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Wineglass Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 212 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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D. J. from New York (4/4/2012)
"What the Heck Happened????" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Wineglass Marathons

I've run this marathon twice. The first time, in 2010, was very smooth, and I did not notice any major glitches. Organized start, organized finish, all good.

2011, however, was an utter and complete disaster that left me wondering if there was any leadership behind this race at all.

Granted, the weather that day was about as bad as you can get. Nothing like standing in 40 degree pouring rain an hour before a marathon. The race directors cannot be blamed for that, and they did open a fire house for runners to crowd in, which was a welcome, if somewhat odd scene.

But they can be blamed for much, much more. Somehow, they managed to change the starting line from the traditional parking lot at Phillips Lighting to a new site about a half-mile up the road, without telling anybody! So here are all these buses dropping off hordes of runners at the wrong place, with no one to tell them where to go. And here come these runners, minutes before the start, realizing that 'oh my god' they're in the wrong place. For them, it was a frantic 'warm up' (to be generous), racing over to make the start. Unforgivable!

Well, then it turns out that these runners needn't have hurried at all, because the race doesn't start on time. Not 5 or 10 minutes late either, more like 15. Which would have been OK if it weren't RAINING! And every two minutes, an annoying announcement over the load-speakers, 'Soon, people, I promise you, soon.' Hearing that as a mantra that didn't come true was a freaking torture!

Along the course, the volunteers did splendidly, the spectators were super loud and supportive, and I have no complaints. (I ran a great race too, despite the waterlogged shoes.)

But at the end! In the past, the post-marathon events have been in a little park-this year, due to the rain, they relocated to a parking garage! Huh? Is this the best Corning has to offer? Well, it was good at least for keeping the food dry, and the food was awesome, but they left everyone's checked bags out in the rain, even though there was lots of room inside! And not only the rain, they basically dumped everyone's bags into the mud. It was foul, and like a delivery guy tossing something fragile over your fence, thoroughly disrespectful. The race directors should make a public apology.

Here's the kind of post-marathon organization they had: I had a friend who placed in his age group, so I went to the 'awards ceremony,' which was attended by about a dozen people because it was completely unannounced. And the age group winners for over-60 were not determined, even as they presented their leftover race shirts with added lettering as awards (the shirts didn't say 'winner' either, they said 'age'! Were they skimping on letters?? Too stupid for words!)

All in all, the leadership was incredibly amateurish and downright embarrassing. I'm considering other September/October options this year.


A. S. from Sikeston, MO (11/28/2011)
"Great marathon to PR!" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Wineglass Marathon

This is a great small town marathon. The expo is small, but the swag is out of this world. Nice long sleeve tech shirt, commemorative wineglass, split of champagne, and unique glass medal. The course is fast with a few small hills and the scenery is beautiful. It was rainy and cold this year, but that was the only negative about this experience. I managed to PR by 15 minutes!


J. G. from Newmarket NH (10/7/2011)
"Lots of Pros...But Also LOTS of Cons!!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons

After running 26.2 miles in rain in temp of 40s (& by no means am I blaming you for the weather), I was HORRIFIED to find my bag of dry clothes soaking wet & muddy in a field...the tent didn't keep the already wet & muddy ground dry! You moved the post-race food into the parking garage, why then couldn't you move our bags in there also?

I got on an earlier bus to the 'start' supposedly but ended up at Philips Lighting under a ledge for 90 minutes. When I finally decided to head to the potty line, which was ridiculously long with the 6 or so potties, a volunteer came to tell us that we should take a bus to the start, there were triple the number of potties there...where was I? I thought I had ALREADY taken a bus to the start!! By the time she said this, I was close to the front of the line, so I waited...then when I came out, no more buses came for those of us remaining. TERRIBLY disorganized! Also, while waiting under the ledge at Philips, a bus driver came & told runners that he would shuttle them to get their race numbers if they didn't have them??? Crazy confusing for everyone.

Next, I drove for 7 hours on Friday to pick up my packet so that I would have Saturday for sightseeing. I called before I left my home to confirm that the expo would be open until 9pm. I was told yes, just as the email stated. Of course, when I arrived, it was closed!! Completely had to rearrange all my plans AND pay an extra night hotel.

Finally, PLEASE provide better travel info, my motel was a DUMP, & several other runners also had this problem at other places. I even looked through travel advisory.

I will not reiterate the pros because I think they have been addressed...but a big shout out to Rudi at Hands-on Glass for the beautiful medals & the opportunity for a 1:1 glass blowing session & a great pumpkin! Also, the volunteers were so awesome, very attentive!! And I give 5 stars to the spectators because the ones that were out were great!


B. H. from Rochester, New York (10/7/2011)
"Logistical Improvements Needed" (about: 2011)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Wineglass Marathon

Previous comments below highlight many of the issues this year's race had, with 3,000 participants between the full & half the Wineglass logistically did not keep pace. From freezing in the rain, nobody to direct runners to the start line, & our bags dropped in the mud.

If you plan on running this event uninjured you will be fine, but this year marked the 1st marathon I needed medical attention on the course, and none was to be found. When I eventually finished the medical tent was abandoned, I feel there is no reason for the medical tent to be closed if the course is open and runners on it. For this reason alone I will not run this event again.


w. c. from Atlanta (10/6/2011)
"Rain and disorganization kept this from being grea" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Wineglass Marathon

Thank you so much to the volunteers !!! You were the best part.

Ok. So the rain definitely didnt help at all. Organization at the begining of the race was non-existant which caused the late start. No one knew what was going on. No timers on the course was unusual. Bag drop at the begining AND at the end was unacceptable (serious mud).

