without dunking their fingers inside the cup. It may not seem like much, but that really pisses me off. After a marathon, my resistance is way down?so I catch colds easy. So if there was a category for volunteer proficiency, that would be a solid five.

There were no bands?but that?s something that will change as this marathon gets bigger. Finally, in terms of crowd support, I thought there were lots of people who turned out. It wasn?t the Rock & Roll, but most of those people are there to yell for the Team in Training Purple shirts, and the Purple Shirts alone. I don?t need that.

But when all is said and done?SF put on a great, great show. If you?re at all on the fence about running this race, do not let the problems of the past discourage you. 2002 was a great year?and the marathon will be even better in 2003.


A Runner from San Francisco, CA (8/1/2002)
"Fantastic course and weather, no crowds" (about: 2002)


I have previously run both the NYC and Philadelphia marathons, and the course on this one is by far my favorite, even if NYC is the mother of all marathons. Okay, I'm a local, but how can you beat running through the Marina, the Presido, along the Pacific Ocean, and Golden Gate Park? I was pleased that the most challenging hills were at the beginning of the race, and the final stretch was a cruise past the ballpark and along the Embarcadero. It was great that some neighborhood people turned out in the Mission -- the fans might have been sparse, but they were enthusiastic. I think there's some real potential in a neighborhood like that for fan activity, if it can be encouraged. Also, big kudos to the people with the boombox playing 'I Will Survive' at the top of the hill exiting the Presidio! We need more fans like you -- we tired runners can use all the encouragement we can get. I think the water and sports drink tables were fairly well-organized and clean, and we do need water at least every 2 miles. I don't know if the people handing out watermelon, oranges and bananas were part of the official organization or not, but they should get a big hand as well, particularly since there didn't seem to be any corporate energy-food sponsors like PowerBar or Gu visible. I do have some suggestions for improvement, however: 1) there seemed to be some sort of confusion between cops, organizers and runners as to the course layout in the Haight Street area, as we got held up and diverted. And while I didn't follow the errant bicycle leading the front pack, many did. Guys, everyone involved needs CLEAR understanding of the course, and a more detailed map needs to be prepared for the entry form and website -- it was difficult to read and confusing. 2) better crowd and traffic control in the finish area. Longer chutes and more volunteers directing runners may be the answer. 3) how about goodie bags at the end? It would be much easier to organize than making exhausted runners grab for a bottle of water here, and rummage through a box of bananas. It would also improve traffic flow. 4) the T-shirts were SO EMBARRASSING! Who designed them?!! That was the worst T-shirt I've ever received in any race. I'd seen some of the ones from past years, with the Golden Gate Bridge and poppies on them, and was expecting something like that. The website had a wonderful picture of the Ferry Building on it -- why couldn't that have been the T-shirt picture? Remember, it's not just a T-shirt -- it's long-term advertising for the race. A cool T-shirt will pay off by the interest it generates. My two cents worth -- I'd run this any day over the crowded, crazy, cold NYC marathon.


A Runner from Palm Beach County, Florida (8/1/2002)


This was my first marathon. I flew all the way from Florida to run this race, and to enjoy a nice week vacation with my parents and sister.
Coming from Florida, I did not realize how tough the hills were. I dont know which was more difficult- the hill going up at mile 6 or the downhill parts toward the end of the race.
I thought the views were awesome. I enjoyed seeing Alcatrez, the Pacific, the Park, Pac Bell Park and everything else.
I thought the water aid stations were very organized for how hectic it must be to get water and GU to hunderds of people running by.
I am glad this was my first marathon. I made it in under 4hr 30min, which was my goal. I think my next few marathons wont be as hard with all the hills, but that makes it more of a challenge.
Great race overall from me!


A Runner from London,England (8/1/2002)
"A nice surprise, but needs a few tweaks" (about: 2002)


Well after reading 27 negative comments about the race I was extremely worried about what I had got myself into. Having flown from London and deciding to do this race as part of my holiday I was understandably worried about doing this race.

However I didnt see all the disasters that were promised for me.

The course was tough but hey its San Francisco and I expected hills. The 6.00am start was not good for me, not being a morning person, but I understand why it was done.

A big thank you to the guy on the bike with the pom poms who cheered like a trooper along the course. There weren't many supporters but the ones that were there were very vocal.

A few things to improve.

1) The T-shirt was awful, and I could not even buy a different one. They just had tops with collars which I personally don't wear.

2) My god it was windy down 1 part by the coast miles 11-13 I think. And we didn't get the benefit of a tail wind.

3)Is it possible to start the 1/2 marathoners at the same time as us? As when I was getting to the end I was getting passed by slower 1/2 marathoners and wizzed by the faster ones, which threw my pace off completly and I found myself looking for the colour of the bibs for an indicator as how I was doing.

