calendar icon Sep 19, 2024

Omaha Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.9 
Number of comments: 183 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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A. K. from Nebraska (9/30/2008)
"Nice, small race" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Omaha Marathons

I have now run the full marathon in Omaha twice, this year and last. I have really enjoyed it both times. I thought that packet pickup ended a bit early (at 5 p.m.), but I was easily able to pick it up Sunday morning before the race. The race was really packed for the first 6 miles, as many of the 2,500 entered in the race chose the 10K option. After 8 miles, the half-marathoners turn around to head back, so you are with the full marathoners for the next 18 miles. Not too many spectators, but I had a blast anyway. The first half of the course is rather hilly, but was manageable. I've run the Lincoln Marathon as well and most people like running that better... but after this year, I think I would recommend Omaha if you need a Nebraska race.


K. P. from Omaha, NE (9/30/2008)
"Gets better every year" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 2 Omaha Marathons

I've run the Omaha half twice, once on the old course and this year on the new course. While the volunteers are great and the race coordinator is highly visible and happy to help, I wouldn't run this race if I had to travel to it. Lincoln's National Guard Marathon is still the best pick for 50 Staters - I've run that one a couple times and Lincoln is fantastic!

Pros for Omaha:
* Real Gatorade that isn't watered down - so much better than the new-fangled Tang other races push.
* Fun, fully stocked water stops. I was running with the pack and there was always tons of water and Gatorade that was easy to get to. Add pace clocks before or after these pit stops and they'd be perfect.
* Human cones were major spirit boosters. These kids were playing their random instruments along the course, which really broke up the monotony.
* On-course entertainment: There were some amazing musicians along the course - I wish there would've been more!
* Packet pick-up was easy and the expo is expanding, which is nice. Packet pick-up should probably last as long as the pasta dinner, though; it would make more sense.
* Porta-potties: There seemed to be plenty and the one I stopped at was in decent shape. No lines along the course and no one was ducking into the bushes.
* Chocolate milk at the finish - yum!
* You could easily walk to the start from a dozen downtown hotels - no need to rent a car.
* Last but not least, the weather. The race director must be half-sisters with Mother Nature because this race ALWAYS has perfect weather. It was 50 degrees at the start with a breeze to keep you cool once the sun comes up, perfection.

Cons for Omaha:
* This is my home town, but I wouldn't claim it based on the race course. If bigger cities can cut off their major thoroughfares for marathons, so should Omaha. This course spirals around the Habitat for Humanity neighborhoods and a glimpse of Rosenblatt and the zoo for marathoners, but nothing else. Take us through UNO and Memorial Park, add a jaunt through Loritzen Gardens, take us through the Old Market, and let us have a view of the river. I feel like apologizing to those who traveled to run this race - this is not what Omaha is really like!
* Spectators watch you, but only 1 in 10 will actually cheer. It's kinda creepy. However, the people who were by volunteers seemed to catch the spirit and encourage everyone - maybe more volunteers cheering along the course would help?
* Schwag? Your local 5K will have better schwag than this marathon. The t-shirts are cotton; there is no finisher shirt, and the medal is weak. This could be fixed with a Dri-Fit shirt, some kind of finisher acknowledgment (the cotton t-shirt would work here!), and upping the design for the medal - the cowboys roping runners logo from a few years ago was fun; what happened to that?
* No split mats or pace clocks along the course. I have a GPS and several other runners asked the time, pace, and distance throughout the course.
* Cyclist support: the bikes are good about talking the lead runners through the race, but they don't announce who they are pacing. If they shout out, "lead woman half-marathoner coming through," we can all cheer her on. They used to do that; I don't know why they stopped.

I would happily run this course again because it is my home town. It still has a lot of room to grow and improve. Omaha is such a friendly town that I think this race will be a true destination run in a few more years. They just need to tweak the course and the schwag - the fundamentals of a friendly city with seasonable running weather are already there.


J. L. from Omaha, NE (9/30/2008)
"Surprising amenities for a medium-sized race" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Omaha Marathons

Having now run other marathons of similar size (and even larger) since the first time I ran the Omaha Marathon, I now realize that the extras provided at Omaha for a race of this size are exceptional. From the quality of the expo, to the music and vendors at the finish line, and even the number of water stations on the course, you would think this was a much bigger race. Most of the second half of the course itself was a bit dull (the first half was hilly but enjoyable), but the finish was great.

I definitely can't agree with m.s.'s comment on the expo being lacking, but I guess that's because I was there while it was open.


R. C. from Denver, Colorado (9/29/2008)
"A good race spoiled by poor support." (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Omaha Marathon

"The good, the bad and the ugly" sums up the 2008 Omaha 1/2 Marathon.

The good: The second half of the race was easily the most interesting portion. The extended uphill leg offered a really nice test of the old cardio system. It was steep(ish), sustained and rolling. It was just the right thing to throw into the middle of the race course. Naturally, the run back down was enjoyable.

The bad: At 2:10, I'll never be accused of being fast; however I (and runners of like ability) should have been able to get more than one bottle of water. With the bananas gone, one lonely orange slice and five apples left, I was a bit surprised that the organizers were so... erm... disorganized. I wound up buying a hamburger at the finish line. Of course, the port-o-let situation was grim. The start line johns were crazy-busy. Organizers know that they should double their projected numbers.

The spectator support was fair at best. Don't get me wrong - there was a decent turnout, but it seemed that they were there to cheer on specific runners. Oh well, the glory and adulation will be left for another race! Since the Corn Huskers lost the night before the race, perhaps the general populace was still asleep or nursing hangovers!