The only thing I have to compare is St George a few years back when it also rained for about 15 miles. St George was amazing despite the rain. Wineglass could learn a few things from our Utah firends.


John SPANNUTH from North Potomac, MD (10/5/2011)
"Growing Pains will be worked out!" (about: 2011)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Wineglass Marathons

This was my 2nd Wineglass marathon. I did like the course changes; however you must have someone there to direct you when you get off the bus to the actual start area. The people whining about the distance, come on it's a great warm up and only 0.6 mi. Also wanting tents, this could happen, however we all knew the weather forecast bring a garbage bag or throw away jacket. The RD and his volunteers are not responsible for keeping you warm. Someone had a complaint about not finding their jacket, lesson learned if you throw it to the curb plan on not getting it back.

He must fix:
Start on time!!! Unacceptable to be: 15 late, get more volunteers and keep the runners moving to the start area, post signage next year.
Water stop w/o a table, really again, unacceptable
Gear bag in mud, you knew rain forecast lay down straw or cardboard, that is just poor planning.
More porta potties are needed saw numerous runners relieving themselves in cornfields including myself, unsat RD.
GREAT shirt and medal. Excellent pace team leader for 3:45
After running over 80+ marathons I would still recommend this race.
Grade B


M. L. from Rochester, NY (10/5/2011)
"a wonderful small-town race" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Wineglass Marathons

This was my third Wineglass Marathon in a row. As others have mentioned, the weather was less-than-ideal this year, but it really wasn't the problem I'd feared before the race began. I mostly have pros for this race, and a couple of cons....

- a beautiful, scenic course that is easy on the legs and made for a PR attempt (weather permitting...)
- incredibly enthusiastic and helpful volunteers
- great race swag and a terrific post-race party
- a slightly altered course that was perhaps even better than the previous course
- well-stocked water/Gatorade stops, two Gu stops as well

- poor organization at the new start. Buses dropped people off at the former start (Phillips Lighting) but no one knew that they needed to either walk or take a second 'shuttle' bus to the actual start, which was quite a distance away. The main problem was that there were no race officials of any kind at Phillips Lighting, so people were wandering aimlessly, many (like myself) looking for packet pickup that was nowhere to be found. This can easily be fixed next year with clearer directions and officials at both locations.
- one other big 'con' was bag pickup. Bags were spread out over a large area with no apparent supervision, and I had to hunt through several piles of bags to find my own. Most annoying was the fact that the bag area had become mud soup, so my wet but otherwise still clean marathon shoes ended up all gross just before I got in my car to go home. Again, this could easily be remedied next year with a little extra attention.
- a final, more minor complaint was that it was not clear to most when/where the awards were presented (it was switched to under the parking garage due to the weather), and the PA system was so soft that even many people nearby at the food tables didn't realize that they were in progress because they couldn't hear anything. This was probably a weather snafu as much as anything.

All in all, despite these few drawbacks, this is a terrific race, and I will definitely be back.


J. B. from D.C. (10/5/2011)
"a little disappointing" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Wineglass Marathon

I'd been looking forward to this race because I'd heard good things about it, but thought the organization left a lot to be desired. Standing around for more than hour in a cold downpour was no picnic. I realize it was a new starting area and the rain didn't help, but two or three days before the race the forecast called for 70% chance of rain. The organizers couldn't have put up a few tents or found a way to allow the runners into the Phillips Lighting Center???

The whole thing was a bad dream. You had 50 people trying to squeeze under awings that could shelter 20 at the most. Most people didn't even try. I heard there were some tents at the start, but I didn't see any. To make matters worse, the race started 15-20 mins. late.

There weren't nearly enough potta johns where the buses dropped you off and at the start (not the same place, incidentially). I consider this unacceptable for a small marathon. I think one of the reasons people prefer small marathons is for less hassle. I waited less time on line during the NYC Marathon last year!

I thought some of the water stops weren't well-manned. One didn't have tables and I had to kneel down and get own my water. It's a good thing it was early enough in race.

Also, I missed several mile markers, especially during the first half. I'm not sure whether I simply missed them or they weren't there - probably a combination of both.

As for the course, it was as fast and beautiful as advertised, but I was too cold and miserable to appreciate it.

I managed a BQ by the skin of my teeth, but had been shooting for a time that was 5-10 mins. faster.


P. D. from Hamptead, NC (10/5/2011)
"Great marathon for a PR" (about: 2011)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Wineglass Marathon

The town of Corning is very nice. The start of the race was disorganized the weather did not help 42 and heavy rain.

I loved the course, but you have to be okay with running by yourself because you are going to have some lonely miles.

Volunteers were great, water stops about every 2 miles perfect.

Great race!


Rod Henning from London, Canada (10/5/2011)
"Growing Pains and lotsa Rain - Still a must do" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Wineglass Marathons

Combined crap weather and huge growth conspired to make things rough on the race organizers. But having run this race before I know that they will iron out the wrinkles that appeared. The weather certainly made annoyances into large problems. New bus drop locations behind the start with far more portapotties is mandatory. Also at the finish the gear check needs to be far better organized.

I really like the new start location from a race course perspective. The finish has more of a big race feel than it used to. It was nice to have the entire road blocked off at this point rather than hopping on the sidewalk as we used to do. The changes to the course are overall very positive to me.

I think the tech shirt in the race package is really nice and not overdone with graphics. All of the pre and post race activities were well done as well.

If you want to have a good time and run a good time Wineglass is still the place to go. The growing pains will be solved next year and it can't rain again...


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