4) Any way to raise the profile? The newspaper The Chronicle had bugger all about the race and a few blurred photographs.

In conclusion

A good race and much better organized this year than the others by the sound of it. I'd do it again.


A Runner from San Francisco (8/1/2002)
"Improved and to be improved" (about: 2002)


I ran the marathon the last couple of years and have left nasty comments at this site. The race has improved this year from the 2001 version. I liked this year's course better, but disliked the alternate sections. I agree with Coach Dave that people should not demand the course to be open longer than 5 hours--they can always go elsewhere to do the walking. One thing I do think Coach Dave should consider is to add more water stations on the course, at least the later part like from mile 15 on? This is a July marathon and normally the temperature is at least in the 50s, which is by no meanings cold. I understand the race budget is tight, but perhaps the prize money should be used in setting up these additional water stations, as we all know a thousand bucks can attract only regional elite, who are not fast enough to elevate the race to a different level. So a thank-you to Couch Dave for a good job done this year and please put out more water in 2003.


A Runner from Gardnerville, Nevada (8/1/2002)
"Big improvement over last year's" (General Comments)


I ran last year's half marathon and swore I'd never do it again. Never say never. I decided to try it when I'd heard they changed the course. Much improved! Also, I appreciated the ease of getting to the 'half' start by bus. Not enuf porta-potties as usual. As for the sudden change in the course on Haight street-SHAME!!!!!! Very distracting and discomforting when you are suddenly thrown off guard like that. Someone dropped the ball there...I would not expect that in a race and city such as this. Another let down was the medals-they stink! Very cheap looking both for the half and full marathoners. Anyway, the remainder of the course was fine, and as usual, the Golden Gate Park is a real treat. Kudos to the folks who decided to put the food where people could actually get to it without waiting in line like last year. San Fransisco is my favorite city. The temperature is perfect for running and the sights along the way are always enjoyable. I hope they continue to work out the 'kinks' of this race as it has potential to be one of the best.


A Runner from a runner from marin county (7/31/2002)
"A very good marathon" (General Comments)


I was one of those that were skeptical at first, going into my first Chronicle Marathon. I actually enjoyed it very much. The route, with the many ups and downs, twists and turns, and varying neighborhoods made this route go by faster than other marathon routes I have take. Please, don't change it, at least for now.

The website topography map has to change. It is too general. It shows Fort Mason hill climbing 75 feet along 3/4 mile. How about 1/8 mile! With the many hilly sections of the city, a modification is a must.

I came in just under 3 1/2 hours, so even though I didn't encounter the mass of humanity at the half-way point like some of the other runners, something must be done to alleviate this problem. Really, the only alternative is to get rid of the half-marathon. You will also solve the problem of headwinds between mile 11 and 13. You can now switch the Great and Lower highway routes since you won't have to accomodate 2000 runners in a staging area. You might also solve the problem of not enough medals for the half-marathoners, since they are usually the ones who sign up at the expo more often than for the marathon. Just a thought. Why not do what the Silicon Valley Marathon just did. They got rid of the half-marathon and now have a marathon, half-marathon relay, and a 10K. I'm sure you will be able to attract the same, if not more runners.

As far as hardware is concerned, improvements are definitely needed. Normally you have a medal, a t-shirt, and a goodie bag. Some marathons might not have a decent t-shirt or bag, but might have an outstanding/cool medal (like the 2001 Silicon Valley Marathon).
Or others might have a wonderful t-shirt and bag, but only a so-so medal. This year, neither of the 3 items were worth mentioning. Our money has to go to something.

I believe the Chronicle Marathon is the only marathon in the country held during the summer in very nice weather (always 54 or 55 degrees at the start) that is only mid-sized (2000-3000). That in of itself should attract quite a few individuals. I also think I've counted 45 states that were represented as well. If this marathon never makes it as a major attraction, that's fine with me. Let's just make it a good marathon.


A Runner from San Francisco (7/31/2002)
"Great race, great weather, low key and uncrowded" (General Comments)


This was the first half marathon I have ever run, and I was amazed at how fun and easy it was. Unlike Bay to Breakers, you don't have to fight through hordes of runners and listen to the pre and post race hype. The course was beautiful through the park and interesting through the rest of the course. The weather was perfect for running. A great experience.


A Runner from San Francisco, CA (7/31/2002)
"Amen" (about: 2002)


1) I concur: running the marathon and the half marathon concurrently is really distracting. San Francisco already has a large half marathon in January. No need to incorporate a 1/2 into the full. If it has to be done, I agree with the previous runner who said they should run a different course and not comingle with the full marathon runners. There was no order to the race in large part because of the interlopers. 2) No staggered start for slower runners. Same complaint as above. Very disruptive. Just try to avoid scheduling the race the same day as a Giants game. 3) Keep up the good work. This can, and will be, a great race one day, with our lovely city as the back drop.


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