calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Wineglass Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 212 [displaying comments 191 to 201]
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E. H. from Rochester, NY (10/6/2003)
"Great course, great volunteers" (about: 2003)


This is my 2nd time on this course. I was very impressed with the volunteers this year. They had to endure cold wind and occasional rain. Yet there had to be 10-20 volunteers at every water stop. The course winds though the valley between steep hills with beautiful rivers and streams along the way. Great job to everyone who makes this race happen.


k. h. from Lake Placid, New York (5/2/2003)
"Beautiful day, but organization problems" (about: 2002)


As my second marathon, I ran this race last year. The weather and temperatures couldn't have been any better. The course was nice -- beautiful fall foliage. My only major complaint is that they over-booked the bus transporting runners to the starting line. We had purchased tickets ahead of time, but on race day the buses were too full to take everyone to the start. Apparently organizers were allowing late joiners on the buses without ensuring that those who had prepaid were already on board. My boyfriend and I ended up loading a bunch of other left behind runners into our car and making a mad drive to the start. We barely made it! The starting gun shot off just as we got out of our car. I thought the support and fans were just right. But the highlight was the engagement ring I recieved at the finish line! :-)


A Runner from atlanta, ga (10/17/2002)
"The course 4-star,sponsorship stunk! 2-star" (General Comments)


This was a beautiful course for the fall foliage, but the sponsorship stunk. I was really disappointed, I really felt like the sponsors could care less if you run or not!!! I feel they could have been more encouraging and had more food at the end of the race. I am a slow runner, after 5 hours of running, you don't have .50 for a hot dog at the finish line. When I crossed the finish line, no one gave me my medal or water. when i went back to get some water, they said it is only for the finishers! I almost blew a top! I wouldn't recommend this marathon. You can do the run on your own.


A Runner from New Kensigton, PA (10/16/2002)
"Very nice marathon ...and medal" (General Comments)


You should run this marathon just to get the unique glass medal. One suggestion to the race organizer, the ribbon attached could be a little fancier. It is like putting an orchid in a grocery bag!
In the over all was a very nice low key race; the course was very diverse; nice amenities...I don't particulary care for microfibers windshirt. Brut Champagne was greatly appreciated...I would have traded the windshirt for a larger bottle of wine.
The fans were nice and proportionate to the location. Those who complain about not enough fans should never run this kind of marathon.
I am certanly running it again next year.


A Runner from Hamilton,Ontario, Canada (10/10/2002)
"Wonderful course setting" (about: 2002)


This is a great area and course. Well organized and good food. Because of course being in a rural setting there are fewer fans along the route.


A Runner from West Virginia (10/8/2002)
"some bugs to iron out" (about: 2002)


Liked the course...scenic and fast. Traffic blasting past a few feet away at times but not bad. Crowds are small, but that's expected in a small, rural marathon. The pasta was so-so. The start seemed very sudden, without warning and the aid station/mile marker coincidence was annoying. My big gripe is there weren't enough buses on race morning...the last bus to leave had at least 20 more people that it should have (standing in the aisle) and there were another 20 or so of us left curbside to find our own way to the start with 45 minutes to go. After the race, officials were not sympathetic about our situation (i.e. our car being at the start and needing to get on the road home, a 4.5 hr trip with grandparents at home babysitting). First we got veiled accusations that we were at fault for not being at the bus pick-up early enough (7:40 am with buses supposed to leave every 15 minutes till 8:00 am), then a sarcastic 'Sorry!' and 'Hopefully there will be a bus later going back to the start', like they weren't even sure. (There was, but not for another 90 minutes.) At least one of the buses also got lost on the way to the start and the runners had to direct the bus driver how to get there. There were a lot of positives, but this snafu left a sour taste on the whole experience that makes it difficult to recommend this race over some other marathons like Columbus and Marathon in the Parks around the same time of year.


Ryan O'Neil from Connecticut (10/8/2002)
"Excellent small race" (about: 2002)


This seemed to be the perfect small race. The packet pick up was quick. The start and finish areas were small enough so that you could easily find friends and family. The lines for food and post-race massages were short.

The course is nice. Lots of farmland. It was easy for my wife and her friend to follow me on the course. The pockets of spectators provided a nice boost but allowed you the peace and quiet necessary to concentrate.

Only two very minor things I'd change. The aid stations were often literally right on the mile markers, sometimes making it hard to hit your watch for a split time. And sometimes the gatorade had been mixed so that it was much too strong. (Hey, I said they were minor.)


A Runner from Maryland (10/8/2002)
"A great low key marathon" (General Comments)


If you are looking to get away from the masses, this is the race for you. The field is relatively small (around 700 runners, and 100 relay teams) and the course is generally flat throughout, with a few minor hills here and there. There are some lonely stretches here and there in the country with just you and the local farm animals, but the small towns you run through (about 6 of them) make up for the quiet times.

The weather was perfect. It was around 40 at the start and 60 by mid-day.

The course is well laid out. You run with cars for the entire race, but the traffic (such that it is) is made up mostly of spectators chasing their runner. Traffic in Downtown Corning on Market Street was a little tight for the runners due to parked cars on both sides of the street. Perhaps next year the police could make one side of the street no parking like they did in Bath.

The post race food is great and the registration and packet pickup only took a few minutes.

The glass medal was nice and the windshirts were a nice touch as well. The free massage was welcome too.


A Runner from Long Island, NY (10/7/2002)
"A great PR, but study the course before you run" (General Comments)


Just ran it yesterday and wanted to get my comments out before I forget. All in all, I thought it was a great marathon run, but wouldn't suggest it for someone's first marathon. There are hardly any crowds except for a few spots, nothing like some of the bigger races. It's nice if you have someone there to 'pace' you on a bike as many did, even though illegal. Packet pickup was extremly simple. Skipped the pasta dinner. Parked my car @ the finish (corning) and jumped aboard the school bus that took us to the start of the race ($5 charge) since it's point to point. Again, very simple and better than Las Vegas which required you to get there hours before the race. Fogy and cool (48) at the start, but cleared up by mile 5 for perfect marathon weather. The 'tailwind' I read about was a fairy tale story, we had a headwind the entire run, but it wasn't horrible. Miles 6 - 8 are a slight uphill (1% - 2% grade) but it wasn't expected after reading the course description. I also expected water at stops 3,5,7,9 but was surpirsed to see it at 2,4,6, instead. The mile markers were few and far between (1,2,5,7,9, etc)which caused a litte confusion regarding pace. And finally, porta potties at mile 9, 18.... where? I needed one but couldn't find one, at least not right on the course. In the end, it was a great low key race. Study the course if you go to set a PR so you won't be surprised. You can also 'stash' gels/endurox or whatever else you need on the course the day before so you don't have to carry it.


A Runner from Oakville, Ontario, Canada (10/22/2001)
"The Best Kept Secret in Marathon Running" (about: 2001)


The Wineglass Marathon is an experience of a runners lifetime. In the fall of the year, deep in the heart of the Finger Lakes, the Bath and Corning area of New York State offers unbeatable hospitality and breathtaking scenery. The marathon route is a fast, flat course winding throughout the countryside. With a small but comfortable field of runners and a first class organizing committee, this adds up to being one of the best kept secrets in marathon running. They seem to have as many volunteers as runners and each bring a charm and friendliness hard to match anywhere. Although all runners must experience this marathon to believe how wonderful it really is, I hope that once it is discovered it doesn't get too big so as to lose its special appeal.


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