The ugly: The northern loop took us through a rather skunky, funky industrial/residential neighborhood. I'd run through it with a couple thousand friends, but not alone.

Enough complaining! I still enjoyed the run, as did the members of our visiting running club. So long story short, it was a race to run once, but not one to repeat. The race organizers just need to tune up a few items to make it memorable.


T. S. from Lincoln, NE (9/29/2008)
"Come out to Lincoln!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Omaha Marathons

This was the second year I did the Omaha Half Marathon. The only thing that keeps me coming back is the organization of the thing. The course is okay at best; it starts out winding through downtown and then sends you into a lower-income neighborhood and by some junkyards (real pretty impression of Omaha). After the first 6 miles. you get to see some prettier stuff around ConAgra, but that's about it. Spectators were pathetic this year... few and far between, and aside from the TNT people who were loud as always, it was mostly people standing in their yards staring at us. Water stops were plentiful and well stocked, which was nice. Still, last year people were dressed all crazy and having lots of fun, while this year everyone was in volunteer t-shirts and just handing out the water/Gatorade.

It just seems to me that Omaha's a big enough city that they could design the course to showcase the nice areas in town. It seems weird to me that Omaha's twice the size of Lincoln, yet they can only get few more than 2,000 people for their Marathon/Half Marathon/10K (while Lincoln gets 6,000 people for their Marathon/Half Marathon). I don't think it's strictly because the Omaha course is hilly.


m. s. from Mansfield, TX (9/29/2008)
"Nice race in a great city" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Omaha Marathon

Well organized race and a nice course. The expo was lacking and the 5 p.m. closing was not convenient for those arriving late on Saturday; however, there was staff there at 5:30 when I arrived and I was able to get my packet. Only real negative I have for this race is the pasta dinner, which was included in the race fee, but was not real great. The splits for the 1/2 and 10K could have been better marked. If you do not pay close attention, it would be easy to go the wrong way. Overall, a race I would recommend doing!


P. P. from Nebraska (3/4/2008)
"Great finish, but miss the old course!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Omaha Marathons

I've run the Omaha Full Marathon once and the 1/2 Marathon several times. Here are my pros and cons:

*Much better fan support this year!
*Volunteers were extremely friendly and helpful!
*Regular aid stations.
*Terrific finish! Much better than years past when we finished in the Civic. This year we finished lakeside, with a giant party, music, food... it was awesome. This really encouraged runners to stick around after the race.
*It is apparent the organizers are really trying to improve this event.

*The "expo" was in too small a space. The packet handout was well-organized, but there was not enough room for all the people. Only a couple of "vendors."
*The start was confusing, as to where to line up, pace-wise. The pacers with sign were not lined up in order.
*I must admit, I didn't like the new 1/2 marathon course, but I'm probably in the minority here. I loved the old course, as the hills were spread out evenly, were a good challenge, and it was very scenic. I didn't like how this year the first "real" hill didn't come until after the first 10K.
*I didn't run the full marathon, but friends who did were disgusted by how unimaginative, industrial and lonely the later miles of the race were.

Organizers... Omaha is a beautiful city... SHOW IT OFF! The biggest complaint is the second half of the course. Surely there is a way to map this out to make it more inviting and scenic.

Omaha had made some really good improvements, and I'm hoping they'll build on that and get better every year.

For now, however, if you need 50 states, run your Nebraska Marathon in Lincoln.


t. s. from lincoln, ne (10/4/2007)
"pretty good race" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Omaha Marathon

This was my second half marathon, so now I have something to use as a basis of comparison. All in all, I thought it was a good race. The organization was great, pasta dinner was nice, the music along the course and at the finish were great, and the course was challenging. The only complaint I have is that there was NEVER anyone calling out times. When I did the Lincoln half earlier in the year, there was a volunteer stationed at every mile marker shouting out times. It was great... I suppose I could/should wear a watch, but I really would have thought someone would have been calling times, at very least at the 10K mark.... But all in all, I'd do it again.


D. L. from Nixa, MO (10/2/2007)
"Fair marathon - only for the state" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Omaha Marathon

I had fairly high expectations for this marathon from their website. The website was pretty well organized with a nice look. I came to Omaha to get Nebraska. In the quest for 50 states, I'd like to do the marathons with the coolest medals (just me) and nice scenery - I struck out on both accounts. I did get a Nebraska medal (pretty plain), but the scenery was terrible; and the t-shirt was cotton, but not too bad - though I would have rather had a technical shirt for 60 bucks!

Many others have commented on the hills. Although this didn't bother me much, the lack of a scenic course was disturbing. The zoo was a little cool (would have been cooler to run through it), but the t-shirt had a reference to a cool footbridge and I saw another cool footbridge close to the start/finish - neither of which we got to go over.

I'm with the other guy - hilly for the first half and old homes and an industrial district toward the end.

Please tell me there's more to see in Omaha than what I experienced!


D. S. from Omaha, Nebraska (10/1/2007)
"New Course - Nice Race and Event" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Omaha Marathons

The Omaha Marathon unveiled a new course and it is an improvement. Runners still get to run through the Henry Doorley Zoo, and by Rosenblatt baseball stadium. Also, there is a new start/finish area, which was excellent. There is also a half-marathon and a 10K. Unique to Omaha, there is a barefoot runner division! The aid stations are manned by enthusiastic volunteers.